Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, January 19, 2015

The luxury narco ranch of los zetas in Coahuila

Translated for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article by Otis B Fly-Wheel

Heriberto Lazcano " the executioner "
The attorney general of the republic, (PGR )and Coahuila Authorities kept secret a luxurious ranch where Omar Trevino Morales alias Z42 operated is located near Cinco Manantiales 

(Note: Five Springs includes; Nava, Villa Union, Morelos, Zaragoza and Allende.  Allende  was the site of the Zeta's mass murder attack and destruction of dozens of homes and buildings).

From here he ordered the massacre that occurred in Piedras Negras in the north of the state, which commenced on the first few days of the year 2011.

The extensive ranch is located at kilometre 13 of the highway Villa Union - Guerrero. At this point there is a white gate that opens onto a 1 kilometre road. On the trail you can see a large radio antenna, hidden among the leafy trees that stands next to a small lake , that previously had crocodiles in but now appears dry.

At the entrance of the ranch are ads placed by the PGR warning that the property was seized by Federal Authorities. You can still see the battle scars from the confrontation between the Zetas and the Marines that " visited " the place.

The luxurious and extensive ranch was owned by Heriberto Lazcano Lazcano " the executioner ", ex leader of the Zetas, from there new trafficking routes were traced and strategies of war against CDG and the Sinaloa Cartel were designed.

El Lazca inhabited this place since 2010, and months later it passed into the hands of Z 42.

The ranch, California style, is decorated with fine wood and luxurious details that reflect the good taste of who ordered it built. There interior of the central residence is fine wood has a spacious room, large kitchen, and rooms on the second floor that stand out for their luxury, but in a simple and elegant design.

The premises have stables , corrals, spacious out buildings, wineries, playgrounds, doll houses, alternate building for guests, as well as game rooms and a large plot which highlights the small artificial lake.

The luxurious space contrasts with other narco ranches seized in Tamaulipas, Michoacan, Sinaloa, which are ostentatious, and  distinguished by poor design.

Sources of the fourth military region confirmed to Proceso that los zetas strategist operated from this site for the first months of 2010. Lazcano chose it for its strategic location, connected by lonely roads that lead to the Texas border in a few minutes. There are connections to the cities in  Coahuila, Tamaulipas, and Nuevo Leon, in addition to dozens of gaps which lead into the mountains.

Original post in Spanish at Proceso

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  1. What the hell is up with picture of Michael Jackson's house?

    1. It’s a photo from one of the rooms at MJ’s Neverland Ranch. Posting it on BB as part of a room in a drug cartel’s home is deceptive and is also called having a “lack of journalistic integrity.” Shame on whoever posted this…

    2. thank you!
      I did an image ck and you are correct. one of the media outlets used the photo. It is now down

    3. Got here to late . The neverland must have been removed .Still I wouldn't have known the difference . Drug trafficker , pedophile the world is better off with them dead . Both Jackson and the Zeta

  2. Whats the price on that bad boy crib

  3. Nobody was more was responsible for opening the gates of hell in Mexico than the now dead leader of the Zetas El Verdugo. Z-3 organized/raised a army of cartel thugs that wrecked havoc against rivals, law enforcement/military forces, and countless innocents. Lazcano's bloodthirsty for power had no equal. Dismemberment s, decapitation s, and massacres were the order of the day. However, he couldn't have carried out his plan of creating a Narco empire without the complicit help of corrupt politicians, some who still hold power, who's bottom line was the almighty dollar/peso. Where would Mexico find itself, for that matter the U.S., if El Verdugo were still alive today bent on cartel conquest.

    1. Wrong it was la prima el chapo Guzman and his ambition to monopolize the drug trade in Mexico.

    2. So the Casino Royal massacre, San Fernando massacre, the Allende/Nava massacre, did you read the article, etc. was because of Chapo's ambition/fault, and not Lazcano's and Stinky's evil. The constant battle's between the Zetas and CDG in Tamps., N.L., and Coah. is Chapo's fault also. So were shootouts between the security forces and the Zetas! That was chapo's fault too. Before you begin to absolve El Verdugo of any wrong doing, come up with reasons why Lazca is not responsible for opening the gates of hell in Mexico.

    3. Totally correct, it has always been El Chapo ever since the days of Oziel and the Arellanos. He has tried to take everyones territory from Nuevo Laredo all the way to Tijuana. To suggest other is completely moronic.

    4. Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo and else chapo Guzman who was the reason why the gulf cartel put the original zetas together. They're more responsible for the violence in Mexico now.

