Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Trickery in the normalista assassin's perp walk-Handcuffed? Nope, water-bottled!

written by lucio: Thanks out to Pepe for the images
                                                               Image 1
Even by Mexican standard of ethics, truth and transparency, this is one of those stand out gems.

The guy who appears to be handcuffed above is 'El Cepillo', the suspect arrested 2 weeks ago. This is the assassin of the missing students, and the guy who Mexico's attorney general placed his faith in to go along with the script, to provide the  truthful testimony that closed the case of the normalistas of Iguala.

In the first image, it is not in your face evident, that something is awry, but after you view the third image you will see what is up.

In the second image, the “most dangerous of assassins”  loses his concentration, forgetting he is supposed to be handcuffed, his right hand seems to have been unconstrained.

                                                     Image 2: loses concentration

In the third image it is self-explanatory, what is going on, there are no handcuffs for this “madman killer of students”.  He is gripping a water bottle. (image on next page)

In my post of January 25th, I wrote the following;

“Officials said Friday that they had detained a ”leader of the Guerreros Unidos” criminal group that prosecutors believe killed 43 college students, then burned their bodies in a case that began about four months ago.

There has been an arrest of Guerreros Unidos “leader”, Felipe Rodríguez Salgado, alias ‘El Cepillo’, who  is being detained and “interrogated."

Government officials are hoping the suspect may add details to the theory that the authorities have outlined.”

In the post, I hypothesized, that the new arrest was a necessary tactic by the federal government.  This is due to the official government version of the fate of the 43 missing students, being  widely panned.  The rejection is not exclusively by the outspoken parents of the normalistas (students), but by the majority of the citizens of Mexico.  Mexican's do not trust the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto.  In a recent poll across the nation, only 15% trust the administration.

Also noted in the post, (read the post by linking here) how peculiar it was, that on Tuesday it was announced that the government exhausted all sources of investigation in the case, yet three days later we have another bad guy, a leader no less, that will spill his guts, and provide additional information.

Mexico’s AG, Jesús Murillo Karam said a week later, that  the investigation was now exhausted, and it "gives us legal certainty that the student teachers were killed in the circumstances that have been described." 

You know the ones the bad guys and corrupt police confessed to. That the students were killed, incinerated at the Cocula landfill, and ashes dumped in the river.

Image 3: gripping a water bottle, is he
grimacing in pain, from the tight grip of the "cuffs"?

Mexico has its behind to the wall, United Nations has begun an investigation, President Obama has spoken openly to President Pena about the Iguala case, scientists and experts  have  determined the official account is “impossible”, the army is under suspicion of aiding the Iguala attacks.  As reported earlier,  it is without doubt they were blocking any inbound traffic during the second attack. (There were two attacks on the night of September 26th).  What is unclear is if they also assisted in disposing the bodies.  

I questioned if  the recent arrest  was  a ploy, so that the government would say they relied on the testimony of Rodriquez’ to close the case.   Then two days later, Murillo Karam announced just that and declaring the investigation over saying;
“The conclusion was made based on the testimony of a key suspect arrested two weeks ago, Felipe Rodriguez Salgado, who said he was called to dispose of the students. There are also 39 confessions. The conclusion is that the amount of heat from the fire and the location could have kept the blaze going for hours, (not what scientist and experts say, plus is was raining all day) and that the remains were then “crushed” and dumped in the river.”
The #YaMeCanse attorney General added;
“The conclusions were based on; 386 declarations, 487 forensic tests, 16 raids and two reconstructions."
He also wants us to know about possible army involvement “there is no evidence; the army had involvement in this case”.  Could that possibly be attributed to the fact there is not an investigation into the army involvement?   Then again, they surely already know the truth behind the allegation.

Let us revisit, the treatment of another man while he is being arrested. The vicious surgeon, who tended to the poor, humanitarian, social activist, 10 year volunteer for the American Red Cross, President of the largest migrant association in the United States, autodefensa leader, one of the founders of "Yo Soy Autodefensa" movement.

