Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Where in the world is Broly Banderas?

Lucio R. for Borderland Beat

The social media loving scicario seems to have vanished. 

Broly Banderas, whose legal name is Antonio Olalde, could not get enough of selfie posting and social media shout outs, and had a huge following.  He regularly posted updates and then abruptly left social media and no further reports of his whereabouts or anything about him was forth coming.

La Tuta mentioned Broly in one of his videos.  Real or not he gave the impression he did not know Broly, who is/was one of the leaders of an enforcer group working for Caballeros Templarios.  But Tuta seemed intrigued  with the social media aspect of Broly’s life and knew the number of followers Broly had accumulated on Facebook.  He did say Broly was from Sinaloa, but he acted as tough he knew nothing more about him.

Broly spoke about the dangers of his posting on social media, and the need to be cautious of what he posted.  Texcoco was able to have access to him through a mutual friend.  Texcoco shared with BB the only known interview of Broly, he was direct in answering questions, sent in by readers, but refrain from answering some,  “I am not going to answer that”.  Grillonautas ran an interview which Broly quickly deemed it fake.

To read the complete interview link to the post here.

There are no records of his death, and of course he was never captured. 

This is the last post from Broly link here, from June 25, 2014.

Por un Michoacan Libre SDR posted on Thursday this photo of Broley, and report that the Government nor autodefensa groups have any information of him or his whereabouts.

They point out that while CT has taken a harsh defeat, they continue to operate in cells and small groups.  For example last Wednesday they executed  port chief admiral José Luis Corro Chavez a high command of the Marina in Lazaro Cardenas Michoacan. So it isn't that they have lost all relevancy or are fearsome of being aggressive.  Their dynamic has greatly altered, but they are in operation.  

It could be that Broly was ordered killed for drawing too much attention, or another mishap  of judgement.  That is a likely scenario. 

But again, no one knows...

Or whoever knows, is keeping silent.

Note:  Texcoco weighed in and sent this message:

The person who got me the interview with Broly Banderas managed to talk to him a while back. She ask him why he was no longer on Facebook and he just simply said it was no longer safe to be exposed. Things were no longer the same so he decided to stay away from the public eye. 


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  1. CT and CDS better join forces ASAP and eliminate CJNG

    1. Your a dumbass. I bet your family is from michocan that's why you want cds and ct to join forces. Well guess what? That will never happen again. Ct is finished.

    2. Nah, CT is done. If anything CDS joins forces with CJNG, H3 and Los Viagras to monopolize the business with the help of PRI.

    3. cds aint shit anymore, other cartels know that their corridos are fake and just all hype. cjng and zetas have more power now then snitchaloa.

    4. Cds is made of money bro they will forever be known as the biggest cartel that came up out of mexico besides the Guadalajara cartel. Cdg is different they are probably the oldest.

    5. snitchaloa still got it pendejo

    6. CDS ain't shit no more!? Are you kidding?
      They pretty much own all of north western Mexico narco turf. More than CJNG (whom which they have an aliiance) and are also active in other places. They do have cells in the east as well. Zetas are huge as well but it seems that it's their turn to take the hits because they are dropping like flies.

  2. Que se save del Chino Antrax!?!?!?!?!?!? forget broly

    1. Lets all find el broly!!!! He would do the same for you...

    2. Forget el Chino Antrax. XD

  3. It's look like Broly is making a promotional shoot for his version of Weekend at Bernie's. If anybody is familiar with the '80s movie, the lead characters try to make it appear that Bernie is still in alive after being whacked by some mafia wise guys. Like Bernie, Broly might be dead. The lifespan of mid-level sicarios is very short. Then again he could be making like Whitey Bulger and making himself scarce. They should try looking for him in San Pedro Garza Garcia - it seems to me every Narco is hiding there and all the Merida Initiative money spending is for nothing. ¡Hay debe de estar en una madriguera
    o en una choza como la Tuta o el Chato comiéndose unos hot dogs el wey! Al rato lo agarran.

