Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Reforma article
[Article subject: Weapon Smuggling, Los Zetas
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required]
Abel Barajas
The criminal organisation of Los Zetas had a Municipal Functionary of Coahuila as one of their best sources of night vision goggles, magazines for assault rifles, scopes and ammunition.
Oliver Bres Carranza, who was Boss of special programmes, Directorate of Planning, Zoning and Public Works of the Municipality of Piedras Negras is currently serving a prison sentence in Texas for smuggling weapons to the criminal group.
An investigation by the Department of Internal Security, and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE), of the United States located Bres as an intermediary of Celso Martinez Perez "El Celso", operator of Omar Trevino Morales "El Z-42", to acquire weapons on the frontier of Coahuila.
The investigation indicates that the former official was mainly an accomplice of Erik Alan Garza, a Texan of 28 years old, who used the home of his mother in an Eagle Pass Mall to collect weapons and send them to Mexico.
Bres Carranza and Garza coordinated the purchase of much of these articles, from a Gun Shop in Eagle Pass, Texas. The investigation revealed that one of the times that Garza and Bres Carranza obtained these articles, they gave these articles to members of Los Zetas Cartel, says the record DR12-CR-960 of the Federal Court of the Western District of Texas.
Bres was detained on 6th of June 2013 and in October following he was declared guilty of the charge of firearm contraband, and on 19th of March of 2014 was condemned to 51 months in prison and three years of probation.
For the US agencies and Prosecutors office, it took more than two years building the case with Bres and their involvement in the transfer of weapons to Los Zetas.
The investigations started with a simple review to the accounts of a sale of weapons in Vermont, five years ago.
The clue: an invoice
Richard Grafkowski, an agent of Homeland Security Investigation, HSI, carried out tax checks on the shops selling arms. After five years, when he was revising the sales of Dragonfly Outfitters LLC, a company from Williston, Vermont, with a company name of Scope and More, he found an invoice that piqued his curiosity.
The invoice date of 19th of July 2010, had a name of Robert Hasbun Jr. and it accounted for the purchase of 10 night vision goggles and a pair of thermal goggles, for $31,606. Hasbun had his own gun shop on the border with Mexico.
For Homeland Security, the date was sufficient to intervene legally on the server of the company internet and access to its emails.
An email revealed that on the 19th of July of 2010 Hasbun, asked the sales manager of Scopes and More to send the order of goggles and glasses to the companies local Master Parcel Service, in the commercial centre of Las Aguiles, in Eagle Pass, Texas.
From this moment, the HSI following up on emails from Hasbun Jr., his brother Christian who both received email from a Hotmail address, from Mexico, ordering armaments.
As of January 18th 2011 the HSI knew that Hunting Group LLC, a company of Roberto Hasbun Jr., was going to deliver 4500 magazines for assault rifles to the warehouse of Hesles Gun and Knife, in Eagle Pass, the city opposite Piedras Negras.
On the same day, agents of HSI staked out the establishment of Hesles and observed the arrival of a Ford 150, grey colored, a youngster that later would be identified as Erik alan Garza.
Who made the orders to their suppliers, from the Hotmail address, was Oliver Bres Carranza, official of the Directorate of planning, town planning and public works of Piedras Negras.
Original article in Spanish at Reforma (may require subscription)
POS. Maybe someone should write a corrido about how cool this guy was smuggling NVG's and AR's to narcoterrorists and mass murderers. They could call it. "El Compa Bravo de La Sierra de la panocha blah blah blah".
ReplyDeleteCan you please stop with the annoying ass Amen
DeleteGo somewhere else with that nonsense
@ 10:05. Huh?
DeleteIt is against the law to have guns in Mexico. Like Chicago only outlaws can have guns
ReplyDeleteIncorrect. In Chicago we have a conceal and carry law ,with a permit . In Mexico rather than give out free tvs to buy votes, give everyone a gun ,and sort it out after.At least everyone would have an equal chance .
DeleteThe street murders and drive bys around chicago or other cities, are commited by people without permits or licenses, with illegal weapons...
DeleteActually you can carry a pistol in mexico legally
DeletePor cierto ya mataron al "Comandante" Comino de Nuevo Laredo lo pongo entre comillas porque esos werkos nalgas meadas drogados sé creen unos rambos y por eso quedan hecho cuacha!
ReplyDeleteTambién mataron al Rata y al Piojo de los Z de Nuevo Laredo, un día antes de la muerte del Comino los del CJNG dejaron un mensaje en Nuevo Laredo dijieron que ivan a ir por los comandantes de los Z como el Z200, Basurto El Grande, Kiko Treviño y Comino y al día siguiente murió Comino.
