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Saturday, May 9, 2015

Jalisco: When attacked, Helicopter was in low altitude, allowing paratroopers to rappel

Lucio R. Borderland Beat republished from Reforma

Several of the paratroopers jumped from the aircraft Pilot shot first

Click on image to enlarge
Lucio: Could this become any more convoluted and confusing? Yet, this account rings true.

Residents had reported the attacked occurred in the hours of darkness, despite the government saying it was daylight. This would also explain why the government thought there were missing/abducted soldiers. 3 had begun to rappel when attacked; therefore the aircraft was flying low. Low enough for the pilot to be shot and killed straight away. As I reported previously, one of Mencho’s greatest defensive tools is the collusion of government forces on his payroll. Municipal, state and federal forces, funnel intelligence to the capo, assisting in his evading capture.

This is a prime example, he was tipped off, and was waiting and prepared. The element of surprise planned by the government, was flung in their face by C.J.N.G.

From Reforma:

The operation took place in the wee hours of May 1, not daylight, as was officially stated. The aim was to catch Nemesio Oseguera, "El Mencho",

Reforma is reporting that its sources close to the failed operation that the plan was a familiar one, one used to catch capos in the past.   Federal Forces moved guided by intelligence information to the area where the leader of the Cartel Jalisco New Generation (CJNG) was located.

The operating tried for a repeat of success, by implementing a surprise deployment I the hour between 3 and 4 AM.  Ideally when El Mencho would least suspect an attack and is most vulnerable.
Helicopter aerial surveillance was the key to the arrest. This happened, for example, with the arrest of Miguel Trevino, alias "Z40", arrested in July 2013 on a road south of Nuevo Laredo.

But this time the plan failed.

The Helicopter  was carrying paratroopers

The Mexican Air Force heliopter was gunned down at Casimiro Castillo-Villa Purificación Highway.

The helicopter was carrying parachutists that would rappel down to support an operation on the ground, which was deployed to intercept a convoy protecting the CJNG capo. [Who was supposed to  in the municipality of Tonaya]

The first three riflemen descended down, while the aircraft held position to accommodate their decline.  The three touched ground when they were met with gunfire.

This is a photo of the truck illustrated in the Reforma chart #3 at top.
The steel shield mount was for what authorities called "machine gun".
From the mounted weapon 3 shots were fired one killing the pilot, Shooter
of RPGis standing behind the truck and shot one projectile to the tail section.

The low position of the helicopter was perfect for El Mencho’s loyalists to initiate their assault. 

Their first target was the pilot, who was killed by shooting.  Then came the first RPG impact and it was that impact that brought down the helicopter. 

Some soldiers jumped. Several were caught in trees. Others were burned.

Refoma sources said that El Mencho was aware of the pending operation by the feds and  had convoys out searching for them. 

And in the mayhem, “El Mencho” premier leader of Cartel Jalisco New Generation, escaped.

It was, the fifth time that the head of CNJG eluded security forces.

 Previous failed capture attempts

The Army, Navy and Federal Police operations have been implemented since 2010 to capture Mencho, but without success.

CJNG Mencho loyalists disrupt capture operations by  narcobloqueos, fires or direct confrontations with the police, to distract and allow their leader to flee.

  • In November 2010, authorities placed him near the Ángel Leaño Hospital, north of Guadalajara. but when reaching the location, no one was found, just 40 kilos of the drug known as "crystal" and two AR-15’s.
  • On August 25, 2012, another capture operation was mounted at the municipality of Tonaya sparking violence in dozens of blocks in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, but the capo once again escaped.
  • A month later, the feds conducted another operation, in the division Terranova in Guadalajara. They stopped 4 of his henchmen, but not the boss.
  • In July 2013, he was located in the municipality of El Grullo, and he managed to escape again.


