Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Monster in the Mountains

Lucio R Borderland Beat posted by JA Computer written by Sky Robbins from The New Yorker

It’s been six months since forty-three students from the Ayotzinapa Normal School went missing in the town of Iguala, in Guerrero, one of Mexico’s poorest and most violent states. 

In the indigenous communities of La Montaña and the Costa Chica, where many of the students lived, the disappearances are only one example of the crime, corruption, and impunity that plague the region. 

As Abel Barrera Hernàndez, a human-rights activist, said, “Here in the mountains . . . you live with the demons.”

Note: Abel was wounded in the initial gunfire, and was transferred to the hospital.  He texted his parents and informed them that he was being treated.  He was not heard from again, giving credibility to the reports, that hospital personnel handed over injured normalistas to municipal police.

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  1. I can't imagine, i just can't imagine. How such horrific deeds can be done, in such a beautiful place.It just doesn't seem right, out of balance with nature, the two rubbing against each others grain.

    1. Youtube/jose de molina, lamento coprero
      "...the coprero were asking for 5 cents payrise per kilo of copra", that is (coconut flesh) -they got murdered by police and soldiers...
      -That got lucio cabañas and genaro vazquez involved,
      -Ruben Figueroa Figueroa to self kidnap, with his secretary to make the vacation more fun until the army "saved him"...
      -The federal government flooded the state of Guerrero with thousands of soldiers, that has made living there pure hell for the guerrerenses, 5 more cents per kilo payrise was too much to ask for, those pinchis mendigos Indian farmers did not qualify for prole wages...
      ●●●That's how you get started on your way to hell
      --Sonorense from sonora Jose de Molina, protest singer, died after receiving one too many beating from the mexican gorillatrixes of the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia... QEPD

    2. 5 mexican cents = 0.05 pesos, equal to about 4/10 of a one cent, US dollar, in the 60's
      --in 2015, you get arrested for trespassing on tourist areas in cancun, dogs welcome, no mexican, unless they are tourist and can prove it...or is it Playa del Carmen? Quintana

  2. Dont give up the fight!! Arriba Igual, Guerrero Rancho El Cura!!!

  3. the students were impoverished, god does this story get any sadder?

  4. Mexico is the most corrupt country in the world. Its the only country that 99% of government are criminals. And the system has been perfected in their behalf that its difficult to overturn them, but not impossible.

    1. Negative U.S.A is #1

    2. USA will always be on the top # 1 corrupt.. But this story here hits the heart hard. How can they just let that happen to innocents.... I hope you piece of shit Mexican governments are proud.. You guys will get yours one day, hope it's in a famous narco home video

    3. 5:28 It is not the whole country, but the amerikkkan sponsored puppet, the governing mexican narco-mierdocracia that is not more corrupt because their puppet masters are no pendejos, they are watching and making sure their beasts of burden do not take more than the table scraps, like manuel noriega...

    4. My heart aches for the innocent and good people in Mexico.

      But don't kid yourself that corruption in the USA is anywhere near that of Mexico.

      My kids in USA can walk to the store at night. We don't lock our doors at night - or when we go on errands.

      I have many valuables out at the farm - in plain sight - that no one ever messes with.

      No one ever tries to extort businesses for money here. No one ever tries to stop vehicles on the road.

      My friends and relatives who have come from Mexico and now live here, love it here. They may miss home in Mexico, but they can sleep easily here.

      Out here on the High Plains of USA - neighbors will try to help the innocents and the poor. They don't kidnap them and ransom them - or force them to work in drug plantations like that story here on BB a day or two ago...

      In the USA, the ACLU would have had Dr. Mireles out of prison the first day - and would have a huge lawsuit against the judicial system for the way he's been treated!!

      So anyone that says the USA Is "more corrupt" than Mexico has NO IDEA what they are talking about....

    5. 12:12 They gotta be some of those Dishonest mexicans... always bitching... Nothing is their fault, "all of them are perfect" the US is the only devil that causes all their problems. Smht

    6. Jajajajaja lol.... @1212pm you are an American, you pay taxes and your government is causing mayhem around the do you think they keep gas prices so low?? Or the drug addicts happy in mayor metropolitan people like you that are not aware cause they love it when you pay taxes and don't complain about where stuff come from....why do you think mexicans are coming to America? ??because of Nafta that literally turn their economy to shit....or by paying $650 dollars for an ounce of cocaine.....I know is hard to understand cause you are harvesting the misery of the gas iraq, cheap clothes china, cheap labor many third world are part of the problem because you are part of the American Society, the america hell yeah...jajajajjajaja what a joke.