    1. Se fue a dallas

    2. You might be right!
      I know some things as well
      My friend
      April will be fun
      @ die retard broley

  4. Such a strange story for a high profile guy. , it has been almost a year, and there is no death records, no arrest, not dead body, none of his guys talking. nothing.

    didn't tuta say he went back to Sinaloa?

    1. Probably lying in some undiscovered fosa.

  5. There's only 3 places he could be. 1. Is he's laying low.2. Is he was probably murdered for drawing too much attention or 3. He's in jail getting pounded by Tyrone.

    1. ... Or Possibly He Is Undergoing A Sex Change As He Liked To Wear A Dress, Put On Makeup And Loves Men ... Keep An Eye Out For Him/Her Around The Red Zone In Tijuana ... Lol

    2. not Tyrone, it's Bubba? Bubsy & Broly lol

  6. Tuta buried his ass somewhere. Probably invited Broly to his portable card table YouTube studio LaTutaVision in one of his political cronies backyards. Had a styrofoam cooler filled with ice and a couple Dos Equis. Gave one to Broly then one of his boys came behind Broly and sliced his throat then commenced to saw his head off. Tuta as always, came prepared with the cooler and ice to save the head for a possible ritual later in the day. The rest of Broly was either wood chipped to ground round or the boys had a special cook out and made Pozole fit for a king. LOL

    1. probably pozole and an after party jajajaja

    2. jajajaja Tuta 's snack pozole and chocolate cake

  7. You know Banderas had more hits on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube so La Tuta had him taken out, he was more popular then La Tuta himself. Why do you think he was coming out with new videos almost weekly? He couldn't stand the thought of coming in 2nd so he had him whacked.

    1. Mystery solved. Fine detective work mate

  8. This might be crazy but i thought he was rather cool being a gay guy in a Mexican cartel. Plus I could sense that he would rather not kill people but crossed that line of no return. At least that is what i sensed and the fact he was pretty brash knowing his end was going to come in the near future.

    1. Ye man,he had balls,no matter what everyone says.Broly has at least 2 beautiful little daughters he was in a couple of pictures with them?Think dude bailed when it started getting serious in Michoacan,doubt he from Sinaloa but who knows?

    2. Gay hes not gay talked about getting a lot of chicks in his interview.Why do guys always say that when another guy is better looking then them.You don't see girls calling strippers[who are generally good looking] gay.You guys are just jealous hes getting more action then you.

    3. Im not jealous of his obvious good looks,,modesty aside..As I said,,rage on Antonio..

    4. Broly had no kids, one article mentioned his sister in laws kids.

    5. banderas never had any kids, he use to hang out with kids. His cell was nothing more then school age dropouts selling packets of weed and coke. lookouts for someone else. he tried to portray himself like he was the head assassin of all of Mexico but was probably scared of his own shadow.

    6. a lot of ball busters on this thing. the dude was no halcon. dude was a sicario that didn't give a fuck. I have never seen a halcon by so flamboyant like he was.

  9. Word that mayo avoided capture once again in tamaluipas

    1. Man what the fuck is mayo doing in tamaulipas you dumbass? El mayo is in the mountains he's not stupid

    2. hes too scared to come out the mountains

    3. The would say the same thing about Chapo and look at where they found him.

    4. Man,that was a sad one that'Mayo Tamaulipas'Nah man,the geezer is getting his hip replaced in Spain..Really

    5. Diganle que no se la jale

  10. He probably got shot and dumped in an unmarked grave somewhere and for that reason he is forever silenced. Wasn't their some young punk sicario maybe a year bck that made cell phone videos and he got killed for it by his bosses. Does anyone remember that?

    1. I remember that video. Can someone confirm his story?

  11. his severed head is probably somewhere in mexico

    1. Al broly a lo mejor le llevo la fregada. Like it happens with many. many sicarios. He probably got caught by a contra criminal group, or maybe even got handed down to them by some "ratna" like it happens many times too, or maybe he could had flee to some state in the U.S.A. like many. many. many times happens too! and lots of them are really bad hijos de putas! come on motha fuckas do your jobs!

