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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Brief Timeline of the Hipólito Mora-El Americano Shootout

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

Marco Antonio Duarte, correspondent in Michoacán for Noticias MVS unveiled a series of videos of the shootout in La Ruana between the groups of El Americano and Hipólito Mora that occurred on December 16, where 11 people were killed, amongst them the son of Mora, Manolo Mora.

Part 1: (0:4)

Part one of the video shows a group of about 30 men mostly youths and teenagers posing for the camera with laughter and yells showing sticks and slingshots which appear to be new.

The footage is being shot from the bed of a truck outside of a grocery and wine store in La Ruana called “Acuario's”.  Thanks to a 360 panoramic shot, we can observe how the group of El Americano prefers to show off armas blancas (knives?) rather than the assault rifles and pistols that several men are carrying behind the camera.

Part 2: (0:24)

Part two of the video shows at least 30 vehicles belonging to El Americano’s group most of them are luxury trucks that are armored and there are also some with the Fuerza Rural logo.  Outside of the store we can see women and kids as well as two men who are carrying an AR-15 and AK-47.

Part 3: (0:44)

Part 3 of the video shows El Americano’s people getting into their trucks and beginning to head towards the checkpoint, while the radio frequency “Dos Metros”, a voice is heard inciting violence: “Take pipes, sticks, slingshots, everything.  We’re on our way over”

Part 4: (1:26)

It’s not until part four of the video where more than 30 vehicles are heading towards the checkpoint of Hipolito Mora, with the voice of El Americano in the radio frequency indicating: “I’ve had it up to here, the problem wasn’t with Hipólito, nor with those, it was with the gendarmerie, so now let them endure it; they are telling us to turn around, let them endure it, to hell.  Everyone come over here”. (sic)

In the course of the convoy, El Americano continues, giving instructions prior to the attack: “The problem was with the gendarmerie.  Hipólito brought people, well then, let’s show them what can be done with sandbags and what can be done with weapons, to hell”. (sic)

Part 5: (2:49)

Part five of the video continues with the convoy of luxury trucks, the Fuerza Rural vehicles, and the vehicles of El Americano approaching the checkpoint of Hipólito Mora, located in the ranch of “Los Palmares”, along the avenue that connects La Ruana with the intersection of the road Buenavista-Tepalcatepec.

Part 6: (4:32)

In the last video, the men of El Americano have arrived at the checkpoint of Hipólito Mora from the east and attempt to enter from the side, with assault rifles ready to fire.  Unable to enter the ranch, the fans of El Americano return to the road screaming profanity, approaching within 10 meters of the checkpoint to attack with rocks and sticks.

Later, several of his men shelter themselves behind the trucks that they managed to place close to the checkpoint, where their tempers are exacerbated with the arrival of the group of vehicles: a Chevy Silverado, another Jeep Liberty with the number 27 of the Fuerza Rural, and another Dodge Durango, with the Fuerza Rural logo.  Immediately we hear “Draw, draw”, challenging Hipólito Mora’s people.

The people of El Americano split up their aims and aim their rifles both at the checkpoint and towards the west side of the road, where another convoy has arrived around 50 meters from where they are, until then, it is unknown who’s convoy it is.  Suddenly three shots are heard, which triggers the shootout.

From the group of El Americano shouts are heard “Throw the papas, throw the papas”, an order to throw grenades.  From this same side, someone tries to yell to hold fire, recognizing that at the other end of the road, there are men who might belong to El Americano and amongst the crossfire, innocent people are also found.


  1. Truck-loads of people armed with weapons
    and no police in sight.

    Now somebody is trying to confuse us with the facts, after the expert criminal
    analysis of el castillo de cagada and the judge who would be a better tortillera, el marranicano paints hisself with his own recorded shit, ricochetting boomeraang shit, I hope some gets to el pinche castillo de cagada, his shit castle, and the cagada party of el 'pri'...el ericano says the problem was with the gendarmeria, AND the gendarmeria started shooting, el americano's psychotic psychopaths shot at friend and foe, and threw papas, in spanish, what is there to investigate? Oh I know, the part where el marranicano says "...'perate guey, me'sta hablando el comisionado...''

  3. Amazing more people were not killed.What are these idiots killing each other over?
    And you hear there are gente inocente also there,the workers were obviously scared.
    Unbelievable scenes,who do they think they are doing this?What is the goal?
    Whatever else,they need to get all these armed idiots out of the way,how many of these guys used to be cartel related?

  4. Armas.blancas means cuchillos, knives or navajas, of course punales too, but some Mexican-american masked "men" who are known as punales mexico may protest about the racism on calling colored names to the punales, like el enmascarado blanco de blancol, el mil mascaras...

    1. 10:55 AM
      Heres millie the lonely monster hijacking posts again with race issues?Why don't you fuck off to BDN you will definitely be welcomed there,by the way,still in the US ?


