Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Osiel Cardenas Jr. Sentenced to 10 months in Supermax

Lucio R. Borderland Beat- Republished from San Antonio Express

“Today is my father’s birthday,” Cardenas Jr. said in Spanish. “Instead of going to visit him like they do every year, (my family) is here to support me.”

Osiel Cardenas Jr., 23, the son of one of Mexico’s most notorious drug lords, was sentenced Monday to 10 months in federal prison for attempting to smuggle military-grade ammunition into Mexico on New Year’s Eve.

Cardenas Jr. is the son of Osiel Cardenas, 48, who was the former leader of the Gulf Cartel and is now incarcerated in the reputed Supermax prison in Colorado for his role in orchestrating drug cartel activities along the Texas-Mexico border.

Cardenas Jr., a U.S. citizen born in Texas but raised in Mexico, had faced a maximum sentence of up to 10 years in prison. He was also fined $10,000 and will serve three years of supervised release.

Still, U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen cautioned Cardenas Jr. against visiting Matamoros, Mexico, in the future.

“You’re at a crossroads … you need to decide which way you’re going to go,” Hanen told Cardenas Jr., also known as “Mini Osiel.” “If you follow down the same pathway as your father, you’re going to end up in the same place.”

Cardenas Jr. pleadedguilty in February to trying to sneak hundreds of rounds of bullets past U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers in Brownsville en route to Matamoros on Dec. 31, including 290 rounds of 9mm ammunition and 161 rounds of .223mm ammunition.

Authorities also found in his black 2015 Cadillac Escalade 29 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition and a pair of .233mm rifle magazines, which are designated as defense articles on the U.S. Munitions List. Cardenas Jr. admitted to having more than 14 grams of marijuana concealed in his underwear.

His mother, Celia Cardenas, penned a handwritten letter in Spanish to the court, apologizing for the conduct of her son, whom she called inexperienced and immature.

Hanen appeared to sympathize with Cardenas Jr., describing him as smart, yet burdened with the legacy of his infamous father, the cartel capo and mastermind behind the ultraviolent Los Zetas, which later split from the Gulf Cartel and became its own criminal organization.

In a heartfelt plea for leniency, Cardenas Jr., who has spent the past several months in solitary confinement for his safety, asked that Hanen allow him to spend the day with his family, who was in the courtroom.

“Today is my father’s birthday,” Cardenas Jr. said in Spanish. “Instead of going to visit him like they do every year, (my family) is here to support me.”

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  1. He is an idiot why do stupid shit when you can kick back and spend daddys money. Iike they say in spanish para pendejo no se estudia
    Se nace

    1. For real he had a 2015 escalade so money he has why try to be somebody hes not. Hes a idiot trying to fit in he should just go and live off all the money they have hidden somewhere.

    2. He' an animal and deserves no mercy. That judge is an idiot. And I guarantee this guy will do worse stuff then this.

  2. es un morrito......

  3. POS Judge feeling sympathy for this animal

    1. same judge holding up obamas immigration crap

  4. The kids aren't alright - The Offspring

    1. They tell the feds what the feds want to here,... No one knows to what extent and who he snitched on.... If he snitched on the zetas then so be it they broke apart as soon as he went to prison,... So that did not hamper the familys relations in matamoros,... And yes i go to matamorors the family as well as the son are left alone no one dares and touches puts a finger on them ironic, if they were hated or thought as of snitches he would have been killed long time ago... Just for the escalade itself,... Non the less for snitching... But that is not the case untouchables in matamorors Garcia-Abregos, Guerras,... Cardenas-Guillens..... by the way para la jente de matamoros ponganse a trabajar y dejen a la poblacion en paz,... Dejen de quitar carros porfavor no es bueno para el negocio.... Ayuden a la comunidad y la comunidad desgraciadamente les ayudara... Literalmente arreglen las plazas y arrimen luz y agua y las gentes se haran de la vidta gorda..... Joden a la poblacion la poblacion les pagar igual... Simplemente su servidor matamorense

  5. El capo de tamaulipas the first snitch of mexico to get a reduce sentence i arriva matamorros

    1. You rigth this guy was the first mexican drug lord the DEA cut a deal if he snitch his people like he did then all the others follow daddy

    2. I doubt, if he had snitched his entire family would have been dead, starting with Tormenta and the other Cardenas brothers. They are still operating the Cartel in some form or fashion.

  6. Faced up to ten years, got ten months in prison
    and three years supervision, right?
    --I would give him ten years for just trying to get into matamoros, being the son of his father...
    --Como hay pendejos...

    1. The judge had to be playing for the cartels

  7. While Osiel was threating the DEA Agents, it looks like his wife was having fun. Kid dont look nothing like Osiel.

  8. so is it ten years or ten months?

    1. thank you I changed it....

    2. Even worse 10months!! Thats the Devils offspring. Whats going on here whats wrong with the picture there, 10months!

  9. "You need to decide which way you’re going to go":

    Why would he choose to do anything other than be a drug trafficker if he knows he can traffic military grade weapons across the border and be released after only 10 months?

    If he were in a real country with a real judicial system they would not be that lenient.

    1. The Mexican "judicial" system is a for-profit organization...

    2. It was only bullets not weapons

  10. Porque osielito esta haciendo un crimen tan insignificante? Es como si el hijo del chapo gusman esta travajando como halcon. No tiene sentido.