  12. The most intelligent comment i've read

  13. Anda en ciudad juarez taloneando para despues seguir a san francisco

  14. Zeta workers aren't getting paid in Nuevo Laredo.

    1. How do you know?

    2. Not a surprise. The zetas are dead.

    3. I know times are hard now they can kill each other. when they get board

    4. why? you their new financial officer? jajajaja you didn't get the payroll yet? jajajaja

    5. Zetas were NOT GETTING PAID since they went "independent cartel", in 2010, only the higher ups were getting some money...
      --that is why el Taliban seceded...

  15. I was wondering what happened to him. Unless he pops his head out and show he is alive, it is safe to assume he is one of the many in all those unfound clandestine graves in Mexico. Also Lucio if you know, what is going on with the woman they claimed took over the Anthrax group. The one they think is a Mexican version of Kim Kardashian, who made a public appearance denying it. I believe the last name was Ochoa?

    1. Claudia is a nobody. The lady most mistaken her for is la emperatis de los antrax. She was born in Durango and raised in Sinaloa.

  16. Gente Nueva y CJNG empesaron una limpia en michoacan. Dice gente en michoacan que se miran en convoy trocas de GN y CJNG.

    -desde el 602

    1. Ya comiste ******. Si no saves mejor no hables.

    2. doubt it gn is north and not that deep like cjng.

    3. Si es mi propia familia y son de Los reyes como no voy a saver pendejo si usted no save mejor callese pinche lambiscon.

      Y gente nueva no nomas esta en el norte.

      -desde el 602

    4. Cjng could not go to michoacan as a cartel they hade to make michoacan fight itself, now they are coming in but not to comfterbel El 500 is still there El Zeniso and migueladas weak but not out still working from caleta to lazaro,no one knows who is going to take their place

    5. Don't forget el gallito , you really think just because viagras & h3 have an alliance with cjng they are going to let themselves be controlled by them ?

    6. Mexicanos comment on places their family is and they themselves may be,only to be contradicted by know-alls?No wonder some get pissed off..

    7. you don't know jack! people from phoenix are dumb. there is no g.n in michoacan menso 12:19 yo soy de apatzingan

  17. the gov is already letting out Zetas

    1. 7:52 They can work openly again...

  18. Broly is dead and gone. He was like La Tuta and wanted to be all over the social networks then one day POOOF gone. I figure La Tuta put him down because he was getting all the attention and not Señor Gomez. I don't miss him and I hope that he is dead and gone, just one less mass murdering POS is all. Maybe he was one of La Tuta's alleged 37 ferret scum children. They all looked like rats, ferrets and squirrels anyhow.

  19. Broly Banderas is being held in a box as a gimp just like in the movie Pulp Fiction. Some surviving higher up boss keeps him for playtime.

  20. He went and joined ISIS and found out what some real bad sobs are!:)

  21. Who cares about this puto

  22. people of Tamps yes we r fighting but you must still Pay for our Protection

  23. Give up on Broly. Dead and gone, he's not hiding - he was so addicted to social media he would have been posting something everyday. Someone put a bullet in the cockroach. EOS

  24. forget it he's a block of concrete or a bunch of ashes somewhere

  25. last time he was wounded and had a missing ear and was begging to get some medical attention. I think he died of infection somewhere...

  26. En la estacion del Broly Banderas, ahi esta la tumba que el mismo cavo.

  27. The dude should stop social media selfies, cause his life looks bummy compared to them boys from the Sinaloa cartel.. they pics look amazing..

    1. All I know is he was tappin more Mexican babes than the lot of us put together,,rage on Broly rage on..

    2. @4:11

      Lol. Tappin more babes than a lot of us??? Lol. He was guy like you. He came out of the closet, so stop trying to make him sound like some gigalow. It's time you came out of the closet too and admit that he was tappin you...

    3. C,mon man..Grown ass dudes acting like jealous little girls,you call Broly gay?Dude had his hands full for real...Immodestly,,there must be some ugly motherfuckers here..On some Quasimodo type shit lmao

  28. Tuta un-friended him in the worst way! LOL.

  29. The person who got me the interview with Belly Banderas manage to talk to him a while back. She ask him why he was no longer on Facebook and he just simply said it was no longer safe to be exposed. Things were no longer the same so he decided to stay away from the public eye.

