Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, March 27, 2015

City in Mexico Bans Narco Songs

Borderland Beat  posted by DD from material from InSight Crime, CNN, Elijah Wald
Photo from Borderland Beat Story by Lucio R. at
With the recent spate of killings of Narcocorrido singers (as reported here on BB) in the last few weeks, inevitably the issue of banning Narcocorridos surfaced again.   The City Council of Chihuahua City, capitol of the Northern state of Chihuahua, has passed an ordinance banning the performing and distribution of Narcocomidos.  Violators are subject to fines of around $20,000 dollars and up to 36 hours in jail.  

The capital's city council has decided to put the ban into action and stiffen the penalties as they believe narcocorridos promote crime and violence while apologizing for and glorifying organized crime figures.  The council's decision followed a shooting at a narco corrido concert in the nearby city of Parral that reportedly left two dead and one wounded.

In 2011 the state of Chihuahua Legislature approved a statewide ban on narcocorridors but it was never implemented by local municipal authorities.  In 2011 Sonora's Governor Mario López Valdez issued a ban on  Narcocorridos or corridos about crime in bars, pubs, restaurants  and the state.  Violators would have their liquor licenses canceled or revoked.    

The Federal Supreme Court overturned  Lopez's  ban as being unconstiturional and over-reaching his authority and  it was considered contravening Mexico's Freedom of Expression laws.  

Tijuana city, Baja California state and Nuevo Leon state have all imposed similar bans.

As reported on Borderland  Beat by Buggs, during the Calderon administration  a PAN legislator  tried unsuccessfully to make performing or producing drug ballads punishable with up to three years in prison.

Wikipedia defines narco-corrido as:

"  A narco-corrido (Spanish pronunciation: [narkokoˈriðo], Drug Ballad) is a subgenre of the
Mexican norteño-corrido (northern ballad) music genre, a traditional folk music from northern  Mexico, from which other several genres have evolved. This type of music is heard on both sides of the US–Mexican border. It uses a danceable, accordion-based polka as a rhythmic base. The first corridos that focus on drug smugglers—the narco comes from "narcotics"—have been dated  by Juan Ramírez-Pimienta to the 1930s. Early corridos (non-narco) go back as far to the Mexican Revolution of 1910, telling the stories of revolutionary fighters. Music critics have also compared narcocorrido music to gangster rap.

There have been calls for censorship of corridos associated with drug trafficking or the crime world ever since Los Tigres del Norte hit with “Contrabando y Traición” and “La Banda del Carro Rojo” in the 1970s, but these calls have intensified in recent years.  
"Los Tigres Del Norte 1" by Dwight McCann / Chumash Casino Resort Santa in Ynez, California

InSight Crime reported that Tigres del Norte was banned from playing one of their more popular songs, "La Granja," at a music awards ceremony in Mexico. The video and lyrics are critical of the government's fight against the drug cartels, using a farm as a metaphor for Mexico, and·animals to represent the main actors. The drug gangs are depicted as an angry Rottweiler, and a fox (an apparent jab at former President Vicente Fox) is depicted as starting all the trouble by letting the dog loose, while pigs in a barn -- who may represent Mexico's elite or the US -- are described as happily feasting on corn, only caring about "profits." Meanwhile, a giant wall is built around the farm, keeping the poor farmers from escaping, a metaphor which needs little explanation. 

Is "La Granja" a political critique of Mexican drug policy, as Los Tigres del Norte insist, or is it veiled message of support for the criminal groups that are fighting the government, as the authorities have argued?

 Many other narcocorridos raise similar questions about the line between describing the reality of drug trafficking, and glamorizing or professing support for it.

"The corridos are attempts by Mexican society to come to terms with the world around them, and drug violence is a big part of that world," Mexico's former foreign secretary Jorge Castañeda told the New York Times. "You cannot blame narcocorridos for drug violence. Drug violence is to blame for narcocorridos."

