Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, March 23, 2015

Video: This world 2015 secrets of Mexicos drug wars

Posted on Borderland Beat by Otis B Fly-Wheel.  Documentary in English now in parts

                                                                        Part 1

Other parts on next page

                                                                       Part 2

                                                                      Part 3

                                                                      Part 4

                                                                     Part 5

                                                                     Part 6

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  1. Excellent find. I am glad the American agents finally spoke up and said they watched the weapons go they had to let them go. The orders came from above. Why can't they charge Holder and Obama with complicity? So sad when you hear of the 15 people slaughtered mostly teenagers, like it was nothing to these cartel animals to waste a life. They have no feelings nothing in their hearts that is why upon capture they should be shot dead in the streets and never make it to the jail.


      If you read this, it may help you understand them a little better and why they do things that an ordinary person would never contemplate.

  2. well done video

    I just wish the Mexicans make video like this
    and translate into English, so people in other
    countries can watch it

    1. The orders came from above. Why can't they charge Holder and Obama with complicity?

      First of all, from where above? Maybe we didn't see the same movie. To begin, a little history that most American citizens have conveniently forgotten or ignored.

      Let's go back to the 80s, earlier than this report covers, and recall that the CIA was found to be smuggling cocaine into the US. They admitted it. Did Reagan know? Doubtful. Of course, he was more clueless about what was going on in agencies under his executive control than most Presidents. The journalist who broke that story, Gary Webb, was destroyed by newspapers like the NY Times, LA Times and Washington Post, who called him liar and had him hounded out of journalism (note that the major US papers have, in the past, had CIA agents working in their newsrooms, as was made clear during the Bush run-up to the Iraq invasion, when one of those agents (Judith Miller) planted false stories in the NY Times and got caught). One of the papers later apologized to Webb, when it was made public that he was right with the CIA admission. But the full extent of the CIA operation will not be known for a long time, if ever, given that they were able to censor the report of the Congressional committee investigating their activities behind closed doors (a classified hearing). The CIA is more powerful than Congress, maybe than the President (when the CIA was caught modifying Congressional computers to erase evidence against them, once it was made public, nothing came of it). Nor is it clear that the CIA is run by its director. It didn't matter to Webb that he got an apology as he had already died of "suicide," with two bullets in the brain.

      Now back to the story and your question. The BBC story touched on some important aspects. For example, the money laundering by HSBC (while leaving out that of other banks, like the Bank of Boston). Or the viable contention that most of the US war on drugs is much like the defense industry, a jobs program that has nothing to do with stopping drugs (or with defense). It ignored these tangents after hinting at them, making instead the main contention of its story that the US was allowing guns to be run into Mexico in an attempt to help the cartels kill each other off. That is sort of like the evidence that the CIA was targeting black communities with its cocaine trade. Maybe that is true, but if so, that sort of idea would come from much lower than the "top" of the agency (just as it is doubtful that the CIA knew its operatives smuggling in cocaine (and perhaps heroin, which was supposed to be happening during the Vietnam war) were funneling it to black neighborhoods. More likely there was some more nefarious reason for the gun running here that transcends the actual administration in power, which they also hinted at as a deal (under Bush admin) with the Sinaloa Cartel. Fast and Furious started under Bush Jr. They did hint at that, with the gun dealer who helped them talking about having done this for a long time. The program Fast and Furious went back to 2006, at least, before O'Bama's Presidency. However, Obama continued most of the Bush programs involving relationships with other nations.

      The BBC story was more heat than light. The sad killing of those teens at that party, for example. Or the killing of the US Border Patrol agent. But if it is true that the purpose of supplying those weapons was to get the cartels to kill each other off (similar to the reports that certain US police units help weapons get into certain black and Latino neighborhoods so they can kill each other off), then that would be nothing but collateral damage. The US is used to collateral damage. Of the million or so Vietnamese the US killed in that war, probably more than half were collateral damage. It happens wherever the US wages war or supplies weapons of war. But I personally doubt that was the reason.

    2. Or how about you learn Spanish

    3. We have plenty of videos like this, just go to youtube, also we have 2 good books...and we have reality, we have our streets with voices.