  1. This does compute! Excellent post kudos to Reforma and BB's Lucio (always at the breaking news gate)

    And big props to BB for taking the mencho speaks post down. I thought I was at BDN and I stopped going there after Lucy.

    THIS is what I come to this website for.

    1. Yep, succinct, it is a pity that it is so far away from the "border point" and it may offend some "border purists" and their payasadas...

  2. believable scenario.

    thanks lucio

  3. Ok now this is more makes sense. I'm surprised it was only one helicopter , for a battle of this magnitude it should have been a cluster fuck....but again is mexico and nothing surprise me anymore....

  4. Now...that actually makes some sense..good sense, at that.Getting the truth from the govt, is like pulling teeth from a Momma Bear....You might get the teeth, but it's gonna take some effort!

  5. Rip to those that want a better México "Paratroopers"



    1. Puro vato joto de jalisco puro CTGM arriba EL PROFE y su gente leal

    2. Tourism is fucked up all over mexico, tourists got tired of the cheap chinese knock off mexican Artesanias way before mencho started messing it up in your dreams.
      Blame the murderous mexican governing narco-mierdocracia that had no foresight to renovate and rejuvenate but did not doubt when it had to protect their turf by murdering the students they led to their trap in mexico68 tlatelolco...
      -- many of the government forces involved went on to become drug trafficking puppet masters, and are billionaires today, like Carlos slim helu and co.

  7. Need to arm those choppers with missiles that can disintegrate those narco convoys and not need to be concerned about rappelling down to the ground and being picked of by the CJNG scum.

    1. Hey brother, we already have missiles on helicopters, as we have heavy armored vehicles, and vehicles with missiles. Unfortunately, we are living during a time when everyone has cameras and no one understands the job we do. People will cry out if we unleash weapons of war against these "civilians" scum. Thank you for your support.

    2. 1:47 hey sister, what the fuck are you doing there on helicopters loaded with weapons you can not use?
      --I wonder who is more stupid you or your bossy commanders, but you volunteered your itchy ass to go killing them exotic people's, armed or not, just for being around, with impunity, for you were just following orders, I understand how hard it is for you to restrain yourself for the time being...

    3. 11:02 jesus why are you so angry? get mad at the policy not at your armed forces.

  8. This makes sense. I posted a comment on the recent post about everyone wanting answers immediately which is next to impossible. Especially at a war zone. One question was. "Why were they flying so low?", by many assuming they were flying low to engage in fighting from the helicopter. Well a sensible answer has surfaced. I understand many people concern about corruption and and transparency, but if I had a loved one involved I would want facts not fiction. Answering questions within an hour of an incident is just plain nonsense. It takes time to gather info. If BB printed stories without researching facts, we would all be mislead. So if patience is allowed in on scenario, why not the other?

    1. Just copy and paste with a warning, 'needs confirmation',
      --And send the critics where the sun don't shine...

  9. El mayo zambada has escape 19 time from marines and military and ex gafes it just show how much they suck im not going to be suprise if mencho escapes 5 times more

    1. Top leaders have always whistleblowers, even from the very govt forces..

    2. The Mexican forces need to stop worrying about taking these criminals alive. Borrow a few drones with missiles from the gringos and just kill the bastards.

    3. Trust me, Mexican military does not suck at all, believe me. This actually just show the level of corruption in Mexico. Always somebody informing top narcos before they move in.

  10. What really is happening is the gringoization of the militar. This is going to make it happen faster. Advisors with experience from Afghanistan. Can you tell a latino from a Mexicano? I can't. Pretty soon there are going to be dozens. In Vietnam the Americans took the war away from the Vietnamese ARVN for exactly the same reason. If you think gobernacion is not scared you are crazy. PRI is in trouble and they will sell their soul to not look like stupid assholes in front of la gente. ¿Como se llama los soldados de recompensas?

