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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Hipólito Mora And His 26 Men Are Arrested

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

Hipólito Mora Chávez, founder of the autodefensas of La Ruana, arrived in the city of Morelia after having been detained and was taken to the prison “David Franco Rodríguez”, also known as Mil Cumbres, where he will be made available before a judge, as well as the other 26 who were also apprehended for the shootout of La Ruana that left 11 dead.

Hipólito was transferred via a navy helicopter of La Ruana to Morelia, where he was received in a PGJE hanger by the head of the agency, Martin Godoy Castro.

The Commissioner for Security and Integral Development of Michoacán, Alfredo Castillo Cervantes, confirmed today (Saturday) in his Twitter account that Mora and the other 26 who were involved in the shootout came voluntarily before the agency.  He noted that the judge would resolve the legal situation in 72 or 144 hours.

“The judge will resolve their legal status in 72 or 144 hours at the request of those presented in order to offer any evidence,” he wrote.

The leader of the Michoacán autodefensas was transferred to the prison Mil Cumbres, along with six of his men.  Moments before, 20 others had arrived.

The former autodefensas leader earlier told local media that they would turn themselves in voluntarily because they trust the authorities and that they are acting within the framework of the law.

Mora attended the ninth and final Rosario of his son.  Moments earlier in his social network he wrote: “Good morning, I’m announcing that my men and I will be turning ourselves in today, we have nothing to hide because we are INNOCENT.  Thanks. (sic).”

Meanwhile, the group of “El Americano”, who also should present themselves to the authorities, have been blocking since midnight on Saturday the main entrance of Buenavista, Michoacán, because he disagrees with the arrest warrants against those who participated in the confrontation of La Ruana.

The Warning of Castillo

Alfredo Castillo Cervantes, warned on Tuesday that if Hipólito Mora and Luis Antonio Torres “El Americano”, don’t turn themselves in to authorities, the Armed Forces would intervene to search for them.  However, Mora had already said that he would turn himself in when the ninth rosary of his son ended, and he did.  

“El Americano” has yet to turn himself in.

“The deadline is this week, and if not, the Armed Forces will intervene,” Castillo said during a press conference.

He also reported that the Federal Police and the Mexican Army, in place of the Rural Forces, took control of security in Apatzingán; in the community of La Ruana, municipality of Buenavista, and in La Mira, in Lázaro Cárdenas.
 Source: Sin Embargo


  1. sons of bitches. someone please kill castillo

    1. this kind of response is what is driving the violence in Mexico.

    2. How about this let's all hold hands and let peña nieto, fix it...Look mexico is a mess castillo is a puppet. Violence won't solve anything right? ?so why do they kill students, priest, kids,and anything in between? ? Driving the violence up really..

    3. Watch "Mexico States Evolution" on YouTube
      Mexico States Evolution:

    4. "Let peña nieto fix it"

      You are kiddin right?...I mean I hope you are kidding I mean that clown can't even fix his own shit he got going on wit his mansion or his wife's whoever the fuck it belongs to. He is just a fuckin puppet, and a stupid one at that.

  2. They voluntarily went into the lion's den. Do you really think they will be released after seeing the judge? Hell no, some one has to answer for those 11 killed. Hipolito took the bait. El Americano on the other hand is more conniving. It is going to take the marines to bring him in and I am guessing it won't be alive. Castillo is no one to be trusted, look what happened to Dr. Mireles and he still has yet to be freed. Just my hypothesis.

    1. You nitwit how do you figure he went into the lions den and went volantarly and took the bait attention moran!!after they called for his arrest they followed him everywhere so he wouldnt leave nowhere.where was he going to go with eyes on him 24 -7 standard protocol son!you sound like the people on the springer show stay on the sidelines and observe please.and for the millionth time americano and castillo are together so how are the marines coming for him didnt you hear he was dancing around mora when he was being taken.castillo is not to be trusted no duh sherlock holmes lmao you decide to comment without having a single clue what s going on why!

