Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Post El Chapo's arrest, CJNG Pushes its way into Hong Kong cocaine market

Lucio R. Borderland Beat -republished from South China Morning Post

Mexico's violent upstart drug cartel Jalisco New Generation targeting Hong Kong cocaine market and reaping huge profits, says official, the arrest of El Chapo left a vacuum allowing CJNG an meteoric global expansion.

The violent cartel CJNG, a relatively newcomer to Mexico's turf wars said to be targeting Hong Kong and reaping huge profits, as Latin American gangs push into the region.

The powerful new drug cartel behind a surge in violence engulfing parts of Mexico is now targeting Hong Kong's lucrative cocaine market, according to a top official at the Mexican National Chamber of Industry.

The Jalisco Cartel New Generation - an aggressive newcomer to Mexico's drug wars whose audacity and modern weaponry have launched it head-first into a clash with the country's military - was reaping huge profits selling cocaine at a considerable mark-up in Hong Kong, said chamber president Rodrigo Alpízar Vallejo.

His comments come amid an increased push by Latin American drug cartels into the Asia-Pacific region in recent years.

Investigations by the South China Morning Post found that the Sinaloa cartel - one of the world's biggest, most established syndicates - maintained both a corporate and criminal presence