Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Falcon Lake Texas- Zetas regional leader arrested, named in the David Hartley Murder

Lucio R. Borderland Beat Material from BB archives and Laredo Morning Times

Brothers Juan Pedro and José Manuel Zaldívar Farías, also known as "El 27" and "El 31", are suspects in the murder of American (Reynosa resident) David Hartley on Falcon Lake. 

They are also named in  the killing of  the lead investigator of the PME group in Miguel Alemán, Tamaulipas, Rolando Flores, who was allegedly decapitated and his head sent in a briefcase to a military base in Mexico. (Mexico would not confirm this only that he was assassinated)

At the time of the Harley murder rumors began tagging a “Zetitas” gang (teens to early twenties) were responsible.  Subsequently, a Mexican investigator began sharing information with Texas channel 5 ABC news, that identified the Saldivar Farias brothers as leaders of the gang and lead suspects of the murder.

From Channel 5 who was working with the investigator accessing information on the Falcon Lake Murder:

“the victim was identified  as homicide investigator Rolando Armando Flores Villegas, (Commander of state investigators in Ciudad Miguel Aleman).  This is the same investigator who delivered documents to a local ABC channel 5 Laredo Texas station crew over the weekend in Reynosa. He also provided our crew with information about two Mexican brothers, Zeta Cartel members, suspected of involvement in the alleged murder of David Hartley.

[Flores]Villegas said Juan Pedro and Jose Manuel Saldivar Farias are suspected members of the Zeta drug cartel, wanted criminals, and members of a pirate gang  (Zetitas) that has been terrorizing boaters on Falcon Lake and residents of a nearby town.”

Tamaulipas state police commander confirmed information with respect to the brothers: “Commander Juan Carlos Ballesteros reported that research conducted in coordination between the sheriff of Zapata, Texas, Sigifredo González and the group leader of the Ministerial Police Miguel German, Tamaulipas, Juan Carlos Ballesteros, those responsible (for Hartley's murder) were already identified as Juan Pedro Saldivar Farias alias "The 27 " (below left) and José Manuel Saldívar Farias alias" El 31 ".
Salvador Alfonso Martínez Escobedo, aka "Ardilla", was arrested in 2012, according to Mexico, it is he who masterminded the killing of Hartley.  How that transpires I don’t know.  To mastermind would have to mean Ardilla was there at the lake and created a plan to kill Hartley, or that he was a preemptive target.  The more likely scenario,  is if Ardilla was contacted by the Zetita gang patrolling the lake and Ardilla authorized a hit.  Knowing who Hartley was or not, that is the likely scenario.

Z31 along with his brother supposedly were at the lake and in charge of the gang.  Hartley and his wife lived in Reynosa.  It would be difficult to think that anyone living along the border did not know about Zeta patrols and shootouts that regularly impact the lake. 

Today from LMT:

A commander for the Zetas drug cartel was arrested last week while traveling from Mexico to the U.S. in a boat on Falcon Lake, federal authorities announced Wednesday.

 Jose Manuel Saldivar-Farias, also known as “Z-31” or “El Borrado,” was charged with conspiracy to possess marijuana allegations after illegally entering the U.S.

Saldivar-Farias, 27, is alleged to be a regional commander for the Zetas. Initially arrested on immigration charges related to his illegal presence in the U.S., a criminal complaint unsealed Wednesday charges him and Osiel Hernandez-Martinez, 26, with conspiracy to possess more than 1,000 kilograms of marijuana. Salidvar-Farias is also charged with giving false statements to government agents.

They appeared in federal court in Laredo on Wednesday morning and are set for a detention and probable cause hearing before U.S. Magistrate Judge Guillermo R. Garcia on Friday.

The criminal complaint alleges that on the night of March 12, Texas Department of Public Safety Quick Reactionary Force, in conjunction with the Texas Air National Guard, were conducting fly-over operations over Falcon Lake.

During that time, they saw a boat traveling northward into the U.S. from Mexico at a high rate of speed. Suspecting the individuals were undocumented foreign nationals attempting to enter the U.S. illegally, DPS immediately apprehended the individuals aboard the boat, which included Saldivar-Farias and Hernandez-Martinez. Upon arrest, the criminal complaint alleges Saldivar-Farias lied to agents about his identity.

According to the criminal complaint, Saldivar-Farias is the regional commander of the northern region of Mexico to include the states of Coahuilla, Taumalipas and Nuevo Leon, Mexico, as well as Zapata. As such, he is allegedly in charge of all narcotics moving through the area. The criminal complaint alleges several multi-ton quantities of marijuana have been crossed into U.S. over this area every week.

If convicted on the drug charges, Saldivar-Farias and Hernandez-Martinez each face a minimum of 10 years and up to life in federal prison and a possible maximum fine of $10 million. Saldivar-Farias also faces up to five years and a $250,000 fine if convicted of making false statements.

The arrest was a collaboration effort between FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration and Homeland Security Investigations which are all investigative partners within the South Texas corridor to include Customs and Border Protection components Office of Border Patrol, Office of Field Operations and Office of Air and Marine. DPS also provided invaluable assistance in the investigation.

