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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

New wave of shootouts and blockades in Tamaulipas

Lucio R. Borderland Beat

4.24.15 Radio formula reported:

Federal authorities have denied that José Silvestre Haro Maya, aka "The Chive", identified as the leader of the Gulf Cartel in the region, had been captured during an operation in the South of Tamaulipas.

This is rather vague, it does not name who exactly is saying this but this is reported by Radio Formula.

 "El Chive" is captured? Or still dead?

Ok readers, here is what I have.  I recalled in 2014, this guy was supposed to have  been shot by federal agents.  He was injured from gunshots but alive and police finished him off all caught on video.  It sure looked like him.  But today when Valor X Tamaulipas,  El Mañana and others posting videos of the violence and attributed it to Chives capture, I asked Chivis what she remembered, she replied, “isn’t the guy dead?”

But we could not remember it ever being confirmed last year, it was reported that he was dead, and also that he was arrested. 

After a few hours getting emails, and of seeing reports come across, from el debate, Mexico yahoo and so forth, we decided to post something.  But I am tentative about the story.  (PGR Website has nothing as of yet)

Another possibility is that it may be Chives brother who was captured. 

I will leave the post up and continuing checking but I may take it down if we feel it is false.  I apologize for the confusion. (Lucio)

Here is my post

 It was Deja vu today in southern Tamaulipas, just as it was in Reynosa last Wednesday when “El Gafe” was captured, and members of CDG created mayhem against federal forces with deadly shootouts, and blockades.      Supposedly, today after the capture of another CDG leader,  José Silvestre Haro Maya alias the Chive"or the"R1", members of his group, sought to prevent his transfer to Mexico City  with narco blockades and a wave of violence in Altamira, Madero and Tampico

It is reported to have been confirmed that in a special operation the Mexican Marina  managed to arrest José Silvestre Haro Maya alias the Chive"or the"R1", a CDG leader operating in the south of Tamaulipas.

In the aftermath of the confrontation at least 4 elements of the Marina were wounded, there are reports of 5 others being killed, but those reports are not confirmed.

Order was restored and blockades were removed, and the narco leader known as “El Chive” was transferred to Mexico City for a stop at the PGR agency, before his likely transfer to maximum security prison,  The Federal Social Readaptation Center No. 1 "Altiplano".  

The videos on the following page are of today’s violence, and next video is “El Gafe” being transferred to Altiplano, 

The third video is the transfer to Altiplano of Jesús Salas Aguayo alias “El Chuyin”(above in red) one of the principal leaders of the Juarez cartel who was also captured this week.

Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, along with other federal leaders, said today that because of the work of this administration, they have significantly weakened the Cartel Golfo (CDG).  By doing so it has succeeded in doing something no other administration has been able to do, crippling one of Mexico’s oldest cartels.

Anyone else smell election time?


  1. Lo vuelvo decir. Son hechos bien, pero bien, aislados. Como ya les dije - estamos en el camino correcto. Attn., EPN

  2. Two in a row with handcuffs on? What happened? Mexico rediscovers handcuffs!!

    Or did they run out of water bottles? ; )

    1. And you never handcuff in the front. NEVER. You can still use your hands as a weapon.

    2. @9:07 PM. 100% correct. But you have to admit handcuffs are a step forward over an empty water bottle, right?

    3. Does anyone know where el pitufu is damn it??!!

  3. What kills me is the destruction to the property in Mexico as a whole these narco scums destroy. Who pays in the end? There is no insurance company in the world that would do business in Mexico. So on top of everything else, the countless billions of dollars in destroyed property the cockroaches annihilate is insane. They really do not care anything about Mexico or anyone in the country. real pieces of shit and I use that term lightly,

    1. The business owners who have property destroyed in these narco tantrums eat the loss and move to the US if they can. Like the tens of thousands of recent MX transplants now living in S. Texas.

  4. Why did it have to happen to such nice gentlemen? They were only trying to feed their familia.

    1. Only in there narco rap they are said to be brave man and good people but in real live they are cowards i mata amarrados

    2. El PRI is taking care of the people that brought them back to power, peña nieto does not need the narco-capos anymore, now he hangs with Obama and the "queen of england"

  5. This guy is a real good guy he a family man hope they let him out soon pobre ..

    1. LOL!! Sounds like a joke, but that's exactly what his mother, abuelas, tias, sisters, etc would say. That's the culture and that's the problem.

    2. 10:27 has a problem with "la cultura"...
      I don't know if it is genetic or cultural, or the cause or the reason of mental problem or trauma...

