Unmanned aircraft, (Drone) falls in Zona Rio

Though in the midst of a legal battle at the Federal level, many unmanned aircraft related businesses have emerged locally, as well as nationally. In real estate, journalism, marketing and other fields, drones are being used commercially. For recreation, those who can afford one, use it as a hobby, navigating the beaches and scenic areas of the city, captu
ring images and uploading to social media sites.
Yesterday, in Zona Rio, Tijuana, the eyes fell from the sky, carrying 6 pounds of methamphetamine, assumedly headed across the San Ysidro border. The drone was a 'Spreading Wings S900', with 6 propellers and lithium batteries. This drone model retails for about $1500. It may become more common to see these type of smuggling attempts take place, as smaller traffickers seek cost efficient, reliable ways to cross product.
At maybe 2,000 a pound, the crystal will wholesale for maybe 2800-3000 a pound once on the US side. At 3k a pound times six, thats a roughly 6k profit, minus the 1500 or so for the drone. It may become an accepted way to bypass the line, with it's many hassles, variables and watchful eyes.
Authorities believe the drone crashed because of the weight of the crystal packages, it may take trial and error, but with the cheap price of methamphetamine and relative cheap cost of drones, it will easily be done.
Video shot where the drone crashed, from AFN Tijuana
Arriva el CAF... La familia sigue viva puro zona Norte aretes all 100
ReplyDeleteArrriva con 6 kilos que duro pero dale fuerte raza como se pueda
DeleteY como sabes que era del CAF, tantos grupos que hay en Tijuana
DeleteWow lol
ReplyDeletePERSONALLY i believe that anyone selling METH or HEROIN OR ANY OTHER drug like them SHOULD face a firing squad or be hung by the neck until dead.
Its just funny that they are now trying with drones, but yea anyone trying to hook their neighborhood or race on drugs and not use that money to give back to the community should die even if they give the community the money it would still kind of not feel right to let these dicks get away. You got to remember to that its the governments fault all of this is happening because most drug dealers and sicarios are poor people who need to make money fast and cant wait 20 years to save money from working at mc donalds. If the government were to stop being greedy and corrupt then their would be better jobs than selling crack to your own countrymen.
Delete@ 4:00 Is that all you could say? The thing right there is METH do you know what that means?.. stupid
DeleteI agree with 11:55, drug dealers don't make them use drugs, parents who failed did
Delete@ 3:02 read my reply to theprophet on 11:39. That will answer your questions.
DeleteFirst Texas does not belong to Mexico. When Santa Anna got his ass severally kicked for killing all the People in the Alamo he gladly signed over Texas and other Areas to save his Cowardly Ass. In Was you Lose --You lose it all. Game Over--Mexico Lost the war. END OF STORY.
DeleteStill waiting on my comment to be posted Borderland Beat so i can school this asshole @9:55
Delete9:52 PM
DeleteEnd of story...And keep waiting
Just remember @3:56 the texans were racists who wanted to bring slavery to mexico. And also look at an old map, texas was apart of mexico.
DeleteThis kind of story reminds me of the Men & Women on the frontlines. Yes, Frontlines as any warzone . The Men & Women of Homeland Security /Border Patrol/ Customs/
ReplyDeleteThey are our only hope top keep the filth like in this article from reaching U.S soil.
Thank you :) You are appreciated.
Yea well half those men and women that make up homeland security are hispanic sellouts that will deport an immigrant within a heartbeat just to show out for the white cop. Homeland security is another filth.
DeleteI back the officers of Homeland Security. Yes there are bad ones , very few.
DeleteMost are good people
No bad cops in rio grande valley go pick up dirk some where else
DeleteThere may be good ones but i bet most are very ignorant on the south west belonging rightfully to mexico.
DeleteThe 5:21 vato is just pissed cuz he got thrown back by CBP thats all hahahaha n yes there work is appreciated if they threw your dumb ass back.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete"Gave the kids free Meth until they were Addicted and then he Destroyed them"
If anyone believes this guy,you must be smoking meth with him?Why do people lie like this?Attention,kudos,recognition?Who gives drugs away to schoolkids for free?Media bullshit.. Unbelievable
@ 9:39 do you mean 5:21 or 5:34?
