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Friday, May 15, 2015

Narco plane crashes in Chihuahua with six dead

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Milenio article

[ Subject Matter: Plane Crash, Chihuahua, Culiacan, Sinaloa Cartel
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required]

UPDATED 16/05/15 with names of victims at end of article

Six people died in a plane crash involving a Cessna light aircraft, in Chihuahua, informed the Attorney General of the State, that started as an investigation before when someone reported that the aircraft had been brought down by armed persons in a drug trafficking zone.

The Prosecutor General of the State said yesterday that the plane was transporting less than 45 kilos of Marijuana. He did not detail all of the cargo, which presumably had been lost in the resulting fire or spread around the surrounding countryside.

The cause of the crash has not been determined and the zone is being guarded by Military and Federal Agents, until experts arrive to examine the scene, according to an official communication.

The Cessna plane, who's presence had been informed to the Authorities by habitants of the zone El Lunes, it was found on Tuesday in the Town of Urique, in the Serrana region, close to the State limits of Sinaloa.

"The plane was peeling away when sicarios opened fire on it and it knocked it out of the sky. We don't know if the sicarios bullets brought it down or pilot lost control", said an informant from El Diario de Chihuahua.

The Attorney General said it was found in a creek in the community of Tubares with the bodies of six men, among them the pilot originally from Sinaloa

Original article in Spanish at Milenio

Proceso is reporting the occupants of the plane as:

Eleazar Alvarez Garcia, 58 years of age and the pilot of the plane originally from Guasave, Sinaloa, Rogelio Beltran Castillo, 32 years of age, Juan Daniel Beltran Castillo, 21 years of age, Jose Pedro Beltran Rabago, 39 years of age, Leopoldo Trejo Beltran, 27 years of age and Javier Flores Villanueva, 37 years of age, the cause of death of all are multiple fractures suffered at the moment of impact of the plane. The occupants of the plane were trying to escape to Choix, Sinaloa.


  1. Is 45 kilos of weed worth a ride in a plane.I hope someone grabbed the coke custom put just some marijuana in a plain is pathetic.

    1. The fact that the plane was shot down by sicarios, suggest give the range of small arms, that they would have plundered what was left before any Police or Military arrived. If they were carrying coke, that probably was removed at 2000 us dollars a kilo in mexico, if you were a sicario you wouldn't leave it lying around for the police.

    2. 2000 a k in Mexico....... Hahahahahahaha!

    3. You should also read local newspapers before publishing an article so full of inconsistencies. In the Sinaloa Sierras this type transport is very common is a service of aero-taxi that most of the time is the only way in and out of the mountains. This taxi taken down by armed sicarios, was transporting paying passengers civilians that were not transporting drugs. I have taken these taxis and I can tell you that we use them for legit reasons such as transporting medical supplies and personnel to take care of the marginalized people of the Sierra Madre region. I suggest you take a look at el debate newspaper, and linea directa journal they are local news outlets that will have the facts , and not just newspapers published in Mexico city they are to disconnected from the region and make up stories to fill in their pages.

    4. Milenio is not a DF newspaper, it is a national news corp. based in Monterrey.

    5. 5:58Am $2,000 for a kilo of coke in Mexico im not even sure you can get that price in Colombia lol. Once i read that i stopped reading your comment.... That is just really stupid man

    6. Milenio, where ever they have their headquarters they have the facts of this case wrong and have not verified their sources. B.B. should not play their game.

    7. 2000 a key is awful cheap.

    8. As cocaine progresses from the production site to the end users, it increases in value. According to figures provided by the Colombian National Police, a kilogram of cocaine can be purchased for $2,200 in the jungles in Colombia's interior and for between $5,500 and $7,000 at Colombian ports. But the price increases considerably once it leaves the production areas and is transported closer to consumption markets. In Central America cocaine can be purchased for $10,000 per kilogram, and in southern Mexico that same kilogram sells for $12,000. Once it passes through Mexico, a kilogram of cocaine is worth $16,000 in the border towns of northern Mexico, and it will fetch between $24,000 and $27,000 wholesale on the street in the United States depending on the location. The prices are even higher in Europe, where they can run from $53,000 to $55,000 per kilogram, and prices exceed $200,000 in Australia. The retail prices per gram of cocaine are also relatively high, with a gram costing approximately $100-$150 in the United States, $130-$185 in Europe and $250-$500 in Australia.

