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Monday, February 2, 2015

Blockades & Shootouts Errupt in Northern Tamaulipas

Updated 2/3 below

Beginning in the evening of Sunday, February 1, reports of blockades and shootouts in northern Tamaulipas has spread online.  It appears that the first reports were of blockades and spikes being dropped on the highway between Anahuac and Valle Hermoso.

Later that night word spread of a shootout in Nuevo Progreso, followed by the highway between Rio Bravo and Reynosa being completely blocked.  Convoys of vehicles apparently carrying cartel members were also reported in Rio Bravo.

Around the same time began reports of shootouts in Reynosa.  The largest of the shootouts, occurring near the Las Fuentes traffic circle, began around 4:20 AM on February 2 and lasted over an hour and a half.  Eyewitnesses claimed multiple dead bodies in the area.  As of 7:30 PM Central Time reports of shootings in Reynosa continue.

While the situation is still developing and information is sporadic, there are indications that war is erupting between two factions of the Gulf Cartel, Matamoros and Los Metros of Reynosa.  The primary evidence supporting this is reports of vehicles with Escorpión, M3, XX, or 900 painted on the windows.

Although it has been years since these factions were united under the same leadership, hostilities appeared to be sporadic and limited in scope.  With the sudden elevated level of violence, it appears that a major development has taken place within the Gulf Cartel, the nature of which has yet to be revealed.

Update 2/3/15:
A convergence of information indicates the violence began when a member of Los Metros, Juan Francisco Carrizales, alias "El 98", who is the plaza head of Rio Bravo, attempted to attack Matamoros as part of a plan to take over the city.  Beyond that there is mixed information if he is receiving support from other members of Los Metros, in particular the plaza head of Reynosa, Sergio Velázquez, alias "El Gafe".

A number of shootouts occurred in Reynosa last night and at the moment there are numerous reports of shootouts and road blockages taking place in Matamoros, as well as convoys of vehicles with "M-3" painted on the windows, a sign used by members of Los Metros, being observed.


  1. War is hell send them all to fight in the middle east the spoils go to the victors

    1. Like the USA will have a bar of that. Western soldiers are already over there raping and pillaging, claiming Arab resources as their own. They're not going to give it to the cartels.. They're arming the cartels and profitting from the drugs. USA is arming every terrorist group around the world. And before you ignore it, do research.

      700k Papua New Guineans have been killed by Indonesia, armed, trained and supported by USA. Indigenous people all around the world are being picked off by USA or by the rich.

    2. The USA the USA the USA.this is are problem. The rich don't give a shit.there already rich.the problem is the poor are willing to do anything to be the rich.stupid.

    3. Nah the problem is that Mexicans are corrupt and they wld sell their mothers for American money. Don't blame the USA for the shtitty problems of Mexico.

    4. Who funded this war? Plan Merida which gun gun company's where going to shit? Where did these cartel get their weapons helping what economy? Stolen vehicles weapons grenades 40 mm grande launchers tactical vest bullet proof vests ammo radios bazookas hand guns and the list goes on & on. & they don't just have gun store stuff its military guns & equipment

  2. What Kan you say about these klowns infighting between themselves instead of making massive amounts of FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES

    1. Couldn't have said it better myself. Well said.

  3. I guess the zetas are smart let CDG fight and we (z) will make money JA JA

    1. Zetas ? Making money ? Lmao not since lazcano sorry buddy

    2. All zetas are now doing is hiding and trying to find money for soap to wash cars.

    3. ZetaZ are in trouble since Lazca and 40..
      They have lost a lot of territory,they aint makin moves on no-one.

  4. Damn, I wonder if the zetas were to make an incursion would they temporarily put there differences aside to fight their common enemy

  5. At least it started at a good (high) time.

  6. Where is the army? One unit is supporting one group, another unit a different group. So they will not get involved. They cannot shoot another group Narco's so as not to get into a fight with another unit supporting the others. Helicopters can go around barricades and take out a lot of criminal's and stop innocent people from being killed.

