Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Milenio article
[ Subject Matter: Cartel leaders arrested, All Cartels
Recommendation: Some basic knowledge of current Mexican cartels would be useful ]
Reporter: Ruben Mosso
The Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion is the criminal group that has received the least strikes against its leadership, well only three members of the organisation have been affected by Federal forces, that formed part of the 122 priority objectives of the Federal Government are seeking to capture.
Until today, they have given a parade of 93 criminals, 91 of which the PGR revealed their names this passed 8th of May. Between them 14 have been killed.
In response to a request for information, the PGR signalled that the major part of the detained and dead are from Los Zetas.
From 2013 until today, 26 Zetas were captured, while a further 5 lost their lives while confronting Federal Forces.
Among the detainees is the absolute leader of Los Zetas, Miguel Angel Trevino Morales "El Z-40", Tomas Mauricio Sifuentes Garcia "El Mega", Vincente Molina Morales "El Vincentillo" and Ramiro Perez Moreno "El Rama". In the list of fallen are Angel Aguirre Uscanga Marin, Cruz Alberto Zamudio de la Rosa "La Cucha" and Jose Hernandez Martinez "El Enano", to name but a few.
In second place we find the Cartel del Poniente, a criminal group that operate in the North of the Country, particularly in Zone La Laguna (adjacent to Coahuila and Durango). Otis: see Chivis and Valor's lowdown on this crew see link.
In the last few years this criminal band have protagonized confrontations with Los Zetas and Los Cabrera, this last group move drugs for the Sinaloa Cartel. Otis: see Buggs lowdown on this crew Los Cabrera see link.
Until now there have been 17 leaders of this group detained. Some of the criminal are named as: Aurora Rodriguez Montoya, Carlos Frederico Aguilar Chaires, Vicentillo, Daniel Garcia Avila "El Danny" and Francisco Centeno Vela "El Negro" or "La Barredora", among others.
The Sinaloa Cartel maintains third place in priority objectives, already 12 leaders have been captured and three more have been killed.
Among the detained are, the boss Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, Alejandro Cabrera Sarabia, Francisco Javier Pulido Oropeza "El Pinchas", Abraham Inzunza Inzunza "El Wico" and Luis Ricardo Centeno Vela "El Mongol".
For the other part, Gabino Salas Valenciano "El Inginiero", Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza "El Macho Prieto" and Jesus Rodrigo Fierro Ramirez "El 11", are the leaders that lost their lives fighting the Federal Forces.
Meanwhile the Cartel del Golfo occupy the fourth slot, who have had 5 of their leaders captured and one more killed.
A few of these are currently facing penal processes they are: Eleno Salazar Flores "El Leno", Emilio Montes Sermeno and Juventino Palacios Gonzalez "El Secre". The leader reported killed was Galdino Mellado Cruz "El Mellado", who was one of the founders of Los Zetas.
Following on in fifth place is the Juarez Cartel, with five priority objectives achieved like their leader Vincente Carrillo Fuentes "El Viceroy", Alejandro Arias Barrera "El Grande", David Aaron Espinoza Haro "El Secre", Omar Javier Llamas Orta "La Guapa", and Alberto Esteban Carrillo Fuentes "Betty la fea", brother of "El Viceroy".
In sixth place we find the Caballeros Templarios, with three detainees and and two killed. Above all the capture of Servando Gomez Martinez "La Tuta" or "El Profe", and the death of Nazario Moreno Gonzalez "El Chayo" or "El Mas Loco", and Enrique Plancarte Solis "Kike Plancarte".
Following on in seventh is the Beltran Leyva Organization with three detentions, La Familia Michoacana with two detentions and one dead, and the Cartel Arellano Felix with two captures.
In respect of the CJNG, the Federal Government has detained the following priorities, Jose Bernabe Brizuela Meraz "La Vaca" and Rafael Vincente Mendoza "El Arete". Of this group who lost their lives are, Juan Carlos Carranaza Saavedra "El Naca".
Keys of the higher danger
In Mexico there are nine cartels that operate through 43 criminal cells, without doubt the CJNG is considered the most dangerous.
Organizations like Los Zetas and CDG have been rendered less dangerous by strikes at their structure, as well as disputes among themselves.
