Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Because of threats "El Kommander" cancels concert in Nuevo Laredo

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article

A concert with El Kommander in Ixmiquilpan, Hidalgo

After receiving threats through social networking, the narcocorrido singer Alfredo Rios El Kommander has decided to cancel his concert that was due last Saturday the 18th at Palenque Expomex in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.

The entrepreneurs of the event indicated that on Saturday a Facebook page of Laredo, Texas published that the concert would not be carried out, which proved false.

However, following the publication the interpreter began to receive threats in social networks.
(Otis: some of you may remember during his recent concert in Monterrey a decapitated man was found in a camper van in the parking area see link)

Before this El Kommander asked the organizers of the concert to put at his disposal a private plane, the full floor of a hotel, and armored trucks, which was granted.

According to the statements of the promotion company Balboa Promotions, the Sinaloa newspaper El Debate, they asked for the support of the Army and the Marines to guard the event.

The singer decided not to attend and in his Twitter account he wrote "for reasons of force majeure our presentation is cancelled. Thanks for your understanding".

After the cancellation of El Kommander, the entrepreneurs contracted the group Calibre 50, but they also suspended their attendance due to threats.

According to the website Tamaulipas Today, the entrepreneur Edgar Ramirez and Roberto Balboa announced the refunding of ticket money.

The promoters said that El Kommander cancelled the concert at the last minute, when they had everything ready in Palenque.

Original article in Spanish at Proceso

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  1. Nuevo laredo is no joke , im against taking someones money or inhibiting of them making money but this fake ass sinaloan corrido needs to stop,

    1. Im sure you're the kind of person who watches Fast and Furious movies and gets on his ride and thinks he is Vin Diesel. Or Iron Man after watching Marvel movies. What this guy sings is what people hear and what is selling his music. Its all about the money and even you and everyone here posting crap would've cancelled the concert and got the heck out . of there alive!

    2. What abauth the fake narco rap from tamaulipas? Know that has to stop

    3. People will always say "Fake Corridos" yet many of the people on here have not even stepped into Mexico. I was in Tijuana for literraly 45 minutes and fire fight broke out infront of me, yeah i was scared yeah i listen to corridos.

      Corridos are made on an order from a cartel memeber or leader. If you dont life it dont listen to it. Rap is fake and wack, they claim to be gangster yet run around with security all over...............

      Listen to it and like it or dont easyyy

    4. Singing about Sinaloa in Tamaulipas thats a big no no Komander you should know better.

    5. I agree they the snitchaloas have no one else to sing about .

    6. sinaloa is affraid of tamaulipas nuevo laredo is the best city in mexico with bazuca en la nuca

    7. Listening to Corridos has made my Spanish vocabulary imrove.dont be stupid and act like a narco listen to the words they use then you get what I'm saying music is an art only stupid people look at it in a certain way that has nothing to do with having control over someone if it does you need to be strapped to a jacket.

    8. Komander is the whackest narco corrido singer that dude is lame just to show you how dumb he is he Name is spelled with.a K

    9. He spells it with a K because he's building a brand or a trademark. Not because he's entering a spelling bee dumbass.

  2. Andele.... no k muy muy.. este vato canta puras mentiras... no ke esta blindado y la tiznada, en tamaulipas le tiembla. saludos a todos..

    1. Yo no lo defiendo pero en los corridos no esta hablando de el mismo ayyy como ay gente pendeja

    2. Y personas como tu que le cren lo que canta , el trabajo de el es entrtener ya que la gente pendeja lo tome enserio es otra cosa apoko si no tuvieras chansa de aser millones como el no te lanzaras como artista, cain mas mal todos los que critican y disen lo mismo que las jaladas que canta el komander

    3. El miedo no anda en burro.

    4. Es culo el guey No vale Madres

    5. Adelente orejon pasele!

  3. All the people saying in facebook and twitter el kommader is a pus..y well yeah its like if a singer from tamaulipas thats sings narco rap goes to culiacan which would never happen but at least valentin elizalde step foot whit no fear and even though he got kill by cowards he show them los huevos sinaloenses

    1. You have all wrong You mean lo pendejos que estan lo sinaloenses that's why he got killed. El komander looks like he has some kind of brain

    2. Because tamaulipas sends zetas not singers to sinaloa

    3. Zetas don't go around making public their actions throughout songs like sinaloas. Just because this singers "sing" about a cartel does not make them brave, it makes them stupid. That's why all those singers from sinaloa are getting shot at on stage or getting killed for singing lies to the public and a contra doesn't like it so he shoots the person singing that crap.