    2. Count at least 5 posts by the monster of hate?You really should get out more?

  5. Where is papa pitufo in all this it seems like hes the smart one from mireles n mora

  6. somehow, these kinds of deaths resulting from shootouts are less concerning than the ones where people are dismembered and left in the street, or corpses hanging from bridges and/or seated in roundabouts. the latter point to a greater impunity....just from that alone, it would seem Mexico is making progress...also large numbers of cops haven't been killed at one time, in along while

  7. Suprises me how fast they took down the auto defensas and how they let the real criminals roam free With no investigations done or any attempts to even find them or track them I bet u the real crime boss here is EPN and the cartels pay him to operate

  8. Castillo says that the video is fake, bogus, and that it was made and produced in Hollywood on a movie set. Just like the NASA moon landing. All staged and fake made by the USA to discredit the EPN administration.

    Castillo is the main sorcerer for the administration and only he knows the past, present and future. Whatever video is available is not accurate but made to look real by the movie studios in the USA. He needs to save face since if he loses this job he has to go back to the circus and his sideshow act.

  9. Castillo must be the next Kim Jong Il, he's pretty good at convincing the people their eyes are lying to them, I hope he knows the world is watching. But for real the agenda is much bigger than we think, the U.S. and Mexico have bigger plans and see us as speed bumps, they might slow down for a second but keep on moving leaving roadkill behind. Before we call the Mexicans dumb lets look at our own ignorant asses first. We should start a fund to help the honest Mexican people fight back. Im not Mexican but my wife is, her mother disappeared in 2010 when she went to visit, you could just imagine the run around they got there.

  10. So why were Americano's men there in the first place with asualt rifles, and grenades? And why is Castillo speaking up for El Americano? Does this have anything to do with Hipolito maybe running for public office?

  11. Anyone know anything about what happened in Apatzingan yesterday? Los Viagras killed and setting ambushes for authorities in revenge,there are pictures of the dead online and video of convoy?Looks like Viagras after being fucked?Some of our Mexican/Michoacano bros might know more?

    1. For real there were like 16 killed on Monday/Tuesday not sure when but not one article has been written about that incident? In the news they said armed men attacked a military base to reclaim some vehicles that were confiscated by the military..

  12. Any word on wat happen apatzingan????

  13. Castillo needs to be arrested his crimes are similar to those of iguala mayor.

  14. Does anyone in Michoacán work? Who feeds all these clowns riding around in stolen cars and trucks? Are they allowed to carry weapons to protect themselves from cartels or from themselves? Es un desmadre bien desoragizado.

    1. I would say the same things about they WORK? Why are they out there clogging the city freeways in their cars at 11am on weekdays? Why are they out there protesting during work hours?

    2. All I know is that any of those beautiful trucks were a lot nicer than my truck.

  15. Mexico strategy is to keep any potential enemies to there rule divided and weak while maintaining influence over them. Whether cartels or self defense groups, the play is the same, and the goverment is well versed. And at the right time, turn them against each other. Do you remember when the self defense movement started and Dr Mireles was in charge. That's when this movement had the best chance to truly change Mexico, now, I hate to say it, but these groups are just another gang. Mireles was more dangerous to the Mexican governments rule then all the cartels combined, and they will do what they have to to discredit Mireles, and destroy the movement. Divide and conquer. Castillo pretends to be a friend to el americano, but at the right time Castillo will use these fights between the groups to put a final end to the self defense movement. Americano will be played by Castillo at the right time, I would bet on it. I am now more convinced than ever that the only way things will change in Mexico is to throw out the politicians and start over, have a true Civil War. Mexico has no chance to change by any other means, the goverment will make sure of that.

  16. que es lo que pelean ya ni se entiende civiles contra civiles contra narcos contra el gobierno la verdad los narcos no van andar haciendo esto ellos están tras la feria todo Mexico sabe lo que esta pasando los carteles se empezaron a pelear metieron gente que no sabe trabajar bien y muchos se salieron de control y empezaron los secuestros y matanzas que no podían controlar, muchos grandes se fueron y no se sabe nada los que andan peleando es por control de plazas en Mexico por la venta del narco menudeo mientras las toneladas siguen brincando a los Estados Unidos.

    1. Para donde se fueron? sur america. europa.espania. para donde?

  17. It looks more and more like the winner wins all...
    --'El migueladas' miguel angel gallegos godoy, el traficante mas grande de tierra caliente needed to cut kike plancarte down to size, and using familia michoacana traitors, viagras, H3; AD, hipolito, mireles, pitufo, goyo, murders, kidnapping and extortion he blamed on el kike, el chayo, la puta, tuta, el tio, and even accusing them of kidnapping children to use for spare parts and organ donations demonized the ct out of the way, with the help of his buddies at the federal government...
    --can it be true that el migueladas paid about one hundred million dollars to the CIA for his franchise???
    --looks like with the right sponsors you can do as you please...

    1. One of the oldest tricks in the book, is to get others to fight your war and conquer! The Spanish used the Aztec Indian foes to conquer, and same thing to conquer the Incas!

    2. The CIA dosn't need to take bribes. That they might have a couple of corrupted agents that is another story. It happens in all agencies. "the bad rotten apples"

      El migueladas is a big Coyoton he is the one conquering. One granjero limonero at a time

  18. CIA this,DEA that,FBI the other,US blah blah blah

    Mexico has to be sorted out by Mexicans,no-one else.Stop whining.
    You made the problem,now you have to sort it out.The way of the world.
    Clean your OWN mess up.
    Pussies probably dont wanna hear truth,truth is not good.Moderate bitches


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