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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Correction: Murdered deported migrant story, was not quite as it seemed…

Scene of shootout


We pride ourselves at Borderland Beat on posting stories that are from good sources, and look for a secondary source if warranted.

We also are not above admitting to an error.

This post from “Think Progress”, featured Constantino Morales.  Morales was  a deportee who warned that he would be killed (by narcos) if deported, and shortly after his arrival back in Guerrero, his prediction became reality and he was killed. Morales was a former municipal police in Guerrero. 

Feeling uneasy about the story, I contacted DD sharing that the story did not feel right, that there was zero information about the manner or place of death.  Saying he died in Guerrero was too vague, yet that was the only information the publication provided.

DD shared my concern and wrote to the Iowa newspaper that ran the story.

I continued researching regions of Guerrero using his name, and found nothing.

Then today a reader sent an article from a regional news outlet telling the complete and truthful story.

That post is republished below.

It is sad that stories such as this will give fodder to those who are against immigration and have disdain for migrants, the large majority of migrants are good, hardworking, honest people.

We regret posting the story, but I hope readers can respect the fact we are making the correction with this update.

Borderland Beat Administrators

Chivis and DD

Story from la Lider

By Francisco Javier Hernandez
Azoyu, Guerrero
Translated by DD

Huehuetán Deja A Tres Personas Muertas; Convivían Entre Sí” (Shootout in Huehuetán kills three; they had been partying), 
Radio La Lider 88.9 reported on a drunken shootout at a baptism party that resulted in three gunmen dying.

On Sunday night there was a shootout during a gathering that was held in the town of Huehuetán, Azoyú municipality, which resulted in 3 people killed by gunfire.  .

The events happened at approximately at 9:00 in the evening, at the home of Bertha Tapia Javier,  which is located very close to the Health Center, where the three people who were killed had been drinking ,and gotten into a heated discussion giving rise to to them drawing their firearms, , leaving a toll of three dead.
The victims were Constantine Morales Roque, 42 years of age; Ruperto Javier Marín, 57, and his brother Juan Javier Marín, 62, all of them residents of the town of Huehuetán, belonging to the municipality of Azoyú.

After they talked awhile the three men got into a heated discussion and Morales accused the Javier Marin brothers of an gunning down a member of his family in a pool hall last October.  That triggered the gun battle in which Morales mortally wounded the brothers, but they shot back and gravely injured Morales.  A nephew of the Javier Marin brothers who had not been involved in the argument rushed into the gunfight to avenge his uncles and mortally wounded Morales before fleeing the scene.

Morales  was shot 11 times with 9mm bullets. One of the shots hit him in the chest, 5 in his right side, three in the right arm, and two in his left arm.  Ruperto Javier Marín was hit in the  chest, abdomen and one of his feet, while his brother John had two bullets in the abdomen.

The two brothers were transferred to the General Hospital of Ometepec but died en route to the hospital. 

Elements of the Ministerial Police arrived on the scene and guarded the premises while waiting on investigators from Ministeria Publico to arrive.


  1. No wonder he was deported. Drinking and guns do not go together.

    1. not everyone can control themselves. I drink and have guns but never do i think of pulling it out and shooting some one.

    2. I've been carrying my gun for 10 years, sometime I drink. Never have I pulled it out.

  2. Wow. Then i guess he deserved what he got. I even defended him in the original story. Pendejo.

  3. Thumbs up to Chivis and DD for correcting the story.

  4. I enjoy drinking. .. and I love shooting. . Never do I mix em.. pinche pendejo

  5. If thats the case i take my comments back from the previous report. Now i say this, PENDEJO!! U deserved it dont come with a bullshit story about ur life if u urself risk it.

  6. Chivis at least fess up to your mistake and give credit to the reader who sent the article. "Something didnt feel right about the original story" yeah right, all yall do is copy and paste stories

    1. and what mistake would that be willito?
      I did acknowledge the reader his name is anonymous just as yours is.