¿Quien mas falta de los altos mandos de los Z em Nuevo Laredo? Acaso Chinga Liebres? O El mentado Zepeda el que fue ex policía en Nuevo Laredo hace unos años.
Dicen que El Texas y su gente estan con los del CJNG y quieren la plaza igual la de Ciudad Victoria.Los Z ya estan debiles y la mera verdad si la miró posible que entren con todo los del CJNG a Nuevo Laredo.
What? I did not understand a word. I thought this was an all English blog? Please translate and be considered to us non Spanish speakers.
DeleteYou thought wrong, whereas all the posts are English, comments are welcomed in Spanish, this is about mexico after all. Some of the best on the ground info comes in spanish.
DeletePlease translate? What if he or she only speak Spanish. Would you be considerate and translate your request? The nerve!
DeleteChivis I know it's off subject, but any word on Panchito el Pantera. He is the guy on the Tucanes de Tijuana corrido. He currently owns the Tabasco Zacatecas plaza with his brother Pascual. You can see them in el palenque with about 40 guys watching over them and everybody knows who they are. I was there during the holy week and they were there every day.
DeleteBy the way already killed the "Commander" Nuevo Laredo cumin put in quotes because those drugged pee buttocks werkos know believe a few rambos and therefore are made cuacha!
DeleteAlso they killed the rat and the louse of the Z again Laredo, one day before the death of the cumin in the CJNG left a message in Nuevo Laredo was told that ivan to go by the commanders of the Z as the Z200, large the Basurto, Kiko Treviño and cumin and the next day died cumin.
Who more missing from the commanding heights of the Z em Nuevo Laredo? Perhaps you Hare Chinga? Or the mentioned Zepeda, who was former police in Nuevo Laredo a few years ago.
They say that the Texas and its people are with the of the CJNG and want square as the city Victoria.Los Z already are weak, and the mere truth if it looked possible to enter all of the CJNG Nuevo Laredo.
just use a translator. simples
calmala pendejo comino solo era jefe de un sector.. sabes cuantos sectores ay en nvo laredo?? dozenas.. le haces como si comino era alguien grande calmate... se nota que ni sabes que rollo no crees todo lo que lees en blogs.. y ala mejor algunos de aqui van a creer que eres alguien aca pero a mi no me haces pendejo.... en nvo laredo pagan piso todos..y los texas ni existen se aliniaron a los zetas y los que no fueron decapitados o salieron corriendo pa los estados unidos...
Deletehasta tu querido arturo el texas despues k los zetas le mataron primos, sobrinos, cunados, hermanos, hasta mujeres de su familia TODAVIA ASI paga piso.. pinche texas pendejo es un chapulin primero estava con los carillos de mama verga luego brinco con los arellano y luego con arturo beltran y despues con los de sinaloa y ahora dices que esta en la chiche de los de jalisco.. jajaj no mames pinche texas esta peor que una puta corriente pero aunque tenga apoya de los que sea todavia asi paga piso el puto... nvo laredo nunca sera controlado por un chapulin como el texas y menos por unos de jalisco
Si cjng esta entrando a nl yo vi las Marco mantas
Delete2:05 Why in the hell did you not "translate" it by your own motherfuckin' translate?
DeleteIt works for english speakers too, even in china for heaven's shakes...
Oh well, excuse me, I remember it don't work for idiots...
Again, excellent post by the Otis B. F-W. With the super computing power available to organizations like HSI, we should see more of this sort of interdiction. It is the responsibility of the US of A to more fully and aggressively protect the rights of law abiding citizens of the United Mexican States. K. Onda
ReplyDeleteThe only rights that are protected are the rights of weapons merchants, that is why the NRA lobbyists have so many politicians in their pocket, Great President Obama said recently "bucket" rhymes with what he thinks of it.
Delete--That is reality as lived in real life, there are many things that need to be repudiated in the US, no matter how many selfish Interests get on the way...
Ok everyone start the blame game, "the US did it!, the US supplied it!" But, before you do please note: More corrupt Mexican-American helping Corrupt Mexicans. It is happening more and more. This is the answer to why immigration is becoming so strict. Also think about it, the excuses many are using to try to gain citizenship were probably used by all the criminal morons. Before this was discovered I am sure he was a great guy! Just like all of them. Wolf in sheep clothing. Yet the US is to blame. Yes for even granting citizenship. Now if they were born in the US then truly shame on them. They had many liberties most do not have in Mexico.
