Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The war continues, the United States inundates Mexico with arms and the Narcos like young women sicarias

Translated by O. B. F-W for Borderland Beat from a Sinembargo article

Special shout out to BB Lucio R for getting noticed by Sinembargo

The dismembered corpse of a young woman named Joselyn Alejandra Nino was found a few days ago close to the border with the United States, very close to the International Bridge between Brownsville and Matamoros.

The fact was ignored by Mexican media, who yesterday gave coverage to other fronts of the war following clashes in Sinaloa and Sonora that left dead and wounded in the various warring factions.

One body more, that of Jocelyn, in a zone marked by the death and destruction for many years and until today, where cartels dispute city for city, hand to hand, every centimetre in resistance.

Joselyn, without doubt was not lost on the United States media, especially in Texas. The web site the Daily Beast resumed publication of a blog Valor por Tamaulipas, in which the fate of the last of three members of a group of female Sicarios called " El Cartel de las Flacas".

The three represented, until their deaths, a new model of Sicaria in Mexico. they are thin women, with model figures, kitted out with bullet proof jackets, and gold chains around their necks. In their hands, delicate although simple, modified M4 assault rifles. Hair combed back with glasses on the head, another characteristic is the tattoos on the arms. They are not your typical narco women, they are skinny and young, not necessarily ugly, but they take up arms.

"La Flaca" sometimes written "El Flaka", they are a growing phenomenon in Mexico, according to Andrew Chestnut, Professor of Religious Studies at the Commonwealth University of Virginia, author of a book about the Santa Muerte Cult and its links with the drug cartels.

"The nickname could be the envy of women of high society or those belonging to the world of modelling. However being nicknamed "La Flaca" is a curse for women killers working for the drug cartels in Mexico reports the Daily Beast.

"Since 2007 , when the ex President Felipe Calderon intensified the war on drugs, there has been a growing phenomenon of female assassins or Sicarias, "they can often operate more quietly than their male counter parts", he said in an interview with IB Times another American media outlet who saw Joselyn as a story.

"Many, like Jocelyn, they are recruited by the cartels because of their appearance as pretty women. The idea is that their rival cartels and the Police cannot imagine that a skinny woman could be a paid assassin", he added.

The arms and the Sicarias

The fact that "La Flaca" has been found on the border between Mexico and the United States is not fortuitous.

The United States is the principle source of illegal firearms in Mexico, according to data provided by the Agency for Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms and explosives (ATF).

The data shows that of the 15,397 firearms seized by Mexican Authorities and submitted to the ATF to track in 2014, 11,061 i.e. 71.9 per cent were of United States origin.

The ATF report states that the validity of the remaining 4336 weapons was unclear. Some of them may have gone directly to Mexico from the third country, or may have passed by the United States to another country before arriving in Mexico.

To perform a check of the firearms, the ATF said they require the name of the manufacturer, model, calibre, and serial number. However Mexico did not provide this information for all of the weapons that were seized, partly because criminals can file off the serial numbers and otherwise alter or modify the weapon.

For Clay Boggs, Program Official for the Mexican think tank WOLA, " they are firearms that are feeding the violence in Mexico and in other countries".

"The data show that the Government of the United States has made no advances in stemming the flow of illegal arms south across the border", said Boggs according to a press conference given by WOLA.

Figures release by the Bureau ATF also cover checks in several Carribean and Central American countries. The figures show that in these countries the numbers are significantly less than Mexico, except for the Bahamas (97.9 %) and the small island of St Kitts and Nevis (82.6 %).

All Central American countries reported a follow up rate for the United States of less than 50 %, except Costa Rica, where only 63 guns at 53.9 % were from the United States.

In respect, WOLA refer that the trafficking of illegal firearms is a grave international problem.

Much of the most significant and necessary reforms for the US Government to address this problem, including universal background checks for gun buyers, a new assault weapon ban, and a Federal law on arms trafficking, require action from Congress, but Congress has not acted says the think tank.

