'Zona Norte Is Arellano Cartel'
Zona Norte Tijuana is home of the infamous red light district, and heavily trafficked by tourists from San Diego, seeking the sordid and sleazy thrills of the cities sex trafficking trade. It is also one of the forefronts of the retail drug trade, as meth, heroin, pills, and marijuana are sold in wraps, to the local residents, as well as the swells of visitors from the north.

Local drug dealers, tienderos, are generally the first victims in flare ups and wars between crews, they are dismembered, kidnapped, and displayed with viciousness, as groups attempt to one up the others cruelty. Tijuana has seen less and less of these kinds of incidents, yet they still linger….bodies casually dropped in the street, crudely written messages, cryptic and ominous scrawled on papers or cardboard, left on the victims. Flesh and blood warnings para los contras.
"This goes for all the smugglers, tienderos, westeros credit card, that turned flag…Zona Norta is cartel Arellano' carefully 'La Barredora' (The Sweeper).
The bearer of the message was shot, several times with a .45 caliber pistol, the message was attached with an once pick into the victim. 'La Barredora' is not all known in Tijuana, though there is some small traces of a criminal cell operating in Zona Norte, as kidnappers and extortionists, as far back as 2013, according to the article.
The article mentions members of the cells attempts to locate and find rival drug dealers, picking up people on the street, to interrogate them for the location and names of rivals. The known boss of the Zona Norte has been Manuel Luis Toscano, 'El Mono', who has been arrested at least three times in the last year, yet always has been quietly released.
It is common for narco cells to fight for control of retail markets, though these kind of big profile tactics have been less common, and discouraged internally. It is up for debate whether the message is from people actually representing the long troubled and largely nonexistent Arellano Felix, CAF. it is also common for narco messages to be disinformation, to discredit, disguise, or call attention to rival groups. There are no known Arellano Felix members known to be active in the business. Many cells and lieutenants began working with Sinaloa and their representatives in Tijuana, others work with CJNG, others work alone. A recent Zeta article detailed Arellano Felix cells and members who had been displaced, but had not switched, these included 'El Chan', and '5-8'.
The dancers grind slide down the poles, the small wraps are sold in the bathroom, consumed in dingy hotel rooms, inhaling meth and alcohol, lost in the sensations of sex and sin…..The women unwrap condoms, endure another shift, men stumble back home, the scent of cheap perfume and unmade beds still clinging to their clothes…..The taxi drivers shuttle the women to hotels, and back to the club, the patrons from the bar to the brothel, and back to la linea…Zona Norte, Tijuana.
Sources: Zeta Tijuana, El Mexicano.
Arellano Felix Cartel, i would love to see it bloom like its hey day in the good old 90s.
DeleteForget those days these new guys dont know how to be mafia old school mafia was underground and there wer rules gentlemen as gangsters no kids no family these days u have a bunch of idiots running shiiit boasting about their so called riches and killing innocents left and right
DeleteWell keep dreaming its gone foreever
DeleteYou hold pieces of shit really highly in your mind. You wont jock there nuts if they ever did something to your family or someone you know.
DeleteTo the idiot saying the old Tijuana cartel were gentlemen and respected family or kids you are a complete dumbass. Ramon Arrellano started the murders of family and even kids. Him and his goons murdered a whole family kids included to send a message to those of thinking of swicthing sides to another cartel in the early 90's. The Arellano organization lasted to long it should have been dismantled before it got to powerful and let that nutjob Ramon go around killing for fun and killing family members.
DeleteFor what you idiot so they can kidnap extort and kill innocent people
ReplyDeleteits always a night to remember!
ReplyDeleteTijuana sigue asiendo Arellano!...
ReplyDeleteViva La Baja-CAFlifornia!!!
deja tus suenios guajiros wey benjamin , eduardo y javier son ahora testigos protegidos , y ala pancha se lo cargo el payaso . saludos
DeleteGood times in la zona roja! Used to party like an animal there.
DeleteI worked in vallarta and other Beach communities put in my work. If you run a place like cabo or vallarta you have thousands of gringo and mexican customers. It is like running a small city in the states and you can pay off the police.
ReplyDeleteSo that is why 'el Mono' always gets released. You must had done the same or you would not be free right now. Are you still running communities?
DeleteHipolito mora will be free is this true @chivis
ReplyDeleteWhile the Arellano Felix criminal organization also ran, they put the dead and the prisoners like all the other cartels, was it worth it?
ReplyDelete--THEIR BOSSES like the hank rohn chilango pickpockets keep sitting on the money they made and without prosecution on the mexican side or from the US
While the Arellano Felix criminal organization also ran, they put the dead and the prisoners like all the other cartels, was it worth it?
ReplyDelete--THEIR BOSSES like the hank rohn chilango pickpockets keep sitting on the money they made and without prosecution on the mexican side or from the US
While the Arellano Felix criminal organization also ran, they put the dead and the prisoners like all the other cartels, was it worth it?
ReplyDelete--THEIR BOSSES like the hank rohn chilango pickpockets keep sitting on the money they made and without prosecution on the mexican side or from the US
>> As Tijuana, and Mexico as a whole descended into the bloody chaos of Felipe Calderon's administration, post 2005, retail drug markets began an increasingly integral asset of organized crime groups. They served to fund the wars, and increase drug profits, in turn unleashing an epidemic of addiction and social problems, as well as extreme violence as these retail markets became the battlefield for rival organizations.
ReplyDeleteIn the calderon administration, genaro garcia luna, chief SSP INTENSIFIED the shakedown of mexican criminals, helped by his private security police, criminals of all size; to augment his take, and he enhanced his take with kidnapping and extortion...Calderon was no police, he was fecal...
DeleteNot CAF coming back just ex CAf members joining to fight CDS .
ReplyDeleteI think what people with CAF nostalgia are trying to say is bring back the time when $$$ was more plentiful for everyone in TJ. After 9/11 both sides of the border experienced the beginning of the end of economic prosperity, both legitimate and clandestine. CAF did run a tight ship in its time and now its symbolic. All famililies that ran with Tijuana cartel can't be uprooted. People doing this business for over 30-40 years in the region aren't just going to pack up and leave, and many have.
ReplyDeleteWhat i want to know right now is: who ordered the three califas DECAF...
ReplyDeleteBusiness has been always open, but new owners squeeze narcolandia much better, and more secretly, nobody needs rich mexican narcs showing off...
ReplyDeleteZona Norte is a pit, and will always be given the types of ppl it attracts to its open arms of pussy, drugs, and human detritus.
ReplyDeleteDear Jesus/Higher Power: Can you please use your juice to carpet bomb from Revolucion to Calle Arias Bernal on the east-west axis, and from Calle 1era all the way to Internacional on the north-south axis, pretty please. The PRI offices--rundown and a haven for deported scumbags with their caveman fires--need some special ordnance.
Thank you ,
The Grateful Citizens of Tijuana