Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Office of Coahuila says they were 28 and not 300 missing in Allende; Who do you believe?

Borderland Beat by DD with excerpts from  SinEmbargo, and stories previously post on Borderland Beat.

This week the Attorney General of the state of Coahuila (PGJE) denied that 300 people were missing in the Zeta attack on Allende, Nava, and other surrounding towns in a retaliatory attack that took place over 3 years ago.  He said that after a “massive search” for bodies and his investigation the evidence showed that there were 28 people kidnapped and of those 28 people kidnapped 11 were killed. 

If the numbers didn’t represent real people, most of them innocent of any wrong doing, his statement would be laughable.

His investigation started in January of this year, over 3 years after the largest kidnapping and massacre in Coahuila history (probably in all of Mexico).   Borderland Beat reported on the start of the “massive search” in an article dated Feb. 2, 2014, entitled “Coahuila Corruption;Searching Hundreds of Missing in Allende Massacre”. 

The state said they were using “state of the art” equipment and 250 specially selected military and police with the support of a helicopter, four dogs, and specialized radars to detect bodies up to eight feet under were used.  The team was responsible for looking for more than 300 missing persons in a search area of 50 thousand square kilometers in 12 days.  . 

BB followed up with a story on Feb. 8 with a story about the search for bodies, “Coahuila’s Clandestine Grave Body Count Rises to 500”.     Then on April 29 BB reported 2500 Human Remains found inCoahuila not 500-So says the State”.   In that article BB reporter Chivis Martinez reported

“The Coahuila state attorney reported yesterday an error in calculation of remains discovered in the “massive search” conducted in January, it was reported at that time the human remains were that of up to 500 people, but the actual number, according to Coahuila state Ruben Moreira administration, is 2500.”

In fairness to the state attorney, he did not start his investigation and search for the missing in Allende until January 2014. Borderland Beat had a jump on him because it began it’s investigation and reporting on the massacre on March 26, 2011, just days after the kidnapping and murders.

On the night of March 18, 2011, Los Zetas Cartel started a week of terror in Piedras Negras and los Cinco Manantiales (5 Springs Area) which includes:  Allende, Morelos, Zaragoza, Villa Union and Nava.  The kidnapping and presumed killings were  “ajuste de cuentas” - settling of accounts- and  was ordered by  Zetas.

At that time, approximately 40 trucks filled with dozens of hooded and masked gunmen arrived in Allende in search of family, friends, and acquaintances of Cuéllar and Moreno (the 2 who had stolen Z-40.s money).  With heavy machinery, they destroyed around 80 houses and took at least 80 families; they took advantage of holding the municipalities for rape, blackmail, murder, and to steal properties from entrepreneurs and farmers.

First reports to emerge, mostly by witnesses to afraid to say much say that over a hundred were killed and 10 homes in Allende alone were burned or destroyed.    Whole families were kidnapped or killed, including infants and children.   Even servants of the families were “disappeared’.  Many of those taken had the misfortune to simply have the last name of someone on the Zeta hit list.   

The terrified and defenseless population kept silent. The government of Coahuila, according to then Attorney General Jesús Torres Charles, made ​​"very serious preliminary investigations" that it delivered to the PGR [Attorney General's Office] of Marisela Morales, where it seemingly got lost, misplaced,  or forgotten because the reports of the missing issued by the Calderon administration never included the missing from Allende and the five springs area.

There was little or no press coverage except for Borderland Beat that published it’s first story on the massacre on March 26, 2011.  Just days after the terror ended.    But no one paid attention.   The story basically remained hidden (except to BB readers) until this last year.  

Little by little the outline of the massacre became known.    In November of 2012, current Governor Rubén Moreira spoke publicly of the "destruction of more than 40 houses" and that "a great many people have disappeared and are feared dead."   A month later, Juan Alberto Cedillo published the first of a series of reports in Proceso, and in 2014 more articles have appeared.

We lack details, becaause the populace remains secretive, because it knows that it is still at the mercy of the murderers. Their defenselessness is absolute, because even the bureaucracies paid to serve them pretend not to notice. On the web page of the Commission for Human Rights of the State of Coahuila (presided over by Xavier Díez de Urdanivia), nothing is said about the disappeared.
The National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) cut and run, as usual. Its head, Raúl Plascencia, was in Coahuila in June of 2013 at a forum on the topic. He came out with a string of splendid phrases ("Mexico no longer tolerates a single disappearance"), but made no reference to the Allende missing.

All of this transpired because 2 men who handled transporting cocaine across the border and were involved in money laundering as well were suspected by Z-40, then supreme leader of Los Zetas,  of having betrayed him to the DEA.   The two men found out about Z-40’s suspicions and high-tailed it across the border with 5 million dollars of Zeta money.   Z-40 sent them a message that if they didn’t return the $5 mil he would kill their families, friends, and associates,  and destroy their houses. 

