Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Tamaulipas: total six dead in 24 hours

Borderland Beat posted by DD republished from ElDiario de Coahuila

Friday, February 13, 2015
Three suspects were today killed in a shootout against federal forces in the city of Rio Bravo. With this added the total killed in less than 24 hours in Tamaulipas was six.
The Coordination Group Tamaulipas, revealed that the suspects who have not yet been identified, were killed in two different events on Friday February 13. The attacks against federal forces in Rio Bravo have been constant.
The first incident occurred at 01:33 hours on Avenida Francisco I. Madero with Gap 108, where elements of the Federal Police were carrying out patrols and ran into a Chevrolet Silverado, without license plates and whose crew started attack them with firearms.
The federal police repelled the attack and killed two of the suspects, whose ages ranged from 25-30 years. From inside the van two rifles, supplied chargers and cartridges of various calibers ensured.
The second incident occurred at 02:15 hours in Guanajuato Avenue near the corner of Maple Street, Ribera del Bravo colony where Tamaulipas state police forces were attacked by armed civilians who were traveling aboard a vehicle without license plates Volkswagen Jetta Sport circulation.

 To repel the aggression they shot dead a suspect who were between 18-20 years old. Inside the vehicle a rifle, a handgun, one fragmentation Granada three chargers supplied nine strikes out-wheels and a cell phone said.
Note that just yesterday, members of the Secretariat of National Defense were attacked by a group of armed civilians clash that also left a balance of three suspected criminals killed.

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  1. Won't be long before Mexico has no 20-30 year old males. Mexican people need to stand up. Period.

    1. than it will be 6 to 11 year olds. U r right could lose a genratation Ja Ja

    2. It's a Latin European thing, like Sicily.

    3. u dumb ass kid keep dying make ur family proud

    4. No it's not a Latin American thing and I have more than 600 employees between 17-30 between Durango, Mazatlan, Culiacan and Ciudad Juarez that are honest hard working good people. It's a lack of education, good parenting, and opportunity "thing". No different than what Chicago, Dallas, LA, Houston and the rest of the world has when these are lacking. Open your eyes and your mind and quit speaking ignorance and slandering young Mexicans.

    5. It may be best to take a break for day, your comments following 8:13PM were angrier than usual, and have been demeaning personal attacks.

    6. It's all the lonely ppl with no valentines chivis lol forgive them for they do not know what they post lol

  2. Really how stupid these bastards are what the hell they are thinking hey I'm bored let's go out and look for federales and get in to shoot out sounds like fun

    1. They attack the police because there helping there rivals

    2. These young guys, are juiced up on meth/cocaine, they have to be. They are told somthing, the order has been givin and if they don't follow through them or their familys will be killed. They get juiced up hyped up because if they are going to. They going out high and in a blaze of gun fire. That's just my opinion, if I knew my daughter or wife would be killed because of my insubordination, I would get as high as I could knowing. I more than likly wouldn't come back, at least my family wouldn't be haarmed

  3. The towns people said that if the local CDG does not stop their shenanigans they would get reported and get dealt with by the authorities, this is the local CDG saying they are not afraid we'll even attack them

  4. If you want to experience off-road fire fights at its finest, then Rio Bravo is the place to be. That bad part about that is that now you can't use buildings as your cover when avoiding rifle projectiles. Be careful to avoid falling into the Rio Bravo if your firefighting along the river on top of other combat problems you might have.

    1. The Rio Bravo referred to in this article is the TOWN of Rio Bravo between Reynosa and Nuevo Progresso, not the river also known as Rio Bravo or Rio Grande.

    2. @7:07 Yes sir. I know the Rio Bravo referred to in the article is the CITY, not town - if you consider a city of 125,000 a town - of Rio Bravo. In Mexico the Rio Grande is named the Rio Bravo which shares the name with the CITY. The city of Rio Bravo is south of the Rio Bravo and the town of Donna,Tx. Practically on the border. The city is surrounded by brechas, dirt roads which are ripe for drug trafficking and balaceras, shootouts, between CDG factions and between federal forces vs. cartel. I know Tamaulipas.

  5. Why cant they get cars with plates so they wont be spotted so easy and then just sneak up on the soldiers and drop a grenade in their truck bed wen they are stuffing they fat faces at oxxo

  6. That's where most of the regular folks think. They follow orders from the shoot caller's in the cartel. Plomo or plata ,, lead or silver. ...get corrupted or get they are just doing a job...a shit job but a like gangs on the USA, when a shoot caller says do this ,you do it other wise ,you get dealt with...not rocket science. ...