    3. "Poor guy" ...este pendejete, cuquitas de estos coarse saben a lo que le entran, bola de malparido


  6. Isn't that the dead fresa the soldiers put out of his misery

  7. Tepescoagatas tamaulipas te va a extrañar

  8. No que en su narco rap los de tamaulipas no se saven rajar lol what a bunch of pussys lets hope this guys dies in jail and they make a narco rap saying how pussy he is

    1. No sabes leer o k? Mira el desmadre ahi esta para k todos vean. En tamaulipas no son panochas como en otros lugares

    2. 10:39 tambien todos los cdg i zetas que diaron se entregan en tamaulipas ay culos i ay valientes como en todos los estados asi que no digas que tamaulipas no son panochones como en otro estados porque entonces todos los lideres del cdg i zetas que a capturado la marina que ?

  9. No que El Chive ya habia muerto. Que no fue unos de que fusilaron Los federales en Tamps?

  10. lucio and I talked about that, which is why he held back on the story for a few hours. But then mainstream picked it up saying it was confirmed. as does tamps blogs, twitter etc

    I could not recall if they confirmed in the incident before is the guy shot by police as chive, did they?

    anyway this is what is reported. If you see something reputable disputing this let us know.

  11. Replies
    1. Lazcano is on an island with Tupac and biggie smalls.

    2. :-)))

      "Lazcano is on an island with Tupac"

    3. Miguel angel osorio chong who replaced genaro garcia luna, is an asshole too, el lazca was his zeta boy and worked for him...
      --Peña nieto had his casa blanca...
      --Videgaray had his pequeña casita...
      --Genaro Garcia luna had many casitas and restaurants and, and, and...
      --Osorio chong has been discovered to have many many properties too, some stolen when he was governor of the lazca home state, and many more since he has been federal, but on his wife's name, the usual tricky tricks of the tricky dickies...
      --"All their homes" bought the same way, from government contractors they favour.

    4. A very hot island indeed w lots of company and their boss and all the fallen angels for all eternity

  12. I wonder how narcos decide whose turn it is to get "captured"? Like Lucio mentions, more narcos get arrested in election years. Nah, probably coincidence.

    1. yes than after elections they let them out

  13. Lucio I recall the story about the guy who was injured and believed to be El Chive. He had a blue shirt on and was lying on the ground with a leg or foot injury. Another guy had his hands folded behind his head . Later the one believed to be El Chive had a gunshot wound to the head and the one that had his hands folded had his arms to his side in the next photo and was dead also. I can say there was no follow up on BB with that as I was wondering if anything ever came of that. No confirmation was posted either.

    1. I thought people said it was JT of the Fresitas in the video?

    2. here is the story, YT took down the video. but there was no confirmation from authorities it was chive. so there was nothing to follow up on. that is why this time is plausible

      the reader below is correct about the R1 moniker, he used to use J2

    3. Thanks Chivis. I have to say one thing though. I am sure they are happy if the authorities make that mistake and say it is them. Then they won't be searched for.

  14. Replies
    1. In Tamaulipas live a lot of very decent people, some family or friends, hardworking people that have no part of the tamaulipas crime, most of the people there are the same, poor but decent, and you want to nuke tamaulipas?
      --Nuke the oil and gas workers there...

  15. That was not el chive in the video, it was never confirmed who it really was. El chive has been making moves since in tampico since that video was released. I don't think he even took r1 as a handle til afterwards.

    1. You are correct, I never remembered it being confirmed. I heard on the radio yesterday a Tamps state spokesman say they think the person they caught was chive, but have to go thru the id process.

      so that means it was not positive.

      as for the R1 , you are correct again, I told Lucio that I thought that monkier was not used before.

  16. No they cleaning up new elections is coming up its true and major cleaning of house and they are going to put there new people in front and everything is going to be calm for a while until these new groups get out of control of ther handlers then violence starts!!!

  17. The Knights Templar run NL. That's the word on the street here in Laredo.

    1. I don't see Zetaz and any CDG faction allowing CT into NL. Plus CT would be too far from their home base for reinforcements. If there is any CT presence in NL it would be for some kind of working arrangement between one of the cartels. But running NL? Highly doubtful.

    2. Not havin that one?Knights Templarios runnin NL?No word,no killings,no rumours,that's some major boolchit

    3. I heard this as well. They have been infiltrating the city for half of a decade. While Tuta distracted the folks to the West (i.e. The media and bloggers) the CT quietly set-up shop. Any reporting on this will be greatly appreciated.

  18. Puro sinaloa! tamaulipas no es nada!

  19. yeah i thought el chive got killed while shayla got captured

  20. ... It Was Not Him Or His Brother, So They Say Via Social Media ... What Does The PGR Have To Say??? ...

  21. I am lucky I moved to McAllen


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