He is hooded, cuffed, head shaven, denied attorney for 14 hours,and continues to be humiliated by EPN's malevolent pitbull, Alfredo Castillo, who this week says Dr Mireles is mentally ill, and wanted not only to take control of Mexico, but planned to conquer all of Latin America.

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  1. Lucio, it would be good to try to incorporate the Universal video at the bottom of this link. It's very clear and not edited. 00:05 - 00:35 :

  2. WTF????? get these people OUT, by any means

  3. can't you send thos images to american? the water bottle, the mireles comparison with other narcos...

  4. Unbelievable! I hope this is exposed internationally.

  5. So everyone ive seen has been carrying water bottles this whole time instead of hand cuffs?? Morpheus was right!!!

  6. Lucio, some sold pen infiltrated BB and will not be happy with this EXCELLENT report.
    I wondered if some BB reporter was well paid to "once in a while" slip in reports favorable to the mexican government, casually, like unintentionally, with the best intent and the best of intentions to mislead, to get paid, maybe later, secretary of propaganda would help...
    Son of goebbels, alert...

    1. "Lucio, some sold pen infiltrated BB. I wondered if some BB reporter was well paid to "once in a while" slip in reports favorable to the mexican government, "

      Ok dude,we'll get right on it.Don't worry we are investigating your very serious claims and taking them very seriously.Weally,we do,,weally...

  7. Hahahaha you gotta love it, Viva Mexico! Mexico lindo y Querido si muero QUE NO ME LLEVEN AYI !!!!!!!

    1. "Que no me lleven ahi" not "ayi", guey! I think Mexico has enough problems as it is, they need another uppity acting asshole.

    2. Lmao,tooo much dude

    3. January 29, 2015 at 7:50 PM

      Que?como usted?Obtener un control..No me digas chingaderas,más regordet..golondrina

  8. I tought they were pushing el americano into the 'helicotero' when he finally surrendered, but they were just grabbing his ass, sexually abusing his rear end, that makes him eligible for a chastity belt and early release; what we want is the name of the photographer, the 'polesia judisial' will take care of him...

  9. I'll read the script, but I must be treated fairly. I don't even want handcuffs on.

  10. (P)artido. (R)ateros. (I)neficientes.

    (P)artido (A)favor (N)arcos

    (P)artido (R)oba (D)inero


  11. Someone meaning A LOT OF bigshots are on the take. This is a disgrace to La Republica and someone has to call The Midget and Osario Chingus on these outrages. If a full scale UN investigation can be arranged then it should. Bolivia has already accused Mexico publicly of being a FAILED NARCO STATE. More of Latin America needs to do the same including threatening Mexico with trade and financial sanctions.

  12. Looks to me like he was tortured a bit it hurts to walk not acting like if he was handcuffed. Are you looking at the same video I am??

    1. it doesn't matter idiot, the point is the water bottle

    2. This persons point is valid, possibly he was tortured so therefore they could not fit cuffs. Great name calling though, very respectful and intelligent.

  13. Its Mx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRhey trust the guy

    1. if you are speaking of epn you did not read the article, only 15% trust him and his administration

    2. They 15% of criminals!

  14. jajajajajajajaj its so bad u actualy have to laugh...

  15. Un teatro que ojala pronto se les acabe a todos estos vende patrias... A fuckin joke indeed...como dice el dicho ya ni enojarse es bueno...

  16. That water bottle is FULL OF KRYPTONITE!!! "AAHHHHH!!!"

  17. Hahahaha, Now I have to roll over and kick my legs and laugh hysterically! OK, OK, I'm just kidding but right when I think I've seen it all in Mexican corruption BB comes through to expose another unbelievable story! Thanks BB, I needed a good laugh! What's next Pena Nieto, Chong, This water bottle criminal, Tuta, Z-40, Castillo, and El Americano drinking some beer and enjoying a poker game together at El Zocalo! Aww the good old times!!!