    1. Why doesn't the gov force the military to act,they would in other countries[must be they are involved].Maybe this is another thing the UN needs to look at,Mexico doesn't even pretend to act.

    2. It's obvious these factions have the green light to fight it out in the street. The military is sitting this one out. In essence Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer said it best "survival of the fittest'. A lot of blood will be spilt before it is all said and done. Its Tamaulipas so it shouldn't surprise anyone that the Feds and military are sitting on the bench.

  7. Hopefully CDS hit men go take over that area.

    1. CDs hitmen won't and don't make it in tamaulipas pendejo...this is not those fake corridos..aki si se los Furman a esos sinalochas

    2. CDS hitmen? Military is already there.

    3. Sinaloa sikarios hate going into Tamaulipas & Nuevo Leon they say because those fools are crazy azz fuck they don't respect nothing or no one. NE Mexico ain't no joke you better be ready to die when you set foot into those areas. I even heard Z & CDG carry there guns in plain view even if the navy or marines are around & if they have to shoot they will shoot they won't hesitate even if 100 people are close by.

    4. Vayanse a tirar bala alla bola de valientes cibernéticos

    5. Ira wei yo soy de control Tamaulipas y conosco matamoros y Reynosa. Eh visto todo este pedo desde el principio cuando fue cyclones vs xw. Despues mas guerras. En veces pienso k estan pensando los pinches sicarios xk si no mueren este topon Mueren en el otro. Y si no es contra la contra ser contra el govierno. Mi primo fue sicario y despues comandante de estacas central de estacas con las panteras de x20 antes de eso fue escolta del xw estuvo en la guerra xw vs cyclones la libro se fue a jalar p Reynosa cuando cayo x20 paso a ser escolta de Juan perros llego su final el 13 de noviembre del 2013 contra elements de la marina. A lo k voy es el cdg de la frontera si se la rifan contra el k sea wei en cambio a eso de sinaloa los acen grande los corridos pero la neta siempre corren ni en un topon se dan asi k no vengas con tus mamadas d k sinaloa va mandar aki por este lado es puro cdg

    6. Es obvio que usted sabe muchas cosas . Me gustaría hablar con usted por correo electrónico acerca de la informacion que usted ha mencionado.

    7. Desde Los ultimos de los 90s salieron huyendo de tamaluipas Los cds y jamas les quedo ganas. Aqui Los corridos no hacen fama. Pero la gente creen en ellos cuando Los q Los can't an son payasos

    8. 4:52 PM
      Hablar un poco we,aclarar las cosas un poco...nada peligroso...Para usted ?
      De todos modos,saludos,amigo

    9. "CDS ,this is not those fake corridos aki si se los Fuman a esos sinalochas"

      You should listen to this dude,he aint talkin shit..

    10. Itzli tienes preguntas? Aki te las contesto lo k se yo lo saben muchos y saludos a para usted tambien

    11. Tambien te dire algo 4:22 conoci estas cosas por k tengo un familiar k es esposa del hijo del comandante xw y en los años 2010-2012 vi muchas cosas k sucedieron dentro del cdg en la frontera

    12. He notado que muchas personas se quivocan en pensar que la guerra del "Junior Cardenas" fue parte del Metros contra Rojos. Porsupuesto tuvieron su bronca Ms contra Rs, pero como dice usted, la guerra del "Junior Cardenas" fue el y Los Ciclones contra los del "XW".

      Bueno, unas preguntas que tengo:

      1. En que tiempo fue que "X20" jalaba en Rio Bravo? Tengo la duda si fue antes o despues que "Junior Cardenas" fue jefe de plaza alli.

      2. Fue luego luego despues del muerto del "Metro 3" que "X20" tomo control de Reynosa y Los Metros, o fue despues del muerto del "Metro 4"?

