Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, February 6, 2015

CDG launching grenades at the Municipal President of Matamoros

Translated for Borderland Beat from a Proceso Article by Otis B Fly-wheel

Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.

Presumed members of a criminal organization threw two grenades this morning at the Municipal President of Matamoros, neither grenade exploded.

The grenades were thrown about 07:30 hours, also since the early hours of the morning there have been confrontation and blockades in the region of Valle Hermoso, Rio Bravo, Matamoros and Reynosa.

To avoid the armed forces, the criminals utilize back roads to move around with the intention of blocking the main roads and access to cities.

Social networks mentioned that the confrontations involved grenades and gun fire. " the Rio Bravo - Reynosa highway is blocked at La Altura de Palo Blanco. There are many metal tire piercing spikes in the roads, you can hear gunfire on the Highway and hooded gun men are returning to coaches and micro-buses, said one social network user.

Another user reported that about 4:36 pm explosions were continuing on the highway with the thunder of automatic machine guns, on the autopista Matamoros - Reynosa. The blockades this morning prompted the shutting of schools in the Municipality of Progreso.

A source from the office of the Attorney General of Tamaulipas said that there will be over thirty dead on both sides. (Metros and Ciclones from Cartel del Golfo).

The authorities mentioned that they were only reporting the casualties of confrontations between the armed forces and criminals, not the criminal on criminal confrontations currently going on, as the Metros and Ciclones take their dead away with them.

Contrasting official information of the Armed Forces reports 9 dead up to yesterday 3rd of Feb, while the administrator of Valor por Tamaulipas reports 44 dead from the confrontations yesterday.

Original article in Spanish at Proceso

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  1. The mexican narco-mierdocracia government forces do not know how to count...
    But they know how to cover up and what to cover up, like official corruption, white houses, narcotelevisa, kidnapping and murdering by the state, extortion by the police and military, disappearing of victims and evidence, manipulating crime scenes to escape prosecution...
    --they don't go around stealing elections for the benefit of the mexican people, do they?
    --same thing happened on the US as recently as 1999 election when AL GORE inventor of the internet accepted losing the presidential election to a lowly and fraudulent florida judge...bossed around by jeb bush...

    1. Oh millie fuck off with your anti US shit you clown,al gore jeb bush US elections?What the fuck are you jibbering about?

    2. You are truly retarded if you actually believe al Gore invented the internet kill your self and be reborn because going back to school is not enough now menso

  2. That's not true.its zetas.

  3. Amazing this is a bad dream. You mean the Mx Army can not stop this. Pretty bad when the government can't win

  4. NUKE the whole State n let God sort them out :)

  5. I wish just wish these sons of bitches had the balls to try shit like this on the other side of the border.. but no they're scared of the white boys

    1. White boy what are you going to do with you're white hooded bed sheets burn a cross protest about all the illegals and how they bring diseases and take your jobs. Or better yet hang a beaner from a tree

  6. There have been shootings on the other side of the border in the Rio Grande Valley. Border patrol actually killed a person last week

    1. good for him shoot more

    2. and it goes on .on,on----------------------------------------------- and an't going to stop

  7. Thanks otis. You guys have been working hard to get the stories out. Much appreciated! ! Keep up the good work

  8. jaja scared of white boys its the other way around white boys dont come over any more but its not a racial war it a thief war wont be long before God handles this greedy bastards .


    1. It is not a racial war,nothing to do with it,many whiteboys are down and know the score,some work with Mexicans just like the brothers.Fuck that race shit,make decisions on the person not skin tone..

  9. I m from matamoros here every one knows someone eather q cousin or a friend of a friend that is from la la maña or gulf cartel or that is involvex in drug realated activities its very much normal there is no law its sacry to know that the real law around here is this guy very young guys driving around whit ak47s in pickups and high asfuck are the ones making decisions around here im very young two and have been around drugs guns drug traffikers all my life my grand dad used to work for juan guerra my dad and unkles cousins worked in the drug trade to an got to meet osiel c, and my uncle wittnessd his rise to power from jail in santa adelaida up to his realease, even my unkles just stoped working in drug trade it got to this point where violence is the key to everything and living in the state of tamp, is just almost unberrable ignorance selfishnesss idolatration of drug lords its just around the corner in young low income teens that dont work dont study and eventualy just start working for the c.d.g. ...these guys are just stupid there their deffending the plaza from other groups ciclones vs metros ciclones are loyal to jr cardenas the same that got cought in s.p .i living the life away from the heat of battles and then turned around and told the feds everything he knew and snitched on everyone this just tells me that the guys fighting saying puro camandante 900 jr dont have any idea what their doing i mean its not a cartel no more it has not been since tony t died its just local drug dealers/sicarios fighting for local buisnness extortion an cuotas on independent drug traffikers, all that weed coke beeing confiscated on brownsville and the lower valley most of it is work of independent pushers the c.d.g think its just a name for all this guys that just reffuse let go of what they call power and just fight over nothing whats the point just beacause sicarrios from opositesides looked bad at each other gunnbattles have startted i know this first hand

