Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Dr. Mireles and Bodyguards Will Remain In Jail; PGR Appealed Amparo

Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

Dr. José Manuel Mireles and three of his bodyguards will remain in jail until an appeal filed by the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office assigned to the First Unitary Court of Morelia is resolved against the amparo that was granted three weeks ago.

The new legal process could take up to four months, despite the fact that during this week they were going to sentence Mireles and his three bodyguards either to trial or prison.

The appeal was integrated into the original trial record of guarantees and will be forwarded to the presiding judge of the Collegiate Tribunal in Criminal Matters in Michoacán.

It is worth noting that on March 31, the First Unitarian Court of the 11th Circuit granted this verdict to José Manuel Mireles Valverde, Javier Reyes Magaña, Gerardo López Casillas and Salvador Mendoza García for the violation of their fundamental rights at trial.

José Manuel Mireles and three of his bodyguards were arrested last June 27, accused of carrying restricted weapons for the exclusive use of the Mexican Army and for crimes against public health.

Mireles is currently imprisoned in Hermosillo, Sonora and his bodyguards in Tepic, Nayarit.

Source: Michoacán 3.0

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  1. Cuando el enemigo no tiene huevos, se asusta con cualquier cucaracha...
    Dr Mireles never expressed any political aspirations, how fragile them motherfucking priistas must be feeling...

  2. So Rodrigo Vallejo is released, despite new video showing him armed while meeting with La Tuta, and Dr. Mireles remains imprisoned. Disgusting.

  3. This man is a hero. Corrupt bastards that did this to him will get theirs one day.

  4. Dam illuminati. We should be granted 1 day of being them and they be us to see how they feel. And us give them "our" full weight of justice so they can get a taste of feeling powerless just like Dr. Mireles feels right now. That is pure evil what mex is doing. He did something that the whole Mex people would never do, not since Pancho Vílla. And liberated the people but this is the way the pay him. Fuck that shit.

  5. Where's El Americano, and the Viagras?

    1. Happy at home laughing at Mireles n Mora

    2. El Americano's people just staged a protest requesting security for Michoacan. They claim that criminals entered into their areas after the govt disarmed them because of Hipolito thing.

      thats wicked smart: to act like a victim of violence to hide the fact your the cause of the violence

  6. El dr.mirales tiene mas huevos que todo los michoacanos juntos ..fuck the goverment putting in prision some one who stood up to the criminals but the againg the goverment are the biggest criminals whit suits

    1. Not all michoacanos are criminals pendejo el que no tiene huevos eres tu running your mouth behind a computer screen.

  7. The PGR in Mexico is the most corrupt branch of Government. They'Ve been doing the dirty work for the longest. Of course they dont want to release Dr. Mireles. The PGR does the dirty work for all the corrupt Politicians. And Peña Nieto just sits there and watches... sad country.

  8. Is it just me, is there a new poster or is it a new thing among BB regulars to say "amen" after reading a comment they agree with? And what about the individual who leaves book lenght comments starting off well with relevant stuff and always ending with irrelevant crap? Lol, entertaining tho.

    1. Not too sure if your referring to my comments on whats happening in tj? Or just somebody else. Either way amen to dat lol.

    2. We all know who writes magnum opus here,todos sabemos.

    3. you are an overthinker, it is in lieu of a like button

    4. this is bullshit. I wish I had not seen the other post and got my hope up

    5. @9:03am

      I also get told in my everyday life I over think:)


    6. I think I might have started that 1.then I noticed others doing it.We could always say 'Chapo snitched'.Lol

  9. At first i disliked mireles cause i was thinking that he waz helping out another cartel but i think he was really in it to change mich and he is un jail injustamente look at americano hipolito viagras etc. I was wrong about mireles

  10. He is a threat to the politicans in charge he will either be killed in prison or never get out. He is only one person It will take many people to over throw this government. Most Mexicans r still ok with the PRI, so it is not going to happen.
    I am doing ok so I am happy with the PRI in Tamps.

    1. Speak on it some more bro,how is it generally in Tamps?
      Have things quietened down since Gafe arrested or still feel a bit edgy?
      Most here don't know what's goin on in Tamps bro,we need some common sense Mexicanos to school us on some things.Adios y cuidense

    2. As long as the PRI keeps giving away free T-shirts and any other cheap stuff people will continue voting them in!

    3. "we need some common sense Mexicanos to school us "
      On BB to help gringos?Yeah right,good luck with that.

  11. Sad. This article will only get 1/10th of the comments than for that degenerate pos Kockgagger. Then people will cry and bitch that someone made fun of their heroes instead of posting about a real hero like this man. FUck Narcoscum and the garapatas that swing from their balls. ARriBA MIRELES!!!!

    1. Tellin ye,lets wait and see the interest in Dr Mireles as opposed to Chapo/40/Tuta etc,I too am interested in the said people,but I also see the dichotomy in these subjects?
      We should ALL have an interest in Dr Mireles and what he stood for..