      I absolute questioned the story, as DD will attest to, we were trying to get additional info behind the scenes, and DD will add a comment from the source tomorrow.

      We did what we felt was right. We may be volunteers, but for us it is about our love of Mexico, we want the story to be presented truthfully.

      I have no idea what you want to gain by such a convoluted comment. Copy and paste and it magically translates to trick. time for you to go back sleep now.

      BTW...we are doing something very right we are close to our 100 Million page views.

    2. No hagas caso chivis son haters i love ur blog and you ;)

    3. You bought the viewers...sorry chivis I couldn't help it you know I don't mean it, I'm just trying to scoop willito, by the way, what did I you do to him?

    4. Borderland Beat is gaining strength and readership everyday. They are also gaining something more important each day which is credibility. Remember when that other site posted a story of Z-42 getting executed while driving in his Lamborgini? Bullshit story, Borderland Beat called it almost immediately and is right on so many things that now multiple US gov't agencies monitor the content on this site over all others what does that tell you?
      Everyone makes mistakes but the difference is that some intentionally mislead and others such as BB are a dedicated team that prides itself on plain-old hard work and journalistic integrity.

    5. Chivis I noted your acknowledgement to the reader as well as the fact you guys were further researching. What the person before your comment fail to realize is many blogs utilize other stories, referring the reader to the original article used. (Untranslated) What this person also fail to realize is that many blogs fail to provide the updated info upon their own findings. If that reader want 100% accuracy all the time, the he or she should start their own blog and do their own research. If not then be respectful and appreciate the fact they ever received accurate information at all. Also it is free information. I didn't pay for it and I am sure they didn't either. Most of us appreciate it Chivis and DD. Thank you.

    6. Chivis can you have my baby?

    7. She's already having mine hands off!!

    8. 7:22 - I tried it - I used Bing translate, then Google translate on a press article in Spanish, then copied and pasted it to Word. Result both times? - random words and sentences (gobbledegook as we say in English). Guess I must be doing something wrong, it sounds so easy from what you said... ;-)

    9. Chivis and to all BB reporters. Thanks for the articles that have been put on borderland beat over the years. You have kept me well informed . Keep up the great work. thank you. a fan from the body of Christ TX.

    10. Chivis- We love your work so much at I on a daily basis open the blog to see whats new or who is dead. Keep the hard work that I loyal fan.

    11. people who question and mess with Chivis give it a break, a majority of the time the lady is right so give it a rest. And i am not a chivista, you know the type, Chivis is the greatest OMG. I am just saying, give it a rest. She runs a site that we all use for free. The site is free and it is amazing, it is a wealth of knowledge. I worked in Mexico for a orgnaization that i wont mention, but when I traveled I used BB to be more knowldegeable on the plaza that I was entering. So BB saved my life.

    12. Not a Chivista? Now I am pissed!
      Just kidding..
      BTW I found BB sort of the same way you did. A friend told me about it. I was so ignorant as to what was happening and I set up my offices in NE Mex, after a few killings and a shootout in front of my office I needed a source of credible info. and was told about BB.

    13. chivis es de carino por su nombre creo. ono

  7. Your integrity is still intact I've said it loads on here the bb staff do an admirable job and are to be commended. With all the misinformation, disinformation, propaganda etc is it any wonder a few stories turn out to be incorrect. At least you have the balls to admit where you go wrong occasionally. It's not intentional unlike certain other blogs that deliberately concoct spurious crocks of shit just to get traffic. One last point its free people all the dicks that knock the staff in comments would struggle to create a blog a fraction as good ..

  8. No one will really know what happened unless they we're there. I wasn't rushing to condemn what happened to him after bb ran the first story, and I won't rush to condemn him as a man now, after the second story. For all we know, the truth isn't in either story. We're talking about mexico where the crooks, politicians, police, vigilantes, judges, priests, social workers, and media have lied consistently.