      3. Los Panteras fueron afin a Los Metros o solamente trabajaron con ellos por el liderazgo del "X20" y despues "Juan Perros"?

      4. Despues que arrestaron a "Juan Perros" y "El Aleman", fueron Los Ciclones que sacaron Los Panteras de Rio Bravo y Nuevo Progreso o fue Los Metros o un combinacion de los dos?

      5. Antes de esa semana, la plaza de Rio Bravo era solamente del "98 Carrizales" en nombre de Los Metros o fue compartido con Los Ciclones?

      Disculpa por tanto pregunta, pero me interesa saber mas de esas temas.

    13. Del 98 no se mucho pero awuebo tiene k estar respaldado los metros.
      X20 estuvo en rio bravo antes k estubiera junior cardenas y pos ya despues d k tracionaron coss tambien tenia a gente en rio bravo x20 pero esa plaza era de Juan perros. X20 se fue a reyno por orden coss despuesito k quebraron a metro3 estando ayi pacto con los Cardenas y metro 4 sacar a coss de la frontera fue por eso k el xw fue desplazado d control por k era leal a coss junto con x5 coss puso en rio bravo despues dnk junior entro a matamoros

    14. Los Culichis andeser culones pero Viejo yo le aseguro que la gente de mazatlan, Guasave, los mochis se topan con el pendejo que se arreme sin o pregunta cuantos Mazatlecos se topan con los elite sin el chapo isidro tiene gente en Monterey esta gente Es de guerra pariente no porque son de Matamoros crees que le tengamos miedo

    15. Aqui la cosa no esta tan complicada, despues de lo de osiel cardenas, todo el mundo queria el pastel para ellos mismos....los jefe de sangre tormenta y los demas los traisonaron, para quitarlos....los de la letra eran fieles a osiel, pero despues de eso como no Avia orden ellos Le buscaron por su lado....eso es todo, aqui es todos contra todos, no ahi orden....Por eso fue que el Monta perros del chapo Le dio la mano al golfo.....y los de la Letra se fueron con los beltran leyva....El Punto es que todo el mundo se pone el dedo para subir....Por eso se descontrolo todo por la frontera Chica.....En fin, asta que salga un jefe que respeten los Z y los golfos, es cuando el CDG va sumbar como cuando el patron osiel........antes los pistoleros los traian de guerrero, y los jefes de plaza eran de reynosa y nuevo laredo y Rio bravo, creo que ahora asta pendejos de Guatemala honduras , los es la misma maña de antes.....

    16. Si tienes razon pura envidia y traicion pero mira el puesto de JEFE le pertenecia a coss por k ley pero la familia de osiel no lo respeto como jefe siempre hubo pedo hasta k revento el pedo y Mira como andan como penedejos peliando algo k no les pertenece

    17. Aqui todos saben que tomas yarrington. Le dava sombra a osiel desde los 90's por eso Le dieron piso a torres cantu, por que el no queria arreglarse, con billetes en el 2010...Por ahi cuentan que el Z40 personalmente superviso el ataque de torre cantu. Ahora el hermano "cantu "o mas bien el gobernador de tamaulipas es del PRI....los de la DEA, ya saben todo este pedo nada mas busca un poco y encuentras. ....para poder subir al CDG para arriba se ocupa esperar al 2016, nuevo gobenador en Tamaulipas. tal vez con un buen jefe Z Y Golfo....Se puedan arreglar las. Cosas, aqui el futuro es de aventarse contra sinaloa y quitar la plaza....creo que cuando termine el gente es muy pendeja y se van a ir con el PAN.....entonces si la cosas se van a poner sabrosas....saludos a los Lobos en nuevo laredo Rojos en reynosa y escorpiones.....asi es como eran antes....

