Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, March 8, 2015

"El Tena" one of the most wanted and still at large....

By Lucio R. Borderland Beat

The press is referring to this detainee, Sergio Huerta Tena, as “El Tena”.

With the name Tena, and being a lieutenant of Servando Gómez Martínez “La Tuta”, perhaps eager press went with the moniker.   Chivis, I and  BB readers questioned the name “El Tena” being associated with this detainee.  

First, before this arrest, information from Michoacán noted  Sergio Huerta Tena, as "El Pollo".

Secondly, “El Tena” that was most sought after by the autodefensa union is; Fernando Cruz Mendoza "El Tena" one of the principal jefe de plaza (regional) controlling parts of Tierra Caliente.

Cruz Mendoza was Nazario “El Chayo” Gonzales ‘right hand man and one of his most trusted men.

Going back to the original list of “Seven Heads” that comprised the autodefensas well publicized most wanted list,  one can see that “El Tena” and Isidro Virrueta Montejano, Alias “El Chicano o El Coco are the two remaining at large, who remain on the list.  

Chivis questioned Dr. Manuel Mireles about the list if the 7 was the full list of targets.  He replied that although these were the most important targets, there are others that are considered a part of the inner circle that must be apprehended to completely assure the operation will have a successful outcome.

He gave an example of “Pantera”, (who has been killed).

Isidro Virrueta Montejano is another exceptionally brutal Templario, he is in charge of executions of those who do not pay piso.
  Here is the original list of the seven heads- “El Tena” and "EL Chicano" remain at large.

1.- Servando Gómez Martínez “La Tuta”  (arrested)
2.- Nazario Moreno González “El Chayo” (Dead)
3.- Enrique Plancarte Solis “El Kike Plancarte”. (dead)
4.- Dionisio Loya Plancarte “El tío”. (arrested)
5.- Gerónimo Vásquez Mendoza “El Toro” (arrested )
6.- Fernando Cruz Mendoza “El Tena (at large)
7.- Isidro Virrueta Montejano, Alias “El Chicano o El Coco” (at large)

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  1. Let Dr Miereles finish want he started!

    1. Look there is your old cowboy @ ms free doc mireles...

    2. Keyboard warrior.

    3. Where Papa Pitufo in all this?

  2. El broli temia que sus jefes lo querian o lo fueran a matar...
    Broli was affraid his bosses wanted or would kill him, sooo does ayone know what happened???
    Please report to: care of el mil mascaras

    1. Is that you millie? Lol

    2. El Broli vale vato is dead!

    3. Well, el mil mascaras is la Vida Alegre now...

  3. At least number the photos so we can place a name with the photo. Apart from tuta many don't know the others.

    1. click on images you will see the names. To enlarge in post will cross over into right column so it must stay smaller but any image usually enlarges if you click on the image,

      most people know the people except maybe toro.

  4. Most of these pendejos are hiding in Michoacan. If they go outside they are dead meat. Not even Morelia ni Lazaro are safe for them. If gobernacion would pay recompensas en centenarios these murdering scum would be found over night. Many have been detener. But the question is this. A jefe or sicario may have killed a hundred people. How many years in Cereso does that bring? How much time en Cereso does that bring before el juez gets a new car for one amparo? Criminals have more derechos than la gente.

    What is happening to la diabla de Iguala? Are the judges and ministerio publico bargaining for one millon pesos? The price has not gone up tantito? Why does not a padre take donations for Dr Mireles? This juez can be bought and sold just like all the rest. ¡Shame on you Michoacaneros!

    1. You don't know what your talking about. It's not as easy as you think it is pendejo. Why dont you educate yourself on this subject in michoacan before you start talking out your ass. Menso!

    2. @2:06 👍🏾

  5. the dead ones look like Nice Guys GO Z

  6. It appears this cartel is slowly being dismantled. Good

  7. What?? This is the real Tena? BB needs to get this clarified. Now we have two.

    1. The other one the mexican media labeled as Tena was really Pollo.

  8. For you people that think this cartel is finished, you are way too misinformed of what really is going on. Sad but true.

    1. Fill us in then........

    2. There still cts out there but will never grow anymore cjng is being back by the federal government and cds they are and will take over cts territory whether you believe it or not.

    3. How do you know do you live in michoacan? Why so sure? First of all cds is not protected anymore, get your facts straight. Lol

  9. These 2 at large are the real players in ct just wanting to move in the ranks and now they took the number one spot

    1. when chayo was killed many expected Tena and Gallito to run CT, Tena was very close to CHayo and Chayo was the premier leader

  10. Always been a weak cartel that needed to fall. It's survival of the fittest, diversify or die? Pinche perros, michocan, viva jailsco

  11. Where is the author of the article saying la tuts was hiding out in Colima?

  12. I am so lost with this can someone be nice to me and explain please no foul language

    1. Absolutely, what part don't you get? You know about the autodefensas? Doc Mireles and the list? or not?

    2. "In the begining, at the start..."
      I saw it was a looong story, so, Google somewhere else

  13. They havent caught el tenas but they have caught el tetas.

  14. Hahahaha i still remenber tutas video when he told federal government that they should make a pact because la familia michoacana or cts will never end because if one leader was taking down they will replace him by other and again and again . He wanted the federal gov to allow him to take care of the whole mexico hahaha what a fucking clown he was

  15. Templarios on the verge of extinction!!!

  16. Tenas looks like a version of Z40

  17. Dr. Manuel Mireles name and picture . Wish we would see it more . Im sure there are lots of hero's in mexico but he has really stepped up . Then in a shootout they wounded and captured one of the dirt bags , police said kill him but he returned him to his family . The patients of Jobe . I don't know all about him but what a see is a man of character

  18. They pushed my people to the coast left with him with his hands tied not being able to do much I see what they did I wonder if the Same agencies helping Cjng right now in Michoacán were the same ones that took part in this.


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