    1. sorry, in guerrero police are all thugs. all corrupt.
      I did not trust the story in the first place because he said narcos were after him. unless he stole drugs or money that story was bullshit. pulls a 9mm drunk at a party confronting two cousins is not a good idea.

      the story implied he was killed by those narcos "as he warned would happened"

      narcos had nothing to do with it he brought this down on himself

  9. I see the Negra Modelo boxes, thatll make you pull out the guns!!

  10. I wish the New York Times and Rolling Stone and other "mainstream media" were as classy as BB. To admit you made an error in a report, shows you have integrity - period. We're all human.

    Even more so when you figure that BB has no research staff, etc., but still has the professionalism and balls to admit when they made a mistake.

    Chin-chin, BB. I think this will help your rep overall.

    1. I can't even begin to imagine the Times editor having los huevos así to say, "We retract the original story, it was found to be BS after further review."

  11. Yeah but thats how it works in mexico familys have to revenge their blood thats why he dint want to return back to mexico..if he dindt revenge his family member he would have been seen has a coward and probaly kill by the marin brothers its the racist americans fault

    1. Wow, that's a first, Mexicans killing Mexicans is Whitey racism.

      Oh wait, the blacks have been saying that since 1900. My bad.

    2. Look its ok if Mexican and blacks kill each other, Das is a very sad statement. But it never makes the News. If u a policeman let those guys go its not worth ur time

    3. Its still Whitey"s fault according to Al

    4. Why is this such a big deal, we all get drunk and high. I like being high. "WHAT DOES IT MATTER"

    5. Whitey started paying for the kidnapping of persons they would enslave, since the 1500's, and the black slaves started badmouthing whitey since the white man started showing his true nature...
      If today's black man talks about their experience, lissen in and don't tune out,

  12. real law abiding citizen . good thing we got him out of here . I thing he was claiming he would be killed if deported hoping he could get some kind of asylum . If I was being deported to mexico and I feared for my life in one area , I think I wouldn't go there. Wouldprobably be easier to track him in the usa than hidden in mexico

  13. Thank you Chivis and DD for your research. I noticed the previous post was removed and figured you guys were on the trail to something. I stated in my comment on the other post that he waited until he broke several laws to apply for asylum and that was his reason for deportation. Reading this shows no fear for his life or the concern for another persons life. The first story made you feel partially for this gentleman, but now is shines the light in a whole new direction. Yes this gives leverage to people who are against immigration. This gentleman will now be the poster child for anyone seeking asylum for fear. Now the process will be far more difficult despite the fact there are legitimate cases of fear. Thanks again guy. This eases the mind.

    1. The anti-immigration lobby is not against immigratio, most all their whole show is about "legalization" anti-mexican for helping elect house boy Obama, president, and it would not be good for business...
      --the employment agencies left and right and their shareholders keep getting part of the wages of the minimum salaried workers they hire, and that is their dirty little secret, they also keep feeding jobs to police and border patrols catching a fewsies...
      --The US is also shameless for helping communist china become the economic and industrial powerhouse it is, with the money made by american drug traffickers and vulture capitalistas and the offshored american jobs, industry and technology...
      --They have also privatized jesus, making him in the image of the pharisees and the philistines..."Capitalist Jesus", that is the devil himself...

  14. Everyone reads borderland beat even las tres letras DEA.

  15. Obviously he had to flee to the U.S. in the first place to avoid his sins that he committed in Mexico.This is why the new ID system in Mexico is so important. I am tired of criminals from Mexico fleeing to the U.S.

    1. And you are not tired of american criminales going to mexico to steal from the mexicans in cahoots with the mexican politicians from CROOKASHTAN...
      --Ferdinand marcos and his ho', i mean wife imelda had a lot of billions of dollars stashed away, in some foreign bank, and the philipine government can't get one penny front the banks holding the marcos money, the Philippines money...
      --Omar Kaddaffi, had about 40 billion dollars stashed away, he got killed and the banks refuse to return the money to the libyans, or to libya...