    4. The collateral damage, does not matter, and is not a concern of the drug traffickers or the arms merchants, the one and only goal is to make money, enhance the revenue, share as little of it, make sure the laundering works well and that nobody talks...and pay back to those who get out of line, like manuel noriega...

    5. 5:04 nice to meet, i'm jealous, you are stealing my thunder in a most efficient way, keep it up, keep it up, just keep it up...thanks...
      --Learn something mil mascaras...

    6. Before Obama's Fast and Furious, it was called Wide Receiver...
      -under obama it just intensified to burn his ass with "fast and furious, fast and furious" bullshit from the antiobama all the other far right created conspiracies like the Iranian US embassy occupation created by the far right amerikkkan extremists in cahoots with the ayatollah ruholla khomeini to kick carter out and install the neo-liberal strapy headed by sleepy lion Ronald Reagan...
      --for make benefit of dick cheney, haliburton, blackwater, donald rumsfeld republic and co...

    7. @11:19 PM

      I don't mean to steal your thunder. It is just that the hypocrisy of my government bothers me, but mostly because most US citizens take cover behind the government lies and feel superior, forgetting or ignoring the reality even after it is made public.

      I hope they post the remainder of the comments. There are three more paragraphs that are yet to be posted.

  3. Really really interesting

  4. Why is it that the BBC had to do this? Why couldn't the USA or MX do it? It makes matters worse that both countries turn a blind eye to the injustices and mass murders that are being allowed with impunity. To hear the USA federals tell how they simply watched and let the weapons go without detaining or arresting anyone. Sad that the USA actually assisted in the murders of thousands and they are not held to any accountability.

    1. Who care's if BBC did it as long as the truth get's out to the public.

  5. This is some shit wow!

  6. A.T.F gave them gun's sat back and watched them kill each other. USA doesn't care about their own much less the Mexican's

      any further bitching is unpatriotic communist jibbering and not welcome in the land of we created Osama bin Laden and isis! I mean we killed bin Laden and are sending weapons to isis by mistake! I mean we are fighting isis by making them slowdown to three taken towns a day!

    2. How bout now if the A.T.F. give guns to all the mexicans so they can help clean the criminal groups that are in every town, cities.... or until they wipe themselves out that would live cero mexicans in mexico. ! Lol

    3. Yea ever since that isis bullshit started on t.v. I already knew the unitd states had something to do with them. I mean cmon now osama was a CIA operative and sadam was supplied by the u.s. The u.s. came up with an excuse to invade the countries were these so called terrorists were living when reality the u.s. helped them rise to power. If you read the book Manufacturing Consent by noam chomski i believe, you will realize that the u.s. has alot to do with the so called terrorists of this world. Isis has been around since the u.s. invaded iraq its just now that they are getting publicity. Same goes for the drug wars, we all know the u.s. profits off of it i mean cmon now the u.s. is a capitalist country wherever there is profit the u.s. wants in. The reason the u.s. stayed in afghanistan and iraq really long was to free the world of tyranny but to control the oil trade and opium growth in afghanistan. Same thing with the vietnam war where opium was grow freely and also they couldnt risk communists taking over the economy of vietnam and making hard for the u.s. to get resources at a free price. The u.s. has also been involved with crack and the drug trade selliing it in order to fund things that tax payers would not approve of.

    4. The ATF did not give them there guns to anybody, amerikkkan weapons traffickers, merchants and manufacturers SOLD THEM TO THE CARTELS...and, i'm sure at very inflated prices, since they make aaall that money as mister drug traffickers...
      --of course, the NRA fixes most of it with their gun lobby, the NSA and their bought and paid for politicians, they are all a bunch of greedy criminals!!!

  7. Excellent Documentary. Many people suspected long before that something fishy was going on. So sad for the hundreads of thousand inocent victims.

    1. They were all "innocents" you gotta be kidding, lots of deaths were drug cartel related, im not saying they were all cartel thugs, but the majority had something to do with it. Besides blame the damn drug cartels nobody told those mfs to form drug cartels everywher nor nobody told the mexican govt to turn the blind eye on them bitches both narcos, and narco politicians. Is their fault!!