They also state that some State Governments have taken matters into their own hands, approving major reforms to prevent weapons from falling into the wrong hands.

Without doubt, Boggs argument that "the government of Obama also must do whatever is possible to stem the flow of illegal weapons across the border south. He said that these actions include the expansion and requisition of notification of sale of large weapons like rifles, currently only in effect for the border states, and full implementation of the import ban on assault rifles.

The Cartel Models

The other two "Flacas" were found dead also had a relation with the Northern Border.

The Daily Beast gave an account of what happened: the first one, named Veronica Mireya Moreno Carreon, originally from San Nicholas de los Garza, Nuevo Leon, began as a Police Officer and was even awarded by the Authorities after she was injured during a firefight with a band of possible hijackers that were trying to kidnap a car salesman.

After, Moreno Carreon joined Los Zetas Cartel. In the year 2011, the first of "Las Flacas" was arrested by the Marines, while carrying out a car theft, carrying a pistol and six cell phones. She was accused of complicity in multiple assassinations  and for trafficking of drugs. (Otis: see Ovemex account of this arrest, the first ever of a female Jefe de Plaza of Los Zetas see link)

The same year, the Authorities announced the detention of another Sicaria, of the same nickname processed as Nancy Manriquez Quintanar, originally of Ecatepec, state of Mexico. The second of "Las Flacas" participated in no less than a dozen assassinations against members of another cartel, "those of the competition", said the Daily Beast.(Otis: see Buggs article on her see link )

Now, says the American Website, both Sicarias are behind bars, the last one, who also operated with the nickname of "La Flaca", but in Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas. They say she gained notoriety in the month of January when someone posted a photo of the Sicaria on social networks and Twitter.

"aka La Flaka" was the person that published the photo, with a variation in habitual spelling. Daily Beast describes a young woman of university appearance, with a smile that does not appear false, they include some of the comments left about the photo:

Our youngster of the University, said one of the comments, "sell your gun", "buy another television" said another reference to the apparatus that appears in the image.

"The unique thing about being "La Flaca" (skinny), is that your body can fit inside a beer cooler said the American Website.

The Zone where the Sicaria operated is in the middle of a continual battle between two hyper violent factions of the Cartel del Golfo says the portal. She was with Los Ciclones faction, known previously as "Los Escorpiones", their enemies "Los Metros".

The American website cites published information in the site Borderland Beat and the blog Valor por Tamaulipas, of  a truck found abandoned in a parking lot of the city of Matamoros the weekend before last. (Otis: see the article of Lucio's mentioned see link)

In the rear part of the vehicle were three beer coolers. One of those, blue and white, was opened only to reveal a right foot naked and a right arm, skinny, with distinct tattoo saying "Nino".

The hand found in the white and blue beer cooler had the same delicate fingers, that had been supporting the assault rifle, said the American portal. With surety the body parts found were those of the last of "Las Flacas".

The other two coolers contained parts of two bodies, belonging to a second woman and man, who also may have been Sicarios for Los Ciclones.

So that there is no doubt, the rival faction, Los Metros, published a picture on Twitter of the three dead bodies, two women and one man. One of the dead women was clearly the last of the "Flacas" before being dismembered. The Nino tattoo confirmed her identity.

The image shows a woman larger than "La Flaca", nevertheless Joselyn Alejandra Nino did not seem any better than the others, points out the Daily Beast. "A violent death, does not reflect an ideal of what they were in life".

Next to the photo, Los Metros wrote two messages of contempt, filled with obscenities, with a warning that " this will be the destiny that waits for all the members of Los Ciclones".

"This is going to happen to all the Mugrozas (filthy) that support Los Ciclones of shit, they send patrols, fucking assholes, don't send old women here, we carry on cleaning the plaza atte: 65".

Here the bad luck of La Flaca makes us reflect on that, those who live by the sword die by the sword, and that which is sown, so you shall harvest. The United States also plays a role in this story: buying the drugs and selling weapons. It will remain this way, so that even another woman becoming a Sicaria with the nickname La Flaca will finish the last of the messages.

