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Friday, February 27, 2015

Mexican Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam is "transferred"

Proceso ( February 27, 2015 Translated by un vato

Former head of PGR Jesus Murillo Karam

Senator Arely Gomez Gonzalez

 MEXICO, D.F. (apro).- In the context of the 90th March for Ayotzinapa, Jesus Murillo Karam leaves the Attorney General's Office of the Republic (PGR) to head the Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu: Secretaria de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano).

At the head of the PGR, President Enrique Pena Nieto will propose the appointment of Arely Gomez Gonzalez*, who today requested leave to resign from her Senate seat.

Murillo Karam incited rejection by the Ayotzinapa families, and from investigators and social organizations, when he promoted the so-called "historical truth" that the 43 students were massacred by gunmen with the Guerreros Unidos and their remains incinerated in an immense pyre then scattered in a river.  

In Joaquin Lopez Doriga's nightly news report, the reporter also predicted that Jorge Carlos Ramirez Marin, still the head of the Sedatu, will seek a "plurinominal" (proportional vote) candidacy to the Chamber of Deputies (Camara de Diputados, analogous to the U.S. House of Representatives).

* Senator Arely Gomez Gonzalez is the former head of the Special Office for the Prosecution of Electoral Crimes (Fepade: Fiscalia Especializada Para la Atencion de Delitos Electorales). She is also the sister of Leopoldo Gomez, Vice President of News with the Televisa network.-- un vato


  1. I have almost felt sorry for Murillo at times. He, along with Castillo, had been the lightening rods that caught all the heat. Castillo deservedly, but I don't think that Murillo was nearly as deficient in moral fiber as Castillo and probably not one of the worst characters in EPN's administration. Haven't seen any speculation yet whether he was booted out by PRI or if he just wanted out of the line of fire.

    But we can all rest easy because with Senator Arely Gomez Ganzalez as his replacement.and her background as head of the "Special Office for the Prosecution of Electoral Crimes" we know she will be diligent in enforcing the laws.

    It will be interesting to see the numbers on how many cases of "electoral crime" were prosecuted during her tenure there. I don't remember any cases brought against Televisa, where her sister is Vice President of News. I remember stories of the father of current CEO and owner of Televisa, Emilio Azcarraga, saying;
    "I am a foot soldier of PRI". Many people (myself included) believe Televisa selected, groomed, coached, wrote the scripts for EPN in his quest for the presidency. It is pretty well documented that it gave EPN illegal discounts on political ads, only ran favorable news stories about him, and even worked in flattering coverage of EPN in it's novelas. Of course Mrs EPN formerly was a star in some of Televisa's novelas.
    But I am sure that Senator Gomez will vigorously and fairly enforce all the laws of Mexico in the future including electoral crimes committed by Televisa. (If you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I would like to sell you)

    1. @DD
      Why feel sorry for someone who was involved Kiki Camarena's death?

    2. I see your sarcasm

    3. I agree he tried to do his best and that's all that counts. It is very hard to get things done when u have this Pres

    4. Who does her nails

    5. I will buy the Bridge

    6. we need a Foot Soldier to battle the cartels. Oh. are they the soldier

    7. sorry? after his history of blatant corruption and masterminding the bogus explanation of Iguala and lying to the families? shame on you!

    8. To me it seems like a good move that Murillo Karam was probably in the wrong govt office, therefore he wasn't able to do his job, that other position in the other hand might suit him best. He might end up helping alot in the development of a retarted country like mx. It all depends on his intentions.

      & that women looks like one though cookie. If she isn't one of those corrupted ones, and has good intentions, better get ready, she is gonna come down with that iron hammer on them goons, thugs, criminals. all the mx rats...... I like her name Arely.. Lol

  2. I was hoping Mariana Benítez would replace Murrillo as AG, but she left PGR and is going for a federal diputado post.

    Do a Google image search on her. Very easy on the eyes, am I right? I might have actually started watching AG press conferences!

  3. If you are useless why don't fire you this Mexicans put those faking lazy asses on a better paid position??? This country is a joke....

  4. Same ole same ole /////nothing changes/// they r in DF and happy. While here Matamores Tamps we just die

  5. They r the cause of the problem. They like the Cartels

  6. Cougar
    Arely Gonez Gonzales

  7. Mexico, we are pulling for you, I know I am. Like so many other countries in crisis, ONLY a real transparent govt, with real democracy...can change any of these problems.You can move a pile of crap, from here to there, but you're still going to have to eventually deal with it, no matter where you moved it to. Until it's cleaned up, gone..can you keep from stepping in it, smelling it..dealing with it. People, it's time to clean up the shit!! Sorry about the analogy, it just seemed to fit into this "stink up'.


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