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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Shifting Map: Configuration of Criminal Organizations Active in Michoacán

Lucio R. republished from Animal Politico 

Quantity of Criminal Organizations operating in Michoacán Municipalities
                                                        Note: click images to enlarge

By Victor Sanchez (Causa en Común)
The rapid decline that the Knights Templar in the last year and a half, have suffered has left a series of municipalities of Michoacán, without criminal organizational power, which are being filled by other organizations such as the Cartel Jalisco new generation, Los Viagras, la Familia Michoacana, and La Tercera Hermandad ( the third Brotherhood) as well as criminal cell linked to Homero González Rodríguez, alias "El Gallito".

As a result, today there exists a new configuration of the criminal activity in Michoacán.

Until a year and a half ago, Los Caballeros Templaios were the dominant criminal organization in the state of Michoacán , which maintained control of most of the illegal markets in the region and had a permanent presence in at least 81 of the 113 municipalities in the state. 

However, the emergence of autodefensas groups in several municipalities of Michoacán, as well as the implementation of Plan Michoacán (which meant a significant deployment of federal forces in such entity), disrupted the hegemony of C.T. in the region.  In a very short time, federal authorities managed to decimate the sources of income of the criminal organization, minimized its area of influence and have captured or killed the majority of the leaders of that group.

The fact that the area of influence of the Knights Templar has been reduced from 81 to only 17 municipalities (all in the southern part of Michoacán), and the arrest of leader Servando Gómez Martínez, gives us reason to believe that the operational capacity of the criminal organization is coming to an end, because although it is likely that some of the local cells of the organization survive and continue using the name of Caballeros Templarios,  the fact is that this criminal group will no longer be a major player in the criminal map of our country.

See Map below for specific municipalities (from Maps of the World)

[BB Note: Known alliances; Viagras, CJNG.  According to La Tuta, El Gallito also has an alliance with the aforementioned. ]

Red represents Los Viagras Presence

 Yellow represents La Familia Michoacana presence 

Green represents CJNG Presence

Blue represents Caballeros Templarios presence
Gold represents Tercera Hermandad presence

Autodefensa's presence



  2. You should put a map of infuence of sinaloa chapo isidro( Beltran Leyva)vs mayo (CDS)

    1. Zetas/beltran leyva have more influence now than years back, it would be interesting to see how much more control they have accumulated

    2. The zetas/beltran Leyva owners, ELITE ZETAS ARE IN POWER NOW...
      ""Due to irregularities in the arrest of z42, he may be a free man soon..."" radio news
      Miguel angel osorio chong
      Fidel z1#2 herrera beltran
      Javier duarte
      Drug trafficking narco-televisa
      Enrique Francisco galindo ceballos (and his uncle el mil-usos julio ceballos)
      Viejidio cantu
      The bertie boy moreiras criminal organization
      The ernesto zedillo ponce de Leon GODFATHER FOUNDATION
      the Carlos Salinas de Gortari fundation of gimme gimme!
      The Carlos slim helu "platforma slim" mexico for the mexican, ME, harbanos, bueno bonito y barato for you, all the money for me, mas bueno, mas bonito y mas barato.
      And genaro garcia luna, who put el barbas in his place, ass all shot up, calzones pulled down for threatening his SS majesty of the SSP...

    3. @6:35 no, they don't have influenza, Their puppet masterzzz on the other hand, also called ELITE ZETAS, they keep running full steam on all fourzz, chapuliniando left and right...
      It is like, you know, getting "married" is not really a goal of members of la Cofradia de la Mano Caida (google)...
      --If BB ooglers were just a little more "sophisticated", I would invite them to research BOHEMIAN GROVE, USA..try it, you don't have to get initiated...
      --but Bill Clinton said something about big grown men talking to and hugging Big Red "Cedars"... have fun girls!

  3. A paragraph from an ABC News article, "“The Leahy Law is clear and sets a minimum standard. If there is credible information that foreign security forces have committed the worst crimes – such as torture, killings of civilians, rape, or executions of prisoners – then they are not eligible for U.S. aid unless the individuals involved are being appropriately punished," Sen. Leahy said this week."

    1. 12:55 that makes it all the more important to leave no witnesses, proof, or bodies behind, using paramilitary doing the criminal work and burying it in secret graves, and the army in special cases, like Tlatlaya, Ayotzinapa, special propaganda detentions like z42, full of procedural "errors" to blame others while the glorious mexican army looks like "they tried" ...

    2. 12:55 that makes it all the more important to leave no witnesses, proof, or bodies behind, using paramilitary doing the criminal work and burying it in secret graves, and the army in special cases, like Tlatlaya, Ayotzinapa, special propaganda detentions like z42, full of procedural "errors" to blame others while the glorious mexican army looks like "they tried" ...

