Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, February 28, 2015

The arrest of La Tuta: What happens now to the Caballeros Templarios?

Lucio: translated and republished from 'La Silla Rota' written by Víctor Manuel Sánchez

Note:  'El Tena' was on the original short list of the Autodefensas as a target.  He has a loyal following, and good potential to emerge as a leader.   'EL Gallito' is another strong possibility as he already has been working independently.

But, Viagras and their alliance with CJNG is the biggest threat, they have become strong in the past year, they are from Michoacan, have backing of CJNG and their alliance and entities on "the payroll" and have taken over many of the drug labs.

In his last recording La Tuta said about the Viagras:

"The government has identified them and they are within reach. They can arrest them whenever they feel like it. They are right under their noses.

They (Viagras) made a deal and became allies of Nazrio Moreno Gonzalez and El Gallitoto read the text of that last recording link to post here."

La Silla Rota post:

The government has identified them and they are within reach. They can arrest them whenever they feel like it. They are right under their noses.
They (Viagras) made a deal and became allies of Nazrio Moreno Gonzalez and El Gallitoto read the text of that last recording link to post here.

Capturing Servando Gómez Martínez, alias “La Tuta ", which occurred yesterday in the city of Morelia, Michoacán, is a blow to the Caballeros Templarios, who in less than a one year period have lost virtually all their leaders. 

In fact, the Tuta was the last of the leaders of the Caballeros Templarios, who had the ability to unite different regional cells of the criminal group. Because of this, it is not unreasonable to ask the following question, which will be the theme of this article: 

Subsequent to the capture of Servando Gómez Martínez, what structural changes might the Caballeros Templarios experience?

There are three scenarios raised that may respond to that question.   The first scenario is that there will be a struggle within that criminal organization in which any of the regional leaders achieve control of the criminal group. There are at least three candidates are likely to dispute the overall leadership of the Caballeros Templarios, vacated by La Tuta, these are: 

Pablo Toscano Padilla “El Quinientos” o “El Quinini”, the Templarios plaza boss of   the municipality of Lázaro Cárdenas with influences the municipalities of Arteaga and Tumbiscatío, Ignacio Andrade Rentería, alías “El Cenizo”, plaza boss in Uruapan and surrounding area and Fernando Cruz Mendoza, alias" El Tena " plaza boss in the municipality of  Coalcomán.

There are other characters who are likely to contest control of the Templarios, those who had distanced themselves from the organization in recent months because of differences with La Tuta , such as Homero González Rodríguez, alías “El Gallito”. (Tuta referred to him in his last audio message) first cousin Nazario Moreno (former leader of the Caballeros Templarios), who in the  last few months has operated independently in southern Michoacán and Nicolás Sierra Santana, leader of the group known as Los  Viagras, which split from the Templarios and now maintain an alliance with the Cartel Jalisco New Generation  (CJNG).

Notwithstanding the foregoing, It will be difficult for any of these candidates to have the capacity and resources to subject other regional leaders, since many of them have similar forces.  An open struggle between factions would be exhausting for all of them.   Additionally, It would be difficult for these regional leaders to reach an agreement, so one would assume full control of the organization, because among them there are old deep routed and unresolved issues.
Another scenario more likely that the first, is that none of the regional leaders achieve total control of the Templarios and the organization has to undergo a process of prolonged fragmentation, as happened to the Beltrán-Leyva Cartel, which would result in the organization being divided into several groups of the region, who will have a continuous war fighting each other for territory and for the Templarios trade. 

This could be bad news for Michoacán; they could experience the emergence of new criminal groups with  characteristics similar to those of the ‘Guerreros Unidos’, and ‘Los Rojos’, which could lead to escalation of violence in several regions of the state, as well as an increase in crime rates as homicides, kidnappings, extortion, drug dealing and theft.

Given this scenario, the Federal Government must anticipate these scenarios, and work to identify potential cells of the Templarios, those who are likely to become independent, in order to find an early disruption and avoid greater problems in the future.  

Since nothing would be served by the many municipalities of Michoacán, Guerrero, Guanajuato and the State of Mexico, than to be liberated from the grasp of the Caballeros Templarios only to have a few months later, these municipalities controlled by other criminal organizations, including: CJNG or Los Viagras.   The federal government and state governments should make serious efforts to assure the vacancies left by the Templarios are not occupied by other criminal groups.

The third and final scenario, that can potentially emerge is that the process of fragmentation of the Templarios, as experienced by the Beltran Leyva Organization.  In this case there could be a regional consolidation, thereby strengthening criminal cells in each locality that would control small market niches but limiting activities to kidnapping and extortion, which would be the only activities available to such groups.

This scenario could be capitalized by the Federal Government, if it poses a strategy to attack the local cells, since the resilience of the latter would be very limited. However, this scenario can also be capitalized by rival criminal organizations that given the weakness of the old networks of the Templarios, may seek to expand their territories.  So the dismantling of the structure of the Templarios, may not necessarily result in an improvement in the security of Michoacán and other neighboring states.

In short, capturing Servando Gómez Martínez, alias " La Tuta "cannot be seen as the end of the efforts of the Federal Government to dismantle the Templarios, they are still alive, as there are still many networks that have criminal organization operational capacity, which can carry out illegal activities independently. 

Therefore, the arrest of ‘La Tuta” should be seen as an opportunity for the federal government go through each of these local networks and seek its final dismantling.

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  1. I would imagine that at one point they have had a meeting and figure out who will be next in line for the leader spot if some thing happen to the leader

  2. Alfredito olivas was killed in el parral any information on dis thers a video about it in YouTube's att fulano de tal

    1. Hes still alive. Hes in the hospital

  3. Thats there chance to finish off the templarios!!

  4. what will happen to Broly?