    4. 9:33 Valentin Elizalde tuvo huevos, y ya se fue, los que lo asesinaron a traicion, se van a podrir en la carcel por putozzz.
      Los hombres valientes recuerdan con respeto a los valientes, los maricones los recuerdan con faltas de respeto...

    5. @10:10 AM
      And we send them back laying down..

    6. Can you elaborate?
      I think not.. never has a tamulimeco step foot in Sinaloa with the intend to operate for a tamaulipas based cartel.

    7. 11:18 zetas do have corridos and narco rap but because their singers suck lot of people dont even know them only stupid wercos from tamaulipas belive the lies on the narco rap and end up getting executed by the marines

    8. Asta pendejo estas Elizalde no era Sinaloense pinche enepto!

    9. That's goes to show everyone that these singers are not about that life. They sing about it or praise it but they can't live it. This shit will get you killed so don't go into a rivals backyard and expect open arms. Stay in the Pink Ladies terroritory and sing nutriding songs about them over there.

    10. Kommander has been to tamaulipuercos before look it up pendejos

    11. Primero y antes que nada Valentin Elizalde no era de sinaloa, el era 100% SONORENSE de un pueblo cercas de Navojoa, a la otra informese primero compa.. Aun asi de todos modos no hay mucha diferencia entre los sonorenses y sinaloenses durante muchos años fue un solo estado, despues se separaron y el estado del sur se llamo Sinaloa y el del norte quedo como Sonora.

    12. Valentin Elizalde El Kommander Calibre 50 pinche bola de putos ta bien que Los maten for adding shit to the fire

    13. Sinaloenses are always quick to talk shit along with their lap dogs from Durango and Jalisco. As for people saying that Zetas have never made incursions into Sinaloa. You should really visit Sinaloa sometime. Sinaloa is slowly but surely collapsing its only a a matter of time before infightingg occurs and other cartels start moving in. Zetas are getting their hands deeper and deeper into Northwestern Mexico. Cuidado Chaputos and Todos los sinaloenses, Jaliscienses y Duranguenses que le maman a CDS. Tamaulipas arriba putos culeros. As for Elizalde thats what he gets for coming into Tamaulipas singing that garbage.

    14. @11:28 Valentin Elizalde era basura gente de Sonora y Sinaloa pura gente corriente all they know is drugs that's it. All these nuthuggers on Valentin Elizalde ese puto sound like he sang out of his asshole when. he did he got what he deserved. El Kommander is next

    15. The phrase "has been" is the difference but at the present time he doesn't get to come spread his CDS cheer. Kommander "has been" to Tamaulipas but "now" his pass to go into Nuevo Laredo "has been" revoked!! It's obvious he believes the threats to be legit since he chose not to keep his obligation. I don't know anything about his music but apparently the guy has brains and he didn't let his balls override common sense.

    16. Segun muy bravos los tamaulipuercos i los pendejos se matan por un 20 de crystal o coca mientas los chinolas mueven por toneladas junto con los de jalisco los tamaulipuercos se les cain los huevos con les dise cuando vamos para sinaloa

    17. And look where he is at Noe
      El Gallo de oro pushing up daisies

    18. @1:09 am and 11:28

      Valentin wasn't brave, he was a pendejo that didn't think el Golfo would do anything to him. Wtf did he think would happen?

    19. El pinche Gallo golon de oro era un sapo nutthugger y ahora que le quedo por andar de lambe huevos. El pendejo penzo que el sapo iva ir a Reynosa a salvalo o que?

  4. He didnt want to be another Valentin Elizalde

    1. Lol that's what i been thinking since his last concert in mty. But booking for Mataulipas? I think he has some sort of death wish. I bet his ego wants him to be the new Saint of CDS corrido singers.

  5. El Kopout,who's wildin on his fat arse?
    Could it be Z?Thought there was none left?
    Then again,he would make a big ass target

  6. Ain't no sinaloense playing in the Zetas HQ.

    1. Unless he has a death wish or something. If that's the case then the Z will grant him his wish.

  7. Not so tough after all...

    I find it sad that idiots like this and their songs filled with lies 'represent' a country this beautifull, with a lifestyle that worthless.
    Some people actually believe what these idiots sing or what narco's claim to do or to be.

    But when things heat up they run or crie for the marina. Hahaha

    Un fuerte abrazo de Holanda y Alemania

    1. I agree with everything you said

      But get the fuck out with your hug from Holanda y Alemania

    2. 10.57
      Shit man,my tia and my perro have had postcards off that dude

  8. AWE!!! CMOOOOOON Komander!!!! Nothing will happen!!!! Don't be a chicken! Do it for your RAZA!!!!! I'm sure everything will be fine! You wouldn't want to let down your fans! : )

  9. If u believe in ur music have the balls to play it. You r a disappointment

  10. I wonder if narco corrido singer will continue with all this. Damn I would have loved to see Calibre 50!

  11. Hahahaha El Kockmander read BB n got scared hahaha, can someone sanction a hit over here in the states then????

    1. There are so many green lights in the state we have trouble keeping track

  12. tengo miedo tengo miedo..