    2. The US harbors the guilty parties, if you scratch just a little, there is all the putrefaction for you to see...
      ...ATF just allowed it to continue... orders from above... because, whatever...

    3. Blame the drug users

    4. The US is the guilty party

    5. 12:45 uste hagase pendejo, it's not working, but they may leave if you play possum
      The bad news, is Sam Giancanna was living in Cuernavaca morelos for a while, in the 60's, and his nephew married a sinaloa beauty queen that later got murdered in italy, in the 60's, too...
      --and the US has been involved in all things mexico again since before the revolution started in 1910...
      --Thanks, I love to pop a cherry once in a while, I hope you enjoyed, practice makes mastery...

  8. this is not the first time that US agents fighting drugs, ....have been told to stand down

    1. The air force of the US was ordered to stand down while the 9/11 terroristas did their Harlem shake at WTC AND THE PENTAGON...
      AND you are bitching about some little load of weapons or the atf stand down?
      -At the pentagon 2.3 trillion dollars was getting accounted for, after the missile strike the paperwork was lost...someone was just trying to recoup the trafficking arms to mexico...but I don't think the US government made 2.3 pesos out of it...

    2. when was the other time?

  9. Chapo snitched guy wer are u sir the two most wise words for BB chapo snichted WOW.We must make a statue of him name a country after him who is with me long live chapo snitched guy
    And for the sinaloa nutthuggers please stand up please stand up

  10. Wow its amazing how sinaloa cartel cheerleader bitches hide we r waiting for the cheers any minute now .......... Crickets chirping :(

    1. I don't get it how are they hiding ? What wouldn't they have to cheer about ? CDS still continues being the big bad dog in Mexico even if chapo got captured it hasn't changed the flow of drugs to the U.S. even though everyone keeps saying they're finished or they're on a demise it sure doesn't appear that way. Money is power and they have it and when it comes to Mexico with money just about anybody can be bought with the exception of maybe the marina but I wouldn't even say 100% that's not a possibility as well. At the end of the day business wise CDS wins all the way around. Whether they loose a couple of lives here and there they always have someone that will replace the next.

  11. How the do u take down a cartel that has 2heads just a waste of man power ans $$$ this shitis bigger than chapo this goes way back to r1 like the marine said fuck the us goverment all it matters to them is $$$ where is all the $ from the guns they sold we have always known the goverment shady CIA where u at

    1. By cutting the heads off that's how and US will be the sword.

  12. I remember my city juarez being a warzone my family would call us saying not to go because its too violent but we still went

  13. Great documentary. Must watch for anyone interested in the drug war. Thanks BB

  14. Very educational video,thanks

  15. DEA is the biggest cartel, we felt that and we sow that, now is time to reveal the truth, money is what keep this shit,...

    1. The DEA has been infested with CIA managers for a while, to show them who is their daddy, both agencies are bitching since the cia murdered kiki camarena by orders from felix ismael rodriguez...
      --the ATF was kept without a director on purpose, nobody wanted to shoulder the responsibility for all the stupidity...

  16. They should change the New Cartel Map and put the US as the #1 Cartel the only deference between Mexico and US is that Mexico don't hide there shadiness and corruption

  17. Nowonder zetas killed anything that looks a DEA agent like zapata and Hartley, because zetas know that dea and chapo were allies :

  18. Yes it is all the US fault. Despite the fact these senseless killings have gone on long before the weapon incidents. Despite the fact a ton of German weapons were found and were being used as well. Also The point is the government of Mexico has allowed the cartels to grow bigger and stronger than they can handle. Also the constant findings that many government officials were found to be a part of these criminal organizations. It is safe to say if one gun fell in Mexico from the US, then it is the US fault thousands have been killed. The problem is there are many other Latin American countries playing rolls in what is going on in Mexico. It needs a strong government and a not so corrupt military and policing. Until that is achieved, what you see today will continue tomorrow. It was December of 2006 that Calderon started fighting back, but are we to believe before the "Fast and Furious" incident, nothing happened in the drug world? It was 1,998 guns got loose. Who is responsible for the loose machetes used in beheading?

