Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Mexico Interior Department (Segob) announces Castillo's departure

Proceso (1-22-14) Translated by un vato for Borderland Beat (

Se va Castillo

(Update: In my earlier translation I erroneously said that Castillo's departure was not  related to the upcoming elections. The actual story quoted Osorio Chong to the effect that the removal of Castillo was related to the upcoming elections. I apologize for the error. Some comments to the story have already given us some interesting information on General Felipe Gurrola Ramirez, his replacement. I apologize for the mistake. --un vato)

MEXICO, D.F. ( Mexico's Secretary of Governance (Segob), Miguel Osorio Chong, announced that Alfredo Castillo will leave his post as head of the Commission for Security and Integral Development of Michoacan.

"Today, we can say that the situation in which Michoacan finds itself is different..this does not mean that everything is resolved", said the Secretary of Governance during the evaluation of the Plan Michoacan.

Osorio Chong praised the performance of Alfredo Castillo in Michoacan and added: "Today this great state is stronger than it was a year ago".

The government official argued that this decision is related to the beginning of the election process.

Alfredo Castillo was appointed head of the Commission for the Security and Integral Development of Michoacan this past year on January 15. He's a member of Pena Nieto's inner circle; he served as Attorney General for the State of Mexico during the Baby Paulette scandal.

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  1. Replies
    1. Some people, like Castillo, need a good whipping..

    2. Jack,if only he was.He will probably be righteously and amply paid for his"great endeavor's"for Michoacan and Mexico?



      3 Min. To 12:00 AM..

      THE DOOMSDAY CLOCK HAS BEEN AJUSTED ONCE AGAIN! look it up. We are closer of becoming EXTINCT like the damn Dinosaurs. Thanks to many King RATS playing the rat game.

    4. Why does this guy get to comment about a stupidass doomsday clock and i cant say that castillo is actually not as bad as he sounds?


      So what time has it been adjusted to?
      Will i have enough time to have a bacon sarny?

    6. Probably not. Haha

      3 Minutes to 12:00 AM that is the time! ..the closest we've been to annihilation was during the Cold War in the 50's supposedly... with Only 2 Minutes to 12:00 AM. The closer to midnight time we are the more problability we have of HAVING A DISASTER!! ..this is some serious stuff fools. you all might see it as nothing but they use it to WARN US all, about the position the planet is in right now.

    7. We clearly have NO HOPE with this type of idiots. then THEY keep BITCHING ABOUT it. Good luck with that. Smhh'

    8. ^^^
      Millie.. is that Blackeyes Jocky Jay.. lol ???

      - Aka The Future Savior of Planet Earth? Aka.. Future King? lol

    9. Listen to millie callin everyone else millie?

    10. @3:43 this is the original millie, it doesn't really matter, but it looks like "we are legion, we are anonymous", and it is a badge of honor that there are so many other millies adding to the "confiusion", it works!!!

  2. Finally!!!!!!!!...... They should still hang this guy though.

    1. For what?.. for INEPT??

    2. its not inept its corruption they know exactly what's going on

    3. at 7:09 PM
      Oh no dude,i don't know about Castillo and ineptitude,more like sinister and calculating?

  3. Hail to the departure of the sociaopath

    in the name of the father ,the son...........

    1. Heyy chivis i bet you money castillo made a deal with la tuta thats why he did not get arrested and the reason because castillo made a deal with la tuta was that la tuta has videos with the pri party representatives when they ask him for help to win the elecctions in michoacan and this is true believe me pri will never had won without the help of cts in michoacan also la tuta still have more dangerous videos with high government officials like with silvano areoles among others .

    2. And la tuta wtf and the rest of michoacan and other parts of mexico where the ct criminal org still have control of and i know this for fact im from michoacan but not from.tierra caliente and the ct criminal org still control.most of the state .

    3. Yeah,surely there are many many CT still around?How many arrests of the rank and file?Granted they took many of the"names"but surely if the"soldiers" and infrastructure of CT are there it could be got up and running again quite quickly?Maybe Tuta didnt need the rest for his money,he talks about making meth and mines he has since the rest got fucked?

  4. Whos gona protect la tuta????

    1. Apparently Tuta currently has more power and pull than Castillo himself! They pulled the plug on the Castillo project in the nick of time!!! Now they're going to continue with another power structure, but still with the same results!!! Corruption, Corruption, Coruption!!!!

  5. I love it how people in high positions of power are never let go for incompetence....its always for a good and noble reason...

    1. They're just protecting him and they're own ass! They achieved most of what they set out to do and that was to take out what they considered the CT leadership that they considered bad for business ( Corruption )!!! They split the AD movement knowing full well it had bad characters in it from the beginning!!! They made new deals and reorganized organized crime and now it's back to business!!! Of course not all things are going as planned, and that's why they are making these move now!!! We will we what happens in the courts with the imprisoned AD!!! And the rebellious Viagras that they made deals with (Rurales), and now are backstabbing each other!!!