 InSight Crime listed the top 5 of what it considers the most notorious and controversial narco-corridors;

1) Angel Gonzalez, "Contrabando y Traicion">


Often described as the first narcocorrido, the song was popularized when Los Tigres del Norte recorded a version in 1974. The lyrics tell the story of a woman, Carmelia, who smuggles drugs into the US and then kills her lover. Gonzalez has said that Carmelia is fictional, which has not prevented some women from claiming to be the original inspiration. As the genre developed, many narcocorridos began paying homage to real life traffickers. (See video, below).

2) Tucanes de Tijuana, "El Mas Bravo de los Bravos"


A popular young band, the Tucanes de Tijuana recorded several songs that praised Raydel Rosalio Lopez Uriarte, alias "Muletas," the alleged second-in-command of a faction of the Tijuana Cartel before his arrest in 2010. "El Mas Bravo de los Bravos" (The Toughest of the Tough) is just one of them. The group also wrote a song about Lopez's boss, Teodoro Garcia Simental, which has only been released online. During a Tijuana concert in August 2010, the group's frontman stated, "My regards to El Teo and his partner Muletas. Long live the mob!" The incident led Tijuana police chief Julian Leyzaola to ban the group from playing in the city.

3) Valentin Elizade, "A Mis Enemigos"  

Elizade was killed in 2006 when gunmen ambushed him after a concert in Reynosa. A popular conspiracy theory behind his death involves "A Mis Enemigos" (To My Enemies), which some have interpreted as a challenge to the Zetas, although they are not named in the song.

4) Gerardo Ortiz, "Los Duros de Colombia"  

 With the rise of social networking sites like Myspace and YouTube, narcocorridos steadily gained popularity outside of Mexico's northern border states. Ortiz's song, an ode to Pablo Escobar of the Medellin Cartel and the Cali-based Rodriguez brothers, was one of the earliest signs that the genre had gained an international reach. Ortiz later survived an assassination attempt in 2011.

5) Oscar Ovidio, "El Corrido de Juan Ortiz"


  Guatemalan singer Oscar Ovidio composed this song about the exploits of one of the country's most notorious drug traffickers, alias "Juan Chamale." In the late 2000s, as Mexican traffickers steadily gained a foothold in Central America, the narcocorrido was another export that appeared to follow them.

A brief history of early attempts at censoring narco-corridors from the book Narcocorrido: A Journey into the Music of Drugs, Guns, and Guerrillas, by Elijah Wald.

Chihuahua. The state’s human rights representative calls for a ban on radio play of narcocorridos, but without any success.  The Chamber of the Radio and Television Industry (CIRT, proposes an agreement “like those in Sinaloa and Baja California,” in which radio broadcasters would voluntarily cease playing narco songs

Sinaloa, 3/2. The state’s CIRT announces a “voluntary” ban on broadcast of narcocorridos.

 Sinaloa, 3/11. Citing the successful censorship of narcocorridos, the State Prosecutor announces plans to prohibit the performance of such songs at live concerts.

Tijuana, BC, 3/14. PRD proposes regulations controlling the broadcast of narcocorridos on radio and television.

 Tijuana, 3/15. Representatives of the radio programmers agree that it might be good to censor this music if it is genuinely harming young people. They note, however, that songs like Los Tucanes’ “Mis Tres Animales” talk about drugs only in coded language, and thus can only affect people who already are familiar enough with the drug scene to understand this code.

 National, 3/22. Senator Yolanda Gonzalez Hernandez of the PRI argues, citing existing laws against encouraging criminal acts, she calls for “restrictions on reproduction of certain works, though not impeding their creation.” (Hence, she argues that this is not censorship, since people are welcome to write the songs or make the records. She just does not want them to be allowed on the airwaves.)  

Coahuila and Tamaulipas, May. In Saltillo, Coahuila, the deputies of the Local Congress unanimously approved a statement to eliminate narcocorridos from the radio in Coahuila. Deputy Elida Bautista Castañón said, “It is known that man tends to imitate what he sees and hears, so it is logical that a person will act violently if all day long he is seeing scenes of crimes and listening to the adventures of a drug trafficker whose aim is to illegally enrich himself.”(DD note; Emphasis added is mine.  Proof that legislators don't have to pass a IQ test to hold office)

, in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, members of the city’s Cultural Commision asked the City Hall to take the relevant action to prohibit narcocorridos in the radio and television stations.