Delete10:38 even pimps give it away for free, drugs get passed around for free, usually by friends, 'friends' are men's best friend, you know? Look at mexico best friend, and then at its next best friend, and on and on and on...
Delete11:50 i meant 5:21 but it looks like it also fits 5:34 they are both or its they same moron
DeleteThey are different @11:35. Its kind of obvious.
DeleteIf they would have only shipped half or two thirds of that it woulda probably been ok. Trying to pack on that last pound or two and now the product and drone are gone, smart.
ReplyDeleteSTFU. How would you had like it if instead of meth or other type of drug... it was some dirty weapon.. heading right tours one of the cities of California to hit a couple of "spots" what you say about that? mr. einstein
DeleteGreat another paranoid weirdo
Delete@7:07 i cant understand a fucking thing you said dude
DeleteThose immigrants have all the rights to come to the US the RIGHT WAY, not by doing it illegal like they wanna do it. Follow the rules n its easy dont follow the rules n they are getting shipped back. Homeland Security is there to see that everything is done the RIGHT WAY. Homeland Security must be a better job than what u have if you are crying over n about it.
ReplyDelete"those" immigrants. "right way" "wanna do" "dont" "shipped back" (news flash ships won't get far)
Delete"Homeland security is there to see everything done the right way"
damn, go back to school you are embarrassing yourself.
and not even aware of it
All we need now is for Customs Border Patrol to start shooting these puppies down then mistake them with a Media drone n get sued over it
ReplyDeleteThat thing flew over my apartment yesterday. It was being chased by a UFO shooting out light beams. Now I know what happened. Thanx.
ReplyDeleteat 6:43 PM
Delete" It was being chased by a UFO shooting out light beams "
Lmao love it
But is kind of funny to see that drone on the ground all messed up, with it's packaged crap still on the side of it. like a modern donkey carrying weight lol
ReplyDelete2000 dollas a pound for crystal? Who do you know? That's a lil cheap, wholesale it's closer to 2500-3000 with the people i knew
ReplyDeleteTrue!! 2800 for 10 or more...
DeleteThe 1st picture looks like drone is intact the 2nd picture looks like somebody stepped all over it. So maybe it did make it to the safe zone, but upon arrival BB reporter swooped in and spoiled the fun so there was nothing else left to do but stomp it n make it seem like it crashed.
ReplyDeleteIts the same picture but the first picture is at a different angle so it makes it look like an illusion.
DeleteThat's the good thing about the USA. I read an article where they are well aware of this tactic and most likely already have a detection capability. I will say for 1500.00 dollars this is most likely a piece of crap and that is why it crashed. The drones used by military personnel has stealth features and is undetectable. I am more than certain at the price they paid for this, it lacks that feature. May as well buy a bunch of remote controlled helicopters at a cheaper rate. Too funny.
ReplyDeleteThey sell drones at the sprint store which is crazy.
DeleteNo ocupas gastar mucho ,basta con hacerle una mexicanada y verás que funcionará mucho mejor
DeleteHar har har, those about to be raped always talk about the "RIGHT WAY", like some one should go and ask for heir hand in marriage or sompin', mil mascaras would say,''relax, and enjoy it''...
ReplyDelete--if it wasn't for breaking the laws we'd still be getting scalped for a dollar a scalp by the US army of the men who skin their friends alive...
--AMERICAN SNIPER movie making millions of dollars, clit eastwood knows what sells movies, but does he say why the US took the snipers off the battle feld?
--some say the iraqi combatants refused to keep fighting the allies if the american contractors they 'worked' for not take them american snipers away...
--i suspect this drone program is just some capitalist idea more than a burrero idea
"i suspect this drone program is just some capitalist idea more than a burrero idea,some say the iraqi combatants refused to keep fighting the allies if the america " Blah blah blah,ugg,ugg,ugg
DeleteOhh millie we should worry about you..You have a definite conspiracy complex..
I wonder how many likes your comments would get?
