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Friday, May 22, 2015

43 Dead: After 10 Hours the government account of CJNG vs Federal Police Tanhuato Clash

Lucio R material  from Michoacan 3.0, Reforma

This is the story: 

After nearly 10 hours without making an official statement about what happened in the town of Tanhuato, Michoacán; the national commissioner for security, Monte Alejandro Rubido, said 42 alleged criminals were killed in the conflict. 

At a press conference, Rubido reported the alleged offenders initiated the attack, during which, only one federal police officer was killed

He also clarified that the shooting occurred against a cell of Jalisco Cartel New Generation.  The feds were dispatched to the property  following a complaint of their invasion of the ranch in Tanhuato. 

(That story seems off, to send that many elements after a complaint is unusual, countless properties and groves have been taken from rightful owners who often do not receive help from authorities) 

When approaching the ranch, gunmen in a vehicle opened fire when they observed the presence of the federal forces.

"With that, began a pursuit until the vehicle entered the property. 
click image to enlarge
Noting the presence of  federal forces, the remaining suspects that had inhabited the property, began shooting," he said.

The ranch has an area of ​​112 hectares and consists of a main house, a winery and large agricultural areas in which the attackers dispersed, complicating action, so the confrontation lasted nearly three hours after the criminals  retreated throughout the property" he noted.

The Commissioner said that forensic authorities continue their proceedings, so that the figures should be considered “preliminary”. 

The "preliminary" seized are n 36 rifles, a grenade launcher, 2 handguns and 50-caliber Barret, and various cartridges.

Video below is in Spanish but has images and footage from the scene.


  1. Cjng taking over

    1. They just wiped out a cell of CJNG, taking over is laughable at this point.

  2. Wow such dummy's drive the Feds right to their narco camp

    1. At least they were not innocence students what's the deal with the number 43
      So sad Mexico

  3. Now that's a thorough investigation if I have ever seen one. And it only took 10 hours to make up that bullshit story.

  4. This whole thing seems really fishy.......hmmmm

    1. Sorry for my ignorance but what would be fishy about this? Wouldn't it be just a straight fire fight between federales and cartel members?

    2. I agree. Looks like they are doing their job.

    3. In an actual firefight one doesn't usually kill 43 and take one dead. With air support and armor maybe. In colombia there were always the astounding body counts of "rebels." Sometimes they were, sometimes it was just people they knew they could get rid of to look good. Also the only way to get leave as a unit sometimes. So it is possible, but driving up and shooting 43 trained killers seems like a reach. Then again could have happened

    4. Lies followed by more lies makes anyone cynical. Federales hardly ever admit their faults.

    5. Nothing fishy here: one group of organzed crime (the mexican government) firing on another presumed group of organized crime.

      The winning group makes the videos to their own benefit (in this case placing weapons right next to or even on top of the dead bodies) so that gullible viewer swallow the bait whole.

    6. ∆ Couldn't have said it better!

  5. Pinche gobierno de mierda

  6. Cjng not looking to good. Lol

  7. Whatever the investigation was, the feds got even with these guys. Lets see who makes the next move.

  8. Im from nueva italaia michocan and over here we all scared cause we know those CJNG sicarios dont play como nostros los de michocan que nomas ladramos i a la mera ahora se nos cain los huevos ...dios bendiga a todo mexico

    1. Lame....CJNG is michoacan

    2. mentiroso lol

    3. Huevos and God mentioned n the same sentence....hilarious!

    4. It is like God only has them haches (H's) at judgement time, when nobody is the mexican states attorneys...
      -- I'd bet the farm He sells passes from hell to heaven, like popes of old used to do, in public...

  9. Itll make my week if Broly Banderas is one of the 43 dead.

    1. He is probably already been dead for a while now

    2. Like there are no bigger problems, crimes and criminals...
      --poor people bother themselves too much about el broly

  10. They set that up so they look good after cjng kick there ass in jalisco usually they never say what criminal they are and all of a sudden they know its cjng they dont want to look bad its all a SHOW

  11. There probably exist people that say all were bad people. Possibly ? Who knows ? Mexico will probably get worst & decay as the smell of death permeates from its bowels.

    1. 10:45 And you ain't smelled the US's bowels...

  12. they werent cjng,they were autodefenses but the government had to look good after their little hekicopter got shot down!