    7. If the USA was so corrupt we wouldnt have highest GDP in the world..yep were #1..look it up. So your arguement holds no water whatsoever. America is far from corrupt when in comparison with other countries.

    8. @April 3, 10:07pm

      Highest GDP does not logically entail a country is not "so corrupt". That part of your argument is fallacious.

    9. Changing chinese labels that read made in China for chinese labels made in China that read made in the US, or made in the US with 1% content made in the US, which is the label made in China, may steal some production from the chinese, but it is no property or benefit for americans...
      --Even the wages paid to change labels are paid with Chinese loans , americans are just being saved for last, watch your backs "americans"...

  5. Family asking gang boss for help in 43 students disappearance

    1. Thats the way to go! U cant beat them ask for there assistance

  6. 6:17 Could be true , just earlier today I seen a convoy of 30 trucks with hitmen in em drive down Compton blvd.(sarcasm)

    1. Yeah those are called Los Angeles county Sherrifs buuuudy!!

    2. Yeah, I know right. I saw 10 bags of body parts strewn around the hood just the other day with a warning banner to Walmart . Five police blog reporters got bumped off last week for mentioning the lawn chair bandit & Fox News HQ was attacked by "commandos" for talking bad about the Pres. It's so bad in the US, alien ships are refusing to go near New Mexico for 'test subjects'.

    3. 12:10am

      Everything you said has actually happend in the USA with execption of the warning banner and attack on Fox news. The reason the last two have never happened is because the news in the USA always tends to shy away from that stuff. Wake up dude.

  7. this has been done before and families have retrieved remains of loved ones. I recall a mother who went to prison to speak to a former plaza chief and ask for his help. he told her what had happened to her daughter and where the body was. I believe it was in Oaxaca but I could be wrong, the story was on BB.

    1. here is the story you are talking about

  8. Yes, USA is by far the most corrupt country in this world! Mexico doesnt come close to this country. It took me 30 plus years of my life to realize this. But it is very true.

    1. The most corrupt? I doubt it. What about the others? All countries have their own monsters. you just saying it because you are living in the US. but if you went to live in some other shit hole where they got it worse, who knows what you would say then. Lots of bitches always bitching about the US

    2. I lived in he US for 55 years. Never once was pulled over by police and asked for a bribe. Here loving in Mexico for 5 years I cannot count how many times this has happened. Most of the times they were false accusations. My wife just got her visa and went with me to El Paso for a few days. We say 3 police cars in two days. Here at anytime of day within one hour you will see easily 30 or more. She loved seeing the houses without bars on the windows and tall fences without razor wire, sharp metal points or broken glass on top. She asked why we could not move to the USA, because after 3 days she felt so safe. She loved it in El Paso. Google the most corrupt countries in the world. Mexico is rated as very corrupt. The USA not so much. The difference between the USA and Mexico as far as corruption is light years apart. I talk to my friends and relatives here on a daily basis and the stories are sad. I never had a friend murdered in the USA, but several her just because the have not's wanted what they had acquired through hard work. Mexico has scary and in your face corruption for the people from the poor to the rich. The corruption you can feel in the air. In the USA the freedom you can feel. My wife and many Mexican people know the difference between the USA and Mexico. How come you do not?

    3. @8:40

      Very well said!! Very eloquent!!

      I was shocked to see all the razor wire & broken glass in the fences the first time I went to see Mexico.

      I was shocked when my cousin there didn't call the cops when he saw a car being stolen. I was shocked when he said the cops there were worse than the criminals.

      It is peaceful and safe here in the USA.

      I can't believe the majority of good people in Mexico don't rise up and revolt against their corrupt political leaders and the local gang leaders in the cartels...

    4. Mexico is so dirty, unhealthy, totally corrupt and unsafe. Who the hell wants to live with bars on your windows. cement fence around your property topped with broken glass. All people deserve the right to be safe and be productive citizens.

    5. The US arms the mexican police and military that keep the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia in power and on top, also trains in american schools like the School of the Americas the fucking dogs that boss around the mexican soldiers...
      The US also protects and is in cahoots with the mexican genocidal straps that murder mexicans in their name, before it was done to save mexico from communism, now it is done to save murdering mexican drug trafficking genocidal mass murdering satraps like Ernesto Zedillo "la neta" or "el jundillo" , Felipe calderon and even kidnappers like Genaro Garcia Luna, Carlos Slim Helu's boy...

  9. LOL!!! "The US is worse, the US is worse!" Is that supposed to be some sort of consolation for the Mexican people? I bet the 43 wish they had been in the wicked evil US and not benevolent Mexico.