  13. Mexicans, please don't listen to this crap music.
    Listen to the heavy metal, or hard rock, the music for real men !
    Title: "Stay Clean" (Don't Take Drugs) :-)

    1. How about
      Title: Straight outta Compton
      Music by: NWA

    2. Id rather listen to this crap then loose my identity & listen to the real crap you just mentioned , puro mexicano asta madre
      Listening to corridos doesnt make me a bad mexicano

    3. Nawe it just makes you a piece of shit citizena and hopefully you don't breed or have raise any kids for the sake of mexico.

    4. Heavy metal??? Noopp I don't want to be looking like a redneck douchbag... Viva mexico

    5. Pura musica mexicana! This war is happening.....its like the corridos from the revolucion.....its a reflection of whats going on like it or not.....arriba guasave sinaloa parientones!!!!

  14. Pues vente a cantar a Juarez aqui si te queremos mr komander jaja

    1. De ayi es el divo de juarez, claro que quieren al Kulomander

    2. Jajaj si ba a juaritos no sale vivo

    3. Si sale vivo pero joto y culiado jajajajaja

    4. Whats really eyepopping is that you have twiins records and del records.who love coming on this site to grab ideas.bukanas de culiacan were filmed writing songs from blog del narco they where thrilled giving up they're secrets how to write a corrido .between those two record labels that are based in the u.s.a and Mexico with a huge staff that perfectly talks English and Spanish you dont hear anybody defending the label they work for or how come we never hear anybody from the industry speaking their side wether they agree what they do or not. something isn't right here.something fishy about these two record labels. are they legit companies I dont see how no one can speak only cartels have that power not record labels someone should check on them see if those people are ok .thats unheard of .but people are to worried kommander twisted his ankle and wont be performing!

  15. was hoping he was going to go ahead with the concert. what a coward.

  16. That's ridiculous that someone who glorifies narcos y violencia would ask for Mexican military protection. He is as selfish as Los sequestedores y extortionists in USA and Mexico.

    1. i agree, then he wants a whole floor in a hotel and armored cars. the kicker is a jet at his disposal. who the fuck is paying for this as he sure as hell doesn't make that kind of flow off his records or sales. the record label can't pay that kind of flow either cuz he doesn't make enough to cover expenses. sounds fishy unless there are cartel dollars at work here. the jet and vehicles gotta laugh. his sold out venues are from a couple hundred narco punks to several thousand people. he does not compare to talent which sells 10's of thousands per venue who can afford whole floors in hotels, jets, armored vehicles and private security. he is a loser in my book.

    2. 9;21 i agree. there are drug/narco dollars at work here.

    3. I agree.....where is the $ coming from for expenses because profits negates the perks. He doe not make enough $ to cover necessities and why would a record label agree to his "demands" unless they were on a cartel payroll. Who takes losses before profits unless you are in with the narcos.

    4. 6:54 and you are in love with "known unknown narcos", not mexican...

  17. Who cares about this guy!!!!! Does anyone have any opinion about all the news about Heriberto lazcano lazcano its priety interesting what they saying about the guy?????????

    1. What r they saying..spit it out.

    2. Crazy rumor that Lazcano is El Kommanders son and Lazcano is the one that hired him to play NL?He cancelled because people knew Lazcano would be in the mosh pit headbangin?Hope this helps

  18. He canceled last week's Friday concert in Reynosa after the El Gafe bloqueos last Wednesday.

  19. I am here for the sole purpose of your death - Slayer

  20. Can they please predator drone the shit out of the cartels. They should just reaper any large convoys whom aren't AD's

    1. That's what I'm saying!

    2. you would be phase.

  21. I am here for the sole purpose of your death. - Slayer

    1. At least Slayer can play wherever he wants. No death threats or fear of his fans being shot at in a concert venue because he sings those words.

    2. Awright dude got that,now go and sacrifice a chicken gizzard to Gollim

  22. Theres nothing wrong to listen to a corrido here and there its part of mexican heritage.. But this guys sings shit! Stupid shit comes out of his mouth..