The 2 thieves rejected Z-40’s demand and they turned themselves over to US authorities and became prosecution witnesses in the trial of Z-40’s brother for money laundering (which was covered in depth with on the scene reporting by Borderland Beat reporters Havana and Chivis).   More information about the Allende Massacre came to light from statements they gave federal prosecutors.  They are currently in the US “protected witness” program.

Z-40 made good on his threat and the week or terror began.

In the words of Moreno (one of the thieves who stole the money and is now in the hands of US prosecutors);

“They wanted to kill me," Moreno told a court in the United States, in statements that were published by the San Antonio Express News. "They started killing Allende families, Piedras Negras, Múzquiz and Sabinas. Because of this, killed 200 or 300 people in Allende, "said the witness

This week, three years and eight months later, Attorney Homero Ramos Gloria announced partial progress of the investigation by thef state administration on the crimes committed by the criminal group "Los Zetas" against citizens of Allende, Piedras Negras, Nava.

Earlier this week the state Attorney General  explained that "during the search operation  3450 bone indications were found, the Science Unit of the Federal Police ruled that 2977 of them they cannot determine their origin or obtain DNA because they were burned [ ...] the remaining 473 are analyzed to obtain their DNA and, certainly, the results will contribute to the clarification of these events. "

Some good did come from the AG’s  search for the bodies and his continuing investigation of the Allende Massacre.  Reporters and photographers were invited to join the search, and although their presence may have contaminated crime scenes, it gave current Governor Ruben Moreira and the ruling party, PRI, an opportunity to wage a huge public relations program to show how they were fighting crime and improving security for the people. (it was basically a photo op).

The good aspect of his investigation is that the  slaughter remained hidden from the public for more than three years, and only learned in early 2014, when about 250 soldiers, accompanied by forensic and effective federal and state forces, began searching for the missing.

Needless to say the AG report of 28 people kidnapped and of those only 11 killed differs substantially from the facts we have presented over the last 3 years here on Borderland Beat.  We’ll leave it to the readers as to who to believe.  As Chivis says frequently, “and the beat goes on”.

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  1. will u get use to it. U accept the killing, because nothing is done. and this is life in Mexico 2014 and the future

  2. And the Zeta are heros to a lot people. This will be cleaned up in 2026 time for the world cup

    1. Let's hope this mess does get cleared up and poor people can live in peace iin the Mexico of years past!

  3. Does anyone know any news about Z40 going to trial? Or will they maybe just wait a few years and let him go?

  4. WOW so this is why everybody's scared of Z40...

  5. When Will All People Of Mexico Stand up And say NoMore.

  6. In the late 1980$s in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mx., A satanic cult led by Adolfo Constanzo was carrying out kidnappings and ritualistic murders. It is believed this cult, practicing the Cuban voodoo religion of payo mayombe, carried out 100's of murders with many of their victims suffering dismemberment, decapitation, etc. The group was only found out after an American named Mark Kilroy was kidnapped/killed by followers of fellow U.S. citizen Alfonso Constanso, of Cuban ancestry. This led to the dismantling of the cult and the death of Alfonso Constanso at the hands of security forces after he fled to Mexico City. This happened in Matamoros, Tamaulipas which is adjacent to Brownsville, Texas , only separated by the Rio Grande. Matamoros is the birthplace of the Zetas Cartel and the capital of the Gulf Cartel which created the former under Osiel Cardenas Guillen. - now in U.S. federal custody. Mind you,, these cartels went on to murder 10's of 1000's in the same sadistic manner that Adolfo Constanzo and his followers did in late '80's Matamoros. Could some of these cartel figures of the Zetas/CDG been students of this sect leader Adolfo Constanso, el Padrino de Matamoros, or somebody of the same religion or somebody taught by him? Z-40 could have been from his school since as a member of CDG/Zetas he could of spent some time in Matamoros and learned his Satanic skills. This man and his CDG/Zeta cohorts have been responsible for thousands of Mexican deaths and a 100 American deaths. Could a satanic religion been the inspiration? Could an govt. agency played a role in these occurring ?

    1. The Devil has all the power you allow him to have on this earth! It's up to each individual to save his soul and others souls! We have the power of free will, that is what God allows us to have! Be humble and do good deeds!!! Greed only breeds more greed and eventually a miserable life!

  7. @ DD, If I recall, is this not the horror that the zetas unleashed on innocents, because of some rich college kids, who had taken a book that contained account info? Those with the last names of the college boys?..I even remember a lawncare guy getting kidnapped, who was simply working for someone, who had the last name of those the Zetas went after.