Original article in Spanish at Milenio
They forgot el lobo y el 85.
ReplyDeleteEl lobo was not in cjng
Deleteel lobo was part of the milenio cartel before it grew into cjng. basically it's the same.
Deleteel lobo ratted on cuini and his bros when lobo got busted! they had a connect to europe! he Fked it all up for them! Rat!!!
Deletemencho wasnt milenio!! cuini and them were because of their brother un law armando valencia,they did shit on their own but were associated to them cause of his bro in law
DeleteZetas is not what it was 3-4 years ago.
ReplyDeleteZ40 gave los z that rep
DeleteComo chingaos no, without leaders, the setas are the same maruchaneros muertos de hambre, still exploited by any police officer that has their claws on them...
DeleteFor the lower levels nothing changes...
hence the title of this story
Deleteputo zetas were never anything to begin with, biting the hand that made them.
DeleteSinaloa,- El 8 de febrero de 1975, cuando Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán Loera tenía 17 años, llegaron tres helicópteros llenos de soldados y policías al caserío al lado de su pueblo natal, La Tuna, que en aquellos años no tenía más de 250 habitantes, todos conocidos y parientes. Los agentes del gobierno bajaron de las aeronaves justo afuera de un caserío llamado San José del Barranco que no llegaba a los 120 habitantes y estaba a unos 200 metros bajando el cerro.
ReplyDeleteLo primero que hicieron fue recorrer el pueblo mostrando sus armas. Para iniciar la visita, para que aflojaran, juntaron a algunas mujeres, las golpearon y las desnudaron.
No se supo con exactitud qué pasó después. Lo que sí llegaron a contar los habitantes de San José del Barranco en La Tuna es que balacearon a dos chamacos, uno de 11 y otro de 12 años. Me imagino que por el enojo, más de un hombre se les puso al brinco. Así ha de haber sido, porque le dieron una caldeada a Marcos Álvarez. Se tranquilizó a punta de balazos. A diferencia de los chamacos, a quienes gracias a Dios no les pasó nada, a Marcos le destrozaron el pie. Lo bueno que fue el pie izquierdo, que si hubiera sido el derecho ya ni renguear hubiera podido.
Los habitantes de La Tuna y San José del Barranco estuvieron muertos de coraje durante mucho tiempo. Los días siguientes, las mujeres del pueblo se organizaron. La más encabronada era Francisca Núñez, porque los guachos le habían robado diez mil pesos pesos, un dineral (unos 800 dólares de aquel año).
Primero Doña Francisca Núnez se juntó con un bolón de gente para poner la queja al Juez Menor de La Tuna, Don Heraclio Laija Cano. Luego, luego, ahí iban con ella Guadalupe Álvarez Núñez, Eugenia Álvarez, Leonarda Álvarez, Sofía Álvarez, Esthela Angulo, María Araujo, Juana Beltrán, Adolfina Beltrán, Isaura Loera, Hilario Rosales, María Sauceda y Reynalda Zepeda
Don Heraclio escuchó y despachó la denuncia de la mejor manera que pudo, aunque sabía que muchas de sus denuncias no llegarían ni a los escritorios de las autoridades en Culiacán.
ReplyDeleteLuego de ponerle la queja a Don Heraclio Laija, como pudieron, bajaron a Culiacán para conseguir los servicios de Jesús Michel Jacobo, un licenciado que tenía su despacho en el departamento 104 de un edificio en la esquina de las calles Obregón y Rosales. Este licenciado, que era conocido en el medio judicial culichi como El Hitler, puso la denuncia ante Manuel Carcano Treviño, Agente del Ministerio Público Federal (MP).
El Hitler hizo explícito que sus clientes querían que las autoridades investigaran y castigaran a los responsables de las arbitrariedades que sufrieron. El Hitler sabía que muchas de estas solicitudes de investigación no prosperaban y mucho menos si los denunciados eran autoridad. Quizá por eso decidió mandar copia del oficio al gobernador de Sinaloa, Alfonso C. Calderón, al procurador General de Justicia, Pedro Ojeda Paullada, al secretario de Gobernación, Mario Moya Palencia, y hasta al presidente de la República, Luis Echeverría Álvarez.