    18. Esta bien lo k dices pero Mira Wei estas vatos del cdg o z estan depediendo mas de las cuotas extorsiones y del pinche wachicol k del trafico de drogas eso es un problemon pal govierno y por eso se Los van ir chingando ahora me encuentro lejos de la frontera saludos a mi lucio blanco, control, y est.ramirez

  8. The Mexican military is outgunned , that is why they don't show up. They don't have los cojones.

    1. mexican military isnt outgunned...theyre well trained and well armed, theyre just corrupt.

  9. What faction does Matamoros belong to? Ciclones, Los Rojos or Dragones?

    1. Matamoros is the main faction of the CDG. Make no mistake about it.

    2. ciclones/c7 and 900

  10. Aholes in pickups chasing Aholes in pickups CDG = Terrorists and should be treated as so. Terrorist is : a person who terrorizes or frightens others., a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism. , use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians. And that is what is happening in Tamps. and other places in Mexico . Not to mentioning the Silencing of the Media.

    1. 7:42am you just described the US.

  11. Its is said more beheadings have taken place in Mexico that all the mid east.

  12. The zetas do not get in the middle because they done did their part , now their boss el PRI is handling it from los pinos with army ''intelligence'' like that of ''general'' pedorro jelipe burrola, divide y venceras, let the perps take themselves down...

  13. More fighting + less business = lost money making chances. Surprised that these dudes are still in existence.

  14. Something to do with El Gafe,98 Carrizzales,El Pelachas and they ARE using internet in this war..Cyclones gettin a hard on,and a group calling itself G.O.M Grupo Operativo Metros..CDG.. hace que se vean mal

  15. It's Reynosa vs Matamoros = Metros vs Ciclones. Right both factions are playing the waiting game to see who attacks first so far no truce yet. Juanito 98 (Metro 98) plaza boss of Rio Bravo murdered Comandante Niño from the Ciclones faction 1 month ago in the Reynosa prison.

    1. Lot of complaints about 98 kidnapping politicos kids,and causing big trouble in Rio Bravo,was it ordered by El Gafe or not?Politics are involved why authorities seem to be sitting back and see what happens,and someone is being called a traitor?

    2. Cool thanks February 3, 2015 at 2:25p. Is Kelin with Ciclones?

    3. I thought Kelin was with XX and metros

    4. El Kelin was Zeta then he was XX then XW then he went rogue to X20 then got in bed with Sheyla of Dragones,then took over Los Lacoste then was promoted to Ceros and went on to lead a faction of Ex Marino and now leads a group of Zangre Z so Kelin has been around,hope this helps..

    5. A Kelin ni lo kieren en matamoros lo corrieron @4:40 no mames estas loko Kelin estuvo en el bote mientras esa gente ISO su desmadre en tamps

  16. Z-42 for President!

  17. I don't believe any of this. This is government's propaganda.

  18. Its still goin off,trucks with the initials C-2. C-7.Escorpión. and M3 some with CDG on them through the streets of Moros,they knew something was comin why the bloqueos and convoys of estakas,they must be coming across each other there are dead and clashes happening

  19. I thought Kelin was a metro

    1. El Kelin is in bed asleep,leave him alone..

  20. The government and the army intelligence have the CDG factions fighting it out, they will arrest the survivors...

  21. This is so stupid. All these splintering groups keep changing their names like superheroes. Lol. Seems like everyone wants too b chief n nobody wants to b the Indian.i blame the government for turning the blind eye n let these people run around like terrorist. That shit wont happen here in the us. They'd b dead quick.

  22. This is not stupid this is something that has been around for yrs the only difference is that back them people were more business people and way more discret now theres younger kids working on the organization which think money and cars are cool and they are but they dont realize that with 1000 pesos a week they arent buying shit but keep them happy with drugs. girls and cars that they take from other people and they will chop who ever their ordered to chop including family members of their rivals many americans dont see it but they dont. think twice on cutting a kids neck. this is something happening daily matamoros reynosa rio bravo all mexico but at the end they just fall at the bottom of the pyramid and someone else who has never been heard of is injoying life with piles of bills.



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