Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Court Orders Miguel Trevino Morales "Z-40" to be transferred to Altiplano Supermax in Juarez

Translated for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana article by Otis B Fly-Wheel

After more than a year in Puente Grande, the narco trafficker Miguel Trevino will return to Almoloya otherwise known as Altiplano SuperMax.

Judges of the Appeal Court in Criminal Matters of the Second Circuit ordered the return of the former leader of the criminal group Los Zetas, Miguel Angel Tevino Morales "Z-40", from the Maximum Security Prison Puente Grande, Jalisco, to the Maximum Security "Altiplano" in Almoloya, Juarez.

This provision stems from the judgement of the amparo in review, lodged by the drug trafficker from Tamaulipas, who complained of his transfer from Federal Prison the authorities carried out on December 19th 2013, when he was transferred from CEFERESO number 1 in the State of Mexico to number 2 in Jalisco.

When the inmate claimed the protection of the Federal Court arguing that most of its criminal proceedings are heard in State District Courts. The Second Judge of the District in specialized matter, located in Toluca denied the amparo because " it is a fait accompli irreparably."

Trevino Morales then filed the appeal application and presented his grievances, which is a matter to be resolved by the Fourth Collegiate Court in criminal matters in the State of Mexico, moving his appeal as a violation of his fundamental rights, because it "has as a consequence for the alterations of the conditions in relation to the procedure and impacts on his right to a proper defense."

The amparo judgement was modified to complete the transfer.

The spectrum of protection applied for in the amparo would have obliged the State to return "Z-40" to his original prison in the state of Mexico, "in which he was deprived of his liberty subject to various criminal proceedings, on the understanding that in case of the state ordering his transfer to another prison, that it should go before an appropriate judge to grant the transfer.

Miguel Angel Trevino Morales "Z-40", is currently subject to 12 criminal cases in District Courts of Mexico, Jalisco, and Tamaulipas, as well as international extradition proceedings before the First District Court of Federal Criminal Proceedings in the Federal District.

The new transfer of the alleged drug kingpin will happen in the next few days, in accordance with the possibility of arranging the security detail for the Federal Transfer, only the Federal Penitentiary Authorities will be informed of the transfer details.

Original Article in Spanish at Zetatijuana

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  1. It would be the best magic show that Mexico ever pulled if Treviño disappeared never to be seen again. Mexico has pulled several too, Caro Quintero, Chapo Guzman till he reappeared again, n soon to disappear Sandra Avila, hahaha Copperfield has nothing on Mexico

    1. Altiplano (Federal Social Readaptation Center No. 1) is not a SUPERMAX prison but a federal maximum security prison. Mexico to my knowledge has no prisons designated as a SUPERMAX.

      In a 2012 report 41 percent of Mexico’s Altiplano’s inmates said the guards engaged in corruption. This means that many of the inmates are maintaining a higher standard of living in accordance with the lifestyle they had on the outside. Some examples are being able to communicate with other prisoners as well as anyone on the outside. Criminals are still able to run their cartels from their cells, booze, drugs, etc.

      In a designated U.S. SUPERMAX prison, no such privileges will be allowed. To be imprisoned there will be a “true punishment.”

    2. The running there own cartel from inside prison, is the warm up before the disappearing act hahahaha Mexico sucks!

    3. Altiplano is commonly referred to as a supermax, as its security is higher than at the maximum security Puente Grande.No capo is known to have escaped Altiplano unlike other Mexican Max security prisons. It is the common use of supermax that I refer to not the legal definition. Hope this clears it up some. Otis

    4. He will be in prison by day and at the Electric Q Discotheque by night like 'Las Greñas' was.

    5. 3:36 Otis...I think I understand what you mean. But consider this: I can say the moon is made of green cheese, but me stating it doesn’t make it true.

      The Altiplano prison which began operating Nov. of 1991 is a REHABILITATION CENTER and does not function as a true SUPERMAX.

      For the types of crimes Chapo & Trevino have committed, rehabilitation is useless and a total waste of taxpayers monies.

    6. I have written several posts about Altiplano No. 1

      It did not begin as a supermax but became one after extensive overhaul.

      It is considered the 1 and only full supermax in Mexico and is universally considered as such.

      No one has escaped from No. 1 via conventional definition

    7. @ 10.34 welcome to the world of legalese. When i bought Blacks law dictionary 9th edition, I realised that when it comes to legal and or other definitions, some words have up to 75 associated meanings in law. So a sentence might mean something completely different to me, than it will to you. Legal definitions are a million shades of gray, nothing is black and white.

      Sometimes you have to drill down into what people write, because what is black and white for you, will change. If all of the BB reporters translated one article, they would all be slightly different.

