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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Jose Manuel Mireles Lawyer makes Public his Legal Records

Translated for Borderland Beat from a Milenio article by Otis B Fly-Wheel

The Lawyer of Dr Jose Manuel Mireles, the ex leader of the auto defensas who was detained in Michoacan this June passed, said that the Legal Records of his client, will be available on an internet page.

The Legal documents that relate to Dr Jose Manuel Mireles, the ex leader of the auto defensas who was detained in Michoacan this June passed, will be available on an internet page so, " all Mexicans can see how justice functions", said his Lawyer Javier Livas.

"There are more than 2000 pages in the records, and we want that all Mexicans they can see how justice functions", said the Lawyer in an interview with Ciro Gomez Leyva for the Formula Group.

He said what they are looking for is, " to make all the world enter this case, the process against the Doctor, how this procedure functions, that with the knowledge of the people of how our paper justice system works, there will be sympathy for Doctor Mireles.

In June of 2014, Federal Forces  in the town of Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan, detained Dr Mireles, one of the leaders of the auto defensas in Tepalcatepec, for having arms for exclusive use by the armed forces.

His Lawyer said that he is sure that the crime of having arms for exclusive use by the armed services, was fabricated against Dr Mireles, and that to make public the records will serve the people to realise that Federal Gun Law for a criminal maybe used against a person carrying a weapon for self defence.

He explained that the Legal documents of Dr Jose Manuel Mireles will be available  in the internet page Caso Mireles

Original article in Spanish at Milenio


  1. I keep hoping to see that something will happen to undue this injustice. The legal system in Mexico does not work well. If fact it does not work at all if the government feels threatened with change. They feel threatened by just one man in this instance. That tells you how they fear the their system changing, and the money train slowing down if someone honest came into government.

  2. I'm not a big fan of Dr. M like most here but it sucks that he is in prison longer than most criminals.

  3. Your my hero Dr.Mireless your the real MVP thanks to you 80% oh more of the population of michoacan and Tierra caliente live free and without worries that CT oh any other cartel may come and extort the community of michoacan thank you Dr.Mireless

    1. Yeah and thanks to hin viagras americano el abueli smurf el migueladas took advantage of it and formed there own little cartels to do more crime and leave michoacan then when the templarios where there

    2. 12:51 como eres pendejo valee!!!
      --Alfredo castillo, el virrey del castillo de cagada, dividió y venció...
      --Dr Mireles had nothing to do with the decisions of grown hairy assed men that chose to sell out to politicians...
      --Dr Mireles does not have anything to do with your dumb stupidity either'n...
      --to repeat this message push * with the middle finger, then smell finger...



  5. He is in prison, but he is alive.

    I have the feeling that if Doctor was free "somebody" would assassinate/kill him !

    1. Lucio Cabanas es dr. mireles

  6. Why put up with this! Do you want to be next !Do something. DONT hide behind your door .

  7. Most nobody will read 2000 pages...
    Human rights commissions need to be dragged to the court of public opinion for being inefficient and for being instruments of bad governments, and silent partners of their criminality...

    1. absolutely it will be read. Most likely from the think tank activist group he belonged to. they will split the reading among a group of attys or constitutionalists.. This is a smart move.

    2. I wouldnt read 2000 pages, ill fall asleep after the 1st page...n besides me or any other person reading it wont help Mireles one bit.

    3. There are people, important people, who will read it.
      No doubt about it.

    4. CHIVAAA!!! OK ,You win.
      But promise to not befriend la señora wallace, Isabel Miranda de wallace is the most crooked crica in all mexico...
      --I hope there is room to sue the mexican "authorities" for abusing Dr Mireles and his followers, at least for tar and feathers for the madafakas, they have some esplainin' to do...♡♡♡

    5. Jose Santiago Moreno Valencia, his wife Blanca godinez chavez, their two sons and one daughter under attack, called Dr Mireles for help, soldiers did not allow the help to come through until the job had been finished and done, too late for help the SantIago valencia family...
      --Dr Mireles and co were arrested while eating right after that...
      --the arrests distract from the military interference that allowed the murder of 5 persons by people unknown, but helped by known military elements whose names are lost by now...
      July 7 2014 BB a reporter's remorse... photos, with a chivis comment...