    1. If he's so infamous and responsible for mass murdering dozens of law enforcement officers then why are there no warrants or investigations by the PGR / SEIDO /DFS or any other agency? Funny, most of his pics are with younger kids like lookouts. No one has ever heard of this roach only what he himself posts or posted on the internet. To many people he is a made up myth, a fake, a made up story. There are absolutely no law enforcement people looking for this man as there are no warrants for him to have done anything. His pics are harmless snaps and selfies and his vids contain no executions or proof he did anything but possibly be a lookout and local nickel bag dealer. Everything is posed including the pic where he has an alleged "hostage" in his stolen SUV.

    2. Tex baby,how's it hangin man?
      Thanks for the heads up on Broly.Is your blog still called Narconoticias?don't slow yo roll Tex..

    3. Broly B reminds me of the tooth fairy but more so the fairy aspect.

    4. I agree with the majority of posters here. Broly Banderas is a real sham, an impostor or poser. Noone ever heard of him until he wanted friends on myspace and facebook. Capital L for loser.

  30. I hope they kill out all these cockroaches . The sooner the better . We should close that damn border and do away with NAFTA . I think most Norte Americanos agree . Remember you cockroaches once the politicians decide that's what the majority wants they will run on that platform and close it . Then you will have to depend solely on backpackers

    1. Soy Gringo I agree

    2. North American Union says you are will be born out of chaos.
      Say hello to the Amero..

  31. There are youtube videos claiming he's might have been broly himself posting them to fake his death, who knows........he was really only making $1500 a month in that line of work? Damn that's less than minimum wage here, crazy.

  32. I hope they find his body in a grave or decapitated!!

    1. It will never happen.Broly was The Real Deal.Move over Zapata,BROLYS HERE!!!

  33. There are few things that make me angrier than reading about how many girls a guy like this gets. Not that I'm jealous (I'm happily married), but rather it's infuriating that people will allow themselves to be turned on by money gathered from crime, and just ignore the bloodshed of innocents.

    1. Dude,this guy looks like a fuckn male model,never mind the sicario estaca leader shit..He's always gonna do alright with mans best gift,,women..

  34. We made love under the sinaloa moon. He confessed how gay he was and how much he loved chapo. He is in acuna working in boys town making money from truckers for pleasure.

  35. Look up Balazera in Changuitiro, that was Brolys last shoot out, he got put on ice for calling all that attention.

  36. Looks like his last activity on Facebook was Aug 2014 so a few months after that last video of his.

  37. The fictional made up assassin. Not wanted by the police or military, not being investigated by any agency Mexican or American. Allegedly participated in the massacre of up to 50 police. Sounds like a real POS but circumstances warrant that he is in fact a made up fake killer as there are no warrants for his arrests an no complaints against him. Seems after killing maybe 50 police someone would be looking for him. Especially the "interviewer" to obtain cell records or inquiry as to how they ever met or did the interview. Broly was never once investigated or charged with a crime as the whole interview was faked. No proof except for BS pic anyone can take. Seems obviously a bullshit story someone made up with a fictional idiot who wants to proclaim he's an assassin. The police would have already been all over the interviewer and others. Broly a made up fake hitman someone just wanted to make a story to make it sound so glamorized. No factual proof he ever existed except some stupid ass pics and videos anyone can make.

    1. His story does seem hard to believe. Never any legit Mexican media or government stories to verify any of his so called atrocities. Never believed anything about him from the beginning. Good question, why isn't anyone looking for him for killing all these alleged government agents? Maybe they needed a fake playboy/girl assassin to add lore to the tale.

  38. ... No More Social Media Was The Word To Claudia Ochoa Felix, Brolita And Others Or Else ... Only Her Brother Still Posts Online And Has Gone From A Cart Selling Crepes To A Nice Physical Location ... I Need To Sell Some Crepes As Sergio Ochoa Felix Does At Crepas De Sersh , Making Big Money , Nice Condo , And Have Access To Exotic Pets ... All From Crepes And Agua De Cocoa ... "Sure, Buddy"

  39. Hate to say it, there is no factual proof anywhere of what this POS supposedly did. No one is after him and there are no rewards. He was supposed to have killed upwards of 50 police and no rewards? No warrants? Pure fictional hitman maybe a halcone at best. He would have a bounty on his head if he killed 50 police. Pure bullshit.