    1. The navy seals will come in and get him acoording to the guy who always says why dont we just send in the marines.

  5. BROLY is the New Leader of the TEMPLARIOS.

    1. Free hot dogs for everybody, compliments of Broly!!!

    2. Wjy cant you guys just leave el broly alone ok!!!!!!!

  6. i just hope Broly and his sexy eyes are ok.

    1. What about that beautiful hair cascading down his shoulders glistening from the suns rays! With all that conditioner!!! Even the girls are jealous!

  7. he can now rest.. It must be something liberating for him. No more worrys for

  8. Once again what is the point of "finishing" off this cartel when a new one comes in to take its place.
    Legalize drugs, provide counseling for the addicts and you no longer have cartels and the loss of innocence

    1. If there is an idiot answer to the carteleros, sicarios y la violencia, it is LEGALIZE DRUGS. Do you think they will be given away FREE? it is the DINERO it is la poder that feeds these pendejos. A free bale of mota and 10kg of cristal y heroin every month would cure the problem. I LIVE IN TIERRA CALIENTE. I must pay piso. Yeah right legalize drugs. Jajajajaja.

    2. So you would want meth, coke and heroin to be available at your local grocery store?

      Legalize drugs and you will still have cartels, they'll figure out another illegal way to make money... Whether it is kidnapping, bootlegging, internet schemes, ID theft, sex trade, gambling, extortion, robberies etc...

      These guys are not going to go get legitimate jobs if drugs become legal.. Get real.

    3. legalize drugs wont stop crime but it will take the money away.thats what they use buy cops and politicians.

  9. Mexican politicians are celebrating this as if it was some sort of great worldly accomplishment. Normally politicians celebrate things like a high speed rail project, unemployment figures that are low, world rankings for safety and the sort. What is great accomplishment achieved here? Tuta was a cornered cat and a a thug among millions. How does this fix the real problems that exist in Mexico? Which are so many that I'm to lazy to write them all down.

  10. Forget about broly he just got a sex change

    1. From a woman to a man or a man to a woman?

  11. hahaha la Tuta has aged 10 years overnight, the ferret looking rat. Looks quite worried about something....maybe his imminent upcoming death by suicide LOL. This rat shit will never get out, the US is gonna ask for extradition after he is sentenced to 500 years for massacring the 12 federal cops. His fate is doomed especially since they were federal officers that he mass murdered.

    1. Very well written article.Sure does make one think about what the future holds for Michoacán.

    2. Remember that the mexican army was with the 12 federal murdered AND did not help, there are recordings of templarios yelling "shoot at the blues, not to the greens the greens are with us"...when they came back to base, the soldiers were treated with contempt from their brothers at arms"

    3. @9;51 Interesting.

  12. The new leader should start off by changing that fucked up name and stop using plastic chrome helmets and bed sheets

  13. Well wel on rat less with the tuta in jail but mexico is infested of 1000s of more criminals mexico need to reform the constitution and make a complet change on logistc intelligence to scope corrupsion on all levels from to make the real change mexico need i pray for a mexico safe .

  14. Funny stuff, the man that so many of the BB commenters said would never be captured, the man that was said to control Senor Pena, busted and in prison.

    Those that have no faith in the system will get run over by it.
    Doc Mireles and Tuta' stand as prime examples.
    As does Chapo, who must have snitched Tuta out.

  15. Good job General Gurrola

    1. General gurrola disciple of ernesto zedillo and enrique cervantes genocidal sexenato of drugs and weapons trafficking, with general cienfuegos and emilio chuayffet chemor, "la emilia" now giving epn a bad name

  16. No baseball caps in prison Kojak.

  17. I must lol! You people are BEYOND naive!

  18. I think that Michoacan already has its owner. Obviously this whole thing didn't happen out of the blue, someone must be behind the whole scenario of the Templars eradication.

  19. Snitch Baby Snitch

  20. El Cholo Iván was captured in Guamuchil, Sinaloa. Any news about it?

    1. where you hear that?

    2. Also el comandante Varo of Los Zetas in Tamaulipas was captured today by the federales.

  21. La Tuta snitched on himself... he didn't want to end up like el Mas Loco Nazario who was shot dead while riding a Donkey in the Sierra while wearing Green Lime My Little Pony shoes... True Story.

    1. What happen to the Choes and the Little Pony?

  22. No disrespect to the people of Michoacan but it will be interesting to see how all this power vacuum turns out. Survival of the fittest.

  23. Alfredito must be home by now, the policy is for hospitals to send people home next day, baby and everyhing...

  24. CHIVAAA!!! Where are you?
    --Will we have to make a collection to bail you out or for the ransom???
    --Too many days gone baby, i'm promise i will change, but please come back, i'm begging on my knees, no knee pads!!! Please, Please, Please/James Brown...

    1. who are u, what r you rtalking about? I never bn in jail ,,I'm a very honest person.

  25. Im cool with CDG! Out of Michoacan, they are like family! Black people and Mexicans need to come together, we fight the same battle. Brown on Brown crime. Black on Black crime. We need 2 unite as a whole. Because we are doing what the government wants us to do. Kill off each other! We have to let our pride go sometimes. Fighting over turf our ancestors left us can not be the answer. We need to share it, it is enough territory for everyone. Except the Zetas! Drug distribution in america has come soo vast, that it is a lifestyle for young american entrepreneurs. Drugs are bad. But!! Drugs has been around wayy before the Gov't. It will nevet stop! It has built many cities is America, and also help the economy of the United States and Mexico. But war is not the answer. We need to unite. Unite with black Americans, and we will see a change in drug distribution and also how things are handled.
    Atte: Nino Brown.
    Spanish Alias: El Pee Wee

  26. Does anyone know who is the tamaulipas patron of the caballeros templarios


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