  6. ... He Was A Pawn Put In Place To Do A Job Or Handle A Situation ... Mission Complete, Election Time ...

  7. What does this mean though..are the dominos beginning to fall!

  8. tuta probably told him to resign lol

  9. Probably won't even make a difference smh...

  10. Now i want to see where the govoner stands. Is he lust like Castillo or was he agreeing with Castillo knowing this was going to happen.

  11. Thank God copetón finally opened his eyes and got rid of that mother eFer.

  12. Scandal after scandal But u know he made money

  13. Wait a min fools.. lets see who they replace him with, if it is another inepto worse than him, than shts are really going to get ugly.. ugly.. I wonder if... el migueladas, had anything to do with this for his own personal gain...

  14. Castillo now get to have safe dinner with tuta.

  15. ... He Will Be Back, Like The Terminator ... Please Do Not Be Surprised When It Happens ... You May See #ALFREDOCASTILLOSERVANTESFORPRESIDENT ... Maybe Just Vice President ... <<< JOKE ... But The Truth Is, He Will Still Be In Politics ...

  16. Also the other question is.. where is he going now??
    Did they find out any crooked moves on his part? like some cartel 'association' ...that is the biggity....biggity....biggity question of the moment...

  17. Probably won't even make a difference smh...

  18. Get out while the gettings good.


    interesting that Los Viagras are now in mainstream media.

  20. All his money and click same as always

  21. He completed his mission. He broke up the AD's in Michoacán.

    The AD's revolt against the narcos was only part of the movement. About a year ago, the AD's represented a real possibility of authentic democracy and representative government for Michoacán and Mexico. That is why PRI sent Castillo to destroy them.

    About 400 are still in prison, including, of course, Dr. Mireles.

    Castillo is just one more corrupt Mexican politician who'll soon be forgotten. Dr. Mireles is one for the ages - the kind of man a good country gets once a generation. The kind of man a shitty country like Mexico gets about once every 100 years.

    1. More like the kind of man mexico gets every year

    2. Did you forget that the ADs got infiltrated by cartel thugs?

    3. Every year? Bull shit

  22. Did Osorio say who would replace him, or if he will be replaced? And what was the Baby Paulette scandal?

  23. Osorio chong is full of it. "Stronger than a year ago "wow all castillo did was wipe out autodefensas. His mission is complete.of course chong is going to kiss his ass, if by stronger he means less citizens protesting and gathering for a common cause due to lack of goverment justice.Than hes right it is stronger( grip that government has over citizens)

  24. Remember Mexican politics is all theatre. He may be "officialy" gone but it doesnt mean he is letting go of any power or any lucrative deals he has going on. I doubt he or his benefactors are loosening the reigns on Michoacan. they are going to keep calling the shots only now they wont be held accountable for anything that happens in Michoacan.

  25. Felipe Gurrola Ramírez will take his place

    1. Por ahi como que va la cosa. Aver si con un general van a andar jugando.. a poner el orden se a dicho

    2. He was born on March 25, 1956 in Durango studied a degree in Military Administration at the War College. It features Master Planning and National Security at the Center for Naval Studies.

      He is an expert skydiver and graduated as Ranger Infantry School at Fort Benning, Georgia. It also features Defence Management Studies at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California.

      It is a military with extensive academic background and extensive experience in the fight against drug trafficking. In the portal of the Department of Defense, Gurrola Ramirez appears with the rank of commander of Military Region XII with jurisdiction over the states of Guanajuato, Michoacán and Querétaro.

      He worked from the 90s to the front of Special Forces in the area of Badiraguato, the land of the biggest drug traffickers in the country.

      Previously he served as Commander of the Eighth Military Zone based in the city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas and previously held the position of commander of the Ninth Military Zone, based in Culiacan, Sinaloa and the "Task Force Sierra Madre" charge to catch Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.


    3. follow this link jack

    4. He served very briefly in Sinaloa because the cartels began to threaten him by leaving mantas all over Culiacan saying they would kill him and his family if he didn't cooperate. I think he remained just a couple of months. This makes me think he may not be as "proactive" as he might otherwise be in Michoacan.

    5. Sounds like he wants to do the right thing, but may have some crooked politicians and powerful criminals tying his hands!!! Let's hope to God he has enough good people in Government that backs him in cleaning up the mess in Michoacan!!! Then again he could always be working for one criminal group VS another?

