Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Dead of Enrique Pena Nieto: 41 thousand in 23 Months

for Borderland Beat translated from Zeta Tijuana Article

125,879 executions in the last 8 years
-State of Mexico continues as the most violent with 5,450 intentional homicides
-14,429 intentional murders, i.e. 35 per cent, are concentrated in the corridor made up of  the States of Mexico, Guerrero, Jalisco and Michoacán
-Baja California continues in ninth place with 1,612
-Government of EPN outperforms Calderon in accidents
-In the Government of EPN 904 corpses are classified "no data"

"... Who would have thought that those who participated in this crime, which disappears 43 students would not bring a result that reflects a level of  grave impunity ... in the dimension of corruption, of extraordinary concern":Emilio Alvarez Icaza, Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission of human rights (IACHR)

"It appears to me that President Pena Nieto  is not seeing or understanding the seriousness of the problem that we have in the country and that advisers were dwarves, don't have the height": José Antonio Ortega, President of the citizen Council of criminal justice and public security.

"We have not resolved the causes of insecurity and crime, and the proof of this is that  we have a new crisis and the President has to go out to announce a plan for the situation, when it was assumed that he had one already": Santiago Roel Rodriguez, Creator of the social criminal traffic light project;

"There is no vision in security, continuity of the policy of President Calderon with a different narrative": Francisco Rivas Rodriguez of the Observatorio Ciudadano

Enrique Mendoza Hernandez and Rosario Mosso Castro

The silence as a strategy for reducing executions, kidnappings and disappearances, is not working for  the Government of Enrique Peña Nieto. Neither the official speech touting the Penista's officials that "criminal incidence  is down". Nor the campaign repeated promises , in the  first months of Government that "in a year" will begin to see results, that was two years ago and cheerful speeches have not slowed the violence in the country.

Indeed, digging and moving Mexico in the peripheries and barrens, ranches and towns, corpses still appear in all the Mexican Republic, as when in Guerrero to look for the 43 Ayotzinapa, fearfully missing since September 26, 2014,  there were unearthed dramatically, dozens of bodies without identity.

Before the gloomy underground cemetery that the country has become, the Government of Enrique Peña Nieto preferred to stop official excavations before nameless bodies continue piling up on him.
We must consider that Enrique Peña Nieto said during the Davos Forum in January 2013 "there was an actual decrease in the number of homicides committed in our country, a decrease of almost 30 per cent of homicides linked to organized crime, which is encouraging to us".

That has been the peroration of Enrique Peña Nieto as his pulpit arises, even in the interviews with the Federal Executive with foreign media.

Again, as documented previously,  ZETA  weekly updated a registry of executions in the first 23 months of Government of Enrique Peña Nieto and the results are disappointing.

The most violent

To register all executions  ZETA weekly developed a methodology that,  consists of confronting the official federal government information, prosecutors and State agencies with "newspaper" records of several newspapers , as well as information of civil associations that relatives of victims have created, as well as expert services, Semefos ( Forensic Medical Service ) and local forensic institutes.

As a general conclusion,  ZETA weekly documented that from the 1 of December 2012 to 31 October 2014 there have been 41 thousand nationwide intentional homicides, including the "executions", "Fighting", "Aggressive Homicides", are a product of  narco activity like malicious killings and the intentional murders committed with high calibre firearms or by the coup de grace; Obviously, the hard data is superior to the 33,239 "preliminary investigations" by homicides reported to the federal Government in the same period.

Second conclusion,  ZETA weekly said: Unlike the six years of Felipe Calderón when Chihuahua concentrated first on malicious killings with 16,467 (equivalent to 19.7 per cent), in the first 23 months of the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto ruled by the PRI , Mexico State is the most violent and insecure with 5,450 constituting 13 per cent of the total.

A third conclusion is that the corridor comprising the State of Mexico, Guerrero, Jalisco and Michoacán concentrated 14,429 intentional homicide, i.e. in those four states are 35 per cent of the total.

In addition, the five most violent States during the first 23 months of Government of Enrique Peña Nieto are:

In the first place is located the State of Mexico with 5,450 intentional homicides
the second corresponds to Guerrero  with 3,680
followed by Chihuahua with 3,357
Jalisco and Michoacan, with 2,650 and 2,649, respectively
occupied the fourth and fifth place as the most violent States in the country 
By the way, Baja California continues in ninth place with 1,612.

It should be noted that the Government of Felipe Calderón in their first 23 months recorded 21,920 preliminary investigations for homicides, while in the first 23 months of Government of Enrique Peña Nieto the figure amounted to 33,186.