    1. mercenaries? soldiers of fortune? no se... yo digo guachos jajaja

    2. Asshole millie and the anti US jive,BB should do something about this racist clown

    3. Bounty Hunters, all they need to do is go around asking, where is el mencho lives, amigooo? And voila, you attack the house front door and arrest el mencho and his underage queridas...which you can keep with the bounty and retire to a good life full of margaritas and micheladas and young underage boys, because american male bounty hunters like it like that...


  11. Habla "El Mencho" no somos terroristas, estamos preparados para responder, el gobierno apoya al CDS

    / Etiquetas: CJNG / Comments: ( 3 )

    Una supuesta carta firmada por Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes "El Mencho" fue publicada el día de ayer en donde El Mencho dice no ser unos terroristas ademas de que tienen vigiladas todas las acciones del gobierno, acusan al gobierno de estar aliados al Cartel de Sinaloa para exterminar al CJNG, también dice el comunicado que fueron otros 3 los helicópteros derribados, ante cualquier acción del gobierno dicen...
    THIS IS ON Diario del Narco:El Blog del Narco

    1. Diario del Narco is b.s bro

    2. It is bro. Look up "blog del narco-Lucy".

    3. Porque voy a escrebir cartas, yo no tengo nada que ver con naiden, con naiden.
      Atentamente: El Mencho

  12. But look where mayo hides la Sierra in caves MENCHO hide in towns so it will easier to get caught

    1. Lol, that was funny, no drug lord hides in the sierra anymore, not these days, you could buy many things with money, even governors or military personel.

    2. Mayo is a mountain type. He likes the ranch life. Chapo biggest mistake was leaving the sierra.

  13. Saludos ala raza de villa purificacion Jalisco, autlan, la Eca, jirosto te andas quedando atras. Andan como hueso. Sinos buscan en la Sierra nos encontramos!

  14. I th8nk they just didnt have a excuse and said black hawk down bamm explanation .PROMOTION peace loks

  15. If the Marina was able to get Chapo with the help of the US gov't then they will get Mencho also. It will take time but it will be done. You cant get "tipped off" and make a lucky getaway every time. All it takes is 1 mistake or lucky break and it's all over.
    Chapo Isidro has to be loving all this. Lay low like Mayo and let everybody else bring heat on themselves...

  16. Squeaky wheel gets the grease, Jalisco nueva pandilla days are numbered.

    1. LOL, you are using that saying wrong..........

  17. I can't you guys all believe this made up bs there's like five different versions of what went down that day its all bullshit all bullshit

  18. Villa Putificacion/Casimiro Castillo and el municipio de Tonaya are not that close. At least a couple of hours. I've driven through many times. If the soldiers rappelled down to intercept that convoy they were way off. That doesn'take sense! Sorry!

    1. 1.5 hr drive not hat far. they always zero in on tonaya or autlan where he is said to be mostly.

      it was the other way around, you do speak English? intelligence told mencho where they were staging. deployment , dropping of additional riflemen that is why the convoys (yes they were all over the area going to different points of Jalisco.)

      you do know what staging means? if not look it up. never mind here , now find someone to read this for you and explain what it means

      staging point
      a stopping place or assembly point en route to a destination.
      "a vast staging area for guerrilla attacks"

      if there is to be a hope of surprise would you expect to gather at the target area?

      someone left the gate out lucio the idiots crawling through

  19. El cholo tambiem tiro uno aya en el rancho !

  20. 3 shots fired form a machine gun?! lol waaaaaaaat. come on!!!!!

    1. That is not what is written. What it says is authorities referred to it as that, since the weapon is unnamed, my guess would be 50 cal barrett.

    2. How can a 50 call Barrett miss giniral cienfuegos ass?
      It won't.
      --The truck gun was taken off to avoid investigators finding where it came from, must be some really hot gun store, another government disappearance...

    3. Scotsdale gun club? Or directly from the ATF

  21. Maybe like %60 of this story is true.
    If im manning a machine gun in direction of a helicopter . I am not going to randomly shoot at the rear boom and rotor then at the cargo area then at the pilot.