Assistant U.S. Attorneys Casey N. MacDonald and Anibal Alaniz are prosecuting the case.

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  1. Again, why were they taken into custody?? They need to be executed on sight. Their sentence has already been determined, death by any means possible. Damn cockroaches.

    1. Well the USA constitution does mention several times that no-one will be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process. This may have something to do with it.

    2. Carefull with 9:04 he is the 'judge' and pistolero from the south. Lol

    3. In practice, the US constipation can be bent, twisted, stretched, and twarted to fit the. needs of the state, and often is, whatever gets trough, gets expunged blacklined and declared off limits for 30 years to save the dignity of government criminals, and to protect the state from the consequences of its crimes, 9/11, watergate, water boarding, 2,3 trillion dollars missing from the pentagon, kennedy's murder, etc etc etc...Iran-contra, bcci, murder of juan Pablo I, cardinal Marcinkus and the Cicero mafia from cheekaga, etc etc etc...military-industrial complex wins...

  2. Oscar Omar Trevino Morales snitched.

    1. I new he was weak. He real scared

    2. if the gringo was a biker, what does that say?

    3. I guess it means he knew how to ride a motorcycle.

    4. Ha. assuming automatically like many pendejos on here...

      6:05 You think he belonged to the hells angels or something like that? who knows... haha

    5. Sons of anarchy?

    6. Los Madrinos mc

    7. Christian bikers hide some of the most corrupt manipulators, that is why some Christian rehabilitation centers in mexico were scene of murders, someone catches up with them, like the Mormon mafias and other Evangelista organizations...
      --all of them come with their bible in the front and crime in their hearts, like the conquistadores, senator Javier corral bringing Mormon elder to the Senate and senator John mc Cain bringing the nazi butcher of gaza to the Senate and defending nazi rat line war criminal genocidal mass murderer henry kissinger from his accusers is a good examples of why we need to keep away from religion...

  3. Soooo CDG won? Is tamps theirs?

    1. It could be but no leadership in the CDG. I think they r dumb asses.

    2. PRI "won". The plazas are going back to Federal control like they were until Zedillo and Fox lost control.

  4. This is bullshit no boss is going to be delivering any drugs that's why they have their workers

    1. I agree he was running from someone

    2. The Gavacho was the one doing the drug trade with the Cartel, it went bad n he got lit up...the wife aint going to say that version of story

  5. Yank some guy off the street to be the fall guy. Somebody's trying to court international sensibilities. Aqui no pasa nada.

  6. To Florence Colorado they go. Ten years of Frog Marching to green mold sandwiches and swill soup.

  7. For those who don't know of or remember the David Hartley story, this link pops up first when googling. With reference to this October 2010 article, Americans apparently will cheer, and Mexicans will say "Who?". I do remember this story as I was still living in Mexico at the time... didn't realize so much time had passed.


    1. Gringo gets kilt what's the big deal. 150000 die that's a big deal

    2. But don't worry we have Omar Garcia in the US on speaking tour. He solve all of Mexico problems. What BS

    3. Did the Gringo who was kilt live in Reynosa

    4. yes. He worked in the oil industry and lived with his wife in Reynosa. They were planning to move back to the US when the murder happened. I am not sure why he was killed but these punks had no right to kill anyone

    5. The Gavacho was the crooked one the deal went sour n he got lit up...wife aint going to confess to that. Corrupt Gavacho thats all he was, wife was n is trying to hide the facts.

  8. Its about time they finally caught those guys that killed that innocent boater.What must have been about 4 years or so.

    1. Yes good if it is the murderers.

      As for the 'innocent boater', don't be so sure. he lived in Mexico, he knew had to know what happens on Falcon, water crossing of trafficking and gangs protecting it. Most people living in the area think he was in the life and this was a settling of scores. myself, I am not so certain about the wife. changed the story a few times, and all those shots and she gets away? doubtful.

    2. @ 2:03 I thought the same thing .... he lived in reynosa and other parts of Tamaulpais working with an oil company he should have known what goes on on that lake and surrounding area .... and his wife fell in the water trying to get his body while they surrounded her and pointed their weapons at her and then she said they started shooting and chasing but no bullets were found on her jet ski ... and if you look back at the interview videos she never cried... his family was crying like they meant it and she just stood there looking like she was thinking how she was going to waste the insurance money

    3. Innocent Boater? the Gringo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. Bikers are in th drug game to, he wad probably a hells angel a mongul or some other club. People dont get killed just because. Innocent? I highly doubt it. Real

    5. He lived in Nosa,even he must have known what's up with dope crossin there.Everyone knows it,gone on for ages what's the big deal?Its a product like fuckin petrol,except its not regulated for taxes so its illegal.If he fucked the Zetas thats a no no,who knows?

    6. Bikers involved in religion, oil, mining, gold and drugs, in mexico, may not get out alive, they may get fracked...

  9. Does anyone know what motorcycle club is represented on the vest hanging next to the yellow harley? Photo too blurry on my small screen!

