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Thursday, February 19, 2015

3 La Mochomera banners appear in Acapulco, Ex-Gro Governor bank accounts frozen "money laundering"

Lucio for Borderland Beat

As if Guerrero didn't have enough problems, three narco banners (mantas) were placed in various areas of Acapulco, one at a bridge in colonia  Benito Juarez, one on the bridge of colonia Garita, and the third on a bridge in colonia 20 de Noviembre.

The three banner messages are directed at entrepreneurs and local taxi drivers, ordering them to stop paying “piso” (narco tax/fee) to Victor Aguirre Garzon, the message is signed 'La Mochomera' “and El Jefe de Jefes” (the now deceased Arturo Beltran Leyva).

The message also declares Victor Aguirre Garzon,  alleged cousin of the now resigned governor Angel Aguirre Rivero, as being identified as one of the leaders of the Independent Cartel of Acapulco (ICAD). Aguirre Garzon  allegedly was instrumental, in the successful governorship campaign of the former governor.
According to the publication El Universal, Victor Aguirre was linked with Arturo Beltrán Leyva and is presumed to be an ally of ‘Los Guerreros Unidos’, drug traffickers who are  responsible for kidnappings and extortion in Guerrero.

The former governor received other bad news today, the Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), through the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), asked the Attorney General's Office to freeze the bank accounts of  the former Governor, Angel Aguirre Rivero, on suspicion of money laundering.


  1. So. basically he became a 'governor' to help Consolidate his brothers cartel ICA? like most of the time happens down there become a.. "Governor/Mayor" to enrich through STEALING, BRIBERY and of course to get Immunity for themselves and their associates in this case his narco bitch brother, while the rest of the citizens were neglected, to the point were 43 students got turned into ashes?

    Was about time they froze that pigs bank acc. Whats next? is he going to try to flee mexico? before they find out about his crimes?? damn bastards!! lol

    1. he'll leave Mexico and some US ivy league university will offer him a job as a political science professor

    2. You neva know with these animals... nowadays..

  2. cannot cry about it anymore I guess should just laugh.

  3. The sad thing is I'm sure the majority of politicians have a tie or multiple ties to criminal activity one way or another by way of the "six degrees of separation" theory.

    Six degrees of separation is the theory that everyone and everything is six or fewer steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person in the world, so that a chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps.

    With this in mind, Mexican politicians should be forced to give at least 6 personal references in order to find ties with criminal organizations before they are even allowed to run for a political office within the government.

    ps. texting can wait, dont text and drive!

    1. Oh. Is that right?

    2. Never heard of that one before, interesting..

    3. Many are now using the 7 degrees of separation theory , next year it will be 8 bunch of made up bullshit

    4. @2:01 Thanks for your input troll! IF you have nothing to back up your statement then why even post? Just to ruffle feathers? Is that really what you enjoy doing? trolling and being a negative nancy??

  4. I bet not even god himself knows what exactly is going on in Mexico. Dog eat dog world would be an under statement when applied...

    1. Oh it knows!.. the question here is.. is it in their blood (DNA) or was it created by their same retarded government "system"? or maybe both of them play a big role in the damn mess! for god sakes some body put an order on all those corrupted countries of Latin America! innocents are suffering because of that, they can't prosper like that! the big evil selfish dogs do what they want in all those places, without getting what they deserve, PUBLIC EXECUTION! CHINA STYLE! that's what i like about china, they don't fuck around with hearthless sons/daughters of bitches!

  5. Viva Arturo Beltran leu a!!

  6. they are all the same, corrupt pos's. they know it themselves and they know nothing will ever happen to them. they don't even care about their family name and how they blacken and disgrace it. plain and simple, all the politicians give or take a small percentage are corrupt and most are in fact criminals. the govt don't care the criminal don't care. funny that it is like the govt endorses all scum and criminals to run for office collect a free govt check and steal what they can. nice situation... hmmmmmmm, naw i have a legit job and care about my family name i will stay clean.....

    1. Typical Mexican politicians -- LOSER CRIMINALS

  7. The question is that is it really la mochomera ?

  8. And the people that end up getting the shit end of the stick are the people living in the slums , never ending killings done by criminals that get funded by these polticians


  10. ICAD? You mean CIDA

  11. Epn/el pri are just throwing some dirt on aguirre's shoes to pretend to be ''honest''
    --The butcher of Acteal emilio chuayffet chemor...
    --his partner el asesino invisible ernesto zedillo...
    --former governor ruben figueroa alcocer, the butcher of el charco and aguas blancas...
    --(his daddy former gov ruben figueroa figueroa, murderer of lucio cabanas)
    --now with the butcher of Atenco, enrique pena nieto...
    --all priista gangsters of politics, all playing the game of blaming the PRD to win the coming elections on guerrero state, to bring their private brand of narco-mierdocracia to guerrero, atracomulco style, without ayotzinapos...all bullshit!!!
    --Emilio Chuayffet Chemor, "la emilia", secretary of education, the only one with reasons to kill the ayotzinapos, in cahoots with the army and federal government, and the militarized police at all levels, left no traces this time...i mean left less traces, Acteal was a costly mess for him, because he lost his presidential bid to save zedillo's jundillo, now angel aguirre is the fall guy, for his friends...

  12. 9:20 obviously, @1:06 had a car crash because of texting right then and there...

  13. @2:07 GOD HERSELF knows, sorceress chiva is her witness...
    --12 years of crime and murdering priista sicariato under panistas, have led to more and more years of murdering under priista presidential narco-mierdocracia...
    --OIL, GUNS, WEAPONS are the biggest money makers in the world, follow the money, and you will be surprised about who causes ALL the problems in the whole whole world.
    --private military contractors are now starting their own little wars all over too, and WANT the US to fix to pay them some 2 or 3 trillion dollars to fix'em up...or else...

  14. So LA MOCHOMERA is still aktive even after they killed like half their leaders like a year ago? Or is this manta a bootsy manta CHAPO ISIDRO still tearing shit up on the cds? Haven't heard anything as of late


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