Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Family of Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo Recovers Property

Translated for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana article by Otis B Fly-Wheel

After almost 25 years the PGR have failed to prove that a property belonging to Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo was bought with "ill gotten gains".

A woman, from the family of drug trafficker Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo, obtained an amparo in a Federal Tribunal in the state of Jalisco for the Prosecutor General of the Republic, to return a property confiscated after the detention of the leader of Guadalajara Cartel in April of 1989.

The First Collegiate Tribunal in Penal Matters of the Third Circuit confirmed in revision, awarded the amparo and justice protection in October of last year, by the Sixth District Judge specialising in material matter, to Mrs Alicia Felix Salas.

The complainant has claimed since the end of 2013 the restitution of property located in the Calle Paseo de los Parques, between las Calles Paseo de las Colinas, and Colinas de San Javier fraccionamiento, leaning on an assurance warrant issued by the Public Prosecutors office.

The residency in question forms part of a series of insured assets in various entities of Kingpin Miguel Felix and others, in the preliminary investigation 1379/SC/89, however the prosecutor never put that property to a judge for nearly 25 years and its final condemnation is not resolved.

In the investigation of the case for drug crimes, the Agents of the MPF determined on May 16th 1989 to impose an injunction on the grounds of justifying assurance with the Ministerial declaration of Felix Gallardo, that manifested itself with "the money obtained as a product of criminal activities of narco trafficking, he acquired real and personal property, securities, deposits, investments and other financial deals in order to increase the size of his fortune."

The social representation added that "the property was acquired by the accused for the intent of concealing persons or items, in order to continue to conduct criminal activities relating to the sale of drugs."

The amparo Judge of the Sixth District in Penal Matters of Jalisco, held that although the Federal Public Ministry has the power to investigate, and had opened a preliminary investigation, the fact is that this measure cannot be indefinite and 25 years had been enough to determine what was applicable, plus the Tax department has no evidence in the investigation because of the years passed since the appropriation of the property.

Before the amparo was granted, the Prosecutor assigned to the case, filed an appeal against the amparo ruling, however their grievances were dismissed as unfounded and inoperative. Thus confirming the decision that the property must be returned to the complainant Alicia Felix Salas.

Other goods pertaining to the same investigation have been returned in previous years in Jalisco, Sinaloa, and Veracruz relatives or front men of the "Godfather Felix Gallardo".

In this case the current state of the property is unknown, if it has been sold by the Attorney Generals Office, they will have to compensate Señora Felix Salas with the current market value of the property.

Original article in Spanish at Zetatijuana

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  1. Hope this angel gets everything back.

  2. Let the man out the DEA set him up. Shit Caro out and about having a good time. Both US and Mex are corrupt. I sit here and hear all the crying from both sides

  3. The crooks may be crooks, but intend to leave no man behind...
    Rafael caro quintero is out
    El padrino is getting his toys back
    Don neto may get his toys and his freedom
    Juan ramon Matta Ballesteros may get out
    --felix ismael rodriguez will not be prosecuted in this life, nor "ollie" or anybody else, not even in the court of public opinion because the press no no nothin'...

  4. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy

  5. Miguel could have left the real mafioso alive, Don Pedro Aviles did not deserve to get murdered by DFS charolas...

  6. How true is it, that chiricuas was killed in the shootouts in the frontera chica? Does anyone know?

  7. The Godfather ran a smooth program back in the 80's. The way business needed to be. Keeping every thing under ground. Without innocent people getting hurt. Remember when the Godfather got arrested he divided his cartel in three. TJ cartel, CDS, Juarez cartel. When this happened that's when all hell broke loose. Godfather/Gallardo was into heavy business. However Mexico was better of when Godfather/Gallardo was at the top.
    Then DEA got involved and stop getting paid and blow every one cover.

    1. Tas muy mal, este perro violaba jovencitas ala fuerzas, aho esta tu godfather, mato a varios teicionando, y si deveras supieras, el fue quien no importo el codigo de honor,este perro en cuanto salga se muere. Deve muchas y las va apagar.

    2. Pinches perros cucarachones drogos todos son iguales violadores de borregas putas. el caro quintero salio y no le isieron nada y era compa de este viejo. todos los putos narcos les gusta violar putas cuando andan todos cocodrilos los perros

    3. Se imaginan a cuantas vacas y borregas putas de esas interesadas. Se violaron todos esos bolas de cucarachones en sus tales fiestas ke se pasaban asiendo, komo el chaputo. el beltran leyva. el lazca. la barbie. el z40. el nacho coronel. felix gallardo. el quintero. los aretes. y todos los demas perros tambien. todos esos perros deven de tener bastardos por todos lados listos para tomar sus lugares.. Los jrs. bastardos.. hijos de prostitutas violadas. pinches basuras.. jaja

  8. The whole world is incorruptible, but Mexico is the worst. Explain how a cop buys 3 properties with no mortgage? There's no way in hell-period. 99.9999 of his assets are drug related.

      But he has houses worth millions and millions and millions of dollars whose proceedence can not be accounted for...

  9. They should make that property a museum!

  10. Ese de ue dice que este vato era violador debería decir a quien mato y a quien violo

    1. Pos de perdis viola a su mama, y Chanza tambien a el...
      --American ambassador Win Scott/CIA
      --Mexican CIA assets diaz ordaz, Luis echeverria, jose lopez portillo, to the present
      -- fernando barrios, manuel camacho, miguel Nazar haro,.francisco sahagun, JULIAN SLIM HELU, el comandante olvidado, in charge of big mexican airports, manlio fa bio beltrones...DFS/ CIA assets...
      --DFS agent Rafael Aguilar Guajardo becomes boss of juarez cartel after amado murders el jefe Pablo acosta villarreal...
      --amado carrillo fuentes becomes el señor de los Cielos with CIA planes to prove it, after rafael Aguilar guajardo gets murdered and his 100 millions of dollars becomes a bounty split among the murderers, the mexican federal police working for amado...
      --Point is, the DFS under other names and pretenses, has always been in cahoots with others. Like the mexican government at all levels, and deciding who is boss in the cartels, and their agents names all over the place prove it

  11. The mexican governing narco-mierdocracia sold the property already, (to el padrino people,) and "will have to pay his family TODAY'S PRICE of the property..." NICE!

  12. Release Tio Gallardo! Put him in charge to quell the violence.

  13. DEA and U.S government is the most corrupt government it could be let felix Gallardo out he did not kill kiki camarena no matter go they put in jail the cartels never end


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