    1. It's part of my culture and I'm so offended if people say its shit and I can't dance?

  23. going to Nuevo Laredo to sing narcocorridos about sinaloa capos is like a nazi going to moscow in 1941, walking in a goose step and yelling heil hitler

    1. Never thought of it like that...but yeah, that's an excellent comparison. Зиг хайль !!

  24. I see many sinaloa hater ...its commen sense if you appreciate. Life you wouldn't go either...i dont care what part of mexico ypur from

    1. About time someone says something that makes since... @10:55 is thinking with his head not his ass

  25. This guy can't sing for shit no mamen!!!!

  26. Real talk I like corridors but this guy is real pathetic he's garbage from phx 602!!

    1. Real talk this guy makes more $ than u and all your family combined. Lol!!!!

    2. Money dosent buy respect nobody cares what mamander makes.

    3. Listen to this pendejo@12:59am... Mucho respeto as de tener Tu verdad... U keep ur respect tell me how it feeds ur

  27. I would like him to sing a song in tamaulipas. that would mean he would not be able to make any new dumb corrido, just like elizalde. don't like to wish nothing wrong on nobody but his music influence young mexicans to be sicarios and get killed. rather him than thousands

    1. kommander or kommanche says in narcocorridos cuerno de chivo and ondeado but when he is invited to nuevo laredo his balls turn to little miniballs

  28. El Taquicardio , now that's a bad little jam. I accidently heard it on Pandora 1 day and actually liked it. And I'm more than sure that out of every genre known 2 man you can always find a song you like. It's called having an open mind. I like Elton John's music but that don't mean I approve of his gay lifestyle. Music is meant to be heard and enjoyed. And not taken so serious that it forces you to be a hater of sorts.

  29. Kommander has changed his mind he will be in Tamaulipas
    security will be provided by R5 Gente Nueva Fuerzas Especiales .El Chino Antrax y Los Antrax. M1 and el Commando de la muerte .El Bravo y Los Talibanes

    1. Sinaloas don't have the nut d to go there, it's suicide and they know it. that's why they don't go there lol

    2. You again. Always mentioning guys who are dead or in prison. You are way behind on news. lol

    3. Osiel cardenas guillen , el z40, el taliban ,la ardilla ,i el humer will be waiting whit cuernoz de chivo al los chinolas ;)

    4. valentin elizalde spirit will be waiting to for kommanche

    5. I think he was being sarcastic guys?

    6. Se estaba haciendo una chaqueta nomas...

  30. EL Mayo Zambada has approved drones to provider areial security

    1. they have been using drones for years, to transport and for security. before drones they used model planes that could carry a kilo and fly from one end of the border to the other

  31. musica para lacras....if you a lacra, you will love his music..

  32. You gotta know when to hold'em and when to fold'em.

    1. Too funny! Guess this was a folding situation for him. He didn;t take that chance. Last post about him, everyone talked him up like he has an entourage and that can't get to him. Whatever. Despite his cancellation thaty still can get him if they wanted to. Can't make money to pay people hiding, if you are a so called singer. Funny how folks even consider something sounding like that a singer. My dog sounded better getting neutered.

  33. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference. See U.S. Const. amend. I. Freedom of expression consists of the rights to freedom of speech, press, assembly and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, and the implied rights of association and belief. The Supreme Court interprets the extent of the protection afforded to these rights. The First Amendment has been interpreted by the Court as applying to the entire federal government even though it is only expressly applicable to Congress. Furthermore, the Court has interpreted, the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment as protecting the rights in the First Amendment from interference by state governments. See U.S. Const. amend. XIV.

    Stop hating and in my younger years every media outlet was against NWA, and remember Cop Killer, Body Count,.. Or... Check this out.... "You Don't Know How It Feels" is a song and the lead single from Tom Petty's 1994 album Wildflowers. It reached number one on the Billboard Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart and number 13 on the Billboard Hot 100.[1]

    MTV and many radio stations aired a censored version of "You Don't Know How It Feels," taking the word "roll" out of "let's roll another joint"[2] — although a version replacing the word "roll" with "hit" (which changed the meaning of the line from smoking marijuana to visiting bars) was also made.[3] Nevertheless, the music video won the MTV Video Music Award for Best Male Video in 1995. The song is sometimes mistakenly called "Roll Another Joint" on P2P search engines because of the aforementioned line. Does this song make Tom Petty an enemy of the state, obsoletely not.... Point being is he has the right to sing about whatever and whomever the hell he Wants he is exercising his First Amendment. If you dont like his music dont buy it and dont listen to it,.. But since you know how bad his music is you obviously have listened to it. Welcome to corporate America he sales music like it or not, just like NWA, Dr. Dre, and R.I.P. Eazy E ...... Rightly known for a while as “the world’s most dangerous group”, N.W.A. (short for “Niggaz With Attitudes”) was not only the group that popularized West Coast gangster rap, but the beginning of a hip-hop empire. Group members Ice Cube, Eazy-E, and especially Dr. Dre would go on to astounding solo success after the group’s breakup in 1991