    1. True. there have been others that did far less and only one murder with a reward on their heads. I never believed his story I agree, nothing more than maybe a lookout until someone gutted him. There is nothing on the 'net to tie him to anything but those pictures of him and some little kids and his brother holding guns and drinking. FAKE!!

    2. Same thoughts exactly. A real pretender probably got killed for impersonating a man.

    3. jajaja Broly the badass hitman! Who the fuck did he kill anyway? Some imaginary targets and empty beer bottles for target practice? wonder if Interpol is after him he's such a badass (not!) jajaja

    4. Even this loser has a bounty on his head. Small $20,000 but he has one. Broly ain't got one cuz he never did nothing but post sissy pics with his bad crew on the internet! Hell he should be shot just for posting those laughable pics!! jajaja

    5. This whole where is Broly entry is just hilarious. Broly can't get any respect. I guess everyone saw through his guise, his sham. He was pretending to be someone he wasn't so that is what probably got him killed since no one hears a thing from him any more, if he existed at that except by pictures. But what did he really do? he portrayed an image of himself that he was some hardass hitman but not a one has heard of him. people only knew him because of the asinine and moronic selfies and pics he posted.

  40. What mean Grillonautas Mentiroso??

  41. He is alive, we have a common friend. He still updates his Facebook but word is he's out or in hiding. My friend informed me that when the big dogs started going down he bounced to Colima. Could be BS but every thing else my michocan police Friend has told he has been true

    1. Sure thing pal and Nieto is really from the Philippines.

    2. sounds like pure BS. BTW what facebook broly u talkin' about Willis? they all reposted fakes.

  42. He's dead, or wacked on drugs somewhere.

  43. Broly is real,but hes n0t a hitman.hes Si ,eye ,Aay.understand?

  44. Someone should delete this whole blog posting on Broly! Everyone is glorifying a fictional character that never existed. local hawk or nick bag player. No proof of anything he ever did that his fake profiles proclaim. Everyone is making this scum shit a legend in his own mind. Does anyone....anyone have info on warrants, government investigations....anything? Thought so...he is a fake.

    1. why did you read it?

      and who made you king of what people can read or publish?

  45. Broly Banderas is Mexico's poster child for imposter's. Seems anyone with a facebook or any social media account can proclaim themselves as cartel leaders and assassins without any reputation, but simply by mere selfies and dash cams. Does Broly exist? Did he ever exist except in his own mind and those kids around him? Was he high on crack and meth and his alter ego wanted to be a killer? One will never know until the person or persons who started the myth are caught maybe the mental capacities of those examined will give us insight on why Antonio Olalde wanted to pretend to be a cartel killer if he is alive. Seemingly this little cockroach was he himself shot dead for imitating a cartel member to the wrong person. Mexico's drug wars best hoax to date.

    1. HAHAHA old Broly causing a stink. I luv reading these blogs 360 different opinions on each remark or reply.

  46. I have news on Broly Banderas. He was snuffed by his superiors. His body is buried at a ranch known for lime production in Michoacán. My source does not know why Broly was killed but just said he overheard a group of men talking and one said "he knew too much. It had to be done." My source said one of the farmers who witnessed the assassination was handed Broly's belongings, including a wad of pesos and US money. They told him to "go, get out of here before we bury you next to this scum."

  47. all i got to say is if Broly was real and he was whacked by bosses or enemies because of his high profile online they definitely would of posted a interview/torture session of him online. there is no way he would not have a death video.

    is he real i don't know. whoever interviewed him and got the emails can check the ip hidden in the header to see if it even came from mexico then if he is from mexico how did he get all the weapons and supplies he has in pictures?

    i think he was real and is alive unless died fighting military who had no clue who he was and his body was buried with all the rest

    ~~~el spaceio~~~


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