Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, April 20, 2015

PRI Member "picked up" by commando in Baja Sur

Borderland Beat

The personal assistant of Ricardo Barroso Agramont, PRI´s Governor candidate in Baja California Sur has been "picked up" by an armed commando in the streets of Nicolas Bravo and Mutualismo in the state capital.

The kidnapping of the PRI politician took place, according to initial reports, at about 1:10 PM this afternoon when the victim was walking in the commerce area. Witnesses report 2 heavily armed men led by a woman suddenly approached their victim carrying assault rifles and wearing bulletproof vests, the kidnappers took the politician at gun point and boarded a white Jeep Liberty.

All this caused confusion amongst witnesses who run away scared for the situation. As of this moment, the whereabouts of the politician are still unknown.

Candidate Ricardo Barroso, Humberto Moreira, Barroso´s assistant and Fausto Vallejo.



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  1. Wish it was Neito .
    This will do can't wait to see his fuc$ed up death pic and hopefully a video

    1. That's going too far. You have exposed an evil side within you.

    2. I agree with 5:05pm

    3. But at least pena nieto has done what no other has captured real cartel bosses not like before capturing scapegoats to turn the heat down.

    4. Peña nieto has captured his friends and financiers to save his own motherfucking ass, they all narcos...

    5. Agree totally with at 9:05 pm.

  2. Theres a big shoot out in culpa

  3. Replies
    1. Maybe they said lead by a woman

  4. Good,.getting sharp, get the crap and put it where it belongs...

  5. Cjng taking over caf Tijuana bcs

    1. very very probable,

    2. Cjng burned its self out with the shootings they did rafa caros menchos and los cunis plan backfired there going to feel the heat now that's why after they quickly made articles about them being the richest and most powerful cartel in Mexico when not even 2 to 4 months ago they where saying that cds was still the strongest even after chapo had been captured that's that b.s right there if you can't see the lies then your blind the only strong mafia in Mexico is the state politicians politicians generals police chiefs entrepreneurs business men and powerbrokers and some street mafiosos like mayo azul and maybe caro there going to use cjng as a front like they did with cds watch and see there going to make every other cartel look like it's been taken out the game zetas are still around beltrans are still around even a slightly small portion of caf is around it's going back to secrecy and if you pull shit like cjng did you will be exposed mencho got what he wanted to be number one and now's he's going to be hiding like a rat under the sewers.

    3. Cdnj has already taken over baja cali nobody even bothered to notice. this one wasn't for control, but to prove they're ready to play the game. Por eso les dicen la Nueva Generacion. Bienvenidos al futuro.

    4. Bud what makes u think they want mencho around dont u remember theres a recorded call where caro called one of menchos enforcers to protect him and he would pay them and mencho said tell him ok and fuck him out of money its a new ball game caro time is done .

    5. You r right the cartel is the politicians They like it this way keep the good people in fear .

    6. Something very Important, a year ago I said Mexican people in Tamps. are very passive, and go with the flow, I am wrong people of Tamps. are finally getting tired of it

    7. Leave Don Rafael out of this mix boys & girls! Deja lo end paz! Caro Quintero owes nothing to anyone, he did his time with honor, without dropping a dime on anybody. That the rest of these toxic twinkie pudwackers' karma is catching up with them is of their own making, nobody else's.

  6. Hes dead! Cartel flexing some muscles!

  7. Why does moreira ( aka satan's zeta master) have horns sticking out of his head and a tail sticking out his butt? Ohhh, never mind.... Duh

  8. They should have picked up all those 4 crooks in the last pick.

    1. I'm with you 6:47 they should all got picked up, this crooked politicians are the cause Mexicans are in poverty, and disarray. Using the cartel bosses as middle men to do their dirty work, I'm sorry to say this but karma camed and got him.

    2. Yes Sir u are 100% right, just like the US keep those Obamas

    3. He had a great future in the PRI, He would get very rich, now the Tiger eat him

    4. 4:28 half right, the obama is just going along and playing ball with the extreme right, as they say trying to get along to get along...
      --It is not going to work, it did not work before Obama came in, it doesn't work now, and it will not work in the future...
      --politicians exploiting the government for their corporate welfare friends or in their name has never worked anywhere, and never will...

  9. Its sad that in mexico if a commando its going to kidnap you or kill you theres nobody to save you people would run and cops are to pussys to do

    1. It's not that the cops are too pussy, it's that they are on the narco's payroll, so they never do shit about. Many times they are the ones kidnapping people.

  10. Not too much sympathy for this 'politician' posing with exotic wildlife in front of his luxury villa. Vale madre esta gente corrupta. Que le vaya chido, or whatever. IDGAF about you.

    1. The Marines are coming to save the PRI politicians asses, they are very important to obama...

    2. This one gets hung out to dry no matter what. He wasnt anybody to begin with. The just look at that sh!teating smile. he wont be missed. Pri or pan dem or repub it makes no difference. just let me monitor eveyrthing freely. I'll help you get big ones for headlines whenever you want, just dont get in my way.

    3. agreed, the regular people can't feed themselves let alone feed a tiger and live in a mansion. get rid of the corrupt and that will be a major improvement.

    4. u r right Pri is Obamas party

  11. Ultima hora el el mayo esta rodeado en culiacan. Big shootout going on.. cant wait to see him in the news todo muerto

    1. Man I really hope so.

    2. estas pendejo wey sige sonyando acuerdate "Si me atrapan o me matan ... nada cambia"

    3. Lets see if its true wish we can actually get news with out the mexican press getting censored

    4. Estas bien menso. Ese pinche mayo no baja de la montanas.

    5. Lo mismo decían de El Chapo. Y míralo donde anda ahora. Deja de comer cagada embecil.

    6. Rodeado o no, vivo o muerto, nada cambia, as a matter of fack, when the government is done with el mayo, you are next and you and you and you...

    7. no que el mayo estaba rodeado que pendejo te miras con thus mentiras jaja

  12. There is a reason he took a picture of that exotic animal in a house and with moreira and Vallejo. The same reason he got snatched up

    1. Its the Animal l kingdom the punks start feeding on one another

  13. EPN will get to the bottom of this, trust me. If it were an average Joe, no one would bat an eye.

  14. Not too much sympathy for this 'politician' posing with exotic wildlife in front of his luxury villa. Vale madre esta gente corrupta. Que le vaya chido, or not; whatever. IDGAF about you.

    1. U know u r right, but the politicos in the US r just as crooked. the Demo party and the PRI r the same

  15. La China is putting in work

  16. Maybe its the political competition and hes an honest 1.Better yet weren't the politicos taking bribes from all 3 operating cells?Wasnt there a manta left to that effect?Well any 1 of the 3 cells are pissed with the triple dipping.Maybe it was a kidnapping just for the money or all 3 same time.Just a few thoughts.

    1. Popoliticians did not respect family, agreements, deals, and stab their narco employees, partners and associates on the back, now they will get extradited to the other world one by one, for free...

  17. It must be frightening to have someone walking towards you with guns in broad daylight & then disappear.

  18. He already may have had lost his head..

  19. Didnt momma tell u not to play with boys from the gutter

  20. ¡¡¡Qué chula Familia!!
    Me imagino que son de RIP (Perdón...del PRI)


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