    But before that, there were the tunes. N.W.A.’s classics gave a street-level view of L.A. life in a way few had before, and the teaming of Dre and Yella’s production with powerful, smart lyrics (mostly by Ice Cube, Ren, and group affiliate Tracy “The D.O.C.” Curry) changed the world.....
    I remember L.A. PD was up in arms hating on these cats,... And look at them now for the exception of Eric Wright he is dead...Though his music continues to earn a profit.. How much money they have made... So please dont hate just change the tunes.... Cambiale al Radio Wey.... I hope it is not to much information and you haters can thank me and the Texas public school system for the class on your First Amendment to the Great Constitution.... Si señor yo soy Texano, ando de botas y a caballo... OUT.......

    1. You speak the truth

    2. Leave it to a stupid ass tejano to preach the constitution and piece togather an irrelevant comment that bored the shit out of me.

    3. This is about Mexico not US singers and threats from narcos.?????

    4. When the Nazis came for the communists,
      I remained silent;
      I was not a communist.

      When they locked up the social democrats,
      I remained silent;
      I was not a social democrat.

      When they came for the trade unionists,
      I did not speak out;
      I was not a trade unionist.

      When they came for the Jews,
      I remained silent;
      I wasn't a Jew.

      When they came for me,
      there was no one left to speak out.
      "First they came..."

      Niemöller January 6, 1946,

      This is about CENSORING, about trying to quiet some one for there lyrics, be it American, or Mexican,.. Hell even Canadian,.. Why I speak out and preach the First Amendment and the entire constitution is because lesson learned i dont want to be the last one and have no one speak out for me. I dont agree with all lyrics on his songs but por ejemplo this song Descansa Mi Amor.... Has nothing to do with narcos and Is very touching for those that have lost a child.... Dont censor,.. Speak out... Speak out for Dr. Mireles,... Speak out for FREEDOM OF SPEECH,.. dont be the last one waiting for someone to speak up for you.....

    5. Fuck?what happened here?They dig Karl Marx up or what?Thats one big ass comment.

    6. Right on 1:08pm. Leave it to a Tejano to school you punkass haters. We respect few and are hated by many. Puro Oeste Tejas.

    7. Soft arse answering his own comments again?

    8. How long did it take you to type that?
      Like,3 months?Sorry but I ain't even bothering to read that meandering crap

    9. Speak out and say down with long posts,don't sit idly by while we are terrorised by gigantic monologues,stand up for our right to run screaming from long winded tripe,march for our eyes to be saved,stand up

    10. Just learn to read faster pinches gallinas ignorantes...

  34. Valentin was brought by el karis saucedo to Reynosa he occasionally had him in his parties in nuevo Laredo it wasn't sinoalense huevos idiot .....the guy in charged of the plaza told them to not do anything stupid and he sang his last song the order was made after he sang the first song.....

    1. Tu si sabes compa. It is well known that Valentin knew Karis and Goyo and did indeed sing at a few of their private parties. Not too sure about the corrido being the reason why they pumped all that lead into him, couldve been for anything theres only a handful that really know and chances are theyll never speak. Creo que su compa Lira compuso ese corrido, el de los dukes de sonora, in exchange for a love song Valentin wrote if i remember correctly. A mis enemigos isnt directed to anyone in particular and also Valentin did not close with a mis enemigos that night like many are led to believe. He did open with such corrido but I know from someone that was there that he closed with el venadito that night (like he always did in most of his presentations). saludos viejo

  35. Smart I agree. Crap load of money? questionable. These guys never make that much. Plus most of it probably goes to his cartel sponsors. Who is buying the albums? Everyone is to scared to listen to one or the other. They are willing to take a chance seeing him in a crowded venue though. If you play his music around rivals, what would happen?

  36. Mom but I payed to have these fake grenades and bazookas look real..

    Komander is not coming mijo, sorry.

  37. Hey Cid Blanco, he ain't smart at all, if he was he should just retire, call it quits n head elsewhere, his days are counted, trust.

  38. Malaysian court upholds death sentence for Sinaloan brothers accused of la pelaron a los chinos

    1. I wonder if they were set up,maybe they didn't know drugs were involved?Maybe it's a race thing,ye know cause their Mexican its a race thing?Maybe their guilty too,,no never..

    2. ''se la pelaron a los chinos''
      They are not Chinese,they are Malaysian and the majority are Muslim..Completely different from Chinese..And they have their own laws,no one forced these guys to get involved with drugs in a foreign Muslim country...Now we call them names and deride Malays because they caught someone with drugs?
      Let the whining begin...