    Police shoot one errant minority in the US and people go off. Police shoot 43 in Mx then burn em up & no one there really gives a fvk. Er, yeah, sure, the US is worse. Stop trying to make yourself an equal victim of mass corruption to those who truly are. Your behavior is disgusting & cheapens the deaths of those who have been massacred.

    1. Look the United States of America, is the driving force behind all this craziness happening in mexico why???because of their addiction..mexico happens to be the Devils again think of cause and effect. Violence in mexico is a blow back effect of narcos fighting for control, to become the number one in drug exports to USA..... I don't blame mexico, I blame the american addicts, cause they pay a fortune for cocaine,heroin, meth... $600 ounce of coke, $750 ounce of heroin, $900 ounce of meth. yeah supply and demand capitalism at work...all in American dollars. The prices fluctuations depends and varies by location in the American nation....just an estimate based on personal experience talking to a homeless man who is an addict . So yeah..think about that next time you consume drugs. By the way there is nothing much the mexican people could do, they cannot fight back they have no against the law to have anything over a .22 caliber or a hunting rifle...let's say they shoot back they get arrested , Dr mireles sounds a bell to anyone? ?? He tried to stand up and look what happened they fabricated some bogus weapons possession charges...legalization of drugs is the way to go...if you choose to fry your brain fuck it, but at least you are not creating victims in other countries.

    2. Doode do You understand how many people or should i say US soliders get deployed just to run hell in innocents in other countries?? Not to mention all the deals we have with Other countries and there enemies?? We play the good card to hide it all.. I know Mexico is fucked up but your gonna need to do some research buddy.. DEA, CIA, FBI etc were all in and are still inn bed with a cartel!! Our gangs are the local police, you should know this living in America -.-

    3. Well said! @11:52

    4. The mexican police and armed forces, armed by the US, are so cheap that mexican narcs, even much despised zetas rank above them...
      --but year by year, since world war 2, the US and their associates have caused the deaths of more people than stalin, hitler, pol pot, mao and fidel castro together...
      And still are picking fights with iran, iraq, syria, ukrainia, latinAmerica, libya and other target countries...
      --Thank think tank dwellers associated to genocidal mass murderer henry kissinger & co.

    5. Thank you 11:52. Couldn't have said it better myself.

    6. The problem of drug addicted drug addicts on the US is no problem...
      The problem is the addiction to money of BIG BANKS, BIG BANKERS AND EVEN. BIGGER AMERIKKKAN VULTURE CAPITALISTS WHO DABBLE ON DRUG TRAFFICKING FOR POCKET CHANGE, corporate welfare queens, and people who owe a lot of money to the bank and are too big to fail, like the donald..

    7. ...and americans for the most part are not to be blamed for "stuff" their government does behind their backs in cahoots with amerikkkan military/industrial complex now complemented with powerful drug traffickers and money launderers...
      ●do not mix the two to save your master's ass, pendejos!

  10. @1:52

    ", Dr mireles sounds a bell to anyone? ?? "

    Considering what the Mexican authorities have done to him, you just answered your own question as to who is more corrupt!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If that happened in the USA, there would be 10,000 trial lawyers beating down his door to file lawsuit against the justice system for infringing on his rights!!!!!!!

    So who again is more corrupt???

    1. @ 113pm Yeah who do you think bosses the mexican government around? ??? white house and economic sanctions sounds familiar? ??the mexican government would bend over for Barack Obama , because they are a puppet government. Don't you think that American officials know what the fuck is going on???they have Harvard, Stanford graduates working as analysts for the white house real smart folks that give them advice....and yet shit still the same why??????money money money. Green for the money yellow for the honeys....drug trafficking is a huge bussines keeps Americans stupid and paying taxes. Keep 3 world countries under america hell yeah..

    2. Your last sentence....And Mexico is under control?

    3. The mexicans that count, governing narco-mierdocracia, drug trafficking police that also kidnap and deliver people to be murdered to narcos gangs, except the ayotzinapos, corrupt mexican businessmen, they are all controlled by foreigners, they don't want to lose their pesos they have invested in foreign banks like manuel noriega...


  11. I sure haven't heard of any priests being killed in the USA because they spoke out against crime...

  12. In mehico you can't beat the US fed gorillatry of the governig narco-mierdocracia, not with even 1 000 000 million lawyers, but 30 pesos nuevos may do the job...
    Atentamente. Judas iscariote...

  13. Can't believe someone would hurt innocent kids that all they were doing is trying to better themselves. They should just release the mayor and his wife to the family of the missing.