Even during the Presidency of Felipe Calderón  ZETA weekly documented 83,191 executions, the Government of Enrique Peña Nieto there has been 41,015 in just 23 months; in other words, at that rate the Penista Government will obviously surpass  the total under Calderon.

The dead "no data"

In the recent excavations in the State of Guerrero while looking for missing 43 students, ,  at first 28 bodies were discovered, but no one knew the identities of the corpses.

Not knowing the identity of the dead in Mexico is quite common: the Six years of Felipe Calderón through the national information system reported 7,059 "preliminary investigations" of malicious homicides " that have no data", i.e. that the authorities knew neither their names, indeed nothing.

The Government of Enrique Peña Nieto also continues to accumulate the bodies without a name: in December 2012 the Executive Secretariat recorded 29 "preliminary investigations"  of intentional homicides " with no data"; 306 in 2013 and 570 in 10 months of 2014; in total during the Penista administration so far, there are at least 905 dead of unknown identity.

Government of accidents

The Government of Enrique Peña Nieto also outperforms the Six years of Felipe Calderón  for culpable homicide, accidents.

For example, in the first 23 months of Government of Calderon there were 28,634 preliminary investigations for culpable homicide, i.e. accidents; While in the first 23 months of the Penista Government the sum amounted to 32,414; i.e. Peña Nieto beats Calderón with 3,780 "accidents".

Even in the last 23 months of Government the national system of public security (SNSP) Pan reported about 30,005 accidents, while in the first 23 months of Pena's Administration the figure amounted to 32,414.

125,000 executions in 8 years

"The war against organized crime of the federal Government and between Cartels for various " Plazas" in the States, have led to thousands of dead. ZETA Weekly  has documented every year the catastrophe:
* 2007: 2,826 executions
* 2008: 6,837
* 2009: 11,753
* 2010: 19,546
* 2011: 24,068
* 2012: 22,159
* 2013: 23,850
* 2014: 14,840 in ten months
In total, during the Governments of Felipe Calderón and Enrique Peña Nieto there have been in the country at least 125,879 executions.

"There should be no surprise"

Emilio Álvarez Icaza Longoria is the Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission of human rights (IACHR) interviewed by ZETA  he refers to the case of the 43 disappeared as a reflection of what is happening in the country in terms of security.

"Ayotzinapa, its a surprise that someone should be surprised by this, or Governments, or society, the phenomenon of enforced disappearances has existed for years in Mexico, the movement for peace with justice and dignity,  started when he sat down with Calderon and members, discussing around the table with relatives of  the disappeared , also there was a national discussion of the involvement of public servants, in which their participation in the disappearances were tabled", the disappearance of migrants, there are reports over many years, reports of the National Commission on human rights that speak of an industry of abduction.

"Ayotzinapa reflects a structural problem of a very large magnitude. Guerrero had already talked about hundreds of bodies that were recovered from the mines of Taxco, bodies in clandestine graves, unfortunately this was not taken seriously and came to an end with the disappearing of a group of students.

"And one of the reasons that may explain the international outcry is an analysis  of what were they thinking , those who participated in this crime, that 43 disappeared students would not bring a reckoning?, that reflects a level of impunity... in the dimension of corruption, of extraordinary concern".

"Reflected in a paradigmatic way on the one hand the structural problem of non-performance by the Mexican State to deal with a problem of this magnitude, second, the institutional weakness of the various levels of the State in actions of prevention, administration and justice." And third an explosion of outrage and outcry that this is not acceptable under any conditions , enforced disappearances in a democratic regime.

On official statistics of killings and other crimes that projected apparent decreases in incidence, the Executive Secretary of the IACHR explained that there is debate about the credibility.

"There have been arguments that have been made public that there is use of different corporations of security that handle those numbers reflect a different reality, that has happened at the State level, there have been discussions at the federal level".

He spoke of the need to create conditions of greater certainty in the production of statistics, with updating and monitoring mechanisms. 

"A process of professionalization and improvement, in the generation of these statistics is required to overcome mistrust,", because people have well-founded doubts.

In terms of Security policies.  Alvarez Icaza said that there are efforts, some huge like the Police, actions, attempts that have to mature.

"Advance citizen security models , construction of understanding that security institutions are part of the institutions of democracy, we need to have democratic control of the institutions, and that has to do with the improvement".