    2. Mora will be release along with his men after Americano is dead. Business as usual after that. Mirrors will also be release once he understands the message. He's almost there. Soon after someone puts a bullet in his head. Wasn't Chivis retired? Bret Favre kind of I guess.

  3. Agreed, a good start

  4. Felipe Diaz murio por falta de proctecion por el ejercito, esto que paso es culpa de del ejercto por no estar presente en los pueblos como Ruana y otros pueblos...

  5. Chivis!!!!! What's going on with Dr Mireles??????? What is this blog not talking about him?????? We need him free!!!! He is being held under what charges?????? We need to know what the hell is going on !!!!! We need him free!!!!!!!! He can help start the Mexican revolution!!!!! Please update us!!!!!!

    1. I am worried, and trying to get information. I sent him a letter last week, and a Christmas card, so I am hoping to have some information soon. I am fearful to write too much and ask too many questions. I don't want to get either of us in trouble.

      I will try my best. I plan to travel to sonora at the end of feb for a visit of a school I have adopted and see my cousins. so ....maybe.... :)

    2. PLEASE POST the address OF where we can WRITE to DR mireles, and the rules of the mexican jail of what's allowed to write...Please.

    3. Where in sonora? We are going to obegon

    4. the school? where doc is? my travels?

    5. The jail... so I can write him a letter..

  6. Anyone else get the chills about reading of h3 getting slaughtered next week?

  7. Pobresito Hipolito. Callo en la trampa. Deberas que si esto c queda asi, ojala que ma's gente c enfade y c aga un desmadre por Alla. Y a un sigue libre la tuta, riendose, con Una cerveza en la mano.

  8. The message and meaning of all these legal maneuvers is that the population must rely onthe established government and not take the law and jjustice into their own hands. The government cannot see revolt break out and a rapid change of the status quo. The government has to appear as being in charge lest revolt break out.

    1. putting that argument in the trash basket for a few, Mora was still a commander in good standing with state ruales when he was attacked, reportedly Americano was not.

      pay attention, be alert, know wtf hu talkin bout willie

    2. 9:39 PM
      "The message and meaning of all these legal maneuvers is that the population must rely onthe established government"
      Dude,don't worry,,some people get sarcasm,and,,,some people are idiots?It is what it is.

  9. “Con todo mi pesar estaré ahí encerrado 24 horas del día con el dolor que siento y nada más pensando en eso y en mi gente, en mi pueblo”, dijo Hipólito Mora antes

  10. Castillo is playing everybody, he doesn't really care!!!

  11. Hipolito mora was attacked on his own turf while in good standing, in front of government witnesses who didi not move a finger to help any side...
    But they did help la marrana americana, i mean porky pig el americano load his casualties and arms to go away...
    I don't think porky pig will surrender, but he will still work for el castillo de cagada, outside of the law, like all the other narco-sicarios the mexican governmemt has working for them... el americano porky pig has got away with his murders for so long, it will be a pleasure to see an americano in prison, just to spite las panties chinas off la pocahontas' ass... yes, you, mil mascaras, american malinche!!!

    1. 11:13 PM
      american malinche!!! Been reading about Cortez again ?
      The monster milie calling people traitor?Your in the US aren't you?You are one hateful racist little dog.People don't like you for your obvious views which are expressed on here....
      Is every Mex-Amer a traitor in your warped little brain?
      Traitor to what,to whom? Racism is not cool,judge people by contact..

  12. 9:39 seras pendejo vale, the government has caused ALL the desmadres in mexico, with their drug trafficking federales, their control of all the airports, their military fucking the people to make merits for some turf, all the narco-politicians, from all parties, and all the degenerates who sing the mexican governmemt praises like the three blind mice or just keep their pussyfied hopes on "the government..."
    --You are one pendejo degenerate, valeee!!!

    1. You obviously don't get the sarcasm. The government gas to appear in control otherwise people question the legitimacy.

    2. "The government gas to appear in control otherwise people question the legitimacy"

      Talk about stating the obvious..I gave you too much credit for wit ?

