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Friday, December 26, 2014

Guerreros Unidos kidnapped and murdered Guerrero Fr. Gregorio López

Lucio Borderland Beat information from:Michoacán Tres Punto Cero, BB Archives

Second priest from Altamirano, Guerrero
killed in two months by Guerreros Unidos
"I am outraged by the cowardly and vile death of Father Gregorio López Gorostieta. I express my total denunciation of the demon Guerreros Unidos, who killed padre Goyo (of Guerrero) for accusing them in the death of  Ayotzinapa students, " padre  Goyo of Apatzingán
The priest of Michoacán town of Apatzingán, Gregorio Lopez Jerome, known as "Father Goyo" revealed his colleague Gorrostieta the priest Gregorio Lopez,  know in his community as "Goyito" whose body was found yesterday, was killed at the hands of organized crime.
His battered body was thrown on Iguala-Ciudad Altamirano Federal Highway of  la altura de Tlapehuala with a gunshot to the head.
The Father "Goyo" said in a message sent to the agency Quadratín that it was the  repudiation of the Guerreros Unidos, that led  to the death of the priest Gregorio López Gorrostieta, of  Ciudad Altamirano, Guerrero.
“My namesake, accused these criminals in his homily last Sunday 21st for the disappearance of 43 students from Ayotzinapa, however, in the aftermath of this abominable event, the Catholic Church must continue speaking out and denouncing all arbitrariness and violation of fundamental rights".

As you may recall, the Padre "Goyo"has worked closely with AUC  in Michoacán, and leader Doctor Manuel Mireles, and has been outspoken his making statements about the complicated situation that exists in the region of Tierra Caliente of Michoacán and Guerrero: He continues to criticize Castillo, organize crime, and corrupt members of organized police such as rurales.
He  has encouraged the work of Michoacán AUC.
With respect of the Priest who was kidnapped and killed, after his sermon, within 2 hours he was taken, subsequently discovered tortured and killed.

It was not the first priest to be killed so cowardly, two months ago the same cartel killed another cleric of the diocese of Altamirano, which exhibits a deterioration of the government in that state and where the Catholic church is one of the few institutions that are not corrupt.
killed 2 months ago


  1. Yo se que various narcos keen estos comentarios..usteds y ESE pinche gob.. Valen verga y me DA verguenza que eres mi raza..y ni son narcos de verdad son badidos y ratas..vive Zapata putos

    1. I totally agree with your statement! El Diablo vive en Mexico, pero Dios Es mas ponderosa you algun diabetes Se van a descubrir todos los del gobierno que piensan que estan protejidos!!! Come dice El dicho " Todo Se paga"!!!!! Tami en a mi me da verquenza, pero tengo yo orgullo port la mayoria De Mexicanos que son humildes you trabajadores! Es to pinches cobardes no son Mexicanos, Son hijos del DEMONIO!!!! Viva Cristo Rey!!!!!

    2. Where is the vatican? In this case? Lets see it. They can not let things happen just like that.

  2. two priest, same city, same killers, why isn't this what the press is writing about?

    1. Why isn't Mexico doing something about it?This is fuckin arrogance in the extreme,they(Guerreros Unidos)think so little of authority that they dare to kidnap and murder a priest?At this time of outrage and protest,they feel so untouchable that they don't bat an eyelid at taking a religious man?You would think they would try to lay low?Are they so certain or so fuckin stupid?Which is it?Yes press should publicize,but Mexico is still so insular and determinedly so it would not accomplish much?Mexico is such a complex issue no-wonder people are loath to get involved.Damned if you do damned if you don't..When will these people be hunted down,they are not hard to find,all the people of Michoacan knew where CT lived for years yet no-one did anything about it,until the AD got the gov off its ass,now the gov fucked it up again,with purpose.. Father Gregorio López Gorostieta DEP

    2. The gov will not do anything about it unless there is public pressure

    3. I agree, but I think all cartels, corrupt politicians, Army and Police are responsible for this mess! The finger is pointed at G.U. but it could be a trick by rival cartels, factions, or any other group including the government to frame these assholes! Nothing surprises me anymore! I'm sorry but it's definitely going to take a grass roots effort and alot of pain to eliminate the see punk ass demons!