  13. probably autodefenzas getting slaughtered for not complying with the government.

  14. Fishy or not, 40-something less they'd give a crap for innocent lives.

  15. The U.S needs to Barrow some federales. These dudes are invinsible. And never get killed so they would handle Isis very good.

    1. Do you believe all reports from Mexican officials ❓

    2. RT (Russia Today), 2012 American Government Report, links US officials to ISIS... and i do not doubt any of it for a second...
      --No wonder swift boated John Kerry, a real american war hero from the vietnam war era turned turncoat, wants to wring the neck of RT and Al-jazzeera... they not playing nice...

    3. BDN is calling you home,your amongst your enemy here.People may take you seriously there..

  16. Anyone else think the cops set this shit up to get revenge from the ambush attack in April? I mean come on 40 CJNG dead and 1 federal dead.. bulllllllshit

    1. No because cjng wants el puerto De michoacan and plus cjng got there ass beat anyways by the feds and cjng tought they could beat them because of burning down stuff in jalisco

  17. you really think only 1 federal dead?? come on.. either this was a massacre of innocents or the gov. is downplaying their losses.. this seems fishy fishy FISHY.. don't believe nothing cmoing outta rubidos mouth

  18. What if a cartel (I would guess Zetas or CT, maybe CJNG) actually HIRED some federales to massacre some low skilled autodefensas in Tanhuato so that that specific cartel could go back to Tanhuto with no problems.. then the federales just told the people it was a shootout between them and a cartel.. IDK man seems a bit suspiscous

  19. it took 10 hours so the Federales could round up enough local residents to execute them and then take pictures of them so they could say they won.

  20. Lucio, I know it is early in the investigation, but has there been anything reported about the owners of the ranch. If nothing has been reported, maybe some of our readers might have some info on that.

    If the govt. reports are correct (and we know how that goes) and the cartel was in the process of taking over the ranch before the balacera started it would be interesting to hear what the ranch owners have to say.

    1. We were talking about that last night. No, we have no heard of the owners. Someone on BB had another good point, no bullet impact holes on walls. I observed little bleed out surrounding bodies, nor masses of bullet casings.

      It could be Tlatlaya 2.0

    2. The gob says the sicarios dispersed to the fields, so most of the shooting occurred there. Quien sabe?

    3. DD, this report says locals say the ranch had been abandoned for a while. Mayor of Ecuandureo (Rubio and most press reported the wrong municipality) said there were no complaints filed about a group taking over the ranch.

      I think it all started with an anonymous call that people had seen some heavily armed guys entering the ranch, and they just looked out of place. Then a small group of FP went it... and then the shit hit the fan.

      The ranch was used as a refuge for CJNG fleeing Jalisco after increased security was sent there:

      Of course it's possible, or likely, CJNG had driven off the owners some time ago, planning to use it as a base for more incursions into Michoacán. Often these incidents are never reported, as Lucio alluded to.

  21. 36 rifles and 43 killed sicarios ... The difference is 7.

  22. Who cares how it happened, less scumbags in the world. Only people I feel sorry for are the original owners of that ranch and that officer killed. Maybe now that town in Michoacan can be a better place without those dead assholes.

    1. One more property for miguel angel osorio chong's collection of properties...

  23. Payback is a bitch...seems like pena nieto is even getting tired of the people who put him in power...maybe he finally told the marinos "do what you have to do"....whatever it is 43 cucarachas less in Mexico....

    1. 43, again, only this time the carcasses were left there for all to see, narco-huarachudos with billions of dollars hidden on swiss accounts...
      -- believe or expect from this pinchi gobierno de mierda, nothing but lies and murder...

    2. Yea that's true because the sicarios Kill innocent Peopl

  24. There were more dead bodies than there were weapons confiscated... just saying

  25. I think these numbers are being exaggerated and/or manipulated in someway. It doesn't make sense. 42 dead narcos and 1 dead federale? Seems like a mass execution of some sort. Maybe the narcos (and maybe some innocents) were captured, executed and then the scene was staged.

  26. There is tantito miedo here in Michoacan for talking with la prensa SSP o soldados. When they come to my casa asking permiso to look at mi huerta there is always a chamaco near with big ears. He is a halcon for his papa.