    5. A ke chaputo mas perronon todo lo keria solo para el y su sinaloa entonces?

      chaputo el chaparro perronon. ... lol

    6. There always a Chapo Nut-Hugger at every turn..What was bigger Lazca's ferocity or Chapo greed ? Chapo was the only reason MEXICO ran with blood.

    7. Wasn't it la Barbie who started the video taping & excessive mutilation.

    8. I guess we have some support for the genocidal Zetas and head scum Lazca. Unless I'm mistaken this article is not about Chapo. No, this article is about Z-3 and how he planned Z operations out of his 5 Manantiales ranch. Is there I'm missing because I don't recall seeing Chapo's name in the article. Me thinks Zeta sympathizers are coming out of the woodwork.

    9. Y'all stupid fucks talk about these men as if they are Gods but in reality they are nothing but cowards who prey on the weak.

    10. 3:04 What makes you think people were talking about them as if they were gods? Aren't people criticising these guys? Talking about how harmful they are to society? Dumbass, but since you started the topic... You think they only preys on the weak, it's just that you don't want to accept the reality. Lazca killed the son of the highest-ranking politician, which even cost his life, no one else does that to corrupt politicians. Are we supposed to expect keyboard warriors like you to get back at politicians? You might even be afraid to resist a random cop who is blackmailing you. I think it's silly to have anything but moral condemnation for them criminals.

  4. "in addition to dozens of gaps which lead into the mountains"

    When estakas patrolling,,gaps and trails are always checked out,ways into towns that are out of the way,places where cons can move about and sneak in and set up bases and wait.Think about how many have been caught and no-one knows about it except the ones who did it ? Now they are gone,desaparecido por completo,dried and blown away

  5. Feel sorry for 42 he will miss this nice house. I go to work everyday and live in a 500 square house, hey but I can sleep at nite and I am armed come on u sobs

  6. My uncle who lives in acuña would get picked up and taken to that place to wash their trucks. Thats crazy he said they were crazy mofos. He was always scared he would not come back but je needed the moey

    1. 8:45 PM
      Dude,your uncle doesnt sound soft neither,going to the Z base ranch..
      I wonder if Lazcano was there sometimes when they taught the young bucks how to shoot an all that shit?With CT young recruits said El Más Loco sometimes showed up and started his bullshit talks from trucks?

    2. I remember seeing zetas in acuña armed to the teeth just driving around like they owned the town
      And would keep the kidnapped contras in los alpes hotel
      Everybody knew but they would not mess with anyone. Once i got pulled over by them and was told to identify myself and just like that told me i could be there but as long as i didnt fuck around in theyre town. I got the hell outta there strait to del rio . Dont want to take any chances shitting bricks

  7. Replies
    1. That is just one! they need all the top dogs. to really mess it up, to at least diminish their control over mx territory

  8. Get your facts straight yourself. This is a proceso article otis translated and that is what it states.

    That said, Coahuila is my state, and the statement is factual, the gaps off the highways do lead to the cities of Nuevo Leon-Tamps and cities of coahuila.

    Miguel Trevino was captured on the coahuila gaps leading to Nvo Laredo, in the state of Tamaulipas.

  9. Michael jackson's house is chivis house now... like all the other states, the state of monterrey, the taste of tamaleulipas and the state of guauhuila have many municipios and cities, may of them accessed from this zeta ranch, and you know, ranch isnotonly a salad dressing...
    -- before any grammar nazi starts fucking about the state of monterrey, that is what el sinor presidente calls it, and we know pena nieto is never worng...
    --el vergudo may be gone, but his boss, shock forces specialist, stuhrmtruppenfuhrer miguel angel osorio chong is still there all over there, still practicing the politics of murder, repression and genocide, but legally for el pri that may reward him with the presidency, the first chinese president of mexico, dios los coja confesados

  10. @ chivis it said it was handed to 42 not 40 I thought Miguel was higher ranking about the ranch I wish there was video and pictures I guess I visit it how far from acuna

  11. Puro cartel d Compton CA

  12. Osiel Cardenas Jr has been arrested. The son of Osiel Cardenas Guillen who created the Los Zetas monsters in the first place.

  13. 9:45 PM

    Anyone got a medal for this guy?

  14. 40 was only in the sabinas area after lazca was killed. But he was in five springs often. I mean this is no secret folks.

    when I knew 40 was in sabinas after the baby was born I told DD. A week later he was arrested.

  15. On June 30, 2014 the remains of up to 500 bodies were found in multiple clandestine graves in and around the Cinco Manantiales area. It's obviously not a coincidence this Zeta ranch and these mass graves were discovered in the same area. That is 500 families who are missing their loved ones, and that's just in one small area of Coahuila. One, can only imagine how many other narco fosas exist around Mexico!