    Thats stupid. If you are behind the shield you cant take precision in your aim.

    Likely 4 guys sniped at the marines and pilots. While the machine gunner laid into the cargo area while 3 more fired rpgs. From different points essentially laying cross and cover fire for each other.

    At least if i have a machine gunner in the bed of the truck and a few rpgs thats how Id attack.

    1. All the best shots in the world can't replicate Lee Harvey Oswald's shots to president kennedy, who in 3 seconds got shot several times from the back and the front about 6 times, (depending on the research of the BB researchers) with zig-zagging bullets, ice bullets, magic bullets, and some Louisiana conspirators even threw their panties...
      --but mexican shooting artists can not down one french tech helo without some doubting the reality show...

  22. Viva el menso.....

  23. a USA news channel krgv is careful not to annoy the mexican cartels too much as they have had enough threats that they have revamped security for the station and personnel. here is a decent video for bb readers wherever you may be..

    1. Good video clip, I don't see very much on the news in SoCal, maybe a tunnel here or there but not much...

    2. 10:51am Watch Primer Impacto or Al Rojo Vivo, Gorda y La Flaca etc...channels 22,34,52,46, 62 they all show uncensored clips.

  24. CDS and CJNG are not allied. A few regional cells have agreements in order to conduct business, but other tan that no more alliance.

  25. Guerrero is being neglected. There's been a lot going on around Chilapa in the last 10 days.

  26. Today we honor our Mothers. How about stop the killing for today. The ones that suffer the most are the Mothers who lost sons and daughter in this War. Please stop and Honor your Mother. God Bless all Mothers. Felidads

  27. Low or High altitude it doesnt matter the fact that they had the nuts to shoot it down says plenty. Mexico better not wait n shoot 1st next time forget the stragedy n operations go balls out.

    1. Balls out is not the best way to deploy in to a firefight. There are a number of techniques that can mitigate counter measures. Infrared serveilance by manned or unmanned aircraft prior to deployment would spot enemy ambush or sentries. Pathfinder trained combat controllers inserted at the drop zone could verify a secure dropzone. False insertions before and after the actual offloading of troops keeps the enemy unsure of which spot the troops were actually dropped. Multiple helocopters flying in a high/low flying overwatch pattern and armed with 50 cal and stingers is hard to defeat. Air deployed troops should be reenforced by ground troops when possible, as in government controlled territory. Gob. should assume planned resistance in the future. No more flying unarmed or single aircraft! Paratroopers are helacious combatants but need competent planners.

    2. Operation Jalisco was more like Operation Failure..that Operation went out the door...lets try going Balls Out but with style n technique.

  28. Cjng and cds will never go to war. Cjng provides protection for cf and ag in jalisco. Why would cds try fucking around and get their future bosses and family killed in jalisco. Jalisco and sinaloa will forever be united keep dreaming

    1. Jalisco ? You mean michoacan and sinaloa because mencho is from michoacan no one provides protection for anyone everyone works on there own get that idea out of your head

    2. No I mean jal. Yes mencho is from mich but most of the cjng operators and soilders are from jalisco that's how they took control so fast. Punk don't tell me how to think el cf needed permission to roam around gdl. Ag has always been in lpt but now while being watched by cjng. Both have their clicks with them but no match for cjng. That's why they rather work together.

    3. B.s no one has to ask permission

    4. who is ag and cf in guadalajara?

  29. Mexico already went balls out when the army kidnapped and disappeared the ayotzinapos, the Tlatlayos and the Acteal/Chenalhó victims, before they even had so many helos in the area...

  30. according to processo magazine there are 9 deads soldiers now

    1. and according to your BB reporter Lucio, 18 were killed.
      If there was 18 on the plane,

      what I am saying is no way anyone escaped death either from being killed or the crash itself, unless CJNG took hostages


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