¿Por qué habrá sido que el agente del MP Carcano Treviño ni atención puso a la denuncia por arbitrariedades de los pobladores de aquella región de la sierra sinaloense que tanto furor causa en la narcoliteratura de nuestros días?
Mi respuesta es sencilla: porque no era necesario. En aquellos tiempos, sólo uno que otro gringo perdido hablaba de derechos humanos y los operativos militares eran un recurso del gobierno mexicano para adelantarse a las solicitudes del gobierno estadunidense de combatir la producción y el tráfico de drogas desde donde se originaban. Mandaban helicópteros y avionetas a que destruyeran plantíos en los lugares de producción y trasiego más señalados por funcionarios en Washington con muy pocos recursos y con menos conocimiento de la vida social en aquellos pueblo.
Los soldados y militares frecuentemente abusaban de su poder. Robaban y mataban porque era la forma en que se entendía el ejercicio de la autoridad en los años dorados del gobierno autoritario del PRI, el tercermundismo internacional y las políticas económicas de “desarrollo compartido” del presidente Echeverría.
Luego de recoger la denuncia, convencido de que nadie en la línea de mando reclamaría, el agente del MP se limitó a publicar un comunicado para la prensa local en que se afirmaba como verdad única la versión de los acusados: los judiciales y soldados, decía, repelieron una agresión de los pobladores de San José del Barranco, cerca de la Tuna, en Badiraguato, Sinaloa. En ese trance fue herido Marcos Álvarez y recogieron una pistola 38 super y otra 22 star.
Los sierreños, pero sobre todo las sierreñas que se quejaron de que las “desnudaran”, golpearan y robaran, así nomás, se indignaron, criticaron la versión del agente del MP y negaron haber disparado en algún momento. A nadie parece haberle importado el pataleo justiciero.
No he logrado localizar ninguna nota de periódico que narre el episodio, y no quedaron huellas del comunicado de prensa. Mucho menos llegó la discusión a los libros de historia regional o de las drogas y el narcotráfico. El único rastro que quedó del evento fue un informe del agente de la Dirección de Investigaciones Políticas y Sociales, uno de los famosos espías, de la Secretaría de Gobernación
Por qué el agente de Gobernación en Culiacán, que firmaba como J.F.C., decidió escribir a sus jefes un informe sobre un incidente en un poblado minúsculo de Sinaloa?
ReplyDeleteMi respuesta se presta a practicidades burocráticas y metáforas historiográficas.
Del lado burocrático, es evidente que el agente de Gobernación no quería que el secretario revisara la denuncia del Hitler sin que hubiera más información sobre los escritorios de funcionarios en la Ciudad de México. Dicho fácil, escribió el informe para cubrir su espalda ante los jefes en caso de que la arbitrariedades tomaran relevancia.
Durango, Chihuahua y Sinaloa producen marihuana a montones, según dicen fuentes gringas, desde los años treinta. La Tuna y San José del Barranco están justo en el punto de la Sierra Madre Occidental, conocido entre los funcionarios estadounidenses como el triángulo dorado, porque es donde colindan los tres estados.
Desde los años cuarenta, pero especialmente durante los setenta cuando Richard Nixon declaró la “guerra contra las drogas” desde Estados Unidos, los pobladores de la Sierra Madre se acostumbraron a vivir con la presencia permanente del Ejército y las policías. No entendían que los agentes del Estado estaban allí para proteger los intereses de la nación, sino todo lo contrario. Los soldados y policías aparecían como enemigos de los habitantes de estas zonas alejadas. Frecuentemente les quitaban lo poco que producían legal o no, eso era irrelevante —o por lo menos, esas ideas de la ley existían en una especie de realidad aparte de la vida comunitaria— para mantenerse y asegurarle la vida a los hijos.
A la distancia me pregunto qué relación habrá tenido la señora Isaura Loera, por ejemplo, con Doña María Consuelo Loera, la madre del Chapo. En 1975, los parientes del ahora famoso Chapo tuvieron mucho en qué pensar, mucha frustración por compartir, harto coraje. A la pobreza y la marginación, se agregaron los abusos a las familias y vecinos por parte de los representantes del gobierno. A los abusos del gobierno se agregó la muerte de toda esperanza de justicia ante ministerios y licenciados que parecían burlarse. Entre las burlas se potenció un negocio ilícito multimillonario.