  13. What about el.americano he is free wtf

  14. The grave situation Michoacan faces is apparently an endless game of chess with both sides being played/manipulated by the defacto security threat EPN has created using Castillo as his primary pawn. Clearly, ending the war on drugs is impossible and doesn't benefit the Mexican nor the U.S. govt. considering the enormous profits reaped by both sides, so EPN through Castillo allows their people to massacre each other and let the judicial system clean up the mess afterwards while they sit back and watch the show enjoying the smell of their own shit. What a disgrace to Mexico and freemasonry. The battle in Michoacan will not end, but liberty will and once it's gone it will never be acquired again except through another Mexican revolution. Viva Mexico! Viva Dr. Mireles y Emiliano Zapata!

  15. Hipolito isn't the angel you fools think he is....he's shady too and got outplayed by a like minded vato with more game(Simon) people are chumps for acting like he was the Benito Juarez of Tierra Caliente...He's probably the lesser of two evils, which at this point is good enough to make him someone worth rooting for. And you guys acting like Mireles getting out of prison is akin to the second coming of Christ sound like a bunch of kids that seen too many movies....that vato was never honest about his past either...still, I'd rather see him free and/or in power than most...He strikes me as the least of all evils.....just being honest

    1. Your talking sense,i don't believe in the inherent good in man,no such fuckin thing,i dont think none of them are angels,but they are human,and as you say which one is best for Mexico and her people.Someone to at least try to distribute wealth to everyone else instead of hoarding it in about 5% of the top strata.We like honest talk

    2. Well in mexico everything is corrupted , but I would rather have Dr mireles or hipolito mora as a president. El americano is not smart. He has resources which is different. If el americano fought a real cartel he would be exterminated. Let The CDG grupo metros get at him and his thugs , he would be in a diesel stew cooking by night fall....he is no better than a ZZZZ killing innocent people.

    3. He did fight a real cartel;CT was as real as it gets. I don't like the guy either, but I also don't let my feelings get in the way of my thinking and analysis, which is a big problem suffered by 98% of the people posting here

    4. Dude CDG went against LFM/CT and couldn't finish them.

  16. u know the feds are bad when they arrest the "GoodGuys" Happen in every country especially in Mx

  17. if is any reward to the capture of the tuta ? Or the americano ? los criminales no son como los pintan solos son culos solo en bola son valientes espero no le aigan hecho un cuatro a hipolito mora es inocente aqui y en roma animo mr mora muchos aqui en usa estamos esperandola hora cero para regresar y pelear de el lado de los cuidadanos buenos y honestos

  18. A freakin dork can be tough with a high powered weapon on their person. Pobrecitos!

  19. Don't you guys see what's going on! It's obvious Castillo ordered the federal troops and Police to stand down, then he manipulates and allows the AD'S and Rurales to Duke it out! If you look at the big picture, this method allows him to make up bullshit false charges! Then he supposedly say he cares , sends on the military to make peace! Now he's the good guy, Televisa goes in makes a ducked up news report glorifying Castillo and the corrupted Military! El Americano ( Porky Pig ) Has too much heat on him so Castillo takes him down, Then Castillo just works with the next cartel prick that doesn't have heat on himself and the cycle starts all over!!! This is an old fr of the Mexican Government!!!! It may have worked in the past, but it in ttoday'world this strategy will fail and fail miserably! Look fro the Government to start censorship that's the only way they will ain't sin their corruption! Cellphone cameras, and Internet will bring them either down or clean up the corruption! This Plata or Plomo ideology has to go! I keep hearing from all Mexicans " Plata o Plomo" like it's ingrained in their their brain for generations!!!! Well look at how much this Plata has been dispersed, not to the poor all they have been getting is plomo and worse living conditions! What did Zapata say about living life on your knees!