Original article in Spanish at Sinembargo


  1. We all know why the usa funds the war in mexico

    1. The banking cartels in the US run the the cartels. But the banking cabal is bigger than the U.S., it is global.
      These young ladies who kill people are pawns. Evil pawns.

    2. Yes we do because the politicos ( Obama) make a lot of money I chicago

    3. The Backbone of Mexico has always been its women. Great Mothers and wonderful wifes, this not a ex sample of a Mexican Woman, they are great ladies.

    4. The soldiers are not working. They are the problem. Tamps is a failed states, the Nacos own it

    5. Yes sir they do. they buy a key like buying a dozen roses

  2. Replies
    1. poor flaquita? yea right that fucking whore killer. thank God she's dead she was a born killer. a POS cockroach. good riddance.

    2. LOL poor flaca??? She was a natural born killer who enjoyed murdering people.

    3. 11:58AM is being sarcastic dumb asses!

    4. Was she a born killer or a product of poverty, lack of options and education, massive wealth disparity and a corrupt dystopian goverment?

    5. yea right, poor little bitch until she sneaks in your house and slits your family's throats and the pets too then sits down in your kitchen and eats with a big happy smile of satisfaction knowing she just murdered 5 more people and a whole family at that. Thank the good Lord someone killed her before she killed again.

    6. In a country that is corrupt and not only that but complicit in the abductions, murders extortion etc where taxes are stolen by government and not put back into the system to improve education health care provide a living wage improve opportunity etc etc look at the photo the most expensive thing in that room is the fuckin assault rifle she is holding is it any wonder people fall prey to the allure of easy money and a short cut to the top kids on the streets might not have the opportunity to be the next EPN or carlos slim or even but they might to be the next chapo.

    7. OMG 11:53 are you an Obama and de Blasio socialist spread the wealth banger? baahaahaa using background and education as an excuse? More like a liberal socialist.

    8. No not using it to excuse her behaviour using it to possibly explain her behaviour. Poverty and crime go hand in hand. The most crime ridden areas in countries are also the poorest . Like everyone keeps commenting look at the room she's broke as fuck.

    9. It is not so much about "spread the wealth" as it is about recovering what has been stolen from you, the privateers privatize all they can through corruption, and we recover what we can through EXPROPRIATION, how's about that?

    10. @ 3:36 is that an excuse...again? Murder people because of socio-economic difference?? Wrong! Sociopaths are born of society because it is the way they choose to live their lives! My mother prostituted herself and my father was a drunk. Yes, hell yes it affected me but today I am a doctor of science in clinical electrophysiology. I am a survivor so who are you to stereotype? Who the f%$k are you to judge and label people. we are all not failures of society. It is what is within us to do what we see as right. I never saw murder, poverty, or injustice as an excuse. I am sorry many people feel that this "is the reason" the poor and uneducated have to always turn to violence. You are wrong, so totally wrong! The majority of people here in Mexico do not feel how you Americans want to stereotype us as "because that is how it is". You are wrong, I and my friends had a choice. For many we chose the right path, the others were always thinkers outside the core. Gimme this gimme that. You are wrong! It is the conscience choices people make and it is not based on poverty, education or otherwise. I feel sorry for you and others seemingly feel you can judge us feel as a nation and how we feel. If that is how yourself and other see as to our only choices then shame on you. we are the underdogs here, we chose by way of life, I chose to help my people. You are an ignorant outsider who does not know what our society goes through except what you hear on the news. I pray for you and others who have your beliefs, mostly I pray for my people and my family knowing injustices come from both sides of the border. You have hatred in your heart where it does not belong.

    11. @336 very poor excuse indeed. poverty, crime and education is not an excuse, only for liberals to justify the means. You have a socialist way of thinking and its wrong. you are totally off base with your personal liberal ideals. it is up to the individual to make of it as you will and you have spoken your liberal tongue to blame society. It is the person, the individual not society. Wake the fuck up.