  16. Lol...thats way to funny !!

  17. Chivis,

    How did you know Z40 was in sabinas? Just interested to know. Is there some sort of movement around town or something?


    1. "How did you know Z40 was in sabinas?"

      Don't get it twisted she knew 40 was there,she as much said so on here,she makes no secret that she used to operate in Coahuila,and many people must have known,but what can the people do about it?

    2. the point is most people living in five springs (northern coa) know or can easily know where top zetas are. they roam publicly and some are creature of habit. like 40.

      as for sabinas in general terms, a long term trusted source, for my protection. but I was not given any info that he would be captured and that was a surprise to me.

      the person above my comment here is correct, many people know where narco mover and shakers are but are intimidated. .

      QUESTION does anyone have info about the "INCREDIBLES?":

      another thing, someone said he was stopped by Zs in acuna. I have never heard of a zeta randomly stopping anyone on the streets like that.

      Narco blockades yes

  18. ''Scared by the ghost of 'el chapo', osiel invented the zetas'' but it did not work, looks like los zetas were planted to do what they did, steal the business and give the boss away when needed, z1, z2 and z3 were all from chilangoland, for starters, osorio chong must have been reading his sun tzu Art of War, but like sun tzu, genghis chong is losing the war on drugs because: there is more money there, and he is in charge of losing it now...

  19. 40 and Lazca were in Sabinas since way before Lazca was killed, it was their safe haven, they named Reynol Bermea plaza boss because they were making a lot of money off the coal mines. That guy Reynol got whacked couple of months ago, look it up.

    1. you are incorrect and should not feed false information to people.

      lazca and omar were in the five springs areas not 40. 40 came after lazca

  20. Chivis is otis b flywheel. You just can't retire huh? Gotta keep an eye on everything and everyone huh? Ok I'll play along with this Otis. You're lucky you end up with the more interesting stories on BB.

  21. When the heat got bad these guys would sleep in the mountains in their amored SUV's lights off only 40 & 42 inside with the sentries spread around.they used to buy hunters gear 2 sizes larger and have the quilts or " cobertores " San Marcos sewn in the lining off coats and parkas at local tailors or who ever. It gets cold up in the Sierra. Nectar Lima ingenuity...

  22. Plata
    Ever heard anything about El Enano in"Cinco Manantiales"Five Springs(cocina de la región)and dozens of girls he suppose to have killed who worked with him and who he picked up?El Enano was a big Z player before he was killed in Zaca

  23. jajajaja...well no offense to Spike/Otis but I would not have chosen a writers name of Otis B.

    I help VERY little with his posts, only to assure english words used in the UK and used in his draft are changed to US English. I help with a little on the format as well. But it is all Otis, some of you know him as "SPIKE" from BB forum.

    He is enthusiastic and a fast translator, we are lucky to have him

    1. The name comes from Groucho Marx characters in the marx brothers films. In night at the opera groucho is Otis B Driftwood , and in the department store , he is private eye , Wolf J Flywheel. Its just a combo of the two names

      in case you were wondering Tia jeje

  24. Coahuila is been hot lately , otis havent you seen zocalo? Balaceras in piedras negras again .


  25. the point is most people living in five springs (northern coa) know or can easily know where top zetas are. they roam publicly and some are creature of habit. like 40.

    as for sabinas in general terms, a long term trusted source, for my protection. but I was not given any info that he would be captured and that was a surprise to me.

    the person above my comment here is correct, many people know where narco mover and shakers are but are intimidated. .

    QUESTION does anyone have info about the "ACCREDIBLE?":

    another thing, someone said he was stopped by Zs in acuna. I have never heard of a zeta randomly stopping anyone on the streets like that.

    Narco blockades yes

  26. is there a google map address where this ranch is at?

  27. Any pictures of this ranch?

  28. 5:41 ''Nobody was more responsible''...
    El Diario de Coahuila- la red 'zeta' de Alto Nivel, domingo 11 de abril de 2010 denounces governor MIGUEL ANGEL OSORIO CHONG, and many others at the top of the state of Hidago mafia associated with heriberto lazcano and los zetas, i don't know if it had anything to do with denouncing bertie boy moreira for his own corruption in his own state of coahuila, and his own zeta association, but the military/paramilitary connections of amado carrillo fuentes got their own cartel zone in NE mexico and grupo atracomulco is on all of them, from tijuana with the hank rohn to juarez and tamaulipas, and osorio chong is right there in the middle of the poop...
    --many more stories in google: 'La historia de amor de miguel angel osorio chong and heriberto lazcano'


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