With respect to the Decalogue and current actions he concluded. "I think the size of the challenge requires a much stronger, more consistent, structured response and has to generate a condition where the articulation of security policy generates best results, the size of the problem requires a response of deeper thought."

Absence of certainty

Referring to official statistics that speak of a reduction in homicides, presumed as indicators of improvement in the conditions of insecurity, José Antonio Ortega, President of the citizen Council of criminal justice and public security, said that we must wait for the INEGI report of  deaths because there is no certainty in numbers from the Executive Secretariat"there are other variants".

She exemplified this talk that took a week with the ambassadors of Japan and Belgium and the former Ambassador of France Florence Daniel Parfait:

".. .the three told me, what happens is that now the killings are not reflected correctly because now they are burying them, referring to the mass graves, then I think that it is another factor that has to take into account that criminal groups resort more frequently to these practises".

With respect  the cheerful figures recalled that in September with the Ayotzinapa case ,all came down to the President: ".. .and all the dirt comes out right now, everybody is seeing it, and right now nobody believes them,  there was no credibility, acceptance of Presidential approval percentages have dropped tremendously".

Also: ".. .the intentional homicides, are showing them culpable, because that figure is growing too, and on the other hand as we registered the issue of the missing, buried in a clandestine manner, etc., which is something very serious as it speaks of irrational violence, brutality not occurring in all parts of the world."

".. .with the pressure from the international media, which hurts most, additionally horrified not only by the barbarities that we are seeing every day, but for the non-performance of authority before the violent events against demonstrations calling for the appearance of these 43 boys ask me: what no law, that there is no authority? " then that caught my attention.

Regarding the Decalogue to improve security conditions and the rule of law, Ortega was considered unresponsive to the needs: ".. .there are some proposals of law that all they do is to seek solutions within 2 or 3 years, good, and right now?"

"... they are talking about when the residents are needed, if you're going to remove the police who don't search for criminals, will the Governors who will have control of the police,  allow you to kidnap, extort, make a ball of criminal acts".

He explained that recently, the citizen Council of criminal justice and public safety, presented the study "Guerrero caught  in the circle of violence" which shows that  homicidal violence since 1979 relates to the problem of 9 drug trafficking groups, linked to trafficking and /or and the production of poppy and heroin with more than 24 mayors, 2 senators and deputies with alleged ties to organized crime. "It is not a new problem.

"It seems to me that the great reform that some sectors of society would expect, would be that it will go against politicians who allow  organized crime with their actions or omissions." And from that, there is no signal in the Presidential proposal... then will continue with impunity.

" He ( EPN ) does not give an answer that is seeing or understanding the seriousness of the problem that we have in the country and that advisers were dwarves, are not at the height,"  he summed up.

New crisis

Interviewed, Santiago Roel Rodriguez, spoke of a reduction in the incidence of criminal acts: "how does 2014 compare with  2013, there is a reduction of 6 per cent on the issue of homicides, that does not mean that all is  well,  only that it is better than last year."

"It is a paradox in general terms, we see the reductions and the red flags have changed, Nuevo León, Sonora, Sinaloa fell, Morelos is still wrong, and Guanajuato and Querétaro has increased, for example"

"The other point is the great discontent of the people, because in cases where they have managed to get off, except in Nuevo Leon, the opinion is of negative perception, people still believe that things are worse, in your municipality, the State and the country.

Roel considered that social unrest is due to perception that insecurity has not been corrected: "Proof of this is that we  have a new crisis and the President must go, announce a plan for the situation when it was assumed that he had already had one".

Referring to the causes of insecurity he referred to police collusion, authorities infiltrated by organized crime, the lawsuits between cartels, young people at risk without employment and opportunities.

" The theme of bad government is very broad, from bad services to bad public policies, the serious problem of the judiciary, then it is of the three powers and the 3 levels of Government, and in  which announced Peña Nieto,  these two causes of appeal and resolve, but they will take time with transparency, and accountability."

He said that the big absentee in the Chair's proposal was the subject of drug policy, which is what is generating almost all this violence, and confirmed that the commanders of the municipalities mentioned by him, that between 80 and 90 per cent of the killings are related to narco-activities.

"I think that the President could, if he doesn't buy a ticket, have an issue that Mexican society still does not understand well, is the legalization of the drug in a rational manner with health management through the sector. It could invite Congress to seriously analyze the issue , as the Governor of Morelos, Graco Ramírez did this week, I thought it was brave because he is the first Governor who dares to break the taboo".

In terms of official statistics they said that they may be valid, complemented by studies of perception and victimization, because none is perfect or that of the INEGI.