    12. We will reanimate her with reanimator green glow.injections

  3. I don't feel sorry for these women. They kill people.

  4. Mexico supplies the drugs..... the US supplies to guns....
    the US buys the drugs..... Mexico buys the guns...
    Drug =$
    Killing=US Fault????? Really??

    US guns are in how many countries? Compared to Mexican drug cartels operations??? Could it be remotely possible that these same cartels are taking these weapons with them?????? Hmmm
    I think there could be s something there.... Don't you ¿

    1. Plenty of left over hardware "AK's" come from Central America.

  5. Gun are dangerous (you can harm yourself AND others) and drugs are dangerous (you can harm yourself).

    Hence, either the US should legalized both drugs AND guns, or keep both illegal. Keeping one illegal whilst allowing the other is wrong, perverse, stupid and plainly hypocritical.

    Obviously those benefitting from the current chaos, bloodshed and mayhem (e.g. lawyers, prison operators, police, corrupt politicians, arms dealers, security firms) want to maintain the current perverse status quo for their own benefit.

  6. Esta cabron este pedo. Pero es mejor morir parados que de rodillas. No la rifamos aun así sabiendo que al final el destino de todos es morir. Todo es una contradicción pero pos allí andamos....

    1. Ni te conozco, pero no mas por este comentario me caes a toda madre. Yo creo que independientemente de lo que nos quede de vida, 6 días, 6 meses, 6 años o 6 décadas, hay que estar en paz con la idea de morir. Lo que importa es este momento, lo que estamos viendo, lo que estamos oyendo, lo que estamos saboreando, el sol en nuestra cara, la sensación del aire al chocar con nuestra piel, etc. Te voy a tener presente en mis pensamientos en tanto viva y buena suerte.

  7. Gun is bigger than pitty they all 3 chose that life...oh well day goez on.

  8. Ajajajaj these putos feeling sympathy for this cheap $2 whore tell all the family members of the victims this skank killed how they're feeling

  9. I thought AK-47 was weapon of choice for most of these people. If so, they are not made in the US and probably do not have serial numbers. If no serial number, then not possible to trace to where they are from. I doubt the Chinese and Russians are losing sleep over where their guns end up.

    1. US companies make AKs now too

    2. 7:56 russia and china are not the greedy drug trafficking partners that pay mexican mules "in species" and weapons at inflated prices, that is the US, there is nobody else...
      Only higher ranking drug traffickers there is england, they wrote the book, they own the banks, and nobody mentions them...

  10. Lol it's all the USA's fault. If it wasn't for Americas demand for drugs and American guns, all the criminals in Mexico would be honest farmers and choir boys. GTFO!!!

  11. Hahaha"not necessarily ugly". What a description! Thats totally left to the imagination que no!!

  12. No mention of the infamous Fast and Furious gun running operation masterminded my the ATF.

  13. If You Leave Me Now You'll Take Away The Biggest Part Of Me No Baby Please Don't Go - Chicago

  14. Esta puta andaba de perra flaka, pero ya se la llevo a la verga!

  15. Much of the most significant and necessary reforms for the US Government to address this problem, including universal background checks for gun buyers, a new assault weapon ban, and a Federal law on arms trafficking, require action from Congress, but Congress has not acted says the think tank. This is why we Americans believe and will not Give up the right to bear arms... Second Amendment,... A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. There have been at least three court cases infringing on the Second Amendment but i would have to wright a book to explain.... In short if this is a political attack on our right to bear arms you, whoever is pushing for more sanctions on gun purchases or amo will loose the battle. At the end it was La Flakas choice to bear arms and for good or bad she in her own mind was protecting her turf from the Metros... Now if every Mexican citizen is given the same choice or right to bear arms Mexico would be a total different.. Place like the Mexico I grew in as a kid. Yes at first it will be hell just like the wild west but then came the Peace Maker,... and uncorrupted law men... Then the wild west was tamed... Same thing would happen in Mexico if given the right to BEAR ARMS.... r.i.p. Flakita... Question was she related to Comandante Niño killed by the Metros in el CERESO de Reynosa..... Or just a coincidence NIÑO... Comandante Niño was from Ciclones, Matamoros Plaza..... Any one know....