    1. I can't see it very well either but I'm certain it's not a 1%er MC patch if that's what you're asking.

    2. Looks like some "Christian" riders group. Definitely not a 1%ers club.

    3. Oct 05, 2010 - McAllen, Texas, U.S. - David Hartley's Indian motorcycle and the leather vest he wore as a member of his church's Motorcycle Ministry adorn the stage at a memorial service held for Hartley at The Family Church in McAllen, Texas.

    4. its seems to have a Jesus fish at the bottom, however in the tradition of 1% ers it is a three piece patch...non outlaw groups have a single patch and not a top and bottom rocker with a logo in the middle like the one shown in the picture

    5. That use to be the case 4:12p but not any more. There are many non 1%er clubs who wear a three piece rocker. Many of the Christian, fire fighter, and law enforcement motorcycles clubs have three piece rockers. The Blue Knights, Peacekeepers and Gunfighters MC's are all law enforcement clubs and they have three piece rockers. It all depends on the agreements with the dominant 1%er club of your state.

    6. Righteous bikers and criminal biker clubs are like the right and left arms of organized crime body

  10. ELITE ZETAS cooking deals with CDG chamuco mayor manuel cavazos lerma, all's swell that ends swell, but why parade the fall guy in capris? That is constitutional abuse...
    --Talking about constitutionals, el mil mascaras...loves them, on the face...
    --Them there halconezz really thought falcon lake was "theirzzz", 4 years to justice...

  11. USA is the best country, you can be a drug addict you can do the worst thing, deal with cartels, sell guns to cartels, but if you get killed for your owns providers/customers then you become a victim??? that gringo on that picture...

    1. Millie who do you think your fooling?
      That's reeks of your anti US racist bullshit,now your trying to hide,,go away with your negative shit.

  12. they thought he was a dea agent that's why he got killed

    1. It was kept a secret for a long time, that he was residing in reynosa and working with oil companies, I thought tamleipas was about gas shale, fracking and stealing everybody's water rights...
      --after running all through the border, carrying all kind of detritus, garbage, sewage, chemicals, decomposing bodies and the clothes of illegal immigrants, what kind of man goes swimming or ski boating with his wife on the Rio grande?
      --The US don't clean it up, because they only take out all the water they need and the mexicans only dirty it all up, maybe if it gets privatized...hmmm, think, hey, mexicans keep out, private property, dogs welcome...
      It will be like old times!!!

  13. The question is will Mexico be safer? The Gulf respected people and let businesses run and left tourists alone. Than came the Z they killed people and kidnapped . Than the Gulf thought was a good idea and did the same thing. So Mexico will remain the same under any cartel

  14. All the Zetas are falling now, Omar Treviño spitting out some names

  15. Wasn't La Ardilla blamed for his murder?

    1. I assumed as such too. I thought he was responsible for that area of operation at that time.

  16. theres another sory werethe gringo was a member of the outlaw mc

    1. Ain't no Outlaws MC in Texas. If there are they are only doing business with the Bandidos. None reside there because of their agreement.

  17. This is bullshit, in 2012 they had reported that they had arrested a suspect by the last name Escobedo...Hartly had it coming the Cartel was doing the drug trade with him when it went bad they lit him up.

  18. They need to wipe out the z and the gulf point blanke!

  19. drug deal gone bad

    1. How many keys can a jetski transport.?

  20. Something never felt right about this murder. How is it this couple living in Reynosa did not know the danger of Falcon? Knowing the danger what took them there? Listening to the wife speak also sent a red flag up, she did change her story 3 times

  21. The Gavacho had a botched deal and they killed him the wife is not going to state those facts.

  22. El Z42 told the authorities it was this guys that killed Hartley. Why else after so long and first blaming La Ardilla now they say it's this guy. Z42 snitching like crazy

  23. i hear a lot of uninformed people some of whom do not even live in the region making ranger rick statements from the comfort of their mothers basements. i personally know fishermen who fish falcon lake and will never stop fishing there till they are buried with their pole.
    even though i try to get the word out about the dangers of mexico i have family that still go. I even know a woman who was held for possible inclusion in a capos harem who swore she would never go to mexico again that only lasted about a year and now she says its safe now and no more problems in the places she visits and shops. she had spent the better part of an hour pleading to be let go crying and begging. i cannot believe she now goes to mexico again. the stupidity of mankind knows no bounds.

  24. Your translation sucks

    1. either you lack two brain cell to rub together to create a spark, or you are a troll. either way move along nothing for you here. LMT and BB are both English sources no translation needed.

      and BTW great article Lucio. as always. thanks

  25. I fish Falcon 200 days a year and have never seen a Jet ski outside of the county ramp and the State park ramp and that is usually only on Holiday's. Only an idiot that knew about the Zetas in 2010 would take his wife up the Salado for pictures on Jet skis. More to that story IMO

  26. No one were idiots..... People were just not informed about the dangers that lurked on that lake . And no coast guard to patrol an international seashore/lake boundry.
    Hope the bastards that did this horrible deed can lead them to the remains. But, these sick bastards have probably killed so many people they forgot where they out the remains, R.I.P. David


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