    9. ok let me expand my comment @5.58. Mexican cartels don't buy cocaine by the kilo they buy it by the tonne. Cartels are all about the profit, they buy from the cartels in the jungles at 2.2 thou a key. They mostly fly the cocaine into Mexico, as per el senor de los cielo. That is the fastest, least risky and most cost effective way to get coke from Colombia into mexico.

      When that coke arrives in Mexico, and during the transit of those drugs through Mexico, if it is caught by authorities, what have the original cartel buyers lost ? 2.2 thou a key. Since that is what they paid for it. It doesn't matter one iota if the drugs are seized in southern mexico, or on the Mexican USA frontier, they cartel have still only lost 2.2 thou per key.

      That is its intrinsic worth, UNTIL, they pass it into the hands of a retailer. Then its worth sky rockets. Cartels wanting a bigger slice of the profit, now control the coke from Colombia to the retail destination in the united states be it , Dallas, Chicago etc. At any point that it is seized ,before they are paid by the retailer that drug loads intrinsic worth is what they paid originally, plus transit costs.
      As the cartels are a business, bribes are seen as an overhead, like retail companies giving out loss leaders.

    10. Your data is so old. The numbers you are quoting are from a stratford report from 2013.

    11. @9.09 and 10.59 , anything that is published on borderland beat HAS to have two verifiable mainstream sources, or the article wont pass muster with Chivis for release. Just about every major news agency in Mexico and El Pais in Spain is carrying this story.

      You infer that I do not read local e-papers, that would be a wrong assumption on your part, I read many of them, as Im sure Chivis knows ,but unless the Story is verifiable by a Mainstream source we don't publish it. Those are the rules, I didn't make them I just abide by them.

    12. otis but u said 2000 a key in mex,go read what u posted! if it arribed in mex it goes up not 2000 u said,u trying to back peddle

    13. @1.27 am, do you have a verifiable data source that proves the price from source has risen since this report? Or is that just your opinion?

    14. Jose, I can't put it any simpler terms for you. If you don't understand what I posted, thats fine you don't understand. But if you read what I said logically you can't come to any other conclusion. Im dissecting this from a business point of view. Cartels are business at the end of the day.

      Until the coke is passed from the importers to retailers its worth what was paid for it. Thats just economics. Perhaps you should research this yourself and learn something about economics.

    15. Just because someone disagrees with you Otis, doesnt mean you have to patronize their intellect. I for one have a degree in economics, and you're whole argument about "its worth what was paid for" isn't the slightest bit correct. When you look at a good or service being bought it's not just the price paid that a "business" has to take into account. There is other cost such as taxes (in this case plaza extortion fees), time, labor and material, transportation. Another thing most cartels also take into consideration is the opportunity cost of such purchase, meaning what other opportunity or good could they have purchase to make best use of their money.

    16. People with important degrees in economics have the world in a world of economy trouble, so a BB economist more or less makes no difference, do not patronize us because we do not have degrees of any kind...

  2. Maybe el mayo zambada was on that plane or some 1 big from the mafia

    1. Nah, big capos don't transport, they pay people to do that.

    2. Lol Mayo's not flying in a pinche Cessna!

    3. Lol, yes he does.. He closes his eyes every time it takes off.

    4. someone said a big timer died on the plane that goes by the name of gil portillo or something like that

  3. Smells like a joint country sting operation that went bad.

  4. What's left of la.linea attacking local weed farmers. Farmers trying to get their product out of then sierras because roads are all blocked off. Thieves won't dare cross the state line into choix because they know they we will decapitate them for being thieves. A lot of unreported killings and stealing this time of year. These sicarios are nothing but thieves stealing other peoples hard work. We will soon make an incursion into the sierras to clean house. Maybe we willl see an article on BB.

    1. I know for a fact that the growers pay the military to escort their crops out of the mountains and into the larger cities. There it is delivered to the buyer and he must pay to get it passed further.

    2. But then people say linea is still strong but I say how by killing weed farmers and stealing loads they might have Juarez and some places of Chihuahua but we know cds pushes major weight up north and globally.

    3. 8:25 k pendeno eres cual we guey u no where near Mexico idk where we comes from but ur ass ain't from no cartel shit u not even from a gang

    4. Yeah, they them big bad narco-growers "pay" the military...
      --Out of the one peso por kilo de mota, for example...
      And the military gratefully accept it, behind the backs of their bosses, yeah, yeah, yeah...

