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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Judge rules Mora will be charged

El (December 3, 2015) Source: Reforma. Translated by un vato for Borderland Beat [This is a follow-up to Lucio's earlier post in which Hipolito Mora's lawyer still expressed some optimism that he would be released today. It appears that the judge has ruled that there are sufficient evidentiary elements to sustain a murder charge, so they will remain in prison until trial. --un vato]

MORELIA, Michoacan.-- The First Criminal Court issued an order of formal imprisonment for the founder of the self defense forces in Michoacan, Hipoplito Mora.

The judge ruled that there are elements to charge the activist and 26 of his men for the shootout on December 16 in La Ruana, which left 11 people dead.

(Mora), also a commander with the Rural Police (Fuerza Rural), was arrested on December 27, after he negotiated with authorities for his and his group's surrender. That same day, they were confined in the Mil Cumbres prison, charged with homicide.

The State Attorney General imputed responsibility to these 27 individuals for 10 of the 11 deaths that resulted from the shootout they sustained against the followers of the former Rural Police commander, Luis Antonio Torres, "El Americano".

The defense argued that its clients acted in self defense and were carrying out their duties.

Still pending is the resolution regarding the other 10 detainees, among them "El Americano", which will be known next Monday.


  1. Er yeah, stay classy Mexico.

    1. Lets see what they say about el Porky pig next monday... it all depends on one thing.. can any one guess what that is??.. lol

    2. It is what it is, it happens all the the time in the "great" U.S. if there is a murder you will get arrested until all the facts prove your innocence or your guilt. Not only in Mexico, so stay put until you get all the facts and then pass judgement.

    3. Americano turns the table n is let go on self defense, ANY BETS???

    4. 8:03 ..actually is two things

  2. We will know about americano next monday after his crew leaves the a.d. homeless or killed and have no way of stacking them. Basically leaving them defeated. They know what they're doing. Fucked up..

  3. Didn't I tell you they were walking into the lion's den? Yet some idiot foul mouthed freak replied that I was wrong and he knew everything bla,bla,bla .

    1. Yeah but he probably would have been murdered so guess jail is the lesser of the 2 evils They say narcos end up in 1 of 2 places;death or jail but same thing with ADs unfortunately.Lets see what happens with Americano on Monday.His charges actually might stay because I think Castillo was getting sick of him causing too much heat at a bad time with international eyes on Mexico but they might go easier on him which was blatant at his arrest.

  4. I don't think a crystal ball is needed. Mora will be charged with the murder of all but his son. El Americano will be released due to insufficient evidence that he killed Mora's son ~ because of course, they 'forgot' to collect his weapons for forensic testing after the crime. Another sad day for justice in Mexico.

    1. Spot on summary, err.. prediction, of what's to come.

      I called this as well, when I first saw the video of the shooting.

      I knew that pick-up truck would be the demise of Mora and his men.

      What is the most depressing thought of all of this, is the fact that Mora had no choice in this situation at all and lost his son.

      Had he declined to turn himself in, he would have been the one hunted down and portrayed as the enemy.

      These times will be looked back upon the same way we read of the Nazi's and Stalinists we read in our history books today.



  5. This is just a test too see if the citizens will revolt and cause a civil war, americano will be set free on Monday then the waters will be tested by spilling blood seeing if the sharks bite

  6. Lmao so mexico , surprised they didn't charge him with killing his own son

    1. Momento. momento. momento'. Camara. ... Aicion.

  7. @3:43 Stay classy, one stupid judge, part of one stupid government without class, does not make a 'mexico'...
    --just like a bunch of mass murdering war criminals do not represent all of the american people...

  8. He never had chance, many more will be arrested and many more will die. Very sad

  9. The judge is playing stupid, orders of el castillo de cagada and pena nieto, the secretary of the navy francisco vidal soberon has advised the troublemakers that the state has everything they will need to suffocate any and all movements against el gobierno, sounds like thepeple's masters really believe in themselves...
    --epn says 'ya superenlo', (get over it) as if the killed, kidnapped, murdered or disappeared by presidential edict will be easily forgotten by another presidential edict...
    --the world is watching and commenting, epn andhishenchme have nowhere to go...

  10. Mora or no mora, mireles or no mirels, che guevara is delivering, he is coming back as millions, and the armed forces do not have enough bullets, weapons, macanas or prisons for everybody, as senator layda sansores said

  11. Let's clarify one thing, JUDGES in Mexico hardly ever base their decisions on the law. This is just another example of a corrupt person with NO DIGNITY that will sell her soul and reputation to climb the ladder of corruption to land a job that will get her a higher level job with bigger amounts per sellout. Its time to HANG all this SOBs at "El Zocalo" to bring justice to Mexico.

  12. That is the classic justice in mexico the inocent go to jail and the real criminals go free mr hipolito mora acted valid self defense justice in mexico is a joke

  13. Where is el narco traficante mas 'grande' de tierras caliente

  14. A failed country with failed people and a failed government. If this all goes down like it looks, there is no hope for Mexico. Anyone who wants a life better starting north.

  15. The MX government is only as good as what Washington allows. Middle East monarchies are hardly propagandized against while the USA media forever attacks nations that refuse neoliberal marching orders from US-NATO.

  16. U KNOW Wat Fuk It Thers no wining I give /up u fukin serious! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. And Tuta is FREE and living LARGE and laughing at Mirelles and Mora!

  18. Ok, so hipo and his men were in a firefight dec 16th. He was brought in on the 27th? Gun residue on his hands? So during that time he could've gone hunting, cleaned his guns, reloading his own cartridges... or am i missing something??

  19. It's not reality that matters, it's what they tell the people! They feel he people of Mexico are to stupid and ignorant! Most people will vote for the PRI because they have given them free T - shirts, 7 dollar gift cards, and Flat screen TV'S in the past! What is the price of a free and just society?

  20. This is mexico and nothing should surprise anyone. Let's see 43 students dead, 72 migrants dead, Dr mireles in jail, along with mora....Peña nieto still president. Well mexico is a fucking joke....the bad news is that there is a lot of ignorant mexicans in the USA with the same sickness, where they still defend Peña nieto and el pri....why??because they think that mexico is the national soccer team. Wish american people change the laws and send all" mexicans " back to mexico maybe them they realize what a genocide HELL HOLE mexico really is.....don't bother using profanity against me., give it some time and it will happen.

  21. Mexican business engineering 101... kissing the ass of the US as the US see fit makes big bucks for many in the mexican government, the MIERDA ACCORDS are one example, that judge's ass smells like powder, she should be arrested...
    --the top control system of government facilitates the reignin in of the mexicans tha the US government finances and lovingly accepts, of course, if it is for the well being of america's business...
    --US friendly dictatorships that do as told can be as much the sonofabitches as they want, as long as they belong to the right cabal, AND pay the admission price, with their peoples' ass, proof is, nothing gets done until the US protests to be on the losing people's side, with words...
    --all the populist discourse the US does for ass kissing comes accompanied with well greased weapons to help the poor mexican government deliver their message of law and order up the ass of the mexicans...
    --problem is, you wish the american government was behind it all, and got done with it, problem is the animals using the amerikkkan government to do their job for them, for monetary gain...


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