    8. According to the 2014 video & article (less than a year ago), this prison is still functioning as a “Rehabilitation Prison.” I found both article & video here:

      Can you please provide the official information where it became a supermax after an extensive overhaul as I could not locate it ??

      Even the name of the prison lets the public know it is focused on rehabilitative services: READAPTATION = REHABILITATION

      But keeping us posted is greatly appreciated. Thanks Otis,

    9. just type in Does Mexico have a supermax prison. google
      it has only 1 "full" supermax

      perhaps you should first be educated to what a supermax is.

      supposedly no 11 has even greater security, but it is not a full supermax, it is half and half

    10. Can you please provide the official information where it became a supermax after an extensive overhaul?? If you stated it Chivis, then you or BB staff have access to this information. Thanks in advance for your reply.

    11. Looking dazed, scared and docile, El Chapo was flown to Altiplano prison, Mexico's super-max. Law enforcement officials vow he will never escape again

      Quote from CBS News 60 minutes article on chapo by Bill Whitaker. American mainstream media refers to it as a super max.

      The prison is not in America, its in Mexico. So will not conform to whatever rules make an American supermax a supermax. This is Mexico supermax, run on Mexican supermax rules. Including a live in governor.

      The following article on Supermax prisons worldwide, from the world heritage Encyclopedia

      Penal del Altiplano - Almoloya de Juarez, State of Mexico. Full Supermax and the only facility of this kind in Mexico.

      It is a supermax, can we finally move on

  2. Do they fix z40 like hannibal lecter when they move his ass around?
    I know it is against the beliefs of the mexican government to inhumanely torture a criminal like z40 with the eve the sight of wristcuffs, chains or leg irons...
    --unless he is seen menacing the regime with a ''chicken leg''

    1. Pshh, z40 had pena neito carrying bags saying, si jefe, que mas jefe?

  3. This guy deserves no rights! He should be goverment property and they can do what they wish with him.

  4. "Narco trafficker" is too elusive. These scum fucks are also mass murderers, kidnappers, robbers, rapists, pedophiles, sex predators, hell, the list is endless but what these scum fucks need is a asterisk by narco trafficker which defines the monsters they really are (i.e. *narco trafficker). Psychopathic bitches.

  5. This Animal isn't dead yet? I can't believe that he walks around these supposedly Mexican "Super Max" joints like it's a juvenile detention center. I can't forget the first set of pics. when he was arrested, I truly didn't know who was the perpetrator and who was the "Good Guy" since he wasn't handcuffed or anything and it looked like a couple of his cronies were the guards except they had stolen uniforms. I mean that was my first impression of this farce called Mexican Justice! While the innocents are being slaughtered on a daily basis, Psycho's like him are supposedly incarcerated and getting fat and all their basic needs met and the poor average Mexican is starving as well as getting sick with out any type of medical care and hoping that their daughters
    and wives aren't kidnapped and sold to a whorehouse! To think that that life or this life
    just depends on which side of the Rio Grande you were born, just that simple!

    1. Puente grande is beautiful this time of year, rose bushes everywhere, kittens hunting the rats. I was there a few novembers ago. Nice place

    2. You really think that if he went to altiplano that he'd just be walking around? Maybe him and chapo would play arm wrestle and settle things out. not. Prison is dangerous for anyone.

  6. Two things I will like to say.

    1- The name of this criminal is Miguel Angel Trevino Morales not MANUEL.

    2- Almoloya de Juarez prison is in Toluca Edo de Mexico not in Juarez.

  7. New cartel in Michoacan annoynced their presence, "la nueva linea" it is supposedleu and armed branch of CJNG. The "cartel" is made of michoacanos that were ran out of state by CT when they were powerful

    ~Cali's Very Own~

    1. Lol la nueva linea super chido Holmes

    2. Son gente de los Alvarez, I was the one who wrote the comment on this site when H3 and ct and el migueladas made an alliance

  8. lol I caught that too..... Manuel? Really after all these years and you can't get his name right?

    Also there is no Almoloya in Juarez!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. "reclusorio de la misma clasificación “Altiplano” en Almoloya de Juárez" .copied and pasted from the original article in spanish on zeta tijuana. I translate the articles, if they contain inaccuracies that would be between you and the original author

    2. Almoloya, juarez vs Almoloya de juarez..that make the difference. Almoloya de Juarez , is the correct name... And that is located in Toluca... Zeta tijuana is right, sometimes bb translator get caught.

  9. Does anyone know any dates for trial etc??

    Thanks so much for posting! I've been waiting for so long for news about Z40.