    1. El oso no trafica nada! Y el gobierno de Estados Unidos lo sabe. El simplemente iba a Matamoros para el año nuevo asi de sencillo. Que hace la gente en el año nuevo? Se los dejo de tarea!

  11. Off topic..But what is the meaning of "El Min"? Benny's nickname from CAF.. Cant find it is translator/Google,etc...DWW

    1. Meaning of Min= the last 3 letters of benjaMIN form to be MIN, like his brother raMON he was known as El MON. Its just the last 3 letters of therr name thats all.

    2. Thank you for the replies...DWW

  12. Now thats what you call a father and son bonding experience

  13. Guns don't kill people,bullets do...Must be nice getting 10 months,anybody else would have gotten the maximum. How come they don't arrest the mother.? How does she pay bills.? She is living with blood money....

  14. This guy's dad hatched the Zetas into our world. Ahhh, his familiy won't be around to sing him las mananitas. Poor wittle baby....Freaking psycho freak...who cares about the feelings of this family?

    1. The zetas promised, osiel believed, and the devil got loose...
      --It like when le picaron el horno a la monjita hasta que se levanto...
      --very smart people just took the cdg to the cleaners...
      --They even perverted and corrupted bertie boy moreira, he blamed "some businessmen" for the murder of his son, more than the drug trafficking zetas and polizetas who did the dirty deed...

    2. When they catch Yarrington and he talks. Next may be Eugenio as well as former Mayor of Reynosa. It's not over yet that is for sure. Tony Montana

  15. Happy Birthday Osiel Cardenas..the DEA agents have a present for you :)

  16. No sympathy....wonder how many lives were lost so he could be driving a 2015 Cadillac Escalade. He got off easy.

  17. He is a Lucky SOB, Me would have been 20 years

  18. the U.S. has become worse than Mexico in their prison sentences. narcos should not fear American justice

  19. “You’re at a crossroads … you need to decide which way you’re going to go,” Hanen told Cardenas Jr.,
    Bull Chit ! He on a path to hell , he probably didnt understand a single word that judge told him . He will most likely end up dead within a few months after he guts out

  20. That's shows his father did not involve him in the family business cuz it's looks and sounds like he's yellow but by not having his father around lets him make poor decisions that's just the way it is!

  21. There is no hope.

    Los monos están operando el zoológico

  22. These stupid kids trying to be what they are not most real criminals did not have many choices they play the cards they were dealt and made something out of it but this moron has no business doing this dum shit.if he wants to see the upside is zetas didn't capture him and cut him into pieces

  23. Nadien lo conoce como el mini osiel o más bien nadie le dice asi. Oso is a kid with it all at his disposal. Surrounded by many luxuries and a great mother and siblings. The kid was going to Matamoros to celebrate new years like they do every year. This kid knows nothing about the narco life he's just a grate kid that happens to have a capo as his father. Oso, todos en la familia estamos contigo. Todo va estar bien oso no se me desanimé campeón! They say the united states knows it all about the cartel. Well its obvious they don't because this kid does not traffic arms and has nothing to do with the so called cartel life THAT'S WHY THEY WHERE SO SOFT WHEN IT CAME DOWN TO HIS SENTENCE!!!!, they know the truth, he's a good kid that likes to hunt that's why he had bullets!

    1. @6:03 pm
      Oye pendejo, what is it? First you say "they say the United States knows it all about cartels. Well it's obvious they don't" then you say "they know the truth, he's a good kid that likes to hunt"

      Eres un pendejo bien echo

    2. The truth hear is that the government really just knows what they hear and are told about by snitches' and they have never heard about this kid being involved that's why they know THAT he has nothing to do with the drug trade...... Pendejo tu idiota por creer todo lo que lees. La verdad aquí es obvio! No saben ni madre todo lo que leen es una farsa. Solo por tener el mismo nombre de su padre quien armar un show. Por favor no hay necesidad para traficar armas o drogas.

    3. The illuminati know sarcasm when they see it, for others, please label your sarcasms, sarcasm warnings need to be invented for the innocent...

  24. The government is all bullshit they are making All this up about oso it's tru what 6:03 is saying!

  25. Oh yeah,didn't think of it like that?
    That makes a lot of sense,really..
    Your not stupid,your intelligent,can't get nothing past you,like the judge giving him 10 months because only Mexicans were going to be hurt.
    Err,but it was a Mexican bringing them into Mexico?Its not their fault.

  26. It was a Mexican sneakin them into Mexico big brain..Or,maybe,he's working for DEA?Oohh,could be?
    It's all a dastardly plot against poor old Mexico,everyone's against Mexico,they are,really..

  27. Because its part of a cycle named supply and demand .. common we have all heard and should know this .. drugs go up north , weapons and cash go back south . America buys drugs ... America supplys guns and ammo . YOU SHOULD CARE.

  28. Tranquilo. Este joven hace un error y 10 meses estabien POR un lecione. Ya joven! Solo 10 mesitas mas. Entiendes joven. Eras Grande ya! Comprende. Tomes Su lecione Como hombre. Explico! Y sigues bien despues. Ok. Saludos. Tony Montana

  29. Osielito did not get his shit in china, or in mexico, he got caught on the US and he got off easy, what is the pendejo problem?
    --Drug money gets laundered and offshored, but not for mexicans, ask hsbc, bcci, aig, or any other big world Bank how you can work it out...

  30. 10 months in supermax he is either gonna come out traumatized and scared to never commit a crime or he will be worse supermax is no joke people go crazy a few weeks in the hole imagine there.


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