 Coahuila, 6/20. The state congress calls for measures like those in force in Sinaloa and Baja California.

National, 11/7. Roque Chávez López, president of the Consulting Council of the CIRT declares that "The radio broadcasters of the country want to say no to everything that speaks of violence. 

National, 12/5. Senator Javier Corral, Senator from Chihuahua and head of the Commission of Comunication and Transport, calls for national restrictions on narcocorridos.

DD; Thankfully all the legislators went home for Christmas after that.  .But all that happened just  in the year 2001,
If you want to see what happened in latter years click on the link to Alijah Wald at the start of this history.  

I agree with Walds statement that:

"While both drugs and crime cause real problems for society at large, and for many individuals, I am extremely dubious about the purposes of such censorship. It seems to me to be a attempt by politicians to get publicity as defenders of public morals and safety without doing any of the difficult things that would be necessary to genuinely deal with the problems, such as providing poor people with other ways to improve their economic situation."

I am not a fan of narco-corridors, but I think attempts at censorship, which is a form of prohibition, will be just as unsuccessful as the prohibition on drugs has been.  If you think they have not become part of the culture both in Mexico and to a fast growing extent in the US, just go to YouTube and do a search "narco-corridors" and you will get 217,000 results which  suggests Mexico has no hope of pulling the plug on the music.

As one college student said that when he heard the news on the radio that the Chihuaha City Council had approved a ban on narco-corridors he "thought it was a joke". 


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  1. People are still going to die.

    1. What was Hitler listening to when he sent millions to be exterminated? Music is like drugs. They all have different side effects for everyone.

    2. Communist mexico taking away our freedom of speech. No one has banned gangster rap in los angles because of gangbangers dying or tupac dying.

    3. Gangster rap songs are not fake. We could say the same thing about narco corridos because at the end of the day when these so called bosses' get cought they are alone and nothing like they describe on there songs. They say they are always surrounded by hundreds of body guards. They could of fooled me it's seams they are always alone and paranoid.

    4. "Communist mexico" what a pendejo brainwashed ass...pobre güey...

    5. Thankyou@ 2:29

  2. A Mis enemigos was the best corrido to this date from the artist that wrote the song and had balls to sing the song in enemy event . He started the event with that song and ended with that song

    1. That why he didn't even make it out the parking lot lol

    2. You call it balls I call it stupidity he got killed over a song I don't know how u think most likely just as dumb ass as he was it not worth losing your life over a song or a narco

    3. Correct and he got massacred so wat did he prove
      Wats the difference

    4. If u would to ask Valentin he would chose to have his life back instead of singing that song so that comment about having balls is wrong I call it being plain stupid

    5. And now hes dead for it so much for "balls"

    6. Valentín Elizalde Was a typical sinaloense sonorense he had moré balls than brains

    7. If he had any balls or a little bit of brains on that big forehead he would have thought about his family first before doing something so stupid

    8. Maybe valentins manager is to blame for letting him go to tamaulipas. Same as tito torbellino they got murdered for playing in the wrong neighborhood!

    9. That's not true he didn't get killed because of where he was it's because of that stupid song and also some (Z) told him not to sing it .... el komander goes sells out tickets in nuevo laredo because he's not stupid he knows how to respect the people when he's in their turf

    10. If you are comparing komander to valetine elizalde what a joke valetine had more talent and was part of cds

    11. Komander sucks no talent there low level artist valentine pulled in a better crowed

    12. He had no choice! Who do you think owns the palenque in raynosa???? Osiel Cardenas and his crew. He was damned if he did sing it or not. Sinaloa told him he had to sing it if not it was him or a family member. Guess what??? He would have been better off fleeing to the USA and making his home there. It's not for anything but Larry Hernandez and Gerardo Ortiz are alive for one simple reason. Thru lay there head in the USA and only travel to Mexico when the occasion calls for it.

  3. It doesn't matter if the ban works or not. This is the right thing to do and any adult that has kids isn't complaining.