  10. I thought that prick was called Miguel not Manuel apart from that you're doing a great job churning out the stories otis much kudos

  11. The very worst of the worst. There isn't an Islamic militant in the world who's as vicious as Z40.

    1. Yeah alqueada and isis and any other terrorists have done worse things even in bosnia in Russia they crazy this z40 is not a god calm down!

  12. Hopefully he doesn't get off the way Caro Quintero and the Queen of the Pacific did. He's probably going through some serious burning-people-alive withdrawal.

  13. I would say Z40 is about to get out for Medical reasons, da work in Mexico

  14. Who cares if he said the wrong name. The important thing I s that you get the story. You guys are all of a sudden English majors.

    1. Nah bro, we be English Zetaz!! Long live Manual Z40 ; )

    2. can't wait 'till we have the government sanctioned "Purge" in England...

  15. Thanks for the posting Otis B.! Your coverage is outstanding and, occasionally, when something slides through we got great readers who can 'call the question'. Redundancy is a good thing...sometimes. Onda, K.

  16. Thanks for keeping us updated! Honestly reading about Z40 was the main thing that got me reading Borderlandbeat, and although I read it for everything else now, I still always hope something about him comes up.

  17. It is amazing how you constantly read this and that whining stories about these heartless nut cases. Mexico need to wake up, start a death penalty and protect the good citizens. They tote these idiots around until they are old. Hand them over to ISIS if none of you have the balls to execute them. I am sure that will turn some heads and straighten a few of them out! So unfair they all live on and on after the countless deaths they are responsible for. Mexico can't even give an accurate account of their population nationwide do to numerous unknown clandestine graves. I say kill all those drug lords and be done with it!

  18. So in other words he is going to escape(released).

  19. That's his mug even if they got his first name wrong. Good job.

  20. Grievance?? Give me a break!! What about his victims and the families hes ruined! THOSE are grievances !!

    1. He's going to get punished by country's law, not by your feelings. It ain't emotion show by lawyers spiced with emotional jury like in US.

    2. I wouldn't bank much confidence on him getting punished too much by the Mexican authorities. There are definitely problems with the US legal system, but at least they actually deal justice to even rich criminals. Mexico will put this guy away for 10 years tops, and even then he'll have access to everything he wants.
      And you think US juries are 'emotional'? I can imagine a Mexican jury full of 30 year old women whining about why their husbands don't make more money and why their daughters aren't married yet.

  21. Isn't that the same prison that Chapo escaped from?

    Either way, something ain't right about this..


  22. Why did this perro get sent to puente grande? They should put him in gen pop in puente grande and let the Sinaloa boys rip him apart

    1. The only thing those Sinaloa putos would do is scratch Z40 up with their painted nails. If I were him I wouldn't be to worried about any real damage. 40 demolished GN and Antrax when he was free so nothing will change in the penta.

    2. Yea. Those sinaloa boys are no match for seats. They proved it many times. Now they learned to stay away from zeta territory before they get shot up. They're only tough in corridors.

  23. What was the madafaka doing in puente grande? Waiting for the puerta grande to open up??? His trial has not even started!!!
    But it is easier to find room for private visits, conjugal and business in a smaller not so tight security.
    --Dr Mireles may have asked to be put far away, where his wife's mustaches can not reach him, because he has enough wiskers, no need for hers...

    1. hahaha, his wife's mustaches..I think i just wet my self laughing!

  24. Ey man Otis take no notice of these few clowns,you don't see them posting stories?
    Fuck em

  25. Man I actually love reading about Z40, what a badass.

    1. I wonder if you would still think he was a bad ass for stewing your whole entire family. What would you say then? It takes more effort to be an honest person and do the right thing.

    2. @1:24 Very good response. Keep it up, we need more intelligent readers & posters.

  26. Wow I watched the video where his former hitman talks about him. I didn't realize there were actually people this evil...

  27. Prisons on the US used to be secure, serious even professional, in spite of problems once in a while, then Corporate Corrections of America decided they wanted the business to make profit from charging double for half the service, and introduced rape, death, drug trafficking, wholesale corruption, fights and murders on all the prisons they could, and increased crime on the streets to have eve more customers...
    --For CCA, no prison is secure or supermax enough if it is not theirs, they sure want to PRIvatize mexican prisons too, only they don't say so in public propaganda...

  28. Puro nuevo laredo tamaulipas tierra de gallos bravos big balls this guy z40 has

  29. By the way, chapo escaped the "supermax"... So nobody can say it's escape proof

  30. I love reading about z-40 and his brother Omar,z-42.. They are definitely evil people with absolutely ZERO conscious. How can you boil prior in acid and then go home and sleep. I would habe nightmares for years. It's scary that they can't tie z-40 to the massacre of all those migrants because believe it or not,z-40 could actually get OUT of prison one day.


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