  8. The government knows that time is on their side because of the doctor's health and age. this is a sad comment on the lack of justice in Mexico. at least give this man his day in court, and presents the accusation and evidence against him very

  9. This is incredible!

  10. Hope The U.N. or France intervenes (if they can). The good Doctor called out many , many times & pleaded for international help . Only to be framed by cops , arrested head shaven (humiliated) and caged like an animal.

    1. here you go again with the u.n. when are you going to understand that the u.n has never or will ever help mexico or other latin American countries.


    2. The charters and the stated goals of the UN entice one to seek the UN help, if just to blow their cover, because we know perfectly well for a while that the UN is a tool of the neo-liberal corporate vulture capitalistas, and that they all hide behind their own capitalist jesus... but we love you, mensa...

  11. Mexico lindo y jodido, si muero lejos de ti....Que digan que estoy dormido....En fin , always the same....nothing new, it happened to Fransico villa. To emiliano zapata... now to doctor Mireles.

  12. Who is the 'government'...WHO in Mexico exactly has the authority to release Dr. Mireles? Is it a governor...a judge...a judicial commitee...Names, what are the names of these 'government' officials one could write to?

    _Canadian girl

  13. I seemed to be confused. The legal documents passed? Passed what? Do you mean the documents were accepted Or do you mean Dr. Mireles passed away as in died?
    Also, you are saying he is locked up on trumped up (fake)charges? It has taken someone this long to figure out what everyone knew all along? Mexico's justice system SUCKS.

  14. The good Dr is guilty of a crime that too few narcos are ever convicted of. I watched WITH MY OWN EYES as SSP kivked open apt doors in Lazaro. If they were occupied the cops apologized. If they were empty the cops carried off flat panel TVs, stereos and bags of loot. They threatened residents not to call the preventivos "Because they are corrupt". I only wish I had a cell phone camera at the time. The cops broke into 13-apartments.

  15. That poor lawyer just signed his death sentence going against mexican Government in mexico.

  16. Write to The Times, make sure they know how peña nieto is NOT saving mexico, and share fb tweet etc etc.etc,


  17. I'm just an average gringo in the USA (with family ties to several parts of Mexico) and would like to help Dr. Mireles, if possible.

    I greatly admire his bravery and dedication!!

    Is there a way to donate money to him and make sure it really gets to him???


    1. Start a foundation or sompim' then we split the take...
      --Oh, I know, we are so jodidos we can't even start that, we need to elect our own government in exile with death penalty for corruption...we put la eMe in charge of that to teach the motherfucking politicians how it goes...that would be sompim'

  18. Mexico's True Hero . If we could only say the same about the President and politicians.

  19. just make sure your donation goes to a correct legit account ...very risky . might be charged with aiding a criminal org. or rico act.

  20. what a joke, keeping this man in jail. pinche PRI, you cross them you will pay. now they are back in power, they are still running drugs, killing people and abusing their powers like its 1972 all over again. Luis Echeveria used to keep a cabinent member who was my friends uncle who controled all of the drug operations for the govt in mexico. Those days are back, why else do you think that all the top guys have gotten arrested or killed? the pri wants to run the show. now they have privtized the oil sector, and they own the drug sector. Dr. Mireles is a man who stood up against them much as Lucio Cabanas did, the 70s are back Mexico, get ready for a bumpy ride. pinche perros PRISTAS

  21. If we start a foundation based on the cayman islands, or panama, Switzerland, Banca vaticana, hsbc, bcci...they may steal the money too,
    --A go fund me, may finance the operation until it is successful, then we pay back...
    --OR start the campaign for a government in exile city by city state by state, organization by organization...
    --we can not keep just counting and complaining about yesterday's dead, also it is of no benefit to the US to have a neighbor government like they have in mexico, in cahoots with the worst of the worst of the US domestic enemies...

  22. Justice in Mexico...yeah. When a person has nothing to hide, they hide nothing. This is what i believe, the doc and his lawyer is trying to show, he done nothing wrong. He's laying his cards on the table, showing the world his hand.However, he is not the cheat, the govt is. His willingness to show the world, what he is up against, proves to me...he's not guilty of the crimes he's been charged with.Guilty people try to hide, lie..keep people from finding out the real deal, not this guy. God help'em!


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