    1. The "shoot" I assume you mean shot callers are in DC. Ever heard of lobbyist, Congress, Political Action Committees, Bell Helicopter, Merida, and the number of American jobs funded through DOJ (that's Dept of Justice). The US comes out much better than any "cartel" or even Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela combined from the "war on drugs". Look outside your little novela and recognize reality.

    2. but at least u have gun can shoot the bad guys in the US, Mx has no guns

    3. Lol a novela really you must be the grammar police.....who cares about what you have to say just because you are a so called business owner don't make you a narco expert or a politician ...don't bother Mercedes man, eventually you end up getting kidnapped for being so flashy.....wait you have 300 employees so disculpa, carlos slim....always blaming the USA for all the world problems... whatever.

    4. @825....bussines owner? Do your 600 make a livable wage?? You sound arrogant to the fullest degree.while Pointing the fingure at everyone else, do you notice the 3 fingers pointing back at you? The problem starts with your kind. When your house of cards just crumbles, would any of your empolyees take you in? Or point their fingers and laugh? Just somthing to think about.

  7. Mexican federal police, mexicam army/navy, hanging fron the federal narco-mierdocracia's balls, no trust...
    --it is very strange that all the perps keep getting absoluterly killed, i suspect murder all over the place, again...

  8. US congressman Vela tells Osorio Chong stop the Violence "Congressman its none of your business" Shut UP. Das BS there is no violence in Tamps. Torre Cantu says everything is fine. How can US congressman tell the Mexicans how to run their country, when he cannot run his country{US}

    1. Ur an uneducated idiot. U make no sense at all and if that was an anti usa remark then get the fuck out of our country cuz u probably live here in the great usa or atleast have family here. Tf Florida

    2. Dude the violence in Mexico is really bad no matter who is telling Cheech and Chong how to run their country. Would you feel better if the Canadian Prime Minister said it? Personally I could really care less how many people are killed/murdered in Mexico is what it is bro no more no less. The only people who are truly hurt by the violence is the working class citizens of Mexico.

    3. 3:54 you have unleashed the ADD'ed doing business as DBA BB commenters again...
      --the business of the US is to furnish the weapons and shut up, in osorio chong's world, chicano politicians rank very low...

    4. It doesnt matter wat usa doesnt mattet if americans dont care about mexico because their will be a day in which americans will suffer the same way as mexicans do.america has lots of enemies(im not one of them) and america is not invincible

  9. cartel is doing well presenting Fear, nobody leaves their house no one crosses into Mexico. It works and put them in control of the city,

  10. How many times on here people said estakas dont go looking for firefights with military,eventually an estaka will run into a patrol,and invariably they will be killed outright

  11. End prohibition, legalize it all!

    1. Thats what should be done because drugs will never stop being consumed.the war on drugs does not help it causes more problems and deaths.the warvon drugs has no logic.the war on drugs is a buisness
      Its not made to help

  12. Bosque at 4:00, the ''Latin European'' thing, looks like a NAZI OPERATION full of resolution and LOW INTENSITY CONFLICT, designed on the US by european born in germany jewish zionist queen henry kissnger and his court jesters, nobel peace price and all that has been slowly sinking latin america in mass graves since their WWII war and peace.
    --that federal in the photo looks so HUGO BOSS...
    -- like ''general'' augusto pinochet when the CIA won his little war for him after giving the chileans a good famine...
    --like they are giving now to venezuela, libya, syria, ukrainia, iraq, iran, afghanistan, the PIIGS countries coalition (portugal, ireland, italy, grease, spain)...
    --Private Military Contractors all over the world are now starting their own FOR PROFIT little wars, picking their own targets, for per$$$onal reasons...
    --you, bosque, can GOOGLE all of it at http://GOOGLE, ?!?!?!!! Surprise, you can find some pro and contra justifications for LOW INTENSITY CONFLICTS, like all of those could have been more deadly if the official military did the confrontations themselves and in person, in daylight, like they would be kidnapping, murdering, burning or putting people in mass graves right in front of the witnesses that will get done the same too, like the nazis....

    1. @Feb 15, 5:57am

      Your first paragraph is an awful farago of garbage lol! (Didn care for reading the rest)

    2. Millie alert!!!

    3. Seems pretty reasonabe too me!!!

  13. Of the 80,000 Or so reported deaths I wonder how many of them were criminals and how many were innocent victims? Graveyard after dumping ground keep popping up all over the country - does anyone have an idea of how many people have really died? Does the goverment keep records of how many people have gone "missing"? And how many citizens report a missing "youth" to authorities? That figure of eighty-thousand may be wishful thinking..