ReplyDeleteU must be a goofy guy that still lives with the parents that are from méxico and since you were born here you want to fit in with the americans by saying all that grow up and don't hate on people who come for the American dream just like your mom and dado which came all the way from Oaxaca give these people a chance to work honestley Jobs
Delete7:42am your comment makes sense to those of us who understand and are open to the discussion. But a lot of these BB readers look for the scapegoat at every turn. They refuse to acknowledge the truth and resort to name calling. The truth is the US consumes a lot drugs. Mexico produces a lot drugs. Mexico sends drugs to the US. Mexico cartels need guns. The US has a shitload of guns. The guns get sent to Mexico because of the demand. Even trade right? Nope. All the problems are blamed on the US. No one forces these Mexican Americans to traffic these weapons but some how it's the US government's fault. I just don't get it but hey I use common sense and I was raise to believe you reap what you sow. The blame game has been around for thousands of years so it's nothing new. The crucifixion of Christ was attributed to the Jews blaming Christ for their lower class status within the Roman Empire. He was the Jew's scapegoat but as we know the blame was on them and not on Christ.
It is Mexicans weather they be US citizens or Mexican citizens that take the crime to both sides of the border. About 98% of the time. Drugs out, guns and illegal money in. The Mexican Americans and the Mexican criminals do not care about the life's of Mexicans on either side of the border period.
To 9:33 am. I am American and not of Latino descent. As for me stating in the original comment,"He was a great guy" It was sarcasm than you. Every time A Mexican in America get caught doing something, we have to hear this long story of how great a person they are. That is until the dirt finally surfaces. So as for your comment, you are wrong. As for the beginning of my first comment it was apparent it was sarcastic. Now that you are proven wrong. Go find a Mexican that you can truly hate. There isn't one here.
DeleteRacist much? Does Robert Hasbun Jr. Sound like a Mexican name to you? He is the guy recieving the E-mail orders from the Mexican official. Is he exonerated because he is not culturally linked to the purchasers exept through greed? I am not assuming or implying any cultural implication but, my point is that niether should you. If I were a gun dealer on the border, I would be hyper-vigillant about straw purchasing and such. An order of multiple night vision scopes indicates that someone is outfitting an army or they have a huge feral hog problem. Remember the other case of miltary style guns walking across the border? Did that case fit your racial profile of Mexicans hurting Mexicans? Step back and open your mind. View these cases objectively. Yes many Mexicans deserve blame but don't let your predjudice be the factor with which you assign it.
DeleteMexican corrupt guys, a peso la docena...
DeleteAmerican corrupt guys, with harvard degrees a few billion dollars a piece...
--Imposing their wars and mayhem all over the world to supplement their corporate welfare queen entitlements from the US government public trough...
How's about that reality show? Do you unnerstand? Entiendes? O te haces pendejo.
When all the razor wire, broken glass and spikes come off the houses in Mexico you know it is safe. We cannot even open are doors when someone knocks, and I am in a nice area. People are now being asked by women for a drink and when they open the door a man jumps in and they are robbed. Bars on windows and doors. Cars chained to trees, and a general distrust of everyone to share information about each other. I am married to a Mexican now and divorced from another. Every friend I have is Mexican and I speak Spanish. I am very fond of the Mexican people, but I am tired of loosing several of them to killers for just doing things right and earning something. There are have not's here that will take another Mexicans life for next to nothing. Sorry if the truth sounds racist. Never had a friend killed in the USA, But several here. No one should jump on this and say these Mexican friends of mine were doing something wrong and probably deserved it. That is racist. They did everything right and they still paid the ultimate price. I get all my information from the people on the street here. I guess they cannot be racist as they are Mexican, but I am just parroting what I see and hear and read here in the El Heraldo and other papers. The people seem to know it is dangerous here, and people will take advantage of them if they let their guard down.
DeleteThis is the BB. If you noticed this is about Mexico, drugs and what is going on with smuggling, drugs and Narco and crime related things that are happening in Mexico and their tentacles that cross the border. It is not about corrupt America or other corrupt companies. If you want to talk about the corruption in other countries there are other forums. Also it seems that people are crossing over to the USA from Mexico by the millions, and many are scared to cross over back into the country where they were born. Many here are upset they were deported and miss the corrupt USA. They actually felt safer and did better in the corrupt USA. Look up the most corrupt countries in the world. You can Google it. Get a dose of reality. Now it seems like these other countries that are being attacked are begging for the USA to intervene. If Mexico were attacked by another country you can bet they would be asking for American intervention also. But you already know they would be here to help us here in Mexico. No doubt about it.
8:01 AND what are you doing there in mexico?
DeleteAre you making yourself pendejo there?
7:42 and his ass comments brigade, operation Wide Receiver, agents of ATF, gun dealers, and most of those taking the money, and organizers of fast and furious, we're all Lilly White Amerikkkans...