Le dimos unos años de lipsidiación a la receta y obtuvimos un enemigo público de clase mundial y un bandido popular como pocos
they seem to have left out any mention of the biggest cartel of all... the municipal presidents, the state fiscalia, and state governors. like albarca and worse.
ReplyDeleteReal clever.
Delete... that cartel goes by the name "The Establishment" and includes those you mentioned as well as the corrupt judges, the corrupt military officials, the corrupt prosecutors, the corrupt attornies, the corrupt business men and the corrupt bankers.
DeleteMost affected cuz Omar The Z Snitch Treviño spat out names like crazy after he got busted. Hahahaha
ReplyDeleteYou forgot omar aguilar and that guy that got busted in Reynosa from the cdg among others
ReplyDeleteAnd where are the other low profile founders like chocotorro, erotico (supposed to be dead but never confirmed) chuta ( who used to be an enforcer for juarez in cancun before giving it to the zetas), priciliano yepis, comandante sol? I guess PRI hire them back..
ReplyDeleteNope they are all dead
DeleteEl Erotico has never been rumored to be dead. Not to say I am 100% correct but I have been following the drug war for awhile and El Erotico has always been alive and uncaptured. Chivis could you correct me if I am wrong please Señora.
DeleteTo my knowledge you are correct, I have not seen that rumor, but to be fair, maybe BDN or another narco blog published that rumor? Don't know.
DeleteThanks Chivis
DeleteLazcano was also "dead" before getting shot by marines randomly in 2012 not buying that without a specific report confirming their deaths or captures.
DeleteI like how a couple articles on cjng ,can sway everyone into believing that they're "the new greatest threat" in mexico. The U.S. officials provided all the details and info and everyone ate it up. Hasta la vista DEA sex scandal , hola cjng "wealthiest most dangerous cartel of all time" smh
ReplyDeleteSway? you have not been paying attention to the last 2 years here at BB.
DeleteYou must be new?
The DEA sex scandal. Yea so like we've done that and have moved on. I mean how long can we bitch and complain about that farce before we can officially move on. Stop living in the past and look at the fact that people are dying because of whatever cartel is rising to the spotlight. Sex hasn't killed anybody inside the DEA or elsewhere. Stay with the times.
DeleteThe druggies of the USA should be arrested and sent to Mexico . send addicts to The streets of Reynosa and Juarez . Americans love cocaine and marijuana so much .. heroin and meth . Since they are the final purchase in the chain of supply and demand lets see if they love to fight for a plaza do beheadings get in a shootout with military jaja Americans = Junkies
ReplyDeleteI not agre with your comentary. Not all american are yunkys like you said most americans are people desente. And smart not like your coments come to the usa with your stupids cartels i garanted in less one round are in. Jail or death.
DeleteAgree with your comment
Actually i am American . born and raised . But unlike the 70% of Americans i am drug free . i dont contribute to this chain . It sounds so harsh i know but guess what its the truth . Potheads , meth addicts , hollywood and its coke addicts musicians Athletes soccer moms on pills . yep we got a problem . We are not far from the border , yet we turn a blind eye to the gruesome madness happening as we txt jaja . Now what can we do to help out well we can start by staying drug free . And i know now im unpatriotic right ? not really we are allowed to self analize as a society . Or do you guys want to see what a cartel is capable of in small town America . its nasty . for your info i pay my taxes i have a clean record i contribute to my country . But lets get real we are druggies as a nation . Yunkys like you said
DeleteWhy addicts? Most addicts could barely wipe their own ass. I know plenty of hardcore mofos who would love nothing more than to show these cartels how to fight a drug war. Some hard charging crazy mother humpers who got some major skills in the killing department. And I bet most of the citizens wouldn't even know they were there. Just the bodies of the enemy left behind as evidence. No big shootouts just some minor disturbances. Quick and quiet is how we like it. But hey you guys don't want that. You don't want some blood thirsty American Merc down there in dear old Mexico. Nah, the status quo will do. Mexicans killing Mexicans for drug plazas will suffice just fine. That's the way it is suppose to be because that's what the people allow. Nice fantasy though.