    2. Well is because the doctor, is in prison all we do is comment on news..but there is. Not much we can do....I have a friend who is a lawyer and he said that is very hard to fight the mexican government with out $$$. So I figured no $$$no freedom.

    3. AMEN to that!

    4. 5.48
      Flogging that horse to death.
      Some one got this guy all excited by mentioning amen,now look at him?

  12. That shows that his intention were good and he wanted to change mexico, that's why he is locked up

  13. We should see the truth of Mireles by the simple fact of his treatment by the Mexican government?They are completely silencing him by this unwarranted imprisonment.
    Who is Dr Mireles a danger to?
    Ansolutely no one except the Mexican government..

    1. You missed 1 in that last sentence;the cartels.

  14. Keep him in jail he is such a problem in mexico jeez he is guilty guilty and we all know it he is so guilty i can see it in his face trying to make mexico a better place and stand up to narcos Wats next with this guy he is going to bring clean water to mexico like chris rock says diiissssggusting
    Well thats mexico for u if your a bad guy move to mexico they love badguys but dont u dare try and fix mexico u will b prosecuted

    1. Ey man,have you even read anything about Dr Mireles or do you just like talkin out ye arse?

    2. Its sarcasm, 12:48

    3. 3.37
      Ok,you got me good.I apologize..

    4. I usually get sarcasm too,my initial reaction got the better?

    5. If sarcasm needs to be labeled as such, maybe it is just an idiotic comment without merit...meaningless for the intelligent people like me!!!

  15. chivis said no way he would get out during elections

  16. Shame has taken a leave of absence in Mexico.
    And gutless Mexicans that do not stand up for people like Dr. Mireles and allow the status quo to continue.

  17. Yes I said he would not be released, but I was hoping since they let out Gerber they would allow Doc to go home.

    However I was 99% sure he would not get out. Valor was also sure. Ana Valencia was behind the rumor.

    Ana was doc's wife, and he wrote a two page letter, handwritten, that she has nothing to do with him and does not speak for him.

    ana is playing the supportive wife role, but she hates doc because he became an AD. SHe is in a war with Talia Vasquez and Pricila Abud of grillonautas.

    IMO they all have done a disservice to him and have betrayed him and are self serving

  18. What the DR. did was illegally and he pushed the envelope but the man deserves to be released immediately!!! I believe that the man realized he would be arrested and put in jail but the people of Mexico have not reacted in the way that is neccessary for his arrest and imprisonment on trumped charges is not what is needed. Rise up, protest and take to the streets, for yesterday we did nothing to free a man who fought for mexico, today we talk of his sacrifice, tomorrow we sacrifice for him

  19. he did nothing illegal. stop drinking the koolaid unless being armed with a chivken leg is against the law

    1. Im from la mira michoacan i todos miramos a mireles con un arma asi siempre andaba

  20. Again this proves that Mexico is being run by a NARCO GOVERNMENT. From the President down to presidentes de municipios, these assholes are up to their eyeballs in mordida and protection.

    And what has Weaky Leaky Mexico done so far? Zero.

    Mexico is a hopeless write-off. Say hello to 50,000,000 potential refugees to the EUA fleeing violence and corruption.

    If Mexico was SERIOUS about stopping drugs and cash they would employ DOGS and HANDLERS at all the Retenes and Puestos de Controles Militar on the main drug corridor travel routes. They aren't serious. A thirty thousand peso payment to the coronel and then like magic the puesto closes for a day. Who are these idiots think they are fooling? The average soldado knows what's happening and they get discouraged.

    In the EUA thank your neighborhood druggies for encouraging tens of thousands of Mexicans to flee north. They finance it utterly to the last cent.

    1. I finance it a lot more than a few cents?How dare you imply I skimp on my consumption?Why I'll have you know that I could pay a mortgage with my expenditure..

    2. I live in a cardboard house, it used to contain a big fridge, fuck mortgages!!!
      Atentamente: el mil mascaras.

  21. Just waiting till he dies, and then he's free.

  22. Another set back...for justice. The hope I have for the doctors release, along with all the other political still there. They can never take our hope away, or determination, to over come this corrupt system.As long as he has support, that will mean everything. You don't have to like the man, to support the cause, but..I like the man, for having the balls to do what he has done for Mexico! He had to know, what could...and would, happen to him for protesting. We must not forget, he's in a prison right this very second..cause he wanted a better life for his people and country. Yet, the ones who are creating havoc and causing pain and suffering..are free to live outside prison walls.Something is very wrong with that picture!

  23. It seems even Father Goyo is now being called a traitor by some in Michoacan. The confusion never ends.

  24. People care more about freeing chapo just because corridos he paid for made him an idol.Groups should start making corridos about the A.D ,they wont get paid money but they would get paid by getting a better mexico.


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