Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Mexican Hitmen Held In Auto Defenses' Jail

Borderland Beat posted by DD Republished from Sky News

Sky News has gained access to an illegal prison where hitmen for Mexico's drug gangs have been jailed by vigilantes who snatched them off the streets.

High in Mexico's Sierra Madre mountains our guides are leading us to this much rumored, but never before seen, prison.

In this part of Mexico, vigilante groups are fighting back against the drug cartels and their low-level gunmen who have terrorised small communities for decades.

The prison is their prize and a mark, they claim, of the success of their "revolution" against organised crime.

The inmates hang out of the barred windows of a converted municipal building, watched by shotgun-toting men dressed in matching green T-shirts and trousers.

There is no proper court of law up here. The prisoners have been snatched off the streets by vigilante gangs and locked up. It is a clean-up operation as unique as it is illegal.

The Mexican government writ doesn't run here. The law of the gun does.

The supervisor agrees to let us inside the "cells".

Inside we are introduced to a group of men in their early 20s. Among them is Leonardo. He is 22, although he seems much younger. He has been in the prison for a year, he says.
His youthful looks hide a horrendous history of violence for the Knights Templar drug cartel.
Leonardo has killed 19 people in the past three years.

He says he tried to run away from the cartel but was tracked down and "grassed up" to the community police.

"They planted three bags of Mota (marijuana) on me and that was my problem... they used a girl to plant the drugs, and that girl they have since killed," he tells me, his head bobbing and eyes shifting nervously from side to side.

"I don't want to talk about it in here. My integrity is in danger, my life is in danger," he adds.

Leonardo says he was under the control of the cartel and could do nothing to avoid their demands to carry out murders. He admits to the murders and being part of the gang.

"What's the point of lying to you? It is true they arrested me with evidence and all. When they caught me I had drugs, shotguns and other weapons."

While cartels would usually pay for hits, it seems Leonardo was exploited with shocking ruthlessness. He was told to kill or be killed himself. He did it for free.

Miguel, a sort of self-styled vigilante social worker who is trying to rehabilitate the inmates, says this is not uncommon.

"Many start this way," he says.

"Then they become contaminated and it becomes natural for them to do it (kill).

"We have investigated him. His life is a life of poverty. It's a very miserable life, very, very poor. Their way of paying him was the life of another in exchange for his life."

The inmates are not all cartel gang members, but they have been identified as anti-social troublemakers and criminals.

Certainly this prison is unsuitable for proper rehabilitation - or proper punishment for that matter. Mixing murderers with drunks could hardly be described as sensible care-for-the-community policing.

But the vigilantes are unrepentant. Locking these men up in cells with mats on the floor and almost no recreational or exercise time is a fitting return for the fear they have brought to their communities.

They want this message to get out.

Across Mexico people are beginning to ask questions of the government and are questioning its future.

But the conclusion one has to reach is that with the profits from drugs so high, the money distributed among the most powerful and influential and a financially poor population almost inured to such violence over so many years, that bringing about change is impossible - except perhaps by the vigilantes.

They have weapons. The cycle starts all over again.
DD.  More videos of the prison at Link
Thanks to a tip from Chvis for story. 

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  1. To think that these prisons operate extra-legally and extra-judicially is an insightful comment on the fractured the Mexican legal system. It seems that the country steps towards revolt with each day. A critical mass will be reached whereby enough people will coalesce around a person or platform and all hell will break loose. Could be tomorrow for all we know.

  2. 22 years old, after one year in prison...
    Caught at 21, after 3 years murdering...
    --started at 18...
    --El castillo de cagada needs good men like this one for his redeemed juersaz ruralez de los nuevos zetazzz del pri who now kill for him instead of for the cabelleras, where is this stash of good young men kept?

  3. Gracia's Chivas, glad you are still around.

  4. Cool. I am glad they have them locked up in their makeshift prisons. Now all they have to do is name a judge of the group, decree their own laws and judgment and sentence all these putrid shitbags to death and carry out the sentences immediately. Since they are snatching these cockroaches off the streets and nobody misses them just execute these murderous bastards. Why let them breathe, did they let their victims??????

