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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Refined oil halted through pipelines, as Pemex concedes to narco oil theft

Posted by Pepe republished from Proceso 

Announcement comes amid an annual increase of 70 percent in the number of illegal pipeline connections operated by organized crime 


"This is a great admission of vulnerability by Pemex," says George Baker, an industry analyst

In a bid to curb the theft of fuel through its pipeline network across the country, Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) announced it will stop using the pipelines for the transportation of refined fuels.

"In order to strengthen security in the transport of fuels, Pemex will use its pipelines only for unrefined gas and diesel, which is unfit for use in vehicles and industrial plants," the oil giant said in a statement.

Henceforth, the final mixing of such products will be made directly at the 77 Pemex storage terminals in the country, prior to delivery to automotive vehicles and industry.

"Users are advised to ensure that the fuels they are buying are from Pemex terminals, and warned against buying gasoline and diesel from any other facilities or stations not part of the Pemex distribution system, warning such fuels can harm engines," the statement added.

It was also stated that customers should request proof of payment at the gas station.

Pemex has a network of 14,282 kilometers of oil and gas pipelines through which it now will only carry unrefined gasoline and diesel.

This change in strategy began in Tabasco, but the goal is to be applied gradually throughout the country.

Last year the oil company suffered loses from illegal extraction of fuels through 3,600 illegal taps.

Below is an excellent full length video by Vice about fuel theft and its affect on Mexican society


  1. Pemex thinks that will stem fuel theft? They will just steal the unrefined fuel and sell that to the highest bidder or figure out the refining method themselves.

    1. Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner! Exactly right!

    2. Are you a comedian? How in the hell are they going to refine it themselves.? From barrel of crude oil (40 gallons) only about 18 gallons of gasoline is made.The other is for 1000 of uses. The capital to make a small refinery is in the millions..... Hugs,not Drugs.

    3. Refining oil is not like making meth. The cartels are in business to move product not find buyers for unrefined oil. I guess you might call this a pipe dream! LOL!

    4. The article is a little misleading, and 5:44 p.m. is still correct. It's not exactly "unrefined" fuel they'll be shipping in the pipelines. It's really "unfinished," lacking a final chemical or mix. That will be easy for the narcos to obtain and add.

  2. How long has this pipeline tapping been going? Or better yet something gave Pemex the audacity to finally stop getting ripped off. N from this Mexico will be like Cailfornia with high gas prices.

    1. Hey Pemex employees have been ripping off fuel and oil for years. Why not give Cartels a cut

    2. Have you noticed the rich get richer Mx. and the poor get poorer

    3. This dude is super cool Fat with Tatooos

    4. PIgs get fatter and hogs get slaughtered...

    5. The price of gas is $3.57 per gallon south of the border region. Not to mention the pumps are not accurate.

  3. People have to stop buying stolen shit..period. Gasoline and anything else people steal and sell cause more damage than anyone thinks.

    1. Yeah, stop stealing the stolen shit!!! How else are the crooked PRI going to buy personal villas around the world !!!

  4. Lucio, you're right. That video is very well done. Should have received some recognition as a great short documentary linking up many of the current problems in Mexico.

  5. And this is not the worst news. Today Pemex announced massive layoffs and cutbacks on their plans for new drilling. Mexico's energy "reforms" were a decade late and are now several billion dollars short. Can you say - Financial Hardship and Revolution?

  6. I went to navolato sinaloa for vacations and I know people that bought stolen gas LOL. Saved a couple hundred haha.

  7. Hopefullty the idiot thieves blow up. If you find a bunch of cars stalling or explosions, you know they were buying the crooked oil;.

  8. "Users are advised to ensure that the fuels they are buying are from Pemex terminals"


    Better check and make sure the pump is not ripping you off Pemex-style with their litros incompletos!

    1. Easy peasy, just jack the trucks. Why mess with the raw material.

    2. The video is a bit outdated, has anyone noticed the price of oil is half what it was 6 months ago?

    3. Dishonesty, what alot of mexicans be lacking of one of the main reasons they are like they are right now. If the same Pemex ripp their costumers off. .(which i doubt is probably more of a local gas station type of thing, where the dishonest owners of such stores decide to cheat their costumers) they in return get pipe fuel jackers. . now with all that fuel stealing thing is gonna come higher fuel prices. . maybe? since they are going to have more expenses to get the fuel to the places. one example is 6:12. . they are probably going to need to hire a couple of guards to protect their product delivery. . with higher gas prices comes inflation of other products food, etc. everything comes back to bite the same idiot mexican'ts in their jundillo. .

  9. Robbing pemex all through the calderonato helped the pri come back to give pemex away to their foreign compadres for money on foreign banks, but thefts skyrocketed when carlos salinas de gortari put la quina in prison for ''corruption''...
    --for his corruption, carlos salinas de gortari, like all the mexican politicians need to be shot in the ass with a shotgun and hanged by their balls...

  10. De que hablan estos pendejos rateros de Pemex si todos los mexicanos tienen derecho a ese petroleo no nomas ellos que son los rateros del PRI y de USA juntos.

    Aver pena nieto dale el dinero que genera el petroleo a los pobres como chavez en venezuela pero nunca lo haras porque todo el donero se lo roban para ustedes los ricos en poder.

    1. Now seas un pendejo, Venezuela esta pior que Mexico. Ese pais perdio billions porque le deva descuntos de gasolina. Un gallon costaba 10 centavos, ....ahora estan chingados porque el pais no turne dinero.

    2. Venezuela esta muchisimo peor ke mexico porke lo ke venden al extranjero se lo roban las ratas de sus politicos, hasta parecen un pais centro americano todo retrasado en estructura y toda la cosa a pesar de ke tienen petroleo y de ke son un pais grande con mucha tierra, ni la comida les alcansa a los weyes esos. no wey estas ekivocado

  11. I think Vice News is all Hollywood, can't believe that BS

  12. Puros marranos gordos robando petroleo, ay muchos mexicanos acostumbrados al dinero facil, buitres por todos lados, siempre se la buscan como joder a los demas ...

  13. Guardias Blancas, murdering private security of the brittish and american companies that used to own the mining and oil companies in mexico had it tight, nobody would even breath the contaminated air when they were in charge without their permission, --the miners could take all the mining dust they could get into their lungs, my grandfather died from silicosis at 45, from a family that lives to 100 years of age...
    --the foreign slave owners are back with a vengeance, and killing their way in, before they take posession again, all these ''problems'' were created by them to break the legs of pemex while making profit from makreting stolen oil and minerals...

  14. thanks for adding the video, informative

  15. The Mexican who makes nothing for working their azz off for the rich D.F. Handlebar mustache types prefer to steal crude. However, people love to go to Mexico and get treated with the " Servitude" mentality . uno taco por favor and a cerveza too idiot. Then giggle and laugh.

  16. 6:37 the mexicans served you the handlebar mustaches with the ceviche, and the beer was not really beer, after the day before...
    --told you, when the deal went through, all the promised profits were going to disappear, and mexico will end up paying compensation for all the imaginary loses of the "investors" and more, epn will jack up the taxes again, if you have no job, then jack up the shakedowns and ransoms, and sales taxes, like the templarios, one peso por kilo de tortillas...
    --GAS EXPRESS NIETO can keep delivering gas to the other hospitals on mexico city, if they blow like oklahoma's state buildings of tim mc veigh it is their problem, epn is sooo happy...


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