  20. I, as a Mexican citizen, must say that if the people of Michoacan don't "at least" block roads or take to the streets, its safe to say that we have become a nation of COWARDS. Do we really need to have a brother, father, cousin, friend,sister, etc... killed or violated by this assassins to join the people protesting the corrupt and criminal government? WTF??? I know its safer to stay home and keep quiet. But at some point this slaughter is going to hit home and we can only blame ourselves if no one wants to support our shouts for justice.

    1. Usually is exactly like you said body cares ,because is not them being affected directly. But if things get worse there is the possibility of a civil war or terrorist acts or something. If I was on mexico I would prepare for the worse, with food ,bullets, rifle,supplies for at least a week. Cause shit gets real in a state emergency. I was in new Orleans during Hurricane Katrina and shit hit the fan, every man for himself...


    José Manuel Mireles Valverde
    Carretera Hermosillo- Bahia de Kino Km 33-800,
    desviación a la derecha Km 4
    CP 83349, Hermosillo , Son. MEXICO



  23. He should not have turned himself in. Menso!!

  24. Mexicanos escondidos al grito de guerra. Bola de cobardes hijos de la gran verg.....

  25. Its just amazing all this bullish that its happening in Mexico and that their is no justice

  26. International press are reporting Hipolito and Americano are "vigilante leaders" no mention of federal; created rurales or their position of commander

    Few foreign press reporters ever get it right, it must be intentional, intentional lies, no one can be that stupid not to be able to google the damn facts

    1. Consider the average attention span of the typical news -viewer and the generality of the 30 second news-bite.

    2. The international press is made up of liberals who hate the idea of armed civilians. They worship the state, and armed citizens are a threat to the state. Citizens protecting themselves with guns must be vigilantes, they say.

  27. Los ministerios publicos de municipio de lazaro cardenas son mismo gente. THESE CABRONES ARE EMPLEADOS DE DROGISTAS.
    All the wrong things are being done to the wrong assholes while the midget and actrss in Los Pinos laugh and loot the treasury. ¡Si! No hay pedos en el ejido

  28. The same thing is going to happen to Hipo Mora like what happened to Mireles. Arrested for no reason, idiot for turning himself in. Claims he has nothing to hide. That was the same thing that Mireles thought n look where he wound up. WHERE IS PAPA PITUFO???

    1. Might not have been the smartest move, turning himself in, but he'd been killed most likely had he not. El Americana, well...he's with the bigger boys. He's not the threat, he was just placed there, to try to discredit, what the good doctor had formed. It's smoke and mirrors, with El Americana...sent in, by the government to destroy and deflect the good the AD was attempting to make.Notice how, all their 'leaders" of this group AD, all ended up in jail, nobody from El Americana's group has been to jail! To outsiders, it just looks like a bunch of different groups of vigilantes, taking over their towns and government offices and the government having to come in and take control...this is obvious not the actual case.We, who read the facts..not what the gov of EPN would like us to believe, know the deal. It's terrible to hear these news reports, from "credible sources", being reported from those areas.The truth will not be told, by the government...they are all about keeping their people down, stopping whoever tries to get in their way of doing things.Those who stand up to it, get knocked back down. This is why, it's going to have to take the whole country, can't put everyone in jail!! Only when everyone stands united, against this gov, demanding change...forcing a change, can it happen. One person, cannot do it by themselves, they end up in jail with the others before them who tried it.

  29. It appears Castillo (EPN's Lambe huevos) is locking up the guys that have any balls to stand up to the Mexican government but the Mexican people are watching everything that is happening and revolting. With so much turmoil happening in Mexico I wouldn't doubt if the real terrorists take advantage of the situation and invade Mexico. Let's not forget Mexico doesn't have a truly real army to protect it.
    Mexico's army may work against unarmed Mexicans but not against real armed terrorists. Something has to give sooner than later. EPN & his lambe huevos need to get out of politics.

  30. Papa smurf is on some beautiful beach near lazaro Cardenas groping some poor peasants 14 year old daughter and counting out Castillo cut of the profits

  31. Kill them all n let God sort them out!!!

  32. O so they are all in the same prison together now, lovely both Moras men and Americanos just without guns now.


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