  8. They are just trying to mop up the situation, if the people is making so muc noise because "43" ayotzinapos, imagine if they start fucking around over 300 or 500, or more than 2500 from allende, all those from san fernando, or the 2000 missing disappeared, or the 200 000 murdered under the calderonato?
    --same way, the Acteal massacre was after initially murdering 22 of their people in Chenalho municipality, then murdering the other 45 in Acteal while they were praying for peace...
    --What they are trying to do in coahuila is applying the legal pseudo-science of the nazi neo-liberals, NO BODY, NO CRIME, no crime to be prosecuted, the less victims, the less guilt for the state to carry on the books, minimizes the guilt of the zetas, readies the comeback of bertie boy moreira, in case we dirty mexican-drug trafficking indians need a new presidente, priista, expert in the arts of playing possum for los zetas and stealing from the government...
    --bertie boy needs the help, cover up!!!
    --and z40 needs the help too, he didn't do it, he wasn't there, he is just a farmer...

  9. Who did he put on the investigative team? The Three Stooges!!!! ( Los Tres Chiflados). These guys are a joke!!! Sold out to the highest bidding cartel!

  10. Well BB if there ever was a time to make this world news, IT'S NOW!!! THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING, AND THE HORRORS OF MEXICO NEED TO BE BROADCAST ALL OVER!!!

  11. @December 10, 2014 at 1:05 PM
    Where'd you read that? I'm interested partly because I'm just interested in this case, but also because that's a totally different story than what's already been published, and this would point to how rumours can spread about stories like this that the authorities won't talk about. I think that's the kind of miscommunication that lead to the 28 vs 2500 people thing...


  12. Thanks dd. Good stuff!

  13. There was no book taken,it was Poncho Cuellar a long time high up Zeta as it says in the story.He worked with the Z and Z40 personally on the money and was a rat bastard who basically caused this by running off with supposedly 5 million,when the Trevino started to shit bricks thinking everyone and his aunty was snitching(probably were)...The Zetas,as usual went way to far.Google his name or search BB,there are pictures of the rat bastard..

  14. they are saying of the over thousand bone fragments it amounts to only 28 people, of which 11 were killed. and the other 17?

    I will say this, Both DD and myself lived and traveled in the area, and this rampage lasted for days. BB revived emails with details about what was going on AS IT WAS going on. you can access the posts using the search bar. Gerardo began posting the info well before anyone. The media would not report on the attacks. complete families were taken from their homes and if one was simply visiting the home it did not matter they also were taken

    1. It amounted to 28 persons but only 11 got killed?? then it didn't amounted to 28. ... It doesn't make sense

  15. I went there a few weeks after that happened, my relatives tell me what they witnessed and they were really scared that was a lot of people taken a lot not 28 as they said

  16. Look at those houses z40 goons must had turned that area into a war zone when they got there looking to retaliate. a total massacre is what they did no doubt

    z40 was no different from lazcano both of them violent motha fuckers he is good meat for the lions lazcano should had done it when he was alive

  17. @Chivis, very happy to see comments from you :)


    1. Hey Feynman!
      Yup could not let this one pass w/o my dos centavos.

    2. Siempre aprecio tus dos centavos :)

      This forum needs to keep insight (Chi-vision haha) like yours!

    3. "Chi-Vision".....jajaja loving it. :)

  18. It's time for a good old fashioned clean up of this garbage Zeta bulls hit cartel! These bastards should get their Mexican citizenship taken away and be taken to a deserted island, then let them fend for themselves!

  19. @ December 10, 2014 at 10:10 AM
    I'm also curious about this. Does anyone know of any updates on Z40's case?
    As far as I know, no trial date has been set, and they're still figuring out if he'll be extradited. As far as whether they'll let him go, I think it really just comes down to whether he's extradited or not. There's more than enough evidence to convict him for life+, so if he goes to the US he'll stay locked up. If he goes to trial in Mexico I'd imagine he'd go away for 5-10 years. He's technically already been convicted in the Rosalio Reta and Jose Trevino cases (20+ years combined), but I assume they'd find a way to let him out earlier than that.

  20. @12:49 lets bet of the mexican government of pena nieto is in cahoots with the US and z40 walks before epn is out of the presidence...the US may give z40 a professorship on Harvard or Yale Universities, obama phone, obama-care and food stamps, z40 is a farmer after all,

  21. @ 10:10 AM
    If the Mexican "judicial" system gets away with letting Miguel Trevino walk free the way they did with Chapo, Caro Quintero, the Marisela Escobedo thing, and countless others, there'll be outrage...for a few days, then they'll do something else bad, and the attention will have to shift to that. Even if he stays in prison though, it's not like he's going to be denied privileges...


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