  39. Komander has been in nuevo laredo in september i believe youtube it , its more pathetic to hear grown ass man hating & saying the same sh*t about corrido singers over & over then him canceling an event.

  40. SI SEÑOR YO SOY DE RANCHO SOY DE BOTAS Y A CABALLO!!!! Y VAMONOS Y VAMONOS COMPAS!!!! El Komander tiene buenas rolas y el ke paga por verlo es el ke puede opinar... no como la bola de pendejos ke opinan de algo que ni les gusta... It's just like if I said I don't like beer because of all the drunk drivers that have killed people.... PINCHI BOLA DE ENVIDIOSOS!!! How many of you fucks can say that you can ask for a private plane for a business trip????

  41. Just going to Nuevo Laredo is dangerous let alone singing about Sinaloa cartel... Oigame no sentia ke me mantaban... oigame no!!!

  42. Many people bought the ticket thinking it will be the last kommmander concert, but it will not happen this

  43. Along a big enough timeline stupidity will become evident.

  44. Who in their right mind would call themselves "El Kommander"? What is he commanding exactly? Does he command a platoon of sicarios? Or maybe a boat full of butt pirates? Attention!!

    1. You and many here still dont't get it?? El kommander is sponsored by some cartel, if you watched his videos you will learn that he is acting and behaving as a big drug lord..besides that he is selling alot, and top of it all many people even from higher social class like and hire him..

    2. The name " El Kommander" was given to him the Twins Brothers from Twins Music. His real nameis Alfredo Rios, he started selling clothes in the alleys of Los Angeles and came to shine when a friend presented him to the Twins Brothers in Culiacan. That is how he got his name.

      El Kommander makes corridos for a Cartel that requests it. To sing about a certain person and his life that requires permission, but to sing about an event that happened, does not require permission.

    3. Thank you brother for your informative post.When you hear background it makes you think a little more..

    4. I get it 7:04pm. I was just making a joke of the situation.

  45. Luis Miquel perhaps would bring some luv to NL.

  46. Here is what I think some of u r dumber then a rock... What lies is he telling???? Not once have I heard any corrido were he talks about he being a sicario or having bazucas or trocas blindadas he was talking about M1 or hss talking about another drug dealer... If he asks for a jet plane or anything he wants its not cause he thinks he's a high roller he asks for that cause he know he's not gonna get it so he can say I wont perform... Can u blame him? Hell No... He doesn't wanna die... Who does

    1. He is an entertainer. His job is to entertain his audience. He's not stupid to put his life at risk . Just look at thd rapper who rap about drug dealingsm they have the biggest security entourage. Yes some of his songs lyrics are out of line put thats what his fans want. They are other entertainer that asked for more things than he does. Just remember when the east cost rappers wouldn't perform in the west cost and west cost rappers wouldn't go to the east.

  47. Good! Maybe Komander can go play in Malaysia!

  48. This guy knows whatsup. Fake ass bitches.

  49. Komander; isn't he like the Mexican version of Easy E. Whoops, I mean Tupac, Easy E died of AIDS.

  50. First off i been to nuevo laredo and i herd badass trucks driving around with movimiento alterado type music , i think they really dont care if alot of em sing for sinaloa they still blast it , i seen a z rip video on youtube & the song they had for him was cara ala muerte by gortiz,
    Like i said z sicarios dont care about that they dont beef with sinaloa at the moment in nectar so they wouldnt threaten komander plus he already was in nuevo laredo last year ,
    I think it was a fake threat or the goverment is trying to scare them.

  51. Prefiero escuchar esas tonteras del komander que esas mamadas de narcorap de perdida es musica malisima pero en fin mexicana ,que esa imitacion barata de disque rap

  52. I admit, I had never listened to this I put on a couple of his "greatest hits". Holy fuckballs I can't beleive THIS is the guy everyone is so excited about? His voice sucks ass. Where is the talent? This is the worst shit I've ever listened to. Only thing worse is death metal.

    1. Nah,c,mon man,that's goin to far,death metal isn't THAT bad?

    2. Kommander IS music. His singing brings tears to my eyes.

  53. Jajajajaja me dan tanta risa los que critican al Komander y demas cantantes de corridos Sinaloenses, y que me dicen de los maruchanZZZ y Golfas escuchando corridos del Komander, Gerardo, Ortiz, Voz De Mando, etc.Pero que no venga a Nuevo Laredo dicen los jotoZZZ jajajajaja.Pero bien que escuchan esos corridos y hasta en sus patrullas!

    Y DEP El Gallo de oro Valentin Elizalde que los tuvo mas grandes que toda esa bola de secuestradores y gente corriente que lo mataron!