    1. What Mexico need's is a Revolution. They need to clean house starting with the President and work their way down to the criminal's

    2. Which will never happen since everyone likes to leave and use the excuse of "oh the poor children are suffering please make us citizens so we can leave mexicos problems to someone else while we only gather for soccer, parties, and carne asadas"

    3. 9:50 The same mexicans are responsible. Nobody tells them do this or do that. They all contributed to all those problems.

  19. BBC has more in this series. the first was made in 2009 or 2010, and it is still very much worth viewing

  20. The u.s. gov is in the middleeast because they care about the well being of those people and our freedom and democracy, it's not at all about the oil or the opium or weapons and they are in Mexico because they care about the mexican people it's not at all about the money that comes from the guns and drugs

    1. I hope you're being sarcastic because if you're not you need to get head out your ass.

    2. I was being sarcastic

    3. 4:52 it is a boooy! I mean he is sarcastic...
      The one thing I need to make clear, is that the US is not the willing puppet of some greedy manipulators that always make money off all the american conflicts and interventions, the US is UNWILLING PUPPET, because we'll paid lobbyists make it happen for everybody by spreading the manure around in congress...

    4. 4:52 Sarcastic? What does Mexico have to offer the US? If a war did break out, the US would have to finance it like every other war around the world. Mexico is just one country on the list of beggars wanting the US to intervene. No one ever ask England or Israel or any other nation that has money. Every country expects the US to correct their mistakes. It is time they take care of their own and let those nations correct their own mistakes. Yes Mexico's government is corrupt, but the voters put them all in there. So now deal with it. In the US voters can push to have politicians forced out. Does Mexico? Not the US problem.

    5. The u.s. barely has enough money to fund their own wars how are they going to pay for other wars .... that's why drugs and weapons trafficking is done by American gov. as well as Mexicans they get a lot of their War money from illegal means dumbass

  21. Everyone is saying CIA, it was the ATF? Two different agencies.

    1. CIA, will wipe their ass with any soup, specially letters, or alphabet, then cover up, and catch hell, fuckit, they got the power and the devil by the tail, and they only answer to the queen through their prophet henry kissinger...

  22. Another excellent topic, is the Benjamin Arellano Felix book, El Extraditado...,its KickAss!!!

  23. I bet if the video said the zetas killed thousands everybody would be on here talking about torture them or some shit like that but seeing that it's the sinaloa cartel that is responsible for all those deaths it shut alot of these stupid nutthuggers up now that their propaganda machine is going down people will see who these monster really are .... also the Mexican marines are responsible for more innocent deaths then the cartels

    1. 10:07 WHAAA! MOMMYYY! Callese pinchi chillon hijo de la chingada, que uste no es bastante MACHO para echarles toda la caca del mundo? necesita ayuda, pendejo?

  24. Adding to information, in Colombia the DEA agents were paid by the cartels, why would it be different in Mexico? it is probably DEA and CIA agents who have major interests in drug traffic, please read today's Washington times:

  25. Give it a week or so and this video will not be allowed on youtube in this country.

    1. Its already off but only because of copyright. Is this viewable on the BBC site or elsewhere? I had 10 minutes left to watch when I went to bed.

  26. Well, America is the world's number one arm's dealer. Sinaloa Cartel was just another satisfied customer.

  27. Well America is the number one arm's dealer in the world the Sinaloa cartel was just another satisfied customer

  28. Those people from culiacan that where protesting for el chapo are just some stupid people... Wanting a criminal free when he caused innocents dead and turned juarez into a shithole mexico is torn apart due too corrupt politicians and people supporting drug cartels

  29. the part in the video saying he should of had 30 plus body guards with him when he was caught is bs most of these capos are always on the move keeping a dl profile you cant roll around with that much man power you would draw to much attention

  30. Chapo said he often drove around with him and one other guy in a beat up old red pickup, but that would be in areas where he knew he was safe, or at least thought he was.

    But if Chapo was somewhere miles from his stronglhold, on the Chihuahua border with Coahuila travelling on back roads, his bodyguards would be rolling deep.

  31. BBC claimed copy-write and had it taken down... dummies

  32. it might be available here


  33. Let BBC claim copyright. I will find it again, and I will upload it to my own personal server.



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