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Monday, May 11, 2015

video: footage of the aftermath of CJNG ambush on state police

Lucio R Borderland Beat

The video below is following last month’s CJNG ambush of a state police convoy in Jalisco. 

The convoy came under attack while travelling from Puerto Vallarta on the Pacific Coast to Guadalajara. The police had been deployed to Puerto Vallarta to assist with the tourists who had arrived for holiday during Semana Santa (Holy Week).

15 officers, 14 men and one woman,  were murdered by the use of high powered weapons, grenades and incineration. 

11 were incinerated. 4 shot, and 5 others  were injured. 

The CJNG sicarios had set up camp near the winding road, and appeared to have waited for the convoy for some time.  In the surrounding area among the debris left behind by the hitmen, were clothes, beer cans, empty water bottles, food containers, condoms and tents.

When the military convoy was approaching the area, where the CJNG group were waiting their arrival, gunmen blocked the road with a burning truck and fired on the officers when they stopped to investigate.

Authorities say the attack stemmed from  March, when state security forces killed a CJNG regional leader named  Heriberto Acevedo Cardenas, nicknamed 'El Gringo’.

After that killing there was a failed assassination attempt on state Security Commissioner Alejandro Solorio.  During that attempt 4 sicarios were arrested, and authorities contend this ambush was to avenge both the killings of El Gringo and the arrest of the 4 sicarios.


  1. With those steep walls, for the gunmen looking down from above, that was a turkey shoot.

    1. Im saying but can they do that in a open field? Dont think so

    2. Lol point is they did it!!

  2. Holy shit, those guys had zero chance.

  3. Condoms in the camp? I guess the Jalisquillos do the same pre-battle practices the Romans did back in the day.

    1. It is widely known that most narcotraffickers are also big fans of brokeback mountain.

    2. Hahahaha true bro

    3. That was good LOL

    4. You mean the Greeks, my friend!

      Great joke, none the less.. lmao

  4. Mencho has gone too far now. I believe he will incur the full wrath of the Mexican government going forward. Captured or killed by end of 2016 and would not be surprised to see something happen this year.
    If EPN has proven nothing else, it's that HE is the boss. Unprecedented number of cartel leaders apprehended on his watch. Now he must send a message again and it will no doubt be delivered.
    Yes there are some narcos that have massive fortunes, but this still cannot compare to the strength and resources of an entire govt.
    After this happened there had to be some high level meetings involving EPN and his cabinet as well as the top military brass. Those generals take a defeat like that personally and guaranteed have been given the green light now.
    This ambush was obviously able to be pulled off through tip-offs. They were waiting. What happens when the birds come and surprise you? Ask Macho Prieto...
    God bless the Mexican people and the little girl who had to say goodbye to her dad. sd padre

  5. A taste of their own medicine. A lot of this federales receive bribes from cartels. Raise crows and they will take your eyes out. Kill by the sword, die by the sword.

    1. 12:52pm
      The article says state police not federales

    2. Ok, their estatales, makes no difference. They are as corrupt as any other mexican authority.

    3. Policia Estatal even more likely to be on cartel payroll

  6. You can tell there's no CSI in Mexico or its really crappy for them to do a hit that big and just leave evidence all over the place.

    1. Lmao what evidence do you want if you know who did it????

  7. Thats show how much fear they had that they had to ambush the convoy porque si huvieran topado de frente otro gallo the brave man

    1. That's what I'm saying but no one understands everyone thinks cjng are the biggest narcos because they ambushed those federales gendes and the helicopter.

  8. The federal gov just sent 10000 soldiers and 300 armor cars to jalisco

  9. The crying little girl pictured, just broke my heart...her papi will no longer be there to hold and see her grow up into a beautiful young lady. :(

  10. Damn one of the cops still burning...crazy!!!

    1. Can someone at least take a piss on the burning body dammmmnnn mexico is so fukkkkkkeeed up

  11. Mencho caused to much attention now he is in big trouble.. Better stay low key

    1. Low key? That went out the door!

  12. This is only the result. Death and destruction...

    The cause is an utterly failed joke of a justice system. Utter, 100.0000000% not 99.999999% decomposed and rotting.

    You think a cop is stupid? He knows if he arrests a murderer sicario, he has to fight the ministerio publico. Then above that the judicial system step by step with endless amparos waiting the free the scum for a fee, The cabron is released. He goes after the cop.

    This does not work. From start to finish this does not work, It can never work. It is vomit thrown in the face of victims.

    I think it is probable that a clandestine group of soldados are going to form and start taking vigilante justice. This group is going to grow, Other branches start. This is not los rurales or fuerzas autodefensas. This group is going to start killing. Ambushing. Assassinations. Murder of capos, tenientes, sicarios and halcones, Sacapisos will not return with bags of pesos. A juez who honors a ridiculous amparo will have a tragic ending. A senador o diputado who takes blood money will get a third eye.