    3. UN should be spelled "Worthless"

    4. revolt a million of us from the US are coming back to Mexico. And r welling to die for the freedom of Mexico U cartels and politicos can beat us We have guns and we are coming

    5. don't print revolt stuff somebody may get some ideas

  4. Where does the missing link, miguel angel gallegos godoy fit?
    --if he is el traficante mas poderoso de tierra caliente, michoacan as many people say, we need to find out why

  5. Michoacan is so unique. The fertile ground left by volcanoes is some of the best farmland in Mexico, and it provides everything from avocados and limes to the poppy and marijuana. Their port at Lazaro Cardenas is an important transshipment point for Michoacan's valuable iron ore, while also bringing in cocaine and meth precursors.

    These maps appear real, and what we see is that Los Viagras, CJNG, and the autodefensas control many of the same communities, and these are important for narcotics production and transshipment, as well as the iron ore that sustained the Caballeros Templarios.

    1. Siskiyoukid

      The maps are not specific to control, they are areas of presence, vying for control. Autodefensas have always been strong in the southern half of michocan. But there should be a distinction that shared areas such as LC will have the presence of ad and cartels but not in the ad portion of the municipality. If you recall the controversial shootout of last spring where Dr. Mireles was accused by Castillo of holding "a head as a trophy", ad were protecting only their specific village. So they have a presence, but move 20 miles south and it is infiltrated with a presence of CJNG-CT-Viagras

      the map will be interesting in 6 months as a comparative. I am posting a similar map for Guerrero. Hopefully today.

  6. Parece ke hay muchas ratas en un solo lugar. a ke chingaos, pero kual de todas esas es la menos perrota

  7. Fk all of them traitors viagras AD CJNG FM GALLITO cause it is worse then before where my family is from, Tumbiscatio and all of la tutas controlled areas, people never complained and they never extortion people or kiddnapped, i think mireles really started this for michoacan a better state but the viagras americano smurf el 5 took advantage of the movment woth other intentions

    1. Throw in alfredo castillo and his cuban sexo-therapist brujo-santera and voila a total witches' brew, the skull for show and tell...

  8. Yea, i think there is more ct presence than cjng but who knows, mencho has been trying to establish his criminal empire there ever since la familia michoacana run him out to jalisco. Real

  9. Does FM have a truce with CJNG ?

    1. They where at war, LFM Golfo and Milenio had formed an alliance to fight CJNG when CJNG started, it was La Resistencia, they lost plus LFM has a truce with Zetas so i ddoubt theres an alliance

  10. Just cuz theres a alianze doesnt mean cjng. Control. Those places

  11. I read somewhere online that Nazario Moreno Gonzalez might still alive that supposedly the body they showed to the public might be a close relative or it was him but he actually had signs of life in him can anyone post an article about this please??

  12. Ok, so does the Gulf cartel have a presence in Michoacan?

    1. Many cartel del golfo were from michoacan and they split to make la familia michoacana, el mas loco aka nasario moreno, el chango, el tisico and many more were golfos. Michoacanos go help golfos fight their enemies often. They still have a strong truce, but the question is what faction, because now you have all golfos fighting each other. Los fresas, los metros.... real

  13. I find it very peculiar that the majority of the Mexican armed forces were born in Michoacan. Have the united nations run the show and cartel violence will be reduced. Also install the death penalty.

    1. U.n will never help mexico just like they will never help africa. Only earopean nations get help from them. Correct me and post facts behind it if i'm wrong

    2. Since 1985 the US has been refusing to pay dues to the UN, threathenning to witholding if the UN does not do as told, demanding "compliance" with American wishes and military and moral support for the US wars of liberation, that increased with W in the house, the US has been at war for 11 years now, against all the designated comers, and no success to brag about...
      --Mehico can now send mehican soldiers to UN designated hot spots, and the UN can send it's forces to mexican hot spots, none of that is designed to help no poor people or victims of corrupt regimes...

  14. So, La Tuta and El Tio had safe houses in CJNG and La Familia territory, Morelia?

  15. Who has read Benjamin Arellano Felix book The Extradited? Where do you rated it?

  16. who has Los Reyes & periban.

  17. What cdg factions are safe in michoacan? Meaning who are the bigger players in the gulf that are safe to ride around in michoacan? Does La resis have anything to do with it??

  18. Hey anyone know what's upwith Texcocos blog? It's been taken off. Just curious...

    1. Tex said blogger took it down for content. I don't get it. Anyway he is busy with work.


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