  18. Mexico's government is making it hard for the whole country. The UN? That is not just the US, but a collaboration of all countries. I commented on a previous post I read on here, this means if proper action is not taken, Mexico will become Korea. If the citizens can't have, than no one will. Mexico does not want the UN crawling around there. Oh and a bit of advice, it would be wise for all those tough guys not to do stupid things like harming a UN representative. The previous post I read spoke of how a judge didn't find cause for "forced disappearance". As I stated in that post, Mexico cannot investigate anything in its own country on behalf of the UN. Also this will open doors to more than just the 43 missing. They will seek answers to how often officials are involved (Mayors), corrupt officials. It indicates the government is abusing the people.. I knew it would come to this. Their playground will be closing soon.

    1. Expect nothing from the UN, they are a joke. A useless organization of nothingness and nothing will come about their investigation. Everything will remain the same regardless of what bullshit they will report. They are all talk and no action.

    2. Gotta love it.[full scale UN involvement]

    3. Love your post Lucio.You couldn't have said it better.It was exactly my thoughts.Shit is just building and building on Mex gov.Sounds like they are going to hang themselves and they have only themselves to blame instead of some poor tortured innocent.I think justice will be served[we can only hope]

    4. it isn't about the un actually taking action, lucio is stating the pressure on epn.

    5. 1:49 Am 5:54 pm is right. The UN may seem it will not do anything. They won't remove the president, but ask Cuba and Korea, howqw the weight of the UN is helping them. Yes this story focuses on a water bottle, but at the same time details the abuse. This water bottle is an indication of another possible corrupt act that a government official approved. The UN will not sit back and let the government of any country abuse its citizens. Their findings willl reflect a joint decision from all countries as to the penalties applied ton the country.

  19. I tell you what guys those bottles are really good it's impossible to get your hands from those bottles trust me You guys don't know what your talking about

  20. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.........smdh.....

  21. another excellent report lucio. I truly enjoy the tongue in cheek humor (black humor)
    like the line "will go along with the script" where the text is lined out. funny. appropriate in the face of this absurdity. thank you for the great reporting, especially on the iguala mess

    and whoever Pepe is needs to be reporting also. he brings much to the table

  22. That water bottle is famous it first starred in a matazetas vid

  23. The MEXICO JUSTICE picture is more propaganda for that criminal mireles he is just as bad as anybody else in that picture so good fuckem and anybody that says diffrent

    1. Dr Mireles has the hearts and minds of most. BB readers and Most of Mexico, but why can't the Mexican government (PRI) come up with something better than (Castillo) " Oh he wanted to take over Mexico and Latin America" That's it! That's the best reason to arrest him! Right now anybody would support him over the current administration! If Dr Mireles is crooked then expose his crooked dealings! Why not? I just don't get how Dr Mireles (with all due respect) could not have known that a lot of the AD leadership was not involved with organized crime when he started the AD movement , and by the way they ended up backstabbing him!!! I still have hope that he will eventually bring down the current corrupt leadership under a New Mexico!!! Bit if you have info on why he's so bad spill the beans!

  24. Holy shit. At least with z-40 there were about 20 military guys around him. But still it showed the corruption.

    This new Cepillo thing is so out there. Faking handcuffs?? Kinda like Roberto Madrazo, PRI candidate in 2006, jumping in at the end to "win" a marathon race -

    "Madrazo was accused of cheating during the 2007 Berlin Marathon. Posting a time of 2 hours and 41 minutes, his time was 36 minutes faster than the world record at the time. His 25 and 30 km checkpoints were unregistered. Madrazo finished the race in 146th place, and allegedly took 21 minutes to cover the 15 kilometers between the 20 km and 35 km marks, while the world record for this distance is 41 minutes. The cheating was revealed because the time registration of start, finish, and all split times of the marathon was done by transponder timing. Eventually Madrazo was disqualified, causing a political disturbance in Mexico."

    That's our Mexico!

  25. I'm going down to Mexico if the worst they do to you if you kill 50 people is give you a bottle of water. Sincerely, Ted Bundy

  26. About 15% of Mexicans benefit from being crooks! Oh what a coincidence that's about how many trust ESPN and the PRI!!!! What a fun king joke!!!

  27. Lights! camera! action! No wonder this guy never made it in acting? Envelope EPN is pretending to run a country! Of course he must have taken some acting lessons from Kevin Spacey! Remember! Now can anybody predict the next crazy thing that a political figure in Mexico will say or do next? In a way I'm gonna miss Castillo! He did manage to make me laugh alot with his blatant lies! I am amazed at the straight face he managed to keep! We will see who the next spokesperson will be when they next incident in Michoacan happens! It's only a matter of time before the General shows his True colors whatever they may be!