    1. About 200,000 dead more or less.

  14. I am a Gringo, who has lived in Tamualipas for over 15 years raising a family on the Mexican side of the border. The comments above by 8:13 are absolutely correct and I can't imagine that there were comments so hateful in response that they were not published. Free public education ends with the 8th grade over here. High school is a dream that a small percent of the people can afford. The cost is high, approx. 1,500 pesos per month per child, which is a week's pay for the average working stiff. Therefore 90% of the children age 15 and older are looking for a job. Way too young to be put into job market. Because there is no job market for them.

    Teen age pregnancy is the norm. Young mothers typically live with their parents and work in maquilas to support their children. The uneducated young vatos roam the streets with few job opportunities other than washing cars or busting-up concrete. They are easy prey to work for the criminals that run the streets. It's all about lack of education. Kids in the US are encouraged to stay in school though high school. At least they are then 18 years old, somewhat educated and can find a job. Higher education beyond high school is available regardless how poor you are in the United States. I have always been aware that the lack of education of the population is the root problem to the situation in Mexico.

    1. I am a gringo living in Baja California for 3 years and here there is free education for high school students. It's not great but they do have it here. Even though I have my kids in private schools. My wife told me that before there was no free education for high school here. So maybe things are starting to change a little.

    2. So why don't you move back to USA? Are you a fugitive, as most fugitives run to Mexico thinking they are safe.

    3. do u feel save a Gringo who left 5 years ago after a bad experience

    4. It is a Mexican thing because it's the Mexican government that wants the population to stay uneducated. Why is that? Is it the gringos in DC that ensure the education of the poor stays at the 8th grade level? Of course not!! It's starts with EPN and the Mexican elitist attitudes in the Mexican government. You can't blame outsiders for what the insiders are doing to its own. There is absolutely no money in helping your own people. (My grandmother told me that over 30 years ago and it rings true in almost every country).

    5. To Baja commenter regarding free HS
      I never heard of free Public HS. Can you send me a couple of named I will look into it..

      I pay for HS and books for students. This year I have a couple of dozen scholarships, 8 tutor assists and 3 private tutions and uniforms we pay. we pay directly to the schools.

      so I would like this information to determine if it is a state or federal program. In coahuila we have both systems, and after 11 years no one, including the sec of ed has been able to tell me why.

      most states charge a tax or tution or "fee", plus books.

    6. Public education in the U.S.A. is free and not free. Meaning every child in the nation has access to public education without anybody actually showing up to pay for tuition, books, etc. However, it really isn't free. Public education is funded through the funds the states receive from revenue generated from property taxes, or from state income taxes from the states that don't have property taxes. The costs of education are already covered before the start of every school year. Now some parents might choose to send their children to a private school anyway and therefore have to cover the tuition costs on their own and still pay property taxes/state income taxes.

    7. I love Mexico I left after two family kidnapping . by the way, one lived and the other we never heard from him, We have accepted his death. Nothing else u can do, Mx. police do not help.

      I am USA. Some my Mx friends says the US army needs go and help Mexico. I think the last time we did that Mexico got mad at us. Remember the US took Tex. NM. Az, Calif. What would we take this time , Baja California!!!!!!!!

    8. I am another Gringo who is a fugitive in Mx I am on the lamb for child support. I am move away from the border states better down here, I am never going back, its better than jail

    9. Free school stops in the 9th grade (secundaria).
      You pay for Preparatoria (starts the 10th grade).
      Get your facts straight, after living in Mexico over 15 years, as you claim.

    10. The uneducated young vatos roam the streets with few job opportunities other than washing cars or busting-up concrete.example: el z40,its not z40 that he became what he became it was societies fault.....

  15. Government officers STEAL the militay budget
    Education officers steal public education budget
    Public health officers steal the budget
    Social security steal the budget
    Federal and state officers steal the loans they contract and put the money right back on the lending banks...
    Mexico has nothing to show for the loans or money stolen
    --The US and European banks are too happy to care, because they get to privatize all the property and enslave the population of all their victimized countries, sheltering and harboring economic fraudsters and murdering criminals is no problem for the US government, that is why cheech and chong mexican ''minister'' can tell latin-american congressmen to shut the fuck up...

  16. I was under the impression that chivis would no longer be involved with this blog. At lest that's what she stated a few months ago.

    1. put the pipe down Willie, she was clear in saying she would be around to help admin. she is no longer posting

      I wish she was

    2. 7:04 so why all the drama when she left?

    3. 6:15 Chivis got a LIFE SENTENCE, got it???
      She ain't goin' anywhere, so you keep making the coffee honeybuns...
      We love chivis!!!

  17. Wow everyone is on edge with this article. Really you cannot blame all the young men there for being a part of this nonsense. Or even assume it was voluntary. I recall a few articles where it was brought to everyone's attention how cartels were kidnapping young folks and forcing them to participate with threats to them as well as their families. I am sure if a person truly care for their loved ones, they would submit and protect them. To say that these folks are stupid is not exactly correct. Some appear to have brilliant minds with the many creative tactics used in smuggling. It is just sad that with all this desire to achieve, it wasn't used to benefit the country. Instead it is used to commit crimes. Mexico could flourish if these guys took a different path in life and were a part of good things. Hopefully one day a better outcome surfaces and all this bad just go away!