    1. Do you know what happened to el broly of the templarios?

  4. Why did you guys take down the bbc video

    1. Our statement at that beginning of that post states "due to a copyright complaint by BBC"

    2. You guys are great at Borderland, Thanks for your news. I am a old Gringo worked in Mexico for years. Left everything one night and came to the States

    3. Ask anyone who lives in the UK the BBC are robbing bastards if they put advertising on their shit channels you wouldn't have to pay£160 ffor a tv licence just to watch bbc they're archaic they still think it is the 50s

  5. El Perron by Los Tucanes is pure a Mafia corrido.

  6. Mexico was known internationally for mariachis and piñatas. Now is AK47 and drugs, way to go Mexico.

    1. Dont forget prostitution and boystown


    1. Chivis has asked, in fact I think she instructed that contributors not type in all cap. Please abide by her rule. Next time I will not publish your comments if they are in all caps.

    2. So apparently you are asked not to print in caps anymore or you will not be published. So you can keep doing it and no one will get your message. Apparently Chihuahua where I live, has also not allowing people to not sing corridos. There are reasons why people have regulations and rules. Like BB, Chihuahua has it's reasons. One of the reasons is people being shot at these events while going after the singer or band. Young children are listening to this and getting the wrong message. Like you said it is about the poor and the last thing they need it this subliminal trash going through the mines of young poor and uneducated children and young men, and making it sound like be a thug is the only option. You have a choice to quit typing in caps. The singers have a choice to quit spewing their trash if they want to sing in Chihuahua. This music does effect young people and many go to their deaths because of it. Just like the propaganda and recruiting videos spilled by Isis that leads many poor and uneducated young men to their deaths as well as others that they kill.

    3. The songs from sinaloa are lies they are about little putos that want to carry the traditions of putos before them .... that's why their bosses are crying about lack of medical attention and their food

    4. Wow what a idiot...

    5. Yes buddy abide by the rules hahahahahahahahaha

    6. 7:20 no habla ingles...

    7. im new 2 this blog im very sorry for writing in caps in the future im sure not 2 write in caps and thanks 4 publishing my comment and letting me know what the rule is bro

    8. @12:04 You are welcome. I thought you might be a newbie and that is why I published your comment even though it was all caps.

    9. paragraphs in all caps are flushed. DD is nicer than me, I would not have posted it, after a couple of tries people catch on. I have posted no caps at least 3 dozen times and finally stopped saying anything.

      remember no racist remarks, bigot comments, etc. grammar police are not welcome, we post spanish and english comments.

      DD is moderating now, and Buggs drops in to do same.....Paz

    10. You are an idiot, nobody blame narco corridos for the Mexican violence, but we don't have to take more bull shit just because these guys want to glorify criminals.

    11. CHIVAAA!!! Nice to see, drop in once in a whiles♡♡♡

  8. Narco corridos is for coxsuckers trying to look like the big bad narcos. komo los ke venden un veinte y luego ya se creen el chaputo. bola de inutiles violados y cagados

    1. 6:10 what should be banned to hell, one way trip is CORRUPT POLITICIANS...
      including Cesar duarte y malova...
      --Some too many cords are worthless, and are soon forgotten, no need for mommy listening in, those that need to "ban" corridos are just distracting from the issues like government t corruption or incompetence, having a police and military that need to subsist from hand me down, gimme gimme shakedowns, or extortion to pay the jefes, so, maybe, perhaps, find some other bone to chew on...

    2. That is a very good point focus on wat really is wrong with Mexico the crooked politicians not corridos after that is all fixed then get bak to banning corridos

    3. Mexico cannot be fixed because of the like having Satan as a drugs illegals ,corruption all created thanks to your american friends.just think like gravity cause and effect...Nafta or free trade = illegals by the millions because they are starving.....drug trafficking created by the insatiable social degeneration addiction of American drug basically they brain washed Americans with hip hop ,MTV , ever changing fashion trends and all this crap other social crap that makes people sick on their the point that they feel depressed or they need a drug to feel happy because is the social a society we are taking the wrong approach to fix the issues because, we might have some of the same problem as home......homosexual son or daughter, gangster son or daughter, drug addict son or daughter....and we refuse to admit that we are fucked basically back to the idea of mexico, mexico is just a victim in all this.....if the Chinese or whatever nation where neighbors with USA they would have the same problems.....and most of us would never admit to any of this because we are part of the issue.....we happen to be infected with the American virus of capitalism.