  3. I saw that a couple of American news outlets saying "may be organized crime"

    they will never research the complete story. thank God for Borderland Beat reporters and IMO Lucio looks like his articles are ones I will gravitate to.

  4. Los Zetas and San Fernando Police Linked to Migrant Massacre Declassified by US Government

  5. with all the over the top coverage of the iguala attacks, they are missing the meat of the issue. it could not be fear that prevents tackling the guerrero and michoacan situation.. it is an uncaring press.

    1. Well this priest killing just made international news and with over a billion Catholics. They just put the spotlight on themselves!!!

  6. Well the cartel putas must be tired of killing women , children and babies.Moving on to priests.If I knew one of these slim I would slit there throat as they slept.

  7. "Ya Basta"!! Enough Already, these were the words repeated over and over, by the priest who were marching in hopes their brother would be released to them! Just when you think, things just can't get no does!

  8. Viva la Revolucion!

  9. Question is....Why the fuck aren't those scum annihilated yet? After the internationally known ayotzinapa case, goes to show how undetermined, how fuckin evil the pena nieto regime is, those assholes must be wiped out period! They've had long enough to find every single one of them and disappear them just like they did with the students.

    1. The evil Mexican Government only disappears good people!

  10. Almost 15 pesos to the dollar now. What effect will $45/bbl oil have on the economy and security of Mexico? Of Colombia? Of Honduras?

    This could be a PhD thesis in regional macroeconomics for a a Stratfor intern. Too bad the good people of the central Americas are the test subjects.

    Lo siento amgos.

  11. These idiotic, devil possessed murders think that by killing priests and anyone else will work in their favor, well too late!!! Father Goyo and the other martyrs will be the straw that broke the camels back! These pendejos have now put a big target on their back and God willing Mexico finally does the right thing for humanity!!! These murderers and those that receive payment will face the consequences of having to answer for themselves in the after life!!!! Have respect for humanity and for these men that dedicate themselves in spreading the word of God!!!! We will all die eventually and the time spent here on earth is small comparatively speaking to the world in heaven or hell!!!! Remember in the world of Earth the devil roams free to seduce people, but in the afterlife who do you want to give your soul to!!!! Maybe it's hard to believe but when all of us are lying in our deathbed where do you want to be??? These murderers must be foolish to think that there is not God! God does exist!!!

    1. Let me give you an applause for your spech. Now allow me to give you a dose of fucking mexico my dear friend Jesus left a long time ago.....don't believe me???ask peña nieto he is Satan's prime minister. God ,repentance ,logic,good faith, works well in good people. Your not dealing with normal folks, criminals in mexico they are the Satan himself ,remember the 72 migrants in San fernando, the missing women in ciudad juarez, the 43 in guerrero!!!

    2. You a be right about the Evil that exists here in Mexico, but everybody has at least control of their own soul! My family survived on beans, coffee, and tortillas for most of their daily diet once in a while they'd have some dry meat and nopales!!! Life was hard, but at least it was honest!!!

    3. 1:11 PM

      Saludos brother,no-one is trying to demean Mexico but only the rats ruining it for you decent folk,believe that..No matter what "some" may say on here.

      I wish you and your dearest the best and a safe Christmas and New year brother

  12. Look in mexico anything goes...there is no law...hate all you want . say what ever you please . Don't publish my comment is all the mexico only 2 options plata or or not...

    1. Humans got Jesus crucified! Plata of plomo is the biggest excuse I keep hearing!!! Plata for the rich corrupted and plomo for everybody else!