    5. May 15 8:25, You must be from Sinaloa or a CDS nuthugger. Fuckin Sinaloenses make it sound that La Linea is killing innocent hard working individuals that are not associated with drugs. The fact is that these farmers grow WEED and obviously they are doing it for somebody else other than La Linea which is why they are getting their sorry asses killed. The Sinaloenses came into ciudad Juarez with the mentality that the Aztecas were extorting innocent people when the fact was that the Aztecas were extorting only local drug dealers prior to the Cartel Wars. You fuckers want to make it sound that La Linea and Aztecas are robbing hard working honest individuals when in reality they are going after shit like themselves. And yes during the wars La Linea and Aztecas had begun extorting innocent businesses and such but remember that they were controlled by a Sinaloense also - Vicente Carrillo "El Viceroy". So don't come about and bring all that shit that people from Sinaloa are fuckin saints when the fact of the of the matter is that anyone involved in the drug game is a piece of shit!

  5. It must of smelled good in Chihuahua for awhile :)

  6. Was it la Linda who shot it down supposed was it gnome in that plane?

  7. Was it "el chino piloto" from the documentary legend of chapo?

  8. "The Prosecutor General of the State said yesterday that the plane was transporting less than 45 kilos of Marijuana. He did not detail all of the cargo, which presumably had been lost in the resulting fire or spread around the surrounding countryside." Jajaja that stuff is gone, I doubt it got burned or spread out.

  9. Word on the streets is Carlos Lehder was on that plane.

    1. Lehder? LOL! His ass is buried so deep in WitSec at some Supermax that he doesn't even know who he is any more after talking to the walls and floors for close to 30 years. He still has well over 100 years to do on his original 135 years after turning government rat against Manuel Noriega. Word on the street from some glue sniffing meth addict.

    2. Well last that was known about Lehder was when he testified against Noriega.After that nothing was known of him.Even certain federal agencies don't know where he is.Word is,he got a sweet deal for the Noriega testify and maybe he's out living free now.

    3. Lehder is definitely not free. His original sentence was life consecutive to 135 years, which meant he would rot and die in prison. He cut a deal with the US government and if Noriega was convicted with his help, the feds would reduce his sentence to 55 years minimum but stipulated ultra maximum security (i.e. SuperMax) to serve his sentence. His last petition for Habeas Corpus was denied as were all of his prior pro se filings. When and if he is alive after his 55 years sentence he may be released, but since his arrest he has vowed to kill one federal judge a week until he is released. But being the bitch prisoner he is he has failed to carry out that threat and the judiciary feels the 55 year sentence was too lenient anyway so he will no doubt die where he belongs, in a cage like a rabid animal.

  10. BB readers do not seem to be cowed by respect, 45 kilos of grifa are not woth the bullets used to down this aigroplano, or are they?

  11. respect? jajajaja street meth and crack heads firing away at planes for the almighty glue sniff or rock hit. killing people for pennies, respect???? jajajajaja. the traffickers have hit rock bottom welfare hits and soda bottle deposit extortions. killing people like they paper plates. no feelings, no remorse.....gutless cowards the govt is afraid to stop.

    1. Gutless cowards that do all that, and down helicopters and planes a pedradas, deserve all the respect they don't have for the gutless, incompetent, but moneyed mexican governing narco-mierdocracia...
      --Moneyed by the US...

    2. 6:04 you are a work of worthless art. Why do you glorify killers? you yourself are a loser. i can't think of any other words for you. Worthless POS. you are one racist individual and are the "kkk" poster. Your comments are filth, you are a propagandist. Have you written your manifesto yet? Mein Mexico? Don't you ever worry about your ip since its easily accessible to your service provider on blogger? thats really how fukin' stupid you really are. You are the gutless one, you are the coward so i am calling you out you PIG.

    3. O temper temper temper.

    4. Oh cannadiana, Chivis won't so you will have to make do, send me a kiss...

  12. PIIGS lost their austere gambling on the wise economic policies of others, they are broke now
    --the US got shortchanged by the beneficiaries of the billions of dollars from the mierda accords...
    --mexicans got the bullets and their dead to prove that "something went wrong somewhere", and you can drink all the nazi tea you want with your kookkies, mister twisted sister, ass kissers like you are as dangerous to this country as hitler's followers were to Germany or stalin's police to the russians, believe it or not, you are not american yourself...miss piggy...

    1. Racist asshole!!! BB needs to ban your ass from ever posting your psycho rants. You must be high on crack or meth with all the stupid shit you always post. Probably have a brain of jelly from your drug abuse.

  13. Make it all legal just get a script from a doc all this mess will end


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