    4. 11:17 You keep chewin on your tail, you know you like it

  9. First Amendment in the USA, I Mexico no freedom of speech come here u guys can sing all u want

  10. Theres goes the neighborhood with that new law....just ban the concerts period.

  11. Ban freedom of speech that will solve all our problems....SMH. Here in america we have children right now singing this song by: O.T. Genasis called CoCo. All the kids sing it! Yes its spelled O.T. Genasis and yes the song is about crack cocaine and it plays once every hour in every city of america. Listin to it... .... children in america are forced to because theyre ignorant parents that are busy trying to remove freedom of speech from a country they dont even live in. Mexico and its music is not the problem OUR SOCIETY IS.

    1. Actually it is....well the united states of America is a drug addict nation....fueled by their freedom...and mexico just happens to be your have a black president, homosexuals are allowed to marry, Marijuana is legal. Freedom of speech is corrupting your young men and women. I don't see much future for your nation give it time....

    2. If you Dont like America Then get the fuck out land of the free if you have a problem with homosexuality then go to fucking cuba this is 2015 not the 1940s we have our freedom and we will not be silenced and we will not have our rights removed and no I'm not a homosexual.

    3. That's exactly what's wrong with your country...hard head individuals with a super liberal mindset that think that freedom equals a crazy life style with out morals and respect.... homosexual marriages, drugs addiction, legal abortions, a culture of capitalism, the highest rate of divorce and sexually transmitted diseases, the only reason why you are free is because of your armed forces.....otherwise there is so many nations that would love to take your nation out off circulation.....wait they don't have too...your nation is collapsing from the inside out....give it some line of cocaine at a time, young people looking up too little wayne, legalizing mostly everything that makes people retarded, weed ,alcohol, yunk food,corrupted media is a mix that is creating a social cancer that would eat your nation....the American dollar is worth less and less every morning..the Chinese keep on outsourcing your jobs....immigration changing your demographics....jajajajjajaja you still in the dream of freedom, reality is slipping away every minute.....good luck america, god would not help you, because you don't believe on anything.

    4. Cause and effect.....Americans love drugs why????because of their culture that is making them find a temporary solution or happiness in a pill, powder, needle, or weed & beer....I say change the culture but how??? How can you change a nation that is motivated by money? And materialism , is not possible cause is a capitalist system created to make people work and buy a catch 22..we as a nation we are guilty of mexicos drug war because we ," yes ,me and you ,them her , them choose to be polite and politically correct allowing drugs and the addicts to be normal by making it cool and acceptable....MTV ,rap music,fashion, just take a second and actually analyze on the fucked up nation that we a monster, that would not stop because we allow time your son is acting like a thug or wants those pair of jordans made by slaves in china ,think about the suffering you caused in other nations because of your sure you could care less. Because we are human and we are animals. and is a dog eat dog world... so go ahead and take a drink of whiskey and snort another line of have the marines and the army to go fight for cheap gasoline, and a bunch of mexicans killing each other to bring you and demand. I should write a corrido , mis tres marranitos.....tengo 3 marranitos , que fuman, Yerba todo el dia, Le gusta la mota ,cheve y todo lo que les gusta la escuela, y son unos pendejos....a pero para Facebook son unas fieras....jajajjaja. y para hablar de que son unos chingones, la pansa se les infla....ya con esto me despido...con mis 3 marranitos americanos... I think it would. Make a good corrido alterado...jajjajajaa...just add violence and and is an instant hit...

    5. @8:38 Yes you are don't lie, the only thing worse than someone who hates homosexuals is someone who denies it.