"There are exceptions in statistics from States where things are complicated  to such a degree that there is a fear to complain , because there is no guarantee that agencies or police are not complicit with the criminals, Veracruz is one of the clearest cases".

In accordance with the criminal traffic lights, in  2014, kidnapping complaints were reduced by 13 per cent, for extortion they fell 27 per cent, home robbery  by 15%, a business reduction was 7 per cent; and injuries, remained virtually unchanged

Continuity in security

"We have  consistent criminal behavoir down in official figures in regards of killings, but that comes from August 2011, the problem is that the case reveals the weakness of statistical records we have in Mexico," said Francisco Rivas Rodriguez of the Citizen Watch.

"Many pointers in Latin America does not mean that in land of the blind the one-eyed man is King, we are not well." The problem is real, all the mass graves that have been found and the missing, put in evidence that we don't have control our territory, that we do not know what is going on in the country, and how much remains to strengthen the records.

"I don't want to simplify it in a brutal way because it is not so, but yes a good part of the missing persons or bodies without identities that we have in the States, we know by a study that we are doing, they are related to kidnapping of migrants."

"We are inconsistent in the country, we demand respect for the human rights of our nationals who cross the border, but we don't have the same respect for the citizens of other countries that pass through our territory."

Comparing administrations of Calderon and Peña, Rivas Rodriguez indicated that what must be taken into account is that the rise in homicides in the first 2 years of Calderon's administration, were not so dramatic, that they soared between 2009 and 2011, that Peña received a very high incidence figure though that is descending.

"From August 2011 we begin to see a Flex, it was when the war on drugs began to have its apparent results ." Calderon had a public policy on safety,  but could not share it, but it met the necessary characteristics, which had its period of gestation and started to see results by the end of the presidential term."

With respect to the emerging Decalogue, Rivas Rodriguez said the 10 points that the President EPN  presents are very weak, do not present a shift or a view on the issue of security, are proposals that we already know, that we have heard. Many were proposed to the previous Congress of most PRI rejected them at the time and today are being rescued.

"There is no vision, there is continuity of the policy of President Calderon with a different narrative".
"They are good deeds of shallow draft," he said and exemplified:

"A national emergency number, is positive but does not resolve the problem of public trust ?: is not... part of a vision of the kind of country we want to achieve".

Identity cards, are another positive action: ".. .but nor is it political, because it doesn't re think what kind of institutions we want, nor the relations of Citizen States the way we want it".

The only command, in addition must be analyzed in detail with all its implications, ".. .you will not solve the problem of  our institutions".

He said he was worried about the effects of EPN's proposal  of municipal autonomy:

"In Italy  it was implemented - the temporary dissolution of corrupt local authorities - judicial power, as the cleanest in the country. And it had some very specific features, it wasn't just 'this Mayor has suspicions of collusion, Let's eliminate the power', and subjecting him to trial, but an investigation of long time span, putting in evidence on the relationship of mayors acting complicitly.

"In Italy, municipal public servants ,  are not like here in that they change every 3 years. In addition, the office belongs to the judiciary, not to the Executive, the relationship is different, and in Italy there is nothing comparable to the figure of the Governor.

He questioned the intention of applying the same measure, in completely different contexts.
However he admitted that everything indicates that there is good intention, that the Government seeks to strengthen the rule of law. "But how one does it is not exactly clear,  so what he wants,  will it strengthen the respect for the law, but you should start by respecting it, you have to see if he is willing"

 Its the recycling  of actions and proposals said the owner of the citizen Observatory

"This December 3rd they sent federal police to Tierra Caliente, would that build new respect for public policies of the last decade?".

"And the case of Michoacan,  adds the question, then for what, is the addition of an entire project, which is aimed at promoting the development in Michoacan, is sent to a mini Viceroy (Castillo ) to establish the direction of Michoacán, a Commissioner for the development and security whom has been working for more than one year on this issue and what we do is send more police?

"Then we should start by recognizing that what has been done until now does not work, and to do an about-turn, but do acknowledge, and we are repeating the behaviors  already known, preaching the same thing you review after a full six-year term."

"That's the part that is not clear, what is the project of this administration, what is new?" "If it's going to be continuity its okay, we will not necessarily leave satisfied, but we will allow the evaluation of the continuity", ended Rivas Rodriguez.