  16. a person that is in fear of his life is not going to get drunk on his ass outside his own home, rendering his guard down. He had no fear and confronted the two cousins he started the conflict and he was alone against the 3 guys. the 3rd cousin finished him off. 9mm is pretty expensive in mexico, unless you are narco or police.

    bottom line, they guy was a fraud and that sucks because the majority of migrants deserve compassion. but not this fool. Bad guys will always try and take advantage of a situation.

    1. Compassion, he was looking for no compassion, they all knew it was coming, you just wait for the right moment, it is up to you, revenge and payback, is something some people need more than the air or the water...
      --the marin had killed his brother, and were free, like it was all a joke?

    2. They were all going to draw, they were the to draw, he was faster, but the triangle with the marin brothers nephew worked against him, the marin had the bigger trap, and knew he was too much man to not go to his appointment.
      --Constantino Morales was more man than many commenters here, taking their lame comments back...

    3. The Lider story says they all pulled their guns and Morales shot first mortally wounding the brothers and they then got off shots critically injuring Morales. Then the nephew of the brothers joined and finished off Mireles.

      We will probably never know, but this could have been a gun fight at the ok corral situation where after Morales accused the brothers of attacking a relative the brothers went for their guns and Morales was faster on the draw and shot them first. Plausible.

      If the brothers did in fact gun down his relative in a pool hall, it presumably was in front of witnesses. So they would have already shown that they would not be reluctant to shoot Morales in front of a crowd.

      If you were arguing with 2 people who had gunned down a relative of yours and you accused them of committing the crime, and if all 3 of you were armed, and after accusing them you saw them go for their guns, would you try to get your gun and shoot first or wait until they shoot you?

      The only crimes we know of that Morales committed (with the possible exception of the shoot-out, if in fact he murdered the brothers) were entering the US illegally and driving without a drivers license, we know he was formerly a cop in Guerrero and that all the cops there are involved in the cartels, but if a cop wanted out of that life what are his options? Fleeing to the US seeking asylum would probably be at the top of his list.

      We have presented the facts as reported from the local media, but there is no evidence or facts as to who initiated the gun fight by going for their gun first (which I would consider "initiating the gunfight - not who shot first).

      Or Morales could have been drunk and in the heat of an argument pulled his gun and seeking revenge for the attack on his relative murdered the brothers.

      As I said I don't think we will ever know for sure what happened that night. It all happened in a split second..

      That is why I am reluctant to tar and feather the guy.

    4. Same here, all we know is they went to the party, armed...

  17. Some not all r real dumb. Some people r great and don't lie

  18. I was reading the comments & though i'd drop mi cents..

    1.) To the person criticizing Chivis, BB is the best website for this type of news, i've comed across with..

    2.) And to Chivis, about that magic translate thing you mentioned.. lol it actually is that damn easy to translate.. atleast on my phone.. when i go to a website that's a language other than English, mi phone offers to translate the entire page into English.. kaboom! All in a few seconds :D

    1. translation tools are ok, but slang and idoms and bad grammar translate to a whole new meaning. Not good for publications. Then you have the language to language nouns and lack of pronouns and quirks in grammar.

      since being with BB I have learned much in the world of urban slang. almost None of which was a part of my world. It has been interesting.

    2. Agreed! I have spent hours browsing on - it's highly entertaining! :)
      Keep up the good work. Regards from a Scandinavian reader.

  19. and this is why the border must be enforce to the fullest just like Israel.

    1. YEAH! Kill everybody around or make them flee to guatemala...
      --Amerikkkan corporations have a better use for all the mexican land, all the way to guatemala...

  20. What I like about this blog is that I don't see commercial propaganda on it. The day I see a bunch of ads is the day I will stop believing a word posted here.