DeleteSo in your post you are saying that the Mexicans are being controlled by the Lilly White Amerrikkans? You are insulting Mexicans by saying they cannot make it without being led by someone superior. You are looking more pendejo by saying the ATF, gun dealers and more are making these people kill each other. They do have minds of their own I think they should be able to stop killing people. They are not being brain washed by the ATF, gun dealers or the Amerrikkkkans. They are being controlled by their own greed and acting less than human. That is the criminal element anyway.The good people here are suffering for that. I love it here in Mexico and I would not desert my wife and her children for a safer life in the USA. If I die I will not worry much about it. But I will stay here and do my best to protect them. My wife just got her visa and has made a few trips to El Paso. She says she feels much safer in the USA after just a few trips and would like to live there. But I know it would break her heart to be separated from her mother, father and brothers and sisters. I can make money anywhere and do quite well here. I have also helped other people to do better here in business. Right now I am worried about my Mexican friends more so than the people in the USA. The people I know in the USA are not worried and do well with their opportunities. They do not worry about being killed or taken advantage of by the police on a daily basis. Here before we leave the house we remind each other of the perils and to be safe and think smart. I had over 250 people attend my birthday party here. All Mexicans. I do not lack for friends and the people, and I express my thoughts and feelings without kissing ass. They respect me for that. They know I am well intentioned and care.
Well the mierda accords, that resulted from Operation Mayan Jaguar were CIA planes "fell" from the sky full with tons of cocaine, gave the mexican government about 4 billion dollars by now to reinforce their nazi police state...for benefit of someone other than the mexicans...
Delete--I do not care about how mexicans look for what foreign powers do to them trough their puppet government, I know the US has never gone anywhere to do good without looking for themselves first and foremost, AND I know mexicans are third world forever and 5th rate people in the eyes of the US government, and narco-capitalista corporate welfare queens
I was watching a you tube video, on gun smith's around the world.....well I figured if they are able to make rifles and guns in caves in Pakistan , small shacks in Philippines, they could buy machinery to build guns
ReplyDeleteThey are making their own stuff
Deleteif the usa stop selling/making guns tomorrow the cartels will just smuggle them from these other counties.
Deletejust like if mexico stopped selling/producing drugs tomorrow the usa will get them from elsewhere.
supply and demand. simples!
They do make guns here in mexico ilegally
DeleteJajjaja you stole my and demand.stop it....jajjaja just kidding
DeleteYeah waaah, supply weapons, not only innocent guns, and demand payment, usually inflated...
Delete--He who takes the money owns the marbles and sets their price...
--Up to now, no big behemoth mexican bank exists that has laundered asany billions of dollars as a small US bank, or Swedish, or panamanian, or Banco vaticano, or cayman islands, or bcci, or hsbc...
Do what you can till you're busted then KEEP THE WORD - Superjoint Ritual
ReplyDeleteWho charged all involved in the fast and furious case? Hypocrisy
ReplyDeleteJust a waste of weapons who are in hands of pendejos that dont even know how to use them or are to scare to use them like z40 les digo tamaulipuercos son jotos..saludos de san luis potosi
ReplyDeleteDon't forget Chapo. Chapo didn't get caught in Tamaulipas but he too had weapons with him that he didn't use.
DeleteLol thats why more cartel members die in gun battles against the military... There would be like 20 deaths and just one would be a solider and the rest sicarios...These "gunmen" are just good for posing for the cameras and don't actually know how to use a weapon in combat
DeleteOk so here it goes....The year is 2015. The American president is finally black. Change is in the air. My best advice for all who speak just 1 language is learn more than just 1. The world is changing. Evolve with the times. It benefits you. Stop thinking a linguists is going to continuously hold your hand when it comes to translations. This is America. But in order for anyone to grow we must want to learn everything for our own good. You can live to be 90. But I guarantee you that you'll never stop learning something for your own good. "Wisdom cries aloud in the street, in the markets she raises her voice" Proverbs 1:20
ReplyDelete8:52 and you are the ventriloquist who can see into the future...
Delete--We should all go back to school while the US and other foreigners consummate the privatization of our banana republic, and learn to be good robots in the moldy aspirations of the "new neo-liberal nazification program"...
To learn another language is good advice @ 8:52, never looked back since I started learning spanish, and spanish leads into the other romance languages, among them italian and portuguese, which I'm attempting to learn. Cant encourage people enough, spanish speakers to learn english and english speakers to learn spanish. 2000 words the same in english and spanish, thats a good base to start from.
DeleteAll you need to hear now is that Zetas are members of the NRA
ReplyDeleteWell maybe not NRA, but members of the Z enterprises, inc. That a hell yeah! Yesss!!!
Delete--They don't got a Z for their name for nothin' and they don't call their selves la compañia for nothing either, abreviated cia, like the big brother CIA...
When will the zetas/cds completly fall... many of their leaders and members have been killed or arrested but yet both have sooo many leaders its just ridiculous