    1. Since my family is from michoacan we have a house over there so when we go on vacation and we went on vacation last year and when we left hacons started to my house and look out for the marine , police, feds

  27. I just noticed the video had been removed by the poster, I have reposted the video. I have not watched it in full so am uncertain if it has been edited or material added.

  28. 42 dead narcos and only 1 dead federale? This sounds like a straight up mass execution. Yes there is a video of the balacera shot by CJNG members, so there was an altercation. But maybe the narcos were later caught, executed, and the scene was then staged. Wouldn't be surprising whatsoever.

  29. Once again EPN has ordered the media to feed the general population bull manure. We will never know the truth about anything as long as el PRI remains in power.

  30. I saw shell casings on the ground.... I think there is not a high concentration of them because the sicarios were dispersed... so they were shot in groups of 1 or 2. Sometimes I think there is a little too much conspiracy theory here on BB. Sometimes a carte vs Fed/Army etc etc shootout is just that. And I think they were under heightened mode after the events of May 1. My 2 cents. I think it's legit.... almost all of the shooters were wearing or holding or had been holding AR15s.... pretty clear sign of sicarios and not ranch workers to me.

    1. What agency do you work for?

  31. I'm wondering where are all the chalecos and rifles don't they usually wear camo in all the pictures they always have a military look going on

  32. hace falta una revolucion. chinge su madre el puto gobierno. k vivan mis generales zapata y villa si vaa ver mas sangre k sea p mejorar mi mexico

  33. And regarding those photos in that link I sent, notice how little blood is pooled up. One nice thing about dead people is they tend to stop bleeding: their hearts stop pumping blood. Also, wounded people have their blood move from the extremities (ie limbs) to their internal organs. Survival mechanism. They can bleed a lot, but it slows down. Usually the blood starts to pump again once you get intravenous started, especially blood. Just a lesson for you clueless bozos who post here like you are some kind of experts. That is one of the problem with journalists who tend to be poorly educated and inexperienced.

    1. Know-it-all-but-wrong-bozo

      The heart will continue to pump for a few minutes, only when it completely stops so does bleeding. Even if shot in the heart. Blood will pump for 4 minutes or longer. Some cases record over an hour.

      You are assuming much that 43 men were killed instantly, and that is rarely the case in a shootout.

      Stop relying on anything google sends your way. be selective. In medical school the standard on gunshot wounds is Di Miao's book by the same name

    2. War of the educated professors!!! Thank you...

    3. Let the intellectual's argue in peace..
      Thanks Professors

  34. todos sabemos que los operadores de las fuerzas especiales de estados unidos están trabajando con el ejército mexicano. He visto hombres blancos americanos disfrazados de llevar armas automáticas en uliacan, Monterrey y Hidalgo del Parral. El mes pasado un jeep grand cherokee negro aceleró al lado de mi familia y yo, ya que se dirigían a casa de una fiesta. los hombres que conducían eran americanos y ellos estaban mirando nosotros Oking muy duro para alguien.

  35. joaquin lopez doriga will report the truth just like he did when the normalistas de Ayotzinapa were taken and killed by the narcos oops I meant to say police.

    1. Oops, 43 kidnapped and disappeared by the military, orders from above, way up high...

  36. ... 22 Caliber To The Back Of The Heads I Bet On The Guys Next The Farm Equipement ... All Of Them Are Laid Out Straight, Either On Their Backs Or Face Up ... Fishy Story/Explanation Coming From Novela Watching Government Officials ...

  37. Seems like the CJNG got a taste of their own shit they've been dishing out. They're run is over. Mancha will be hunted down or prob snitch on the Valencias and lieutenants to buy more time on the run.

  38. Regime change coming to CJNG!
    Bye Bye Mencho!

  39. I sure hope these 43 are not innocent kidnapped/autodefensas. If they are Mexico will be in deep sh1t.

  40. Compruebe la granja de latas de cerveza y condones. Si esas 2 cosas están presentes entonces sabemos que es Jalisco Nueva Generación Cártel sicarios.

    1. AND save the evidence for @6:49 pm

  41. They used the number 43 so people forget and get confused about Ayotzinapa... Their plan is to associate number 43 with sicarios, (and make people believe that it is the same case, so students = sicarios).

    Wake up people!!!


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