Peña anti-crime package

Initiative one of the 10 points of the plan launched by EPN November 28, to "improve security, justice and the rule of law" in the country.
Initiative to reform various articles of the Constitution (proposed reform items 21, 73, 104, 105, 115, 116 and 123), as part of the plan "A Mexico in peace with justice and development".
    • Control single police.-mechanism so that the Federation intervenes a municipality totally or partially when there is evidence of organized crime infiltration, and the definition of the prosecution of crimes between the federal Government and States, that leaves no room for impunity.
    • It proposes to reform the constitutional article 21 to establish that public safety is a feature that will be the charge of the Federation and the States, so it will cease to exist  1,800 municipal police corporations and now there will be 31 "strong institutions"; municipalities will only participate in the design and execution of public policies of prevention, this, with the single control police state.
    • The initiative raises to set the single control police state, empower the Congress to issue general laws governing the concurrence of the Federation and federative entities in matters of public security, as well as to standardize criteria and procedures in the matter.
    • Another point included in this initiative is that the law enforcement institutions of federal entities must act under the command of the Federal.
    • It proposes the possibility of the Federation to assume total or partial municipal functions, when they are infiltrated by organized crime. The Prosecutor General of the Republic, when you notice sufficient evidence shall inform the Secretary of the Interior of that, considering it appropriate, to jointly request the approval of the Senate so that the Federation assumes temporarily, in total or in part, the functions.
    • Also proposes that the Congress of the Union can issue general laws to define freely what behavior should be classified and what criminal types will be a matter of regulation, not as usual that each entity can do it.
    • On the investigation, prosecution and punishment scheme, it provides for the issuance of a General Law of criminal skills, where you can distribute powers and establish assumptions of action under less rigid mechanisms, in accordance with the capabilities of each authority.
    • It includes an opinion of budgetary impact by the Treasury, which ensures there will be no additional cost to implement this reform.


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    1. Things are going to get worse but i'm still travelling to my home state chihuahua and also travelling to Jalisco

      1. Nobody takes risks for nothing are you going for "dope business" purposes? visiting two states at once...

      2. Of course,weapons for drugs barter.

      3. ahaha i got this

    2. That is about 60 per day which is worse than Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.

      1. Yeah. But those places don't have drug cartel gangs in every damn corner fighting over territory.

      2. Yeah, but they got religious nuts in every damn corner killing people who don't obey by their rules. Have you seen the YouTube videos? It's much worse than Mexico.

      3. Most heroin comes from afghanistan not guerrero

    3. Chivis where are you? I miss you already!!!BB is not the same without you.

      1. Jeje this is a Chivis post , she put me onto it I just translated it , don't think she is gone , she is working behind the scenes and traning up the next generation of reporters for BB. God Bless Buela x

      2. Where is he when you need him , you know who im talking about Buela

    4. Mexican President is just a puppet who answers to the highest bidder to gain control over vast regions of interest in order to move, cultivate, cook or produce drugs. Once all the political parties, being PRI or PAN, have an agreement in place. The formation of security forces (death squads or hit men) or soldiers are given orders to ensure key routes of drug supply are not disturbed by anyone. The same security forces are also responsable for the kidnappings, disappearances, and killings that plague Mexico and all this is known to the president. The president and his party reap the gains and invest into properties, commerical, and political agendas and the cycle repeats itself. Question being is how much longer can the United Nations stand by in idle as genocide occurs everyday in Mexico, thousands have been killed, thousands!!!!! I ASK FOR HELP FOR MY HOME LAND MEXICO HELP FROM U.N, OR USA OR UNITED KINGDOM, SOMEONE!!!! WILL ALL YOU STAND IDLE AND ONLY VISIT AFTER HORRORS HAVE OCCURED!!!!

    5. the numbers r not good enough he needs to kill more. the only way to stop is keep shooting. The US and Un cannot solve Mexico problems its up to the people. All the Mexicans come to the US. stay get the problem resolved in Mexico.

    6. looks like 125,000 dead isn't enough

    7. The only way United Nations or USA will interfer is when a full blown out civil war erupts. Cause is war death people and clash on the streets that attracts the attention of CNN news. In reality no body gives a shit about mexico enough to fix it.. many hiden interest of money either drug trafficking, new oil reform with pemex, or who knows...The only way to control this mess is to let the narcos work simple right? ? Cause is obvious that fighting them don't work mainly cause the mexican government is corrupted.

      1. Fawk CNN!and their biased journalism

      2. The US needs to stop ATF from their supply operations. Also stop all the junkies from scoring. Let Mexico be, shit its not like oil is eternal. Soon we will be riding on good ol horses again. If they do not pass electric cars or hydrogen fuel cars which dont exist lol.

