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Friday, December 26, 2014

call claims cartel kidnapped USBP agent in Tx border town

Lucio Borderland Beat with material from Reuters, AP, and KRGV

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation is looking into a claim made in a call to a Texas border town police department that a Mexican organized crime cartel has kidnapped a U.S. Border Patrol agent, officials said on Friday.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials added there are no reports of any of its 3,100 Border Patrol agents assigned to the Rio Grande Valley sector in south Texas being missing.

"Until we rule it out, we treat it as a true kidnapping," said FBI Special Agent Michelle Lee.

Chris Cabrera, a representative with the National Border Patrol Council, which represents Border Patrol agents, told Reuters concerns began with a phone call to police in the small town of La Joya.

"Someone called in and started out reporting some sort of activity, and the call then turned into threats against law enforcement, threats against the dispatcher, and ultimately threats against law enforcement in general," Cabrera said.

"He then claimed to have an agent that was kidnapped that he planned to kill, and he claimed to work for one of the cartels."

Cabrera said if there is a kidnapped agent, it could be someone not assigned to the Rio Grande Valley sector but in the area for a holiday visit.

There are several organized crime cartels working just across the border from Texas, smuggling drugs and dealing in weapons as well as sneaking immigrants into the United States. They are considered to be some of the most violent criminal organizations in the world.

Texas border towns have been relatively safe, with violent crime rates lower than other major Texas cities.

Cabrera says Mexican cartel members have attempted to kidnap U.S. Border Patrol agents in the past, but no successful kidnapping has occurred.


  1. It has been 6 years since my last Christmas in Tamps. I have resign to the fact I will never return. My children will never know Mexico. Its was great place at one time. Now its over

  2. I call a drunkard reflecting on the current milieu of anti-lawenforcement and making his own lame ass stand

    1. If so he will quickly find out that was a really bad idea.

  3. Sounds like a prank but all in all who knows what happened, la joya is los zetas turf but kidnapping border patrol im assuming would be bad for business and that much heat is something the cartels dont need right now. There are many many possibilities this will be very unsettling if it indeed turns out to be true.

    1. Yea they would do it. dumb guys rather kill than do business

    2. Yeah you're right, i stand corrected those bastards have never been "business" oriented.

  4. Los zetones se mueren de hambre porfavor alguien fienles unas dos o tres bolsitas de cheetos para que dejan de secuestrar lmao

    1. Lo ke pasa es ke los perrotes de los jefes de los zetas no les gusta pagarle a las ratas de los sicarios. Los perros se kedan todo el billete para ellos mismos nadamas. Pero billete si hacen. Estan bien pendejos si yo trabajaba con uno de esos perros y no me pagaba. yo se lo entregaba al enemigo. a la ley o al otro. ke chingen a su perra madre.

  5. God I hope not. If this shit starts The US may go covert deeper than ever and the rules will be gone . As it is the cartels have the advantage of for the most part the US law enforcement is shackled with rules . It can and will happen but they wont be wearing badges . These crack heads down there don't know what rath is until the real spooks turn out .America has a ample supply of trained disciplined experience killers . I just hope they don't tap those resources .

    1. As they say In the US don't mess with the DOG

    2. N how they say in Mexico por mas bravo ese perro lo voy amarar

    3. Cartels have money and crazy thugs. America has a shit load of money and the marines..... I put my money on the Americans...

    4. 10:05 STFU.

      12:13 STFU. Its not sports.

      4:27 ....The USA is the MOTHA FUCKING KING and nobody messes with the american KING.

    5. 8:10 kings dont get PTSD...when you collect the best weapons you may win a lot of wars for a while, until don't. for some strange reason, i'm reminded by your statement, of pig's bay, vietnam, nicaragua, cuba, bolivia, chile, ecuador, iraq, iran, afghanistan, etc even the US itself is losing the war against itself because of corrupt american politicians selling out to the enemies of the country whose only weapon is the worst: greed

    6. 8:10 Get the fuck out of this blog you sound like a little 10 year old telling everyone STFU like if you just learned to say it. 11:42 is right do a little history and your homework Mr.King of the Hill. Jesus you sound like an annoying parrot squawking i can tell by the way you type TYPING LIKE THIS doesnt make you more right than everyone and especially doesnt make anyone shut up its just fucking annoying. Back on topic the agent could be a corrupt one, an innocent one, or who knows maybe someones trolling the border patrol. Wish we could have an update on this story.

  6. My advice is keep that nonsense in Mexico. All the US has to do is title the cartels as terrorist and bring in the UN. The cartels may be strong, but not strong enough to take on the UN, a combination of many countries. They will be like the middle east.

    1. And like the middle east there will be a huge drop in the US economy. Meaning more resources spent on troops and every hispanic having to carry papers. Now the hispanic community california,texas,arizona, new mexico, etc would be considered "terrorists" and profiled as such. Here we go again.

    2. 2:48 STFU.

      5:08 That is what they are TERRORIST dealing drugs!! the difference is that they only terrorize in mexico. They don't dare of doing it inside the USA because they know. One of them should start trowing grenades inside the US like they do back in mx see what happens..

    3. 2:48 the cartels are dumb but not that dumb. If they kidnap a CBP agent it's because of a debt and not because they feel like it. 9 times out of 10 they would do it when the guy is off duty to make it look like a random act. When his body is found there will be some evidence of drug dealing on him and at his residence. The US would not want to investigate too deeply into a "rogue dirty" agent. Now Islamic terrorist are a whole different story. Those fools will kill anybody, any where for any reason. They are the devil's seed even more so than the cartels.

    4. 8:16 Go f*** yourself :) you obviously never been to my "quiet" little town known as Laredo TEXAS USA. They're already here dumbass!!!! Crimes not presented to pretty little Fox News are Kidnappings (laredos lost) drive by executions BY THE ZETAS, lab explosions caused by i dont know something called a GRENADE. Stash houses to the brim of weapons,drugs, central americans, as well as mexicans and asians TAKE YOUR PICK. But seeing as your brave to see what happens you're probably in Scottsdale Arizona GTFO hahaha

  7. As long as mexico produces billions of dollas a year for US businessmen to launder, they will make sure the US government keeps helping, looking the other way, taking its cut, and lollygagging, no matter how many agentzzz get it up the ass, unless they are corrupt mexican agentzzz like sheriff lupe trevino...
    --The US also fights corrupt hispanic US law enforcement elements who as whistleblowers do not know they are not to take on sacred cows like the CIA and felix ismael rodriguez, namely hector berreillez and co, and murders some others like DEA agent kiki camarena

    1. Millie you drug traficking baboon! if kike camarena was alive he would snatch your boney tail chimp.

    2. I think Millie is actually Mel Gibson incognito. If you have seen the movie Counspiracy Theory you would see what I mean.

  8. If true, the game changes and all options are on the table.

  9. The "Chapo Snitched Guy " did it

  10. Dec29 @10:54 your cuntspiracy theory works, better than viagra...
    Conspiracy Theories, also tend to get proven true, like Mena Airport, and Gary Webb conspiracy theories, or the dark side taking the US to war over imaginary weapons of mass distraction to make a few trillions of dollars, to enhance their personal revenue over a few thousand dead bodies of some americans' children, and the traumatized and disabled collateral damages, or the imaginary torturing of war prisoneers to get some imaginary results...
    All of it started with conkspiwacy theories, elmer fudd!!!


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