  28. He must not have read the right script! Hahaha! So u guess he didn't make the cut for Barbies movie! He needs some more acting skills!

  29. I get the article but not see the reason for the article. Weather someone is handcuffed or not is the choice of the arresting authority who makes a estimation of the persons ability to escape. All of these examples stated were in different regions and in all likelyhood different agencies who arrested the different individuals stated. We seem to be focusing on the wrong things. Why not focus an article on the banking system that rewards bankers for working with narcos therefore keeping the drug trade a viable option. We must understand that the arresting of these "kingpins" is merely a sideshow distracting us from the real issues. Arguing about how these people are presented in this comedy of errors is playing into the systems hands. Hasta la Victoria siempre. Capitalism needs the war on drugs and the govt needs a enemy or else we would recognize that the enemy is the government. All governments, oh yeah chapo snitched

    1. you are an ignorant idiot.
      this is about the iguala case not bank. and this article and lucio's previous article of last week, both original articles, are the most detailed and informative out there in the English media.

      and fyi there have been many articles posted about banking and money laundering. here at bb. this case has the attention of the world even when getting canned information.

      this is not about the handcuffs, put on your thinking cap, it is about corruption and trickery in the entire case and inequity of treatment while being arrested.

      why not begin your own Mexican org crime blog. you can write all you want.

    2. This is not about the handcuffs or lack thereof. It is not about wether he can escape ir not. It is about faking it, trying to cheat the people

  30. wow. how many other perp walks you reckon have been diddled like this? are there any other examples floating about - what about 40 when he was swaggering freely in that facility... is this some kind of game?

  31. Come on guys, it's clear that Mexico is asking for hand cuff donations. Times are hard these days.

  32. That bottle is there to remind him he will be subjected to waterboarding if he doesn't talk

  33. :-)))))))))))))))))

  34. What has happened to Dr Mirelles is itself a human rights abuse?
    Seriously,a Dr,hooded,handcuffed,shaven head,poor health,who did this guy hurt?
    He carried to much momentum for the Mexican government to ignore..
    Can any us of believe he is still deprived of freedom?

    1. Well doncha know that according to Castle (who seems to be the one truly in need of a psych exam), Mireles was planning to conquer all of Latin America with a half eaten chicken leg?

  35. pobre doctor mireles

  36. The point of this 'arctlicle' is to show that maybe this one guy possibly has a deal to cooperate and was only pretending to be handcuffed, to help the government's case of innocence in the kidnapping/forced disapparition of the ayotzinapos...
    --the government needed to nail this case shut, after 500 investigations, 2 field recreations and 600 arrests to save pena nieto and his cabimet's asses, and their masters...

    --Report: Chilapa Guerrero, a Big Fire was detected by Terra nasa satellite on the night the students disappeared/ dailykos,com
    --i had seen several other reports on this, they have been taken down and out... !!!???

  37. Water bottle coated with superglue.

  38. Mexicans, why did you vote for such as*hole-politicians ?!

    1. Who says it was a fair election? Who voted?

    2. It is a well-known fact that Mexicans did not elect EPN. He bought the election.

  39. People ! Clearly he was threatened to not drop the bottle . Probably told him if he did, he would have to pick it up . and maybe not be allowed to kidnap or murder for a solid month

  40. 8:45 the image is as altered as when el americano said it is not me, the castillo and el americano recordings and phone calls coordinating la toma de la ruana checkpoint, and the 7 million dllars mansion of la pinche guila de la gaviota...
    Government guilty! Period .

  41. Soooo, who is the leader of United Guerrero again? The Brush, the Mayor's wifey poo, the Mayor, or the Ghost of Christmas past?

  42. They save the usage of handcuffs, to kidnap and torture protesters and those who oppose them for being corrupt. The water bottle was the one reported stolen, by EPN, his favorite enema bottle was taken from his palace, shortly before this picture was taken..coincedence, I think not!


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