DeleteAbraham Inzunza Inzunza was arrested in Puerto Peñasco?
ReplyDeleteLos Pinos?
ReplyDeleteIf anyone is interested the new leaders are Comandante Wuevo,Marquiz,Pimpon,Grande,Maxiley,Tanga,Viejito,Chanio.
ReplyDeleteViejito,Pimpon of Nectar Lima?
DeleteAny info on El Bonice hit in Apatzingan? He as a leader of the autodefensas there.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know what's happening with Z40 now??
ReplyDeleteSince when has el peque been detained? Never herd about that.
ReplyDeleteSince the day macho Prieto was supposdly killed they arrested him that same day.
Deleteel 85 and 53 have been on lock for a while. now el cuni as well. thats most of their leadership. ng has always been taking hits. this is just more propaganda for the feds to go after cjng.
ReplyDeleteGrupo atracomulco is the biggest cartel for the most money and with all the power to manipulate politics and money stealing from all the mexicans, now with the Cartel de las Lomas in the presidency they are untouchable, and with the "friendship" of the US in their pocket they are almost saintly, and have all the government apparatus kissing their ass,.while people hates more and more every passing day...
ReplyDeleteThat's true, it's located in morelos and it's where they get presidents of Mexico. That's why most presidents are from south mexico like michoacan jalisco and mexico city.
DeleteHave these 'strikes' against the cartels lead to less drugs on the street? NO!
ReplyDeleteHave they increased the prices of drugs on the street? NO!
Have they at least lead to reduction in the potency of the drugs on the street? NO!
Have they lead to a reduction in violence? NO!
Have they lead to a reduction in corruption? NO!
Is the 'war on drugs' about to be won? NO
Has the war on drugs enriched those providing hardware and services to waging this war? YES!
Has it caused suffering to 100.000's (if not millions) of innocent people? YES!
Could it be that the war on drugs is a sham by the corrupt elite to make sure they remain in power? YES!
Could it be that the war on drugs is a sham to wage class warefare against poor people? YES!
Should the war on drugs be stopped? YES!
Should drugs be legalized allowing each individual the freedom to fuck themselves up without others suffering the consequences if they wish to? YES!
If someone is high on any type of drug their actions do affect others. Not every one can operate under the influence. It's no different than those who drink and drive. Accidents will increase tenfold. Crime will also increase. Your views are ignorant.
DeleteAnswer is: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Deletethat's Politicos in the US and Mexico. DEA and CIA r so crooked
Damnit, I like your style, do i? YES
DeleteHowever, free drugs privileged by the federal government would be the best option, in my view, decriminalization and provide help, for a much less expensive approach
Where is Z40 and what is happening with him? Does anyone know if he's being extradited, and therefore locked away? Or staying in Mexico, and therefore probably just being let go?
ReplyDeleteI believe Z40 is currently in Altiplano no 1, he has launched several amparos against extradition and has launched an amparo to get himself moved from altiplano, probably to the piedras negras prison where 160 zetas escaped from in one go.
DeleteWhere did you read about these amparos? I've read just about everything I can find on Z40, and may have read something about the first one, but definitely not about the amparo to get out of altiplano. Is there an article? Thanks!
DeleteYes I reported this back in Feb originally copy and past this into your browser
PGR will slant anything for the president, especially in an election year. gov sources are not the best.
ReplyDeleteno compares a Lazcano con Trevino. Es una falta de respeto al Z3!!
ReplyDeleteLazcano was the muscle and trevino was the brain if you knew anything about them you would have known that
DeleteLazcano WAS the logistics (the brain) and muscle too. Trevino was useful because he knew english and had contacts in the USA that formed in jail through his different daddies. His organization was chaotic, like a big gang instead of a paramilitary group .
DeleteAll I know is that nuevo laredo is still under complete control by los zetas they are the only cartel that aren't fighting themselves
ReplyDeleteTu lo es dicho no se estan peleando entre ellos pero te aseguro que esta lleno de puros dedos ahí con los Z si no preguntales a Los Treviños.
DeleteViva la marina!!!!!! Tetaz don't control most of mex anymore
DeleteTetaz when apprehended cry like bitches ask zorra 42
DeleteHey now those where tears of joy .