    6. What the difference between this and narco corridos? ?? Watch "Bobby Shmurda - Hot N*gga" on YouTube
      Bobby Shmurda - Hot N*gga:

    7. Is a disease watch "calibre 50 gerardo ortiz culiacan vs mazatlan blo…" on YouTube
      calibre 50 gerardo ortiz culiacan vs mazatlan blo…:

    8. To be honest, I don't hate homosexual my cousin is one and I love that pendejo....but I hate the idea that they are trying to change the norm, you see is hard to explain to your kids why 2 vatos are holding hands...any ways I'm not trying to be a cyber prophet I was really bored at work and this site always makes me think out side the box....well fellow Americans raise your cups and let's snort another line of coke and god bless the red white and

    9. I am just sitting here laughing at you US haters complaining about how much freedom we have. And making statements that our freedoms are leading to divorce, homosexuality and causing drug addicts. Glorifying violence or warriors of the narco culture is nothing new. There has always been songs about the roughest and toughest fighters and their exploits in every culture. Our American forefathers fought and died for us to have constitutional rights. In my opinion these compatriots didn't die in vain for those right, but I Mexico can't say the same.

    10. Look at your history american is Nothing to be proud about....genocide against native Americans, and stealing their land. Slavery of Africans brought against their will to be used as machines by colonists...civil war when daddy england wanted you back on the nut war 2 , the nazis should have declared war on you instead of the Russians....vietnam, korea, Iraq afghanistan......panama, it seems that America is the the one with the issues...but again is hard to admit when "you" my american friend genocide drug addict child molester , obama voter because you felt bad about slaving blacks, cause all the misery around the world......because you as a nation are a social cancer. body Is perfect.... but american is a nation of capitalism predators that would destroy your own country to make a dollar.....why you think the world hates you????

    11. Americans still have the richest country in the world, all the freedoms and better paychecks, while all over the world is crumbling on everybody else's heads, not because they are ignorant, or unprepared, or lazy or infidels...
      --The US Is still the best, and are being left for the end, when nobody can help them, because there is nobody else that cares... who said the best is left for last was a wiseguy, or a wiseass...
      --Please note that I am working on a Sunday, and it may offend the Sanhedrin, but I feel like the Lord doesn't really give a rat's ass when you do His work...

  12. ... No Government Should Have The Authority To Tell Us As Citizens, What Music Can/Should Be Played, Listened To Or Written About ... Next, They a Will Go After Rap Music And Place A Countrywide Curfew On Everyone ... Stupid Laws From Simple Minded Politicians ... In The End, Nothing Will Change As Most People Know ...

    1. Is not about telling you what to about right from wrong....I understand you are a liberal, that wants to live a crazy life and be able to smoke drugs and be gay and be open about it, is ok with me.....but to poison the young by violent propaganda is wrong and illegal...but again If you stand for nothing then everyone us screwed...

    2. It starts with the parents and their ability to positively influence their children. It's not the governments fault if you are a POS and your kid turns out to be a POS also. Blame your inability to parent. There is no excuse for music having more influence on a child than their parents.

  13. Sorry to have to point this out but malova is from sinaloa not Sonora love bb peace loks

    1. OopsIe boopsie, but sonora governors after manlio fabio beltrones and before are corrupt also, and all work for beltrones...
      --Sonora gave us fernando Gutierrez barrios"el pollo" DFS commander that gave us his lover boy beltrones, "la fabis"; el negro durazo and alfredo Rios camarena, and a fabulous corrido, Sonora y sus Ojos negros, con miguel y narc there...

    2. sing sing kill kill

  14. Some of you twist the term freedom of speech. You cannot say anything you want, at anytime you feel like it. A teacher would be banned from saying you little cok suking bithches need to listen and learn. You cannot go into a movie theater and yell fire. You cannot pull a person over, show them a fake badge and tell them you are a cop. Freedom of speech has it's boundaries. Rap music and corrido's cause death and people to commit crimes, no doubt about it. Watch the History Channel documentaries Black drug dealers in the USA talking about the women and money they make selling drugs. Speech can make persuade uneducated and poor people to make bad decisions. The problem is that most of what they glean from some of the free speech is that is effecting innocent people and giving young people the wrong message. People are dying because of peoples free speech.