        Fukin greedy U.S and Mexicans

        -Puerto Rico

      3. The people already do let the narcos work[obviously out of fear for some like not reporting their crimes] but this is no longer working and the narcos are more and more victimizing people.Mexico may as well be a communist country,they would be better off the government would then crack down but their neither democratic either.I think Mexico is in a no mans land category.My 5 cents worth.

      4. I have been to Puerto Rico and I was blown away by the amount of police there. There are far too many here in Mexico, but worse there per capita. As fortressed as the horses in Mexico are against crime, Puerto Rico takes the cake. I felt very unsafe in Puerto Rico in the night, and was warned constantly by the people at the hotel, the locals and the travel agency to be careful about where you are going and how to avoid being a victim. Even with all the advice we were lucky enough to avoid being robbed at a gas station, and escaped after being alert, quick to make a decision and fleeing before we could even pump the gas. Lots of drug dealing and crime in Puerto also.

    8. "Spike151" Thanks for the translation.
      We wouldn't know any real facts under this tried and tested PRI government,they are the master at political intrigue and obfuscation.I see the article about Coahuila and Moreira?These people couldn't care less,they are the ultimate liars and PR manipulators,listen to them and Mexico is completely stable and peaceful,they have tamed crime and cartel behaviors?We wouldn't know either way because they are orchestrating the whole media of Mexico.Its almost like a junta without the overt military presence and threat?PRI,sinister masters at work..

    9. Well the U.N aint doing shit for all the killings that the U.S is responsible for, so.. What are they going to say? The us can comit genocide but you cant?

    10. OOOooOoohh please help U.S.. What exactly do they need help with? On how to cover up their mess? What do you think the U.S is going to tell mexicos president? Blame it on a nother country and invade them?

    11. The UN will just give green light to invade mexico and then do nothing to take care of the victims of of war look at africa how fucked up it is.

    12. I los desaparcidos apa????? Esos son los ejecutados nomas

    13. Mexico best chance is to reform itself, because if people actually believe other world leaders care! I'm not too convinced! Remember they will want a piece of the pie $$$$$ and more corruption! Then Mexico will really be a third world country!!!!

    14. Add at least one zero to the end of all numbers given by the Mexican Gov't. to translate from politicomath to real numbers.

    15. It is a known fact, (by Mexican citizens, government parties, drug cartel barons) which dates back to the 70's, 80's & 90's that all government parties allied themselves with drug cartel fractions. Respect was a key role (all three parties involved) for the drug transactions to occur thus profit margin soared skyward. The mexican people, kept there mouths shut out of respect for cartels as well as government parties, hoping that among all the richness being produced out of these private agendas, a bone would be tossed their way! What the world does not know is that it has taken about 3 decades to get where Mexico stands today, full of corruption, greed and evil malice at the highest level of governmental security. The people's auto defense movements are the only thing left that is truly govern by Mexican citizens that have had enough of the betrayal, killings and kidnappings that go unresolved!?! The United Nations will not intervene, United States will only turn the blind eye, since they are fully aware of the situation given the ATF actions of providing weapons to the cartel fractions and then stating it was part of an undercover sting, LOL RIGHT!!!!!!!! NO HELP FROM UN, US, UK, GIVE THEM HELL!!!! NO RESPECT HAS BEEN GIVEN BACK TO THE PEOPLE AND NOW THEY ARE ENRAGED!!!!!
      La Verdad, the truth.

    16. The narcs do not give a flying fuck about the destiny of their victims carcasses, really, they'd rather show and tell to scare the enemy...
      --The police, military and paramilitary working for the government or themselves, they know, no body, no crime, there you have your guilty parties...

    17. The only way the US gets involved is if EPN asked for help publicly or privately and that will never happen. Mexican officials make too much money from bribes and corruption. Bringing the US into a full flige war on drugs on Mexican soil will stop the money from going into the officials pocket.

    18. Operacion jaguar, CIA planes caught on the yucatan peninsula by mexicans!!!
      To cover it up, the obama administration and sec of state billary cliton arranged to 'give mexico' 1.5 billion dollars for 'national defense' and shelter for genaro garcia luna on the US, and on american banks for his millions of dollars and refuge with impunity...
      Now, imagine the imperial shelter pena nieto must be having ready to go to when his 'presidence' is over...
      --Two planes with 9 to 10 tons of cocaine, priceless

      1. To much shit talking. Show the proofs.


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