Nada,ninguna,cero...Tu histérica
CHIVAAA!!! Is there a way to put the number of views per post on each post? And likes/no likes with comments, i know you are too busy being a princess and all, but maybe you can help
ReplyDeletePendejo . you lost your dope
ReplyDeleteJob Security for U.S.A. Homeland Security might get unlimited OVERTIME just to try to spot the drones
ReplyDeleteMaybe a no fly zone for drones within 1 mile of the border other than border patrol or police drones.
ReplyDeleteHow could you enforce that?
DeletePut money that its Mildred (millie)
you tell them chivis. it is pretty clear on this main page that not all comments are posted, says so in black and white at the top there.
ReplyDeletebtw, good to see you kept your word to stick around and help.
thank god comments are moderated, the majority of those posted we could live without.
ReplyDeletewhat's all the fuss here, obviously if your comment isn't posted, it was because it was shit.
Vatos pendejos primero vieran visto si iva aguantar😂
ReplyDeleteResearch & Development. Doing some dry-runs to see the capabilities of the hardware.
ReplyDeleteAte these guys freaking kidding me? What dumbasses would use this method to bring drugs into the US? Hell, Mexicans can't even drive. How in the hell they would fly a done? Idiots!
ReplyDeleteDrones can be detected by DHS easily. Infrared and other technologies are equipped by DHS to find these flying objects especially the one that's pictured.
ReplyDeleteI woulda kept it if I came across it. Sell it quick
ReplyDeleteWhen i was living in Juarez back in the early 2000s, i knew a few players in the coke business back then, most of whom are probably dead by now. However i would hear of few of the strategies used by them to smuggle dope. one of them being the use of radio controlled airplanes that they purchased at a Hobby Lobby in El paso for about $500 bucks and a $250 dollar GPS tracking device. I was never ever present to see them in action but what i was told that they would operate out in deserted areas moving anywhere from 2-3 kilos of blow about twice a day per plane. It was my understanding that it was several people pushing planes across the border while other people tracking the GPS coordinates on this side of the border would drive on 4-wheeler to where the planes landed in remote areas of west Texas. The planes where later taken back to Juarez that same day by the group that collected the dope on the Texas side. So to hear the unmanned drones are now being employed does not surprise me at all, essentially this tactic has been used for 15 years now.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the DHS when all of that is happening? do they work, or they just waste the fuel and automobiles
DeleteThis is just the one they discovered. No telling how many were/are successful. This might just be a case of being greedy or lazy, if not an intentional distraction.
ReplyDeleteSimple Solution-
ReplyDeleteHave American Army drones destroy the smaller drones- or - have that whole area scrambled with radio waves- they would not be able to contol them.
The idea that would stop humans traffkers would never be approved by ACLU. It involves drones with heat sensors shooting traffikers with "knockout" tranquilisers. Knock out every single human crossing that area and have Border Patrol pick them up-there would be no chase or conflict because they would be knocked out from the tranquiliser.
Wont happen. There are already drones here at the border however like the ones you would see in Iraq. I believe drones are used but usually in deserted areas where you wouldn't expect it. I'm sure this was an incident with a smaller drug dealer. Usually the bug loads are worth about 500k vs the few grand this guy lost unfortunately
DeleteCoal trains from mexico used to bring TONS of cocaine to the US since dick cheney made partner with mexican railways corporations and ernesto zedillo the hardvard professor formerly known as mexico's president being protected by the US from prosecution for crimes agains humanity because of Acteal, Aguas Bancas, El Charco Chenalho... among other massacres of mexicans by his sicarios, Not by 'narcs' at all...
ReplyDeleteThis is another tool in the elaborate smuggler's arsenal. The US recalibrated radar capabilities to detect one-person fliers not too long ago, they need to make another leap to detect these things, but they are very SMALL; as soon as Fox news picks this up and ratches up the paranoia about it being used with radiation or biologicals or whatever gets their viewers' hot-pocket addled brains riled up, then CBP/Homeland will respond. Maybe they need Montel Williams to take up the struggle, Tahmoresi style.
ReplyDeleteSmugglers should stick with the onagers/catapults, those seem to be the best bang for the buck.