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Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Former Police Instructor in Morelos Detained with La Tuta

By: Oswald Alonso| Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

Eduardo Esteban Áviles, who was arrested on February 27 in Morelia, Michoacán, along with seven others including Servando Gómez Martínez “La Tuta”, was an instructor at the Institute of Evaluation, Training, and Professionalization of Morelos, the State Security Commission (CES) confirmed.

 According to CES, Esteban Áviles was hired in 2014 by the former director of the institute, Guillermo Romero Robles.

“To the former director of the Institute of Evaluation, Training, and Professionalization of Morelos, now the State Academy of Higher Studies in Security; Guillermo Romero Robles was hired at the recommendation of the Commissioner of the Federal Police in Morelos, Teófilo Gutiérrez Zúñiga, for his academic career and preparation in the field, as well as fulfilling the requirements in order to acquire the position of director,” the official statement states.

The government of Morelos’ version is that, since June 20 2014, the new director, Romero Robles, was responsible for the recruitment of instructors; he then called Eduardo Esteban Avilés so that he could be incorporated in that same month of June 2014 as an instructor at the institute in Morelos.

However, he underwent tests of control de confianza (confidence control, a test that aims to ensure every officer's aptitude and trustworthiness) in October but it wasn’t until December when he was fired for not passing the confidence control tests; despite this, the government admits that it paid him the months that he worked.

Incidentally, the institute’s director, Guillermo Romero Robles, resigned four days before his partner Eduardo Esteban Áviles was arrested in Morelia, along with “La Tuta”.

On March 9, the Second District Court in the State of Veracruz issued a formal arrest towards the eight men and one woman, including the capo.

To Marcelino Reyes Sánchez, Juan Manuel Ayala Maldonado and/or Homero Castillo Castillo, alias Meño and Eduardo Esteban Avilés, for their alleged involvement in committing crimes against public health, in the form of possession of narcotics with the intent of trafficking cocaine hydrochloride, without proper sanitary authorization.

To Eduardo Esteban Avilés, Marcelino Reyes Sánchez, Fabricio Magaña Jurado, Jesús Fernando Magaña Gutiérrez, alias Fibrero, Édgar Augusto Ramírez Haro, alias El Flaco, Cristian Emmanuel Arias Sánchez, Juan Manuel Ayala Maldonado and/or Homero Castillo Castillo, alias Meño, and María Antonieta Luna Ávalos, alias Toña, for their alleged involvement in the possession of firearms with exclusive use of the Army, Navy, and Air Force.

Against Marcelino Reyes Sánchez, Juan Manuel Ayala Maldonado and/or Homero Castillo Castillo, alias Meño, Eduardo Esteban Avilés and Édgar Augusto Ramírez Haro, for their alleged involvement in the possession of cartridges for the exclusive use of the Army, Navy, and Air Force.

All of the men are held in the Federal Social Readaptation Center #5, East, located in Villa Aldama, Veracruz.

The allegations against Teófilo
Teófilo Gutíerrez Zuñiga

On July 2013, the organization Valor por Michoacán accused the former Commissioner of the Federal Police of Michoacán, Teófilo Gutíerrez Zuñiga, responsible for the coordination of Sahuayo, Briseñas and Vista Hermosa, of receiving $45,000 from the head of the plaza of Los Caballeros Templarios, “El Tierno”, whom the federal government attributes as being in charge of the plaza of Sahuayo.

The accusation is that Teófilo colluded with the criminal organization in order to prevent all kinds of operations and checkpoints in the area.

The Community Guards made their accusation after the military found the names of the mayors and police, in collusion with organized crime, in the belongings of the plaza boss of Sahuayo.  The information that they said has already been provided to the PGR for investigation.

The Community Guards demanded the dismissal of the head of the federal police, but had no effect.  Months later, he was transferred to Morelos.

Source: Nodo Noticias


  1. If they can arrest the big fish narcos why can't they arrest the big fish corrupt officials? This guy is a nobody and his arrest does nothing for the people. Catch a Castillo or a Chong and that will spark my interest. Until then these small time "former" this or that arrests will mean nothing.

    1. Nobody cares what does and doesn't peak ur interest. Its drug war information n that is the reason for this blog.

    2. Hey troll 2:16pm mind your business. There's nothing to see here move along. This topic is way over your head.

    3. 5:20 you was that troll's business of the day, take it easy...
      -- i also want ELITE ZETAZZ caught and cogidos, outed and in prison, shamed in public, tar and feathered, all of the higher ups, even sovereign impunity providers from the US...maybe some day...

  2. I agree, every time Osorio comes to tamps. he says everything fine. When Mexico going to find a Leader who does it right

  3. Never, because if he is not corrupt he will never be elected.

  4. Ct has a lot of influence in morelos and surrounding states, goes to show they have many curupt officials in their pockets.

    1. The CT also helped pena nieto's campaign, with millions of dollars, no pesos...
      --Now the princess of the pickpocketing pickpocket atracomulco chilango is just stabbing his parnas in the back...
      --Whoever said "one man with a briefcase can rob much more than a gang with machine guns" was right...
      --you do not "help" politicians, you shot them in the ass WITH A SHOTGUN, and hang them by their balls...
      ...but the point was, mmh i'm lost, I need a crossing guard, but...
      --if the General Commissioner of the Polesia Nazional enrique francisco galindo ceballos himself failed the.examination and can't be trusted, AND if he is a zeta,(elite zeta) and into murdering his own commanders, after being a USLP porro fo' life like elite zeta miguel angel osorio chong in pachuca, who is there to be trusted?


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