  26. Lets not celebrate yet this is mexico we r talking about
    Wen changes are made they seem to always be for the worse knowing these fucking people they will put el kommander to replace him or some stupid shit like that .
    Never cease to amaze me

  27. Sad but this won't change a thing. Just a diferent face doing the same thing as the one before and after.

  28. And who is felipe gurrola ramirez?
    --Another hijo de la chingada, but with el castillo de cagada gone the MAOistas can pretend that now, ora si they have changed, just in time for the elections...
    --Dr Mireles and the imprisoned AD will have to wait until the courts decide to find that maybe possibly, their arrests had no basis, no reason, no confessions, no evidence, and posthumously recognize and vindicate their struggles...
    --Man, see what grifa makes you do? Pipe dreams of now who will save el americano???
    And did castillode cagad have a chance to erase the fabricated videos andrecordingsof his complicity with el americano on the last La Ruana attack against the furezas especiales de hipolito mora???

  29. Does anyone know if Chong gave a reason for making him step down?
    Bittersweet in that you can bet he'll still be getting paid lots of money next year for something.

  30. They took him out to protect him from human rights and the UN but the reason he was sent in was to take out the autodefensas now with all of them gone the goverment can go back to being the masters and the narcos the puppets this is how the PRI used to handle things, drug trafficking is pretty much unstopplable unless drugs are made legal... i dont see that happening. PRI has always been crooked just read the book DRUG LORD by Terrence Poppa. A must read for anyone interested in Mexico and the drug trade.

  31. General pedorro jelipe gurrola the new commisioner and a real general, was assistant to general enrique cervantes aguirre, secretary of defense under the butcher of Acteal ernesto zedillo, he was a younger colonel whose name was confused with the name of the brother of cervantes aguirre, colonel pedro cervantes aguirre for drug trafficking...
    --ernesto zedillo's partner in weapons and drug trafficking, general enrique cervantes aguirre was the one, but girrola has bounced from veracruz to badiraguato where he took part in the heroic campaign to plant military grade weapons on sinaloa beauty queen Maria Susana flores Games, after executing her, then went to tamaulipas to divide and conquer the gulf cartel, all the recent murdering going on there happened under his watch, from veracruz to tamaulipas to sinaloa, working for the zetas, and now on michoacan, this fort benning graduate (school of the assassins for sure) must have learned something, about drug trafficking and infiltrating with his parachuting, no wonder this sicario of the atracomulco is there, with the face flaying signature of his kind of military in guerrero and michoacan for good measure...
    --dios los coja confesados...

  32. Forgot, some info from: La Huella del General Gurrola | Estado Mayor, dec18 2013
    general pedro felipe gurrola ramirez, born in durango mexico...''intelligencia militar''...

  33. For the excellent public service and gratitude rendered to the people of Michoacán, La Tuta extends his warm wishes for a continued bright future in EPN's rat nest and offers a wonderful severance package complete with medical benefits for the out going rat and his family. What a POS!

    1. jajaja Chuck E. Cheese is throwing a retirement party for the head RAT. Tuta's buying the pizzas.

  34. is there anybody honest in the Pena Nieto or Obama admintration ???????????????????????

    1. Yeah a couple of them. But sometimes the Crooked Ones are smarter than the Honest ones.. BIG FACKING PROBLEM.

      Why you think the mexicans are like they are right now. The crooked bastards are always one step ahead of the rest, making it hard to TAKE THEM DOWN. Isn't that a bitch?

    2. Unfortunately the only honest one is Tuta!!!! Sounds like a joke, but true!!!!

  35. Mexico is the paradise for this thieves they get fired from an office but instantly get another office and better paid WTF???

  36. La tuta had him by his balls the whole time. I bet he had a video of castillo visiting la tuta.

    1. I actually believe this. This abrupt departure could only mean something big is to happen, or was to happen.

      BTW -- Love you, Chivis!


  37. WHAT? You mean EPN's " lambe huevos" is no more? Did EPN get rid of him because he was going to buy a nicer ROLEX then the one EPN has or a nicer mansion? Back to the NOVELA we spoke about earlier..did EL Americano get pissed off and snitch on him?
    Perhaps now Dr. Mireles can get his freedom already? We need to celebrate el pinche LAMBE HUEVOS is gone.

  38. I can just imagine el americano on the cell phone talking to castillo, " Te dije wey, que si chingavas con migo me la ivas a pagar" and CLICK he hangs up. Karma is a bitch. Now watch this idiot run for safety to live in the USA like all the other crooked mexican presidents have done.

    1. If he did resign because of El Americano, then props to him for taking him down, but I doubt it!

  39. I hope people open the eyes what shame on alfredo castillo he no arrest the tuta only made the tramp to arrest the inocents dr mireles and hipolito mora same shit of the pri they never will win again elections for inepts corrupts rip pri en next election

  40. Maybe Castillo finally decided to take down the criminals he was working with!!!! Hmmm!!! Doubt it, but maybe?????

    1. Seem s l ike he might have been a double agent working for both himself and the government so maybe hes somewhat tackling corruption when the cartels think they are buying protection but aren't and its backfiring on them.


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