    1. 80% percent accurate! its narco cultura way of life, for most of us being born,growing up,or died to this bullsh*t but ONE its responsible for one's choice and how you choose to live and react to it. I refuse because of my last name, my background,gender,age,territory,and ethnicity define who I am as a person! I refuse the stigma that unfortunatly inherited. But I choose to make my own choices based on my educational greediness and the sole LOVE of LIFE. As far as Tamaulipas state, goes its very sad and infuriating how Mexican government doesn't give a rat's ass but it own financial gain. Everything its ran based on money and what,when,whom,how fatal favors are returned. Money its the root to all evil,and selfish greedy souls in hunger for more power. The youth in Mexico will be extinct in few years if this so called C.D.G street clowns are so young and heartless by poverty. Little boys with big dreams of making it big in the cartel. Its no longer an ignorance but a lost cause. They fail to acknowledge their lives are disposable and replaceable anytime. Young boys and girls not having the physical strength to properly carry or maneuver the "big guns" most if not everyone never trained in armor and tactics. Yet they walk around with the sense of all mighty power wearing bulletproof vest that don't even fit their frail bodies....its a joke!!! furthermore will keep the innocent people in my prayers

    2. You're completely right...there is no cartel. All it is are street gangs that at one time ran around errands for the "old school cartel" that employed these punk street gangs. They use the cartel name for fear. The only drugs coming across are not from cartels. It's independent drug traffickers that invest their own money and fund their own operation. Granted they have to buy it from these punks that just stole it from another punk

    3. The CDG in tamaulipas are just street thugs but its a different story in zacatecas they are organised they dont fight each other over dime bags and really dont go around extorting everyone

    4. Thanks dude,adds to the topic unlike idiots talking nonsense about other things.Its a shame about Tamaulipas its so well known,seems a lot of things in life are more greed driven now? Be safe brother...

    5. To the person from matamoros thanks for letting the people understand how well entrenched in the fabric of matamoros is the cdg. It's a fact of life here. But u ppl have to understand that while the cdg is a shadow of what it was it's still pouring coke meth some heroin and a lot of weed aver the border that's why once some piece of shit commander gains enough power he wants to take over a plaza there's still money to b made. I also agree with u about there's no leadership since el coss is gone. Tony t might of been a strong boss but he was a piece of shit too. When he died a lot of people I know celebrated n were happy he was gone.the cdg needs a strong smart boss who can either bring all the factions together by force or diplomacy n they need to stop extorting legit people if u extort the local businesses u kill ur economy u bunch of stupid animals. A cartel is supposed to make money by drug dealing stick to that n pay ur employes u cheap bunch of thiefs and oh yeah stop killing innocent people u bunch of assholes.

    6. No harm in snitching.Nothing happens anyway,they are all protected.Right?

  10. To bad the idiots affect the normal innocent people just trying to get along. Put them in the plaza de toros gladiator style and sell tickets for the lucha libre death match. Better save some of that corn!

  11. This metros vs ciclones or mtros vs matamoros facttions its not new i remember back in 2011 it was all over the news and it was said that lazcano was killed in a shoot out in matamoros which i imidietly thought was bull what would he be doing in a middle of a war inside matamoros that would be stupid. Well the guys that fought that day warrent zetas vs c.d.g it was metros that where taking the beatting i know this beacause (james el gringo) that was killed in jail in matamoros told me so he was a guardia the beacame a sicario or ciclne for jr cardenas or 900 .He said that they had a call saying their where armed men in a house they went to check it out but instead of at least calling out or something he said that some of the other guys just got carried away by the moment and got trigger happy and just startted shooting at the house well the guys inside where metros they had guns a full arssenal they had gotten into the city armed and dint tell anyone in matamoros it was all a confusion that day james got arrested i dont really remember the date but he got cought whit other guys they had aks47 tactical geal and the some guys they had tied up and killed he got sentenced to like 250years or so he said he came running from sanantonio cause he had fucked up over ther and startted stealing cars for local c.d.g guys that are very fucking daed by now i think chivis here in bb did some writing on him

    1. Remember that battle where they said Lazca was there?As you say what would he possibly be doing there?Dude has there always been this animosity between the Ms and Ciclones or is it since jr cardenas went running above?
      All these crews are so untrustworthy now i bet independents do not want anything to do with them?They must be hurting for money?

  12. Mexico = South Central Los Angeles Crack Wars.

  13. "LA MAÑA" as you mention was originated from Tijuana. Cartel Arellano Felix AFO.

  14. Right now the strong are getting stronger. All those lowlifes killing each other are irrelevant. A decade of watching violent videos has molded them into mindless killers. That's exactly how the big wigs want it. There is a stockpile in Mexico. Its just a matter of who gets tosell it where. They have a local market where Volume sales provide the highest profit. That is exactly what was going on in South Central Los angeles during the N.W.A. years. Bruthas killing each other for crack delivered direct from Nicaragua c/o the CIA. The CIA was making huge bank off of selling coke to Inner city dealers that would then cook crack rocks shaped like huge cookies and then distribute. In Mexico,They need to make a corrido amongst all artists called "were all in the same cartel". We've all had uncles or family/friends in the trade. They all say the same thing; "There's is enough for everybody". There is no control in that area right now, Trevinos little brother is worthless and the CDG has no head. This is when sinaloa should make their move for TAMPS. Its business as usual in culiacan believe it or not. Just ajuste de cuentas and Mayo needs to work it out with Damaso. He probly will and Baja will calm down again. you basicallly have a bunch a uneducated pendejos running around killing anyone they think is a dealer in aregion where Smart independents are already moving product under the radar.


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