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Monday, January 5, 2015

Rurales Commander, 'El Americano', charged with aggravated murder

by Lucio

The First Criminal Court in Morelia issued a formal arrest warrant forLuis Antonio Torres,alias  "el Americano".

At 4:30PM Judge Consuelo López read her decision, charging El Americano and the 9 men who turned themselves in,  of aggravated murder, citing the group of  being responsible for 10 of the 11 deaths.

She ordered formal imprisonment for Americano and his group.

Judge López, reported that not only was Americano at the scene, but he was a participant in the shootout and fired a weapon.  He also tested positive for gunshot residue on his right hand.  

Only a fraction of persons from Americano’s group have turned themselves in,  there is a total of 15 others who had warrants issued against them, they remain at large.

She said that it had not yet been determined who began the conflict.


  1. wow everybody is going Down

    1. Is to early to tell this is barely the begining! 15?? of them are still out there.. they probably already fleed to some place. rats

  2. Hahahaha El Marranicano se la pelo! I wanna see him get away from this one!

  3. This judge has gone now from being a villain to a hero who's life is now in danger since holding Americano under detention until the investigation is complete. Somebody might be upset that El Americano is in custody and no longer carry out his cartel activities. Then again the Cartel de los Viagras will probably be fine without him. Los Viagras are getting hard and I'm not talking Pfizer.

    1. You forget El Porky Americano got a deal with Castillo that 15 of his guys could stay free while he and only 9 other of his group waited to see how this all went down. Those Viagras, who Castillo said in a press conference tested positive with ballistic tests, are out there now.

      God Help Michoacán.

  4. Who cares who started the conflict first. Fuck this dude! From day one he looked like he was up to no good. His intentions were never good.

  5. t means Z E R O he has yet to offer his evidence, which he could have, and IMO that is part of the plan,

    that means in the next phase he will and likely he will be set free because of his proof he was not there and he did not begin the attack. and then all the guilt will be on Hipolito and his people. it would have been a PR nightmare to allow him to go free at this very early point. with out a doubt he knew exactly what the decision would be because it is part of the overall plan

    1. They just said he had residue...why not wait to see what happens before running around like chicken little and claiming that,"the sky is falling"....Bigger fish than this fool have fallen.

    2. O shit I actually thought for a few seconds there might be some justice there.He was charged so quickly compared to Mora but maybe they needed time to hatch their plan.

  6. We need to pray for the lower level government officials to be able to carry out their duties in an honest basis! At this point it seems they are just following orders from those above them! Actions speak louder than words, only time will tell, but if the past is an example Castillo is not to be trusted! Maybe in the end he rights the ship and males well with the true AD! Let's hope that is true and he could re -deem himself! He's already got blood on his hands by not being able to protect Hipolito's son from the violence!

  7. Yes!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck this clown! Lock his ass up and let him rot.

    Now catch la tuta and I can die happy

  8. I'm Confused? Americano's group is charged with 10 of 11 murders, and Hipolito's group is also charged with 10 of 11 murders? Something does not add up! No wonder the process is a circus!

  9. @7:52 el Marranicano, wonderful, i had been looking for the word...
    Now if el marranicano was in contact with el castillo de cagada during the attack on hipolito mora, why is el comisionado not under arrest and being investigado???

  10. Sorry to be an armchair opinion-thrower here, but I really believe that one of the problems in Mexico right now is that this strategy of officially charging Americano with something so that the gullible mob is satisfied, and then probably letting him go soon after, works very well for the authorities. No everyone will think the court did its job, everyone involved will get their bribe money from Americano, and he'll go on with business as usual.

  11. So what he was not the real problem the problem is la mami and pollo so who really want hipolito mora death

  12. Isn't it cool when the criminals can just be tricked into turning themselves in?

  13. She's all talk because of the flack about detaining Mora. This is just a typical show and tell process for El Americano so the government can appear to be "equal and fair" in justice (of course we all know this is not true). They need to save a little face for now. This is just a farce.

  14. Lero Lero, Lero Lero Americano se la pelo!!... Judge to be found dead, coming soon to BB.

  15. hahahahahah pinche Americano pendejooooo.

  16. ... From A Bureau Of Forensic Services Physical Evidence Bulletin ... Do not sample if the subject has washed his/her hands or bathed since the shooting incident ... Washing Of The Hands Or Body Is Likely To Remove All GSR Residue ... The Time Interval Between Shooting And Sampling Should Not Exceed 4 Hours ... Do Not Sample If The Subject Is Found In The Possession Of, Or Is a Known To Have Or Have Handled A Firearm ... This Analysis Cannot Distinguish Between Having Fired A Weapon Or Simply Handling A Firearm ... I Would Bet That Their Fresh GSR Came From The Gun On The Helicopter Which Is In The Photo Of El Americano Getting In It ... That Helicopter Will Be The Cause Of Their Positive Testing And That Evidence Will Get Thrown Out ... Maybe A Little Prison Time For Both Parties Involved, Slap To The Wrists And For Them To "Play" Nice Together ... Maybe The Forensic Handling Is More Accurate In Mexico Vs The United States As The Justice System Is Not A Good Example ...


  18. Viva, la tuta free to Rome mex once again!

  19. Americans running shit in Mexico. First La Barbie and now Americano. Who would have figured that.

    1. Americans Don't claim these fools!

    2. Neither one ran shit for the majority of their criminal career...Both answered to a higher power for most of their time...The ones that have ran shit are the people who fought against the corruption i.e., that lady in the recent post, mireles, and smurf all led lives in the USA before returning to Mexico to help with the uprisings, as did El Americano

    3. La barbie definitely had his own crew that would do things for him. He must be in witnesses protection now, there hasn't been any news about him for a good year or two.

    4. la barbie answered to el barbas most of his career, after barbas died, he was on his own, but only for a short while

    5. Yeah your right. I would still like to know what happened to la barbie. He doesn't strike me as someone who can sit in witness protection his whole life. Probably too boring for him.

    6. If that Arturo Beltran Leyva dog was still alive.... la barbie would be free like a volture. He wuld not be in a cage

  20. Castillo has urgency to eliminate all AD from Michoacan so he can negotiate freely with organized crime. Some brave soul needs to kill Castillo.

  21. "I Feel Like a PENDEJO" says americano

  22. ... Not Sure About The Pendejo Thing, But Most Of The People Who Were In The Back Of The Transport Helicopter Had Luggage, As If They Were Going On A Mini Vacation ... Any Great Lawyer Will Tear Into The Residue Testing ... All False Positives For Hipolitos Group And El Americanos Group ...

  23. "The judge couldn't decide who started the confrontation"

    Americano did. He and his men stormed the roads outside of Hopilito Mora's house, and started cocking their assault rifles. Self defence from the real AD.

    If they didn't start it, they wouldn't be there in the first place. C'mon, people need to use their common sense.

  24. I bet he is charged ... a few million pesos to make it all go away n mora will get shafted like dr m

  25. In a few months he will be out. Guaranteed

  26. Sp when is LA PUTA Tuta going to be charged with MASS MURDER?

  27. La barbie gave bus fare to the girlfriend of the zeta that was trying to kill him and sent her home with their child, he also earned for the BLO, and he earned his place, more than el H who is not known for fighting for his position, until el barbas died, not cooperating has landed both of them in jail, but la barbie is more of a gentleman than a lot of sicarios

  28. The trial is for show only. If you can read in between the lines the judge said it was not yet known who started the gunfight. Everyone is going to use the self defense defense. And that will be how everybody walks, not being able to legally prove who started the fight, and who was defending themselves. My guess.


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