  15. You want to ban alterados and pesados, fine. What the whole world should have banned a long time ago was rap. That toxic noise is the real culprit. Most corridos are just good music. Narcorridos are a bi-product of rap culture influence on cholo and frontera culture. We used to listen to oldies, tejano, and rancheras. Look at all the rap artists writing for the Golfos and Zs. That isn't Latino culture. That's African American culture making our culture it's bitch, just like they do the guerros. So I don't want to hear from those of you who hate Latino music, and just come to comment on BB because you're against Mexico.

    1. Well have news for you a bit late for that....about 90 percent of Americans are sick with the hip hop cancer of money and hoes....Look at the American culture is about material money and is not the music is the nation causing all this problems with their lack of culture....NFL, NBA..drinking beer on Sunday , yeah thats America for you buddy...wait add some illegal substance and you have a drug addict nation, that would corrupt kill invade for natural resources......that includes oil. The problem is America not drugs...

    2. Here is some bi-product of rap music ...not everyone has issues but some are less damaging ......"SABADO DE GLORIA JEREZ ZAC 2014 COMPLETO" on YouTube

    3. Sabado de Gloria jerez, I saw, nobody is giving their children any drugs...
      If the guys got drunk, that was the idea too...

  16. Oscar Olvido sounds like the tigers of the north

  17. Narco Corridos now a days are just pure advertisement. No truth behind any of it.. it's all bullshit. Real CORRIDOS sang about mexican hero's , such as Emiliano Zapata ,pancho villa and benito Juarez. . Not this cocksuckers who kill , rape, and slaughter innocent people..They should be banned in the states also. I agree so should some rap.

  18. Just ban el komander and gerardo ortiz and ill be happy. Even the narcos dont like those guys. lol

    1. The narcos don't like Ortiz? But yet they ask him to make corridos for them? Your stupid with your comments.

  19. It's about time. Hopefully the rest of Mexico will follow in suit. This is not about freedom of speech as much as it is about cartels wanting praise for devious acts. I am reading people have a choice to listen to what they want. Do they really? If you are cruising in a neighborhood listening to songs praising CDS and you pass a group of Zetas, are you safe. This is about eliminating senseless murders. After all why fight a drug war yet allow music praising it. These songs are no better than an ISIS video promoting and recruiting. Giving the impression this lifestyle is grand. I praise this location for taking a stance that should have taken place long ago. Safety of many is far more important than the fame of one individual.

    1. yooooo maine. it sounds crazy but is supply and demand.....Americans is the biggest hypocrisy in the planet . invade countries got oil....turn nations into drug producers..why????because they are willing to pay for it...cocaine $600 and ounce...gallon of gasoline $3.75. Iphone 6 made by slaves in china $600. Mexicans cutting their lawns $75. The are the modern day Romans.....eventually they would collapse just like other empires before them. Is all ready happening....anyways mexico just happens to have a devil as a in love with the coco . jajjajjajaa.

    2. The great county of the United States of America is far from falling apart. No Roman Empire here and never will be. No one is ever happy with us because they want it all or nothing. Help us, don't help us, leave us alone, give us money, leave, why did you abandon us come back and now leave again. It's completely ridiculous. The US is the US not Canada, not Mexico and it damn sure ain't a weak ass European country. With that said love us or hate us we will still be relevant until the world comes to an end. Our freedoms are why millions of foreigners come to our country every year to work and attend school. There is no reason to put us down or our way of life because it's not going change anything. Haters gonna hate but what's new.

    3. 5:32 the US is not one single homogeneous one color cacaroacha, we the US are many multicultural many colored cucarachas, some of which can't walk porque no tiene que fumar...
      --And some who recommend that you smoke your medicinal because they want your money, AND you better come buy your shit from me... or else...whether you are sick or not...
      --american traitors are as american as anybody else, like Benedict Arnold, and they do exist in our middle, just look at the most rabid of the try-to-look-righteous side of congress, and the way they cook supply-side economics to fed you trickle-down realitry for 35 years...