    And La Republica will descend even further into hopeless violence.

    1. You should write a novela

    2. realest stuff I've read all year

    3. The last statement you made will never happen. Vigilantes in mexico allways turn into a criminal organization a couple of years afterwards. That's how Mexican gangs started in California, to protect themselves from white racist and now they are all criminal gangs.

    4. 8.28
      It writes a novel every day on BB

  13. Poor little girl. An innocent victim of the drug war in Mexico.

  14. Epn is cjng...

  15. Well I think that the mexican government is actually against the ropes.....what would happen If peña nieto dies?? Let's say a terrorist attack against him, and autodefensas movement coordinate in guerrero at the same time? Most mexicans hate narcos we know that, but at the same time they are feed up with the mexican government to the point that all it takes is armed conflict to overthrow it.....let's just say that cjng has enough financial resources to buy weapons and enough Intel to get in to touch with let say the cdg or the Z...they could easily start a civil war at two fronts, tamaulipas and guerrero, killing peña nieto it would be that hard would it? .....let's say armed people like the students in guerrero they want revenge against the government, get touch in with cells of caballeros templarios armed a few in michoacan, in tamaulipas do the same. It would create a cluster fuck....the mexican government is not what it seems it cannot fight a real war...mexico Will go into chaos fast...

    1. Let's say Peña Nieto dones what. Someone else quickly replaces him. Mexico doesn't stop existing because of this. So let's say you stop reading Mad magazine. Retard.

    2. @554am...usually when the president of a country gets assassinated, everything goes to mexico might stop existing as a corrupt nation...all this is being caused by corruption....mencho and cjng have money and lots of it, el PRI has plenty of enemies el pan el pri and some others.....not to mention, the mexican population. By way who the fuck read mad magazine, if you gone disrespect some one. Do it like this "chingas a 20 panochon" o si Te caigo gordo presenta me una hermana para estar parejos cuñado...pinche lambe huevos del peña nieto. Ojala y Le den piso ala verga.

  16. im not agree that mencho is far now, i believe mencho is in guadalajara collecting favors to save his life, as you said green light is on, but can be switched off, he is incrusted in commerce and some high level business, so it takes much than 8 soldiers to take him down, business come first.

  17. Terrorismo al extremo ! Tiran elicopteros militares con rpgs ! Matan policias del govierno ! Eso es terrorismo !

  18. This reminds me of the attack in Tubutama, Sonora that was unleashed on los antrax by the BLO. They also set up on hills and ambushed their targets.

  19. @4:26 u need a full time job cause u have to much time in ur hands to think up such idiotic thought n ideas

    1. @759pm since when are you the comment police? ? Is an opinion if you Don't like it so what..are you and expert??I don't think so, give it time and see what happens, f##ck off.

  20. how many were killed 15+11? says 11 were burned while 14 of 15 were shot. how was the last person killed?

    1. 9:28pm

      11 burned and 4 shot equals 15 killed. The articles says "11 were incinerated. 4 shot..." .

  21. What if CJNG is the most armed and most capable cartel presently? In every known photo of a sicario group, they look to be the most aggressive and coordinated group as far as all the known pictures of cartels. Of course with the help of CDS in the beginning.

  22. CJNG are bazillionaires now. Richer than the Sinaloans. Will take a while to stop them, but in the end most of them will be dead or rotting in prison.

  23. Damn!. Incineration.Theres only a couple of weapons that possess that capability and if their in the hands of these dudes..I'd hate to be any kind of law down there right now!

    1. With those steep walls, a glass jar of petroleum is all that is needed, nothing sophisticated. These were guerrilla tactics. Classic example of a guerrilla ambush. They chose the precise spot, blocked the police in and opened fire. Toss some grenades and a few Molotov cocktails...

  24. I read and I can not for the life of me figure out why people try to make this "Mencho" greater than the creation of Earth. So what if he has a few pocket politicians and military. Didn't mostly all the past capos? One other thing like the others is he Doesn't have GOD on his side and that will lead to his fal. Everyone was saying the same crap about Tuta and where is he now? It takes time to catch these guys and it will happen. The difference with him is he and his group heated things up badly. So he is marked. Not many places he can hide before he is caught. Pressure will be put on Mexico to catch him by other countries and it will trickle down through the government.His days of freedom are numbered. It will be either capture or death in a shootout with the military or a rival group. Same story, different criminal. All the time.

    1. This was a show by mexican goverment after an operation from the pentagon!!us owns these guys and betray when they no longer need them or get outta hand it was all a cover up and who better than the U.S. to teach everyone else about doing cover ups!!!

    2. U got a problem with the U.S. help fix it rather than complain about it. Otherwise get the hell out of the greatest nation in the world babosa.

  25. if the public only knew the truth of things....@11:19

  26. Awwwwww! We will get Mencho by the end of September. Watch the news!!!!


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