    Atte: Gallito Regio

  54. Well, i would bet he makes more money than the average Joe and I mean people that are on this website, "trolling!". I'm not a fan of narco corridos or some other genres but some people like Kommander or the way he sings. He's not real! He's fake! blah blah! Majority of these singers are fake in one way or the other. They got some fake ass peeps from Sinaloa too you know.

  55. No he's stupid he really was gona go he was really being a bad ass hyped everyone up so people can talk and say damn he's really going but then he punked out like the bitch he really is!!!

  56. Mexican narcos should kill any malaysian people living in Mexico if they kill the 3 mexican brothers

    1. Violence begets more violence.

  57. Mexicans are so stupid for the reason that they do not know how to get along. They have been surpassed by blacks and cubans and other races in politics in the U.S. We have been here since ancient times and have not been able to have a voice in politics.
    And we are not full blooded spaniard like white people think. We are native americans.

    1. What are you talking about willis.... Please define race first. Second my voice is the Republican Party like it or not and yes i am a fist generation American from Mexican parents. My voice is Mark Rubio. I believe in the Republican Party with a blind trust due to my service to country and views passed on by my parents and grandparents, uncles, teachers Ms. Jones ill never forget you.... You taught me one of the biggest lessons of life be humble shut up and listen.... My drill sergeants one was of African American and the other was Anglo Saxon..My academy physical training instructors and my field training officers in California. All this people have made me whom i am and up to date i continue to serve our country in a different role which i will not disclose. I believe that war is a necessary evil and my child will serve in the Army or as a Marine wether a Republican or Democratic President sits in office my son his son and the son of his son will protect this great nation of ours... They will follow the orders of the commander in chief be it Democrat or Republican my sons choice is to serve as i served and may god help them if they ever see combat... Thank you all of you that served in the armed forces.... I challenge You to sign up for the Tough Mudder event in central Texas, Austin May 2,3 2015, and help me help the Wounded Warrior Project move along so that we can help our Veterans... And there is my Voice ....... And vote for President Rubio.... Out

    2. Brother,if only there were many more Mex-Amers like you and your common sense attitude.Never mind race,judge a person by our interaction with them..
      Maybe there is hope with people like you?You and your dearest be safe now..

    3. Isnt rubio cuban

    4. Fuck off with your 'white people' shit you little fuckin clown..White people couldn't give a fuck what you are you crank,unlike your sad arse..I don't judge people by where their from fuckin Einstein

    5. Thats my point who cares if he is Cuban,... He has the same ideology and conservative views that i was raised with and the plus for me he is a Hispanic Republican. We need to get away from being Crabs in a Bucket.... Used to describe a person (or subculture) that does everything in it's power to destroy the ambitions of those among them who wish to improve themselves. See when the crab is almost out of the bucket the crab behind it pulls him down back into the bucket. If we help Crab Rubio, get out of the bucket and We all daisy chain out of that bucket we all will be a better citizen, person, and individual for man kind. We push him to the top and we help ourselves out as well, and the rest will follow.... I do not believe in affirmative action thats why once we push Mr. Rubio to the top we help ourselves out and do the favor without expecting a thing in return. If he turns around and returns the favor or helps a different crab out of their bucket than we have already made a change,... And the crab color does not matter as long as they get out of that bucket......

    6. You got it all wrong. Republicans want to keep all colorful crabs in the bucket and female crabs barefoot and pregnant. That's the way I see since Reagan but hey I use common sense. I pick my candidates by what they have to say and not just their political agenda. If the are Republican and proud that's cool but you will be extremely disappointed in 2016 when the first female is elected president.

  58. N.L. don't play that chit wey lol take those bull chit corridos back to sinaloa not tryna be funny but u seen what happen to valentine I actually liked his music and they took ol boy out this sucka should of been gone monterrey left him a nice decapitated head for him to let him know "NO SIR! NOT UP IN HERE! NOT UP IN HERE!!!!!!" Play with fire get burned

    1. Same whit tamalipuercos dont come and sing ur bullshit narco rap to sinaloa cause it goes both ways buddy ;)

    2. 12:56 PM I'm not sure if that was a diss to my "NOT UP IN HERE" comment but if it was your geographically incorrect BUDDY because mi lindo Monterrey is not part of Tamaulipas at all lol its in Nuevo Leon either you've never been properly educated on the beautiful country of Mexico which is sadly but more than 75% of tge time or you love ur sinaloa so much u didn't go any were else in MX which is fine also and I've never heard of any other corrido singers except those that sing for sinaloa or the afo to go out of their comfort zone and be dumb enough to sing the rivals music :(

    3. Cold dude,cold and hard truth

  59. yo cid, he don't make the kind of money you may think. his bs is all over Amazon and other sites but no one is buying his crap. he barely makes do and he portrays himself like a playboy with unlimited funds. Unless of course those funds are drug gang related.