    2. All these fucking guys say is Plata o plomo, shit is that the excuse they use when they rob anybody that gets pulled over! I have never heard of guys forced to take the plata and donating that blood money for good causes!!! Plata o plomo = greed or go find another profession

    3. Yes in mexico if you get in trouble bribe your way out. Or shoot your way out. Is not rocket science folks. Here is some prime examples. The 43 students they got killed = plomo. Peña nieto and his corruption=plata. Gregorio lopez =plomo. Soldados y federales=plata ,sometimes lots of plomo. Look in good old mexico your life is not worth bull shit in michoacan the current rate to kill someone is about $2000 dollars. I figured that unless I'm willing to risk my life I stay the hell away from mexico. Don't beleive me go visit juarez tamaulipas michoacan sinaloa I bet you my paycheck you get mugged. To all you liberals don't believe me let me know when you in michoacan I can pay for a one way trip to el pozole. You be the prime meat...

    4. En el sur de chihuahua te matan por 800 pesos Como $75 dolares..

    5. 9:16 PM
      "Look in mexico anything goes...there is no law...hate all you want"
      Usually the ones who talk tough are the ones who have never experienced violence or who have never used extreme violence,it is easy to talk hard on here.A truck stops you in Mexico and armed fuckers get out and you gonna talk and act greasy with them?Nawww,dont think so,Mexico is a whole different ball game,they kill your ass and then burn you like rubbish"oohh thats sazzo smell"Stop with the bullshit about fighting back
      11:48 PM And dude your comment is idealistic bullshit "Good causes"? Give me a fuckin break,no give you a break..

    6. 7:10 PM
      "En el sur de chihuahua te matan por 800 pesos Como $75 dolares..
      Thats more realistic..

    7. I have a quick story about my mexican encounters with masked individuals back on 2010, with large rifles in state of nuevo leon mexico. I took the bus to mexico city from nuevo laredo. At some point we made a stop near Monterey on some type of check point where they order everything and everyone of the bus....put everyone in line facing the bus. The made everyone to drop they pants, and started to demand cash and asking and yelling some shit in spanish. The first thing that cross my mind is what" the fuck I'm doing here,"and this is not happening. Next thing I heard "los 35 los 35" and everyone started to run towards different directions...I clearly remember do I run , I was in shock. A about 25 minutes later some sedena, trucks show up treat everyone like shit again and told Omnibus de mexico driver to get everyone and to drive none stop till they got out of nuevo leon...well the moral of this shit is that fuck mexico and I'm never going on vacations at least not on the bus....

  13. This means that at every sermon within every parish is cartel turncoat snitch there not to worship but to report back to the chain of command any utterance that speaks against the status quo of corruption and impunity.

  14. Where is Peña Nieto and him ordering his federal police to get to the bottom of all these murders!

  15. The GU has just put a huge target on their backs!!!! Not only that but they have also lost the hearts and minds of the citizens!!! Cartels should not go to church if they are possessed by the Devil!!!! If the people actually had trust in the police local, or federal, they would quickly point out all the GU since I'm sure everybody knows who they are, where they live, where they hang out, how they get money!!! Look for these bastards to splinter and change their names soon!!! These same devil possessed individuals will call themselves the good guys under a different name and continue their bullshit! I wouldn't doubt it, and it wouldn't surprise me if the Government comes in and makes the ex GU Rurales just like in Michoacan!!! I feel so bad for the regular Mexican citizens!

  16. pena doesn't give a shit and hopes it will just go away, as it always does

  17. Where is the inquisition when you need it?

    The catholic church has to go after these people that have the devil in them.

  18. What is the cause of all this?? Is like treating a disease. We focus on treatment of its causes, instead of actually finding a cure. THE PROBLEM IS THE GOVERNMENT.

  19. The guerreros unidos already have their own state sponsored and financed autodefenzaz, they act as rural polize or narco-sicarios depending on the job at hand, angel aguirre rivero was talking about this not long ago, explaining how he would not allow just anybody to form their nobody group of autodefensas


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