    1. 6:32 the imperial.couple didn't do it, it was the army, the mexican army for the federal government that wants to close the normal rurales all over mexico, as per orders of the bill and Melinda gates foundation the "for profit" non-profit, their benevolent involvement in education in mexico, mu$$$t produce re$$$ult$$$ or else...
      --The new education will teach mexicans to do as told, be conformist, accept god as their saviour, and the US and Capitalist Jesus as their saviours, accept pederasta tourists for the money they bring, and GMO agro, fracking, ruined environment and the extermination of those that have to go to make room for those that understand the basic concepts of supremacy, natural selection and survival.of the fittest...
      --Even if you are a lowly ass kisser like la pocahontas, aka el mil mascaras, the eternal defender of wrong, whitey and amerikkkan way of life; right or wrong don't matter in his twisted ass kissing world, defending your side like a rabid bitch is all that matters...

  14. @113pm. In mexico corruption is fueled by money and is created indirectly by the USA...everything and everyone knows that the mexican government is mexico a lawsuit can only go so far before legalities and missing papers and death people interferes with justice...but what causes corruption? ?? The USA why because of their addiction to "drugs, cheap oil,cheap labor, foreign intervention and so on" so yes mexico is corrupt Thanks to the body can handle capitalism, because of the way it works. So no USA is more corrupt but out side of his own national territory, is like a cancer that eats others....but it manages to keep its own organisms (american public )happy so they, keep on working and paying taxes....Americans are no more than Romans , the only difference is that they are 21st century romans, what do you think they called them an empire??? Again you need to take some college courses preferably at a real university "Stanford, Yale ,UCLA " you can focus on learning and being aware and not so much on grammar or making money....cause usually Americans focus on trivial things not reality.

    1. --The US is so advanced on mind control that most MSM ties themselves to the post, feeds and walks itself, without extra portions,.food, pay or promises...
      --The press on the US is the ultimate slave...
      --anybody who can't accept that needs to be punched on the snout.

  15. Its easy to see how so many think mexico is the most corrupt. What their citizens have to deal with on a daily basis, ie the policia, federalies, military is horrible. US citizens almost never encounter those situations. But our goverment has their dirty sticky fingers in every country's pocket through the world bank. They manipulate things in every country through the cia, or force them to obey them through sanctions or bribes. Mexico is only corrupt to its own citizens. The USA is corrupt to the worlds entire population. The New World Order is real. Most are from the US and a few other country's. But it is the US goverment that does their dirty work right now. No question of who the most corrupt goverment is. USA has been for many decades now.

    1. Yeesshh....

      If the Americans hadn't whipped the Japanese in WW II and helped Britain & Russia defeat Germany, most of the world would still be saying "Heil Hitler!!" even today...

      The USA could have taken over the entire world at the end of WW II, but instead helped rebuild Japan and Germany and gave them back their countries...

      So get off the "corrupt to the world" soapbox....

    2. @3:22

      I guess it is just a lot easier to just blame some invisible, mysterious conspiracy for all the problems in the world than try to stand up on your own two feet and start trying to work out problems in your own neighborhood and country, isn't it????

    3. 12:48 recommending mexicans to stand on their own feet and go and fix their own problems is about the same as You standing on your own two feet then going and cleaning up vietnam, 500 000+ Vietnamese dead for 50 000 americans or thanks to new technology, having 5 000 US casualties against iraq's 650 000 war casualties for the iraquies must be worth something, us casualties have gone from 10% of the total to less than 1%

    4. --World War II ended about 70 years ago, American nazis, that helped hitler with cash, finances, materials... secret and openly, have kept working at bringing back the nazi supremacism, now openly in ukrainia, they have even had two azi presidents and the rest at least heavily influenced by neo-nazism...
      --and not so openly all over Latinamerica with henry kissinger's rat line nazi escapees and their manipulated CIA drug trafficking operators...
      --We have become aware of it only because so many people now communicate on the web, not for nothing they want to send the web to the Malaysia, where they lose planes in the middle of the day at will...

  16. The USA is not the problem, it's corrupt government and institutions, and their crony capitalism is the problem, just because you @2:15 may have a lot to be grateful for, it does not change the fact that the US spends money on fortifying mexico's police and army in spite of all their cimes and misdemeanors, since the 50's...

  17. The US spreads it's blessings to its citizens without condition..
    --the misguided think the US need their cover up covering up for corrupt traitors who do not give a rat's ass for their country, corrupt traitors that only care about getting all the corporate welfare they can from the very government they despise so much, the sons of Benedict Arnold who dream of writing his name back where Washington himself got it erased for TREASON TO THE US...
    Pocahontas, you are screwed, very wrongly screwed...


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