  18. Does any one know if a tattoo saying Hecho En Tamaulipas is cartel related seen some.guys.with.the same tattoo in Florida they looked distinguished as in a military/police background

    1. Nope he was just born in Tamaulipas

    2. He might be from the military.

  19. What thing for sure Mx is not going to be ever safe

  20. some come the US and get in trouble, most them are great kids

  21. Public schools to the university grade are free, but college and universiy, technological schools, you have to qualify through examinations, and smart people get scholarships, problem is when principals and administrators steal the monthly quotas and government funds, i used to pay 12 pesos a month, which were stolen by the principal until some smart ass did the accounting, the universidad autonoma de guanajuato, the autonoma de zacatecas, the nacional autonoma de mexico, they are all free, all of them are supposed to be free, or very affordable, but many students do not get accepted so they go to other schools with smaller budgets or private schools.
    --But something is wrong with paying 1500.00 pesos a month when the minimum wages is about 25.00 dollars a week for the ones lucky to get it...
    --In the US, the cost of educating one child, one year, in public school, is about
    30 000.00 dollars, the money gets collected from real estate and other taxes, if you pay private school, that is your problem, no tax breaks, the school district still spends your child's share on themselves, books are free, used and returned at the end of the year, but there is a few extra payments and quotas...
    --a lot of oney goes to special programs run by private corporations biting like hungry bitches for their share, a litlle bit more every year, and pushing more and more drugs to high and junior high students, and enticing them to gangs to send some customers to
    Corrections Corporation of America...
    --all the billions of dollars the US spends on education, have compounded its education problems, because too many hungry dogs, bitches and wolves want their part of the billions ad billions and billions of dollars, and now they want mexico's pesos too, and will kill or disappear any and all ayotzinapos that get on their way...

    1. not true, name a HS that is completely free of charge.
      name it. and name the city

  22. @7:45 Why bother commenting on something you did not read, or did not understand?
    There are levels of ignorance where we should stay, safely, because you can find on a lot of sites about LOW INTENSITY CONFLICTS, well prepared reports, by american reporters that know what they are talking about...
    --WIKI FARAGO... ha, ha haaah!!! LOL...
    --I will leave for some other day the esoterics of stupid or the metaphysics of dumbo's ears

    1. Das for sure I don't have a clue whats happening, pretty confusing. Some say everything is ok other its not

  23. That's it? This would be a slow news day on the south side of Chicago. There's almost as much impunity here with all the thugs and there no snitch rule

  24. After the multiple massacres and murdering, pri and pena nieto got back in power, in mexico, AND in chicago, we have a new republican governor because of the gun laws sponsored by the NRA, they are the reason gun toting gangs keep murdering people in chicago...
    I suppose the chicago AutoDefensas can arm themselves and go hunting the gangbangers like rats all over the city, because NRA paid-for-laws leave no other solution, and SWAT teams and militarized police ''can't do the job'', they are too busy guarding the couplets getting married at city hall...
    --i used to pay 12.00 pesos quota every month in mexican high school years ago, and 20.00 in college, universidad autonoma de zacatecas was free except for housing and food, but there was very cheap dinner in school cafeteria, not american prison food they serve in US schools, and the IPI served milk, and bolillo con frijoles in grade schools, that was cooperation between JFK and Lopez Mateos, ALIANZA PARA EL PROGRESO, later it was decided that bullets for the US fabricated communist mexican students all over latinamerica was a better option... even JFK got a few bullets!!!
    --Then la chuky had to get paid for forking the ass to teacher's union bosses, and fees increased all over to make her millions of US dollars...
    --teachers progress from normalistas to federal employees, state and municipal teachers are just steps on the way, and the best at ass kissing progress the fastest... --right now only robots teaching students to be robots are the most better paid, unless they are good at politics and are with the party, the do not get kidnapped, disappeared, killed, tortured or shot at...
    --also visiting hombre soltero y maduro/joto seguro ''la emilia'' emilio chuayffet chemor or some other joto-politico mexicano these days helps your career along the way, that is how manlio fabio beltrones ''la fabis'' got it made for about 40 years now...

  25. Feb7 at 2:33 popular acclaim, and love for us, made it clear to chivis she had to stay... --you have none of it, nobody loves you, nobody wants or needs you around here, so, what makes you stay, some masochist need for rejection???
    --no wonder, many of us would not make it anywhere else, specially the ''unhappy''...


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