  5. I've been incarcerated in a jail similar to this! Unsuitable for proper rehabilitation, mixing murderers with drunks, men locked up in cells with mats on the floor, and almost no recreation or exercise time....may God strike me down if I'm lying! This wasn't in Mexico though. was here in the good ol u.s of's called the los angeles county jail! Do some research if you don't believe me....

    1. Hahahha shut up I've been in the Twin towers and It ain't like how u describe it moron.

    2. And whats your point. Iv done time in prison, not county jail. Get over it. Something led us to be locked up. We deserved it....

    3. No,they should have given you a cell to yourself with a TV and fridge full of beer
      How dare they,were your human rights abused?

    4. We're my human rights abused u ask? Well getting "flash light treatment" from the deputies i would think would constitute abuse, and I'm talking about back when deputies used to carry them big mag lights! I also think being made to fight for the enjoyment of the officers would constitute abuse! 846 do some research, look into the recent fbi investigation on the los angeles county jail and all the human rights violating officers before u write your condescending comments!

    5. You are in prison , too bad! Tell your mama.

    6. IN MY OPINION thugs/criminals should NOT have the same right as the law abiding citizens. Why treat them like a person when they are animals.

    7. Because we live or are supposedly living in a civilized and humane country 4:27 not some savage dictatorship....youre the type of asshole that says God bless the USA and then ask why people arent shot on sight....maybe you should move to iran or north Korea im sure u would fit in better

  6. Why did itzli lie about the date of the murder of those five guys in GRO? I pointed out to him that the incident happened in early november, but he never corrected his post or post my comment. WTf? Now some blogger is suppressing the voice of the people?!?!?

    1. 7:26 we get scooped all the time, no use in rubbing it in, also the exact exacting exactitude is kind of not really really required, if you really really need the exactitud, just keep sending it until it gets posted,, unless you were promised marriage "later on", in which case, you just got gotten...

  7. A documentary will be shown starting Friday night.... Narco State: Mexico's Drugs War.

  8. For starters there is no such thing as "illegal" in an illegal, corrupt narcostate, there is no institutional rule of law that guarantees the protection and the practice of justice to its citizens, therefore the notion of illegality of such prison does not apply. If anything the actions of these mexican citizens fed up with the failure of the mexican state must be considered acts of heroism.

    1. Exactly,the people who talk about"legality"are the ones who don't have to put up with a dangerous life enforced on them by a minority,the same kind of people who leave the fighting to someone else while they talk and debate the application of human rights.

    2. Yep. Your are obligated as a human being to safeguard your home from a tyrannical unjust government . Apparently, one can't call the police about crime. Nothing illegal about it.

  9. That's Michoacan for you, I give these people props for attempting to stop corruption in those areas eventhough they are against all odds like corrupt government and organized crime with money and don't give a shit about people just making money

    1. The report is from a small town in neighboring Guerrero, not Michoacán.

    2. It does not say where in the story but it's more believable that it's in michoacan because the sicario is from templarios wich are mostly in michoacan

  10. Let's hope they nab the bastard(s) who terrorized and destroyed the precious life of Erika Kassandra Bravo Caro, 19 years old, the young nursing student missing from Uruapan since Wednesday the 3rd of December, and whose case was reported in social media in efforts to find her, Found Dead Saturday morning, with her face flayed and knife wounds to the chest, on the side of the road leading from Uruapan to Los Reyes, near the community Las Cocinas AS REPORTED BY Borderland Beat.



      8:32 PM; I don't think any of us here at BB will forget that gentle"precious"young girl trying to get on in life.How can such barbarity be visited on a young girl training to be a nurse? No,brother,i don't think many will forget her....

    2. This gruesome murder for sure has more than one witness or people that know about it! Let's hope they do a gut check and turn on their own bosses! This goes beyond corruption and cartel life this is the work of Devil possessed human beings! Anybody that believes in God would not do this type of act!!! How tough can a man be!!! More like a coward if you ask me! The real man will be the man that defies orders and takes out his sick inhuman boss's that ordered this type of act!!! As a low level criminal you will eventually be taken out anyways, so do the right thing and change your life! REPENT AND SAVE YOUR SOUL!!! PRAY FOR THOSE THAT DO THIS STUFF TO CHANGE AND SAVE THEIR SOUL!!! IS THIS THE MEXICO YOU WANT YOUR KIDS TO GROW UP IN???