  60. ''Sings about sicarios with Bazookas against Marina,then turns round and asks Marina for their help and security''
    Fuck ye,say it dude say it

  61. Dude,don't play his music backwards?It says'steal your mothers purse'what kind of message to the'kids' is that?

  62. People had bought tickets to hear shots, now they are disapointed.

  63. Kommander sing for sinaloa cartel and in nuevo laredo is another cartel thats why the singer was affraid his legs start shaking like a little horse.

  64. valentin elizalde big balls.
    kommander little miniballs.

    1. Valentin was killed in Reynosa..

  65. The people of sinaloa have balls in a CD or MP3 but no balls in real life!!

    1. How do u know that? Ask chapo isidro, hi owns chinola to chihuas pendejo!

    2. And he has the Monterrey pipeline. Arturo B. Operated in Nuevo León and you saw how that man went out just cus you have a few cowards don't mean all chinolas are like that. Trust me They are everywhere whether it's Sin, Tamps, Mich, Jalisco, or Nuevo León they all have their cowards.

  66. He rocks. Leave him alone dammit!

  67. when el kommander arrive to nuevo laredo he search on Google "nuevo laredo" and when he see the images he start to sweat.

  68. Users of BB if u want to know how nuevo laredo and laredo texas are in security stuff just type in Google "nuevo laredo "laredo texas" and u will see.

    1. Or you could just type it in the Borderland Beat search box. Borderland beat is a compendium of everything that has happened in the narco world since 2009 in Mexico. No need to go anywhere else

  69. Valentine elizalde did it with no army bunch of pussy

  70. Serious question people...Why so much hate towards the CDS??..I mean me "nut hugger" anythin u want..I dont give a fuck..Im just wondering, why??? Ya mothafukas aint got shit to do with the biz..ya are not involved in the biz..(being a meth head doesnt count)..I mean it gets old to keep readin the same fuckin comments over n over n over n over..How do u know Sinaloa are Snitches?? Where do u guys get all ya info from??..not from a reliable source I tell u that much..GOOGLE is ur source..Barco blogs are ur source..Come on..stop with the bullshit!!!!..y chingue a su madre a kien no le guste esto..ya dije..chinguela dos veces y come torta con tu hermana la gordota.!!

    1. Because they the biggest snitches in Mexico.. nobody likes rats.. its even on paper.. confirmed.. FOIA is your friend.. check out PGR files.. im not saying other states don't have snitches but in sinaloa its ok to snitch.. like vicentillo.. he singing like a canary right now and sinaloeses still glorify him..\

      CDS=cartel de snitches

    2. B.s 3:06 am you have no proof where are the pgr files ? Don't tell me you know a guy who knows a guy that has files puras mentiras te las avientas buena loco Go tell cds there some snitches or to sinaloenses that there snitches either there going to shoot the face off the side of your face or there going to stomp your head flat. Yea el niño snithced and ? Who are you ? A no one exactly. El niño will go down in history so will chapo mayo and his brothers the whole cartel de snitches will be remembered while you sit here and call people snitches ain't no one going to remember you your to blind to see how a global drug trafficking organization has to survive to operate by giving information paying cops off officials feds and even having infiltrated people in the d.e.a police and feds it's not the hood nickle and dime drug dealing it's big time drug dealing your to small minded even if he's a snitch or there snitches I bett they will still bust your head open for calling them snitches grow up.

  71. piche gordo promotes this shit and the ignorant masses believe this narco corridor shit

  72. welcome to haterland beat

  73. Valentin Elizalde got killed because the plaza boss was in front row in the palenque with his girlfriend and the pendejo started singing a love song and grabbed her hand.... The plaza noss was psycho jealous about everything and also above that get the coke factor jaja he gave the order at that exact moment... This was told to me in 2011 and the guy that told me all that said that the same plaza boss was still around and was a Z but in 2006 was still a branch of CDG... I remember that people started saying that he was killed because he said that in sinaloa hay hombres, then the corrido theory came out jaja but it was all because a fuckin hand grabbed... Damn.... but then the Zetas took Zacatecas, Jalisco, Durango, Coahuila, Michoacan, Guerrero, parts of Sinaloa and Chihuahua.... but Mayo had the upper deals and the Government got rid of all the mugre cause Sinacacas were panicking to the point they even got to make deals with CDG... anyways Mugre es Mugre and they all are going to Hell..

  74. anything is possible!


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