    1. Not sure if I totally agree, USA has 31,000 gun deaths per year. That easily equals Mexicos total annually. If you compare that to another country, for instance the UK, only people who have been deeply vetted by the Police, and who have been members of gun clubs, can own weapons.

      UK has roughly 25% of the population of the United States, but we have less than 300 gun deaths per year, including suicides. Simple really if the guns are not there less people are killed. I never met anyone on my travels around USA that I thought would be likely to shoot anyone. People in USA and UK are very similar, only difference is guns per head of capita.

    2. SUICIDES account for 38% of all gun deaths. If there were no guns people would use another method. (PEW) accidents account for another chunk.

      US has 320M people, mexico has 1/3 that. our gun deaths is all inclusive, suicides, accidents etc

    3. I saw a nod given to BB (lucios post) here as well as sinembargo

    4. 11:17, the US has far more people than Mexico, so of course raw number of gun deaths will be higher...I personally have no problem with the trash in Chicago killing themselves because the majority are gangsters killing each other. Natural selection. The pro gun control people cant deal with reality because their leftists views cloud logic. The gun control arguments are so illogical and factless its getting old having to explain the truth.

    5. NRA wants it's weapons merchant members to keep making their money, fack the victims of gun violence...GREED!!!

    6. Who are the mexican weapons merchants and how much money they make?
      On the US, the ones that want a lot of weapons all over the place, are the extreme right that want to impose their law on everybody else, beer push hall style, by.mein kampf writer himself, Adolph Hitler...
      10:44 if you write the book it 'mayght' get done faster, still, nobody would read it, and that is for sure...

  16. So basically the cartels are copying off of Al-qaeda and ISIS thinking no one will suspect a woman. That went out the window long ago. Once again blame the US for all the problems. US this, US that. The recent article where 2 Mexican -Americans were caught trying to sale weapons to the cartel explains quite a bit. If it wasn't for the US and its NSA, Mexico would still be looking for Chapo and many others they recently caught. Time for Mexico to actually claim some responsibly for its lack of ability to raise children that didn't seek criminal careers.

    1. By the same token, the US lacks the ability to educate their own children to not become drug users, or to feed the prison industries population, the biggest in the world; also in spite of their education, the US harbors some of the most educated drug traffickers and money launderers, and the biggest Corporate Welfare Queens in the world, most greediest murdering weapons merchants, the most cowardly chickenhawks, AND THEIR MOST STUPID FANS AND APOLOGIZERS...

  17. Hello BB,

    I have dual citizenship, live in Mexico by choice, love this country.

    I am following the "war on drugs" since the start. When, by a huge mistake, President Calderon started it there were about 6k murders per year in Mexico, when Calderon left the office there were about 25K, that was to "protect" us. History will be a fair judge.

    As the US takes VERY serious the marketing of the "US" brand, it will never allow full understanding of the flow of money, corruption and drugs. It is very clear, Snowden was a bigger enemy than Chapo, Snowden knows, Chapo is just a criminal. If we consider that Snowden had only access to NSA documents, I wonder what is contained in DEA and CIA documents regarding arms/money/drugs traffic US-Mexico.

    It is no secret the US keeps wars going everywhere, but the deaths are of second class humans (?), Afghans, Mexicans, Colombians, Ukrainians ...

    Want to congratulate BB as it's understanding and presentation of information is being fairer, at the beginning of the war it was always Mexico to blame, or "Mexicans", now it is clear, it is an international war where parts play as suppliers, you name what they supply: Money, People, Arms or drugs. Personal interests on both sides of the border fuel the conflict.