    3. 8:26 PM
      "This gruesome murder for sure has more than one witness or people that know"
      If that is true,they should hang their head in absolute shame...
      Could i stand by and watch a young girl screaming being dragged into a truck?Definitely NO.Every time i look at her picture my mind wanders about how this could happen to her.Imagine the pain her family is in right now?The"men"that do this don't deserve any grace,they deserve to be erased from ever doing to this one more young girl,common sense tells us if they've done this once,once is bad enough,no more.And Mexico?I would walk with my girl everywhere,work,shops,home,shopping,think about this poor girl brother and so would anyone?

  11. I just read EPN's new plan here is the link:

    1. Let's hope they nab the bastard(s) who terrorized and destroyed the precious life of Erika Kassandra Bravo Caro, 19 years old, the young nursing student missing from Uruapan since Wednesday the 3rd of December, and whose case was reported in social media in efforts to find her, Found Dead Saturday morning, with her face flayed and knife wounds to the chest, on the side of the road leading from Uruapan to Los Reyes, near the community Las Cocinas AS REPORTED BY Borderland Beat.
      ------>>> WELL SAID. QEPD Erika :(

  12. These thugs in jail are just misfit criminals that probably not even the cartels wants nor needs otherwise they would have pulled them out of these makeshift jails. The way they are kept appears to be dangerous for the guards not to mention letting children and residents come within contact distance where anyone could hand a prisoner a weapon. Very poor and insecure operation.

  13. "Certainly this prison is unsuitable for proper rehabilitation - or proper punishment for that matter"
    At least they aren't being summarily executed by the so-called"vigilantes"i call them men standing up against terrorism by apes with guns..Would any of you want a guy who has killed 19 people by the time he is 22 living next to your family home or even in your town?The bullshit about"legality"is just that.Don't forget people who talk about legality are the people who get to fly out of Mexico"business class"

  14. Why not give the exact location so the hit men could be rescued by the government.

    1. At this point you're right, I wouldn't doubt it!

  15. Great! Now I will just wait to read the article where the cartels and corrupt Government went in and killed all these vigilantes abs freed these folks. Why do journalist feel the need to advertise a good secret? Now that they are exposed, how much longer does anyone expect them to continue? Someone really needs to start using their brain in Mexico. Right in the beginning the specifics on their location is thrown out there. Plain stupid! Vigilantes need to be more like the criminals and keep quiet.

    1. The cartels slready know where they are its remote area with one way in and out so that is how they have stayed alive by working together and having guns and ammunition mostly the things they take away from the cartels

  16. dd and chivis great post. Hopefully Chivis will continue helping with the posts. chivis I did see the video on your youtube channel.

  17. Get it right,its GRO!dont mess with

  18. To show you that not only the "rich" take advantage of the unfortunate poor in mx.
    Cartel dogs do it too. That wey should had handed the dogs that forced him to kill to the mexican militares one by one.. or two by two.. or three by three.. or four by four.. or killed them in the same way with that AK47 prraa'.....! ....thats how you remove cucarrachas.... lol!

    How do we know that he didn't made up that lie to save his sicario ass?? a bad mother fucker would do anything to save his ass.

  19. I think the sentence would be to go and kill those who got him into the business, or one narco for each victim and then he is out on probation, why not use his skills for the good guys?
    Same for el chapo, la barbie and la mano con ojetes, el compayito, with official support they would clean up mexico, they were not up to killing women, the kaibiles and los zetas will even eat their victims, sin sal

  20. Illegal because these ppl are not being sentenced by a judge or jury in a court of Law..Even in the courts innocent ppl are falsly convicted so how in hell can you call for the death penalty for all of them regardless of the glad for the mexican ppl you are not in a position of power..

  21. frankly, the narcs and the government are taking the political attitude of laurence of arabia: NO PRISONERS!!! why should the auto-defensas?

    1. El-Aurens, Lawrence of Arabia, Thomas Edward Lawrence, or T. E. Lawrence great movie about a great leader, let down by his arab comrades after winning the war...ugly fate for leaders of men...

    2. I WOULD HAD.. EXECUTED. ALL THOSE SON OF BITCHES BEFORE THAT HAD HAPPENED. maybe he wasn't that much of a leader.. getting betrayed by his filthy "comrades" no efing way. BULLSHIT! TO HELL WITH THAT! .. .. lol


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