    4. @ 532. Is easy to say that every human being wants to come to America, why do you think they do???is because your nation !!! yes your capitalism goverment created a system that makes eternal 3rd world nations. I'm sure your in denial and dont care because you inside the American roman empire, harvesting from others misery....remember 911 did it hurt???if it did thats how it feels to be suckered punched and victimize....again is not your fault!! but your way of life is wrong....again is not freedom is capitalism , I'm hoping Russia strikes you so you can see how it feels to fight against some one your size.....again denial from your fat America part and is not hate is frustrating to be at your american mercy , you are playing god with other nations....but your time will come a collapse from the inside out....changing demographics by 2060 mostly Hispanic and blacks......

    5. 8:28 there is no nation strong enough to strike us so I don't see that happening. We all know the history of what happened when a nation or group struck us. Remember WWII and 911? What happened? Those countries or groups bit off more than could chew and got what they deserved. If Russia wants to really come after our country it will affect all of North America so if we suffer all countries in the Western Hemisphere will suffer. If it's god's will then it will come to pass.

    6. No buddy it don't work that way, is like slapping a grown ass red bear (russia) on the face with Ukraine issues, mexico with narcos drugs issues and asking God ohh if they get even then let thee be your will.... is cause and effect.....retaliation is a just like you a sitting duck hoping for the best but frustrated to see ,that we as a nation are causing all this shit....and nuclear war won't be fun...

    7. America will be destroyed and remade.say goodby ti the usa.
      Illuminati joe

  20. What about the corrido de Santa Amalia ? Its about incest and not banned.

  21. Ik this is not related but CT and CDS better join forces ASAP

  22. Corridos are songs about people who are too stupid or lazy to work so they resort to a life of crime and violence to make a short living. Corridos are preachings promoting violence and destruction for the devil.

    1. En serio? Corridos come from the old time ago. In a different epoch. Emiliano Zapata and Fransisco Villa were not "people who are too stupid or lazy to work". Ni Vicoriano Huerta either. El corrido came from Spain hundreds of years ago. Go listen to Los Allegres del Teran and then try to continue to make generalizations about el corrido. They were campesinos and hard work ranchers, who also sang some of the best corridos ever. The narco hijacked the corrido, but that doesn't make the form of art bad..

    2. Corridos can be an old song / legend about a guy or gal that made great cabrito. or tacos. But your correct about how some people resort to criminality ( some because of economics in Mexico does not help any either) not that it is an excuse to resort to crime or glorify a life of crime. It appears what a majority of the Mexican populace wants to hear and replicate.

    3. O shut the fuck up you guys. He's obviously talking about NarcoCorridos. Freaking historians we got up in here. lol.

    4. @ 1:15 - You should follow your own advice. The only thing that's "obvious" here is you lack of respect. When I hear a loose mouth toward perfect strangers, I hear a dead man talking.

  23. Let ban all music because it all makes you feel a certain way.

  24. well ban rap cause it makes people smoke weed and rock cause it makes people do heroin and worship satan and country cause it makes people drink beer lol dumb asses....

    1. I know! If I want to make a song about raping babies and killing women they should sell that shit on itunes no matter what! Yeah! First ammendment baby!

    2. I don't understand much spoken english, but I get 2PAC's HIT'EM UP much to the amazement of my very few black and nexican friends, it has not turned me into a pot smoking crazy sexual maniac cop killer...
      --Grupo exterminador, narices de a gramo;BETO QUINTANILLA mi ultimo contrabando, EL KARMA, CON ARIEL CAMACHaa mis enemigos, Valentin elizalde, and cruz de mariguana cn Aguila del norte de colombia are beautifully corridos, I am still waiting for my nnarcotics...

    3. OK, demagoguery helps every self immolated become the victim and quit trying and got to their own world and live amongst his/her barbies, gi Joe's and big bad monsters, the go back home to mammy crying whaaaah! They baaawd, send'em back to mexico, mommyyyyye, whaaaah, buuu!!!

  25. Classic case of treating the symptoms and not the disease.


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