  21. A person meets someone in EUA. Who is this person? Where did he come from in Mexico? Is he a murderer? A unado? A person who violar women or ninos? You do not know. And the gringos do not know. This is their big bitch about indocumentos. It is only when someone has hermanos or primos in EUA that someone can trust a little that this person is not a pendejo. People who have armas at fiestas are not good people. They are assholes and I hate it when the migras are prove right. This asshole belongs no where. Borderland Beat gain respeto for this story made right.

    1. 7:00 Many times you don't even know who your political leaders are, sometimes after they are dead for a while...
      Then you have a lot of neighbors...

    2. Mexicans did not go to cancun to violar niños, for millions of dollars to the local economy...flying airoplanos even from Air America to mix the loads coming and going, with passports and their real ID's, legally...

  22. Thank you for the great support everyone. This was an easy decision to right the story, but we were not sure how you would received the news, I believe our readers are very appreciative of what we do. thank you!

  23. Truth in journalism, means everything. I admire you guys correcting the story and releasing the actual facts of what really happened. If we wanted to read bullshit, we would go to those 'other' sites and read their lies.I know you do your very best to report the facts, as you know them to be and i greatly appreciate you for that. Journalism is not an easy job, especially in Mexico, thanks for your time and hard work.I know where I go to, for truth in journalism.. when it comes to Mexico.It can and does happen to the best of you, look at the Rolling Stone story on the college rape! Keep up the great work, all of you!

  24. Does anyone know how the US or any other country could verify a Mexican national criminal history? It seems Mexico has no records of anyone. With all the missing, corruption it seems there would be no way to prove if an individual is good a\or bad. Who keeps criminal history? Corrupt officers? The hole process seems discouraging for anyone to pursue.

    1. This is el herrimienta grande of the migras and cops. They get you and say to you prove to me you are not a narcotraficante o sicario hiding in EUA. I show them my pasaporte and they laugh like crazy. Then they go beat up some Mexicano or black man.

    2. the Central Americans r real bad

  25. Well done. (far better than what we got from the new york times after the iraq war)

  26. Never rush to judgenen.almost as good as the hands up don't shoot story. It never happened the way they said it did

  27. Chivis, the first mistake BB made was using Think Progress as a news source. That fact alone made the entire story of Morales highly suspect. Think Progress is the propaganda arm for leftist progressives and the Democrat party. You must have known this and are apparently comfortable with their leftist agenda and goals.

    1. After I saw the article posted, and I don't read but a few before posted, I did contact DD and voiced my concerns about it. Myself I never would post a story that is derived from a publication that leans left or right, without neutral supporting evidence or source.

      I don't know what you want from DD or me for that matter. We quickly posted this correction, something that is rare, and have apologized.

      For me , case closed

  28. Thank you, Chivis. I appreciate your response and the manner in which you corrected the story. DD would be well advised to refrain from using Think Progress in the future. It is not simply a "publication" that "leans" left. It is purely a propaganda division of the Center for American Progress run by John Podesta on behalf of U.S. leftist progressives and the Democrat Party.

  29. I know this arrival is from along time ago but this my my uncle and this is nothing from the truth so sad what people will do for views but if you weren’t there you have no right to say something that’s not true let my uncle rest in piece. He was a great man that did anything he had to do to save his family for safety I cannot say what actually happened but seeing this blog and seeing the lies spread about my uncle is just sad. You really think you did something. I’ll say one thing if you are not from Mexico you don’t have an opinion and what goes on there I have had 3 uncles killed over there you only have to watch out for yourself. He was trying to stay alive and care for his family witch he loved with his whole heart don’t make excuses for how this system is corrupt if they hadn’t sent him back he would still be here and be with his sons who have been through hell and having to live without a father. He struggled so much in the U.S. just to be sent back and killed like he said he would have. Stop spreading lies about him and post real things instead of spreading lies.


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