    When you go deeper into this question it becomes harder to define a "Mexican" or an "American", you have to pick your best definition: by citizenship?, place of birth?, where the person lives?, ancestry?, religion?, cultural background?, What am I?

    Keep up the good work, show both sides of the problem, if possible make this information available in the US, maybe, the people living there will understand it is not a problem within Mexico, but an international problem that has to be addressed by the people of both countries.

    The secrecy and power both governments have with the promise of "keeping us safe" is a lie, they use it against us. It should be eroded, transparency and lower government power/control is necessary to eradicate these criminals.

    Thanks again for your hard work!

    1. Equating the corruption in Mexico to the US is laughable. But nonetheless it makes Mexicans feel better. This mentality goes along with those who believe in vast conspiracies from completely incompetent governments that cant run a single program effectively but yet somehow pull off huge cover ups. The reality is the US politians dont care enough to do anything substantial about the drug problem. They have campaigns to run and NO party wants to enforce border security or legal immigration. Its all about votes and they're all scared to upset the Hispanic population. Its much simpler than a conspiracy.

  18. Most 'christian conservatives" are gun owners, here in my state anyways. When gun and ammo sales are comes the conspiracy theories..They are coming to take our guns and ammo, lets buy more!!!!

    1. Haha such a simpeton view. So conservatives monitor guns/ammo sales and when they are low the conspiracy theories start to propagate? Ironically, it only takes Democrats to spur gun sales.

    2. Obama and events like Sandy Hook Elementary have been the best arms and ammunition dealers and sales.

    3. 11:53am
      Also, a few years back, in the USA, they caught some Christian terrorist stock piling weapons and ammo

  19. El govierno americano les giro una mala orden se equivoko el mexicano i le hicieron un desorden

  20. It's USA fault for wanting drugs and it's USA fault that the cartels wants anything Mexico's fault.

  21. escorpiones were Tony Tormentas private army and body guards then they became ciclones ? were Metros from El Hummer then became people of El M3 ? CDG so confusing

  22. When it comes to gun trafficking the US government (CIA) has to be the worlds leader. I love how the BATF tries to make it sound like some how it's the regular citizens trafficking weapons into Mexico which is total bullshit. I'm afraid when any department of the US government speaks these days you have to ask yourself just how much of what their saying is pure bullshit because they've been caught lying so often that you really cant trust anything coming from them. Plus, if Mexico wanted to stop weapons from coming over their borders why don't they check the vehicles coming into the country better then they do now, truth is they have the same problem the US does with dope coming in, money talks and bullshit walks. What it all comes down to is you have a bunch of scum bag politicians who are receiving benefits direct or indirect from drug trafficking spewing garbage to those in the public who eat up their BS because either their braindead or lazy and don't look at what's really going on, and that's on both sides of the border.

    1. And the sheep masses go right along with the politians in wanting more gun control and rights taken away. The only reason cartels get some of their guns from the US is because they are cheaper. Cartels get chemicals for meth from China already, whats a crate of 1000 AKs? No problem, except it will cost twice as much for each gun. Stopping the flow of US guns wont do shit. Grenades and rocket launchers are military grade weaponry the cartels use and come from over seas, not the US. You leftists dont realize how ignorant you sound talking about the problem is weapons from the US.

    2. One thing to CANNOT buy a fully automatic weapon in the USA.

      Most of the weapons I hear on the videos are fully automatic. I think somebody is making up the supposed numbers of weapons coming across.

    3. They can be made automatic

    4. Nope - if a semi-auto can be converted, the BATF calls those automatic weapons and forbids sales (think "Federal felony").

    5. You can buy a fully automatic weapon if the State has preemptive laws. These sales are more highly regulated but still exist. Louisiana and Nevada come to mind

    6. 10:33 maybe saddam hussein sold his 'nuculear' aluminum pipes and yellow cake stocks to the mexicans, just to make the US look bad...

  23. The quasi civil war in Mexico is their problem. Mexico is not serious about stopping the flow of guns into their country. That's why we have to do it (checking cars for money and weapons going into Mexico). They allowed the beast (Cartels) to grow. For decades they allowed them operate with complete impunity. It's just like raising a child. You let that child do whatever it wants without any repercussions. Once that child is older they are uncontrollable and take over the household. Then the parents want to blame everybody else for their failings

    1. Really good point.

    2. There is no quasi civil war in mex

    3. It all looks like there has been a Contract on Mexico, and more, since the original signers of the Declaration of the original Contract on America lost power and the rest of their shame...

  24. They want young girls cause men are stooooopid when it comes to a pretty girl! Spare parts for aks in central america? Alot of them got there during the iran contra mess! I dont care what country a man is from they become jackasses when it comes to a girl in a low cut top and short skirt!

    1. @11:37am

      Actually, Chapo started the war (the escalation in violence) and almost simultaneously the Gulf cartel split with the Zetas causing even more violence. Calderon, in a perfect storm situation, had the horrible luck of finally, as a president of Mexico, going all out against the cartels during the time of the above mentioned transgressions. It's ironic that before Calderon people would cry that Mexico's presidents weren't really going after the cartels and, now, that one did again cry because one actually did.

    2. Calderon was da u.s. puppet...

    3. Drugs and weapons traffickers Ernesto zedillo ponce de leon and his secretary of defense enrique cervantes and some (Arab camil) left mexico flooded with weapons and murdering sicarios, and ex-gafes working as police officers, arturo guzman decena z1 was one of them....
      --After murdering Guerrerenses in el Charco and Aguas Blancas, and Chiapanecos in Acteal/Chenalhó, zedillo's jundillo is a protected sicario of the US in Yale U, and enjoys sovereign impunity...

  25. All I can say is if the cartels stop stealing from the local businesses since everyone claim they are so rich, maybe some of these dead folks could have landed a good job as an alternative. Guess that is the US fault, It is my understandin much of the exported drugs go to Europe. No one ever blame them. Mexico is getting like every other country, blame the US and it will conceal our own inabilities. Guess they said it works for other nations. Why not us?

  26. The drug war should be celebrated, after all the USA profits with white money that does not need to be laundered; and far more than the 40 billion or whatever number you use of the "illegal" proceeds that Mexican suppliers earn. In the US the bankers, investment advisors, real estate agents, malls in border towns (US border towns that is) and the gun shops that are disproportionantly closer to the border than other gun stores when plotted on a map of good US law abiding gun stores. Of course there is also the US publicly traded companies that achieve vast wealth from the violence endured by the Mexican citizens. US companies that collectively sell billions through Merida funding in guns, helicopters, contractors, drones, SIGTEL, etc. - and it's all legal and employing good hard working Americans (some of which only use drugs recreationally of course). And Chicago subsidizing almost $900k to just one single dealer to keep the drugs flowing was an exceptional investment of tax dollars. The more kilos brought in and the occasional interception of diluted drugs qualifies Chicago for even more federal aid which means more US jobs for hard working Americans (again that only use drugs recreationally) and new toys for the police. Its quite an achievement to earn the title of one of Americas biggest drug hubs - great job Chicago and former Obama employee and now Chicago Mayor Rham Emanual. The drug war is really a great deal for all participants - except for 99% of Mexican citizens and the thousands of American babies born addicted to drugs and raised by addicted and disfunctional parents. But hey; my US homes aren't near the addicts and as they say, "no pain no gain"! Perhaps the best thing about the drug war is that it is a cycle that only repeats and gets bigger and better for the US economy every year, as it has since Nixon and then Reagan declared war on drugs and welfare of tax dollars to US companies, lobbyist and political campaigns. A true first world country!

    1. That's pretty much it. No wonder DEA and Mexico gave CDS a pass all these years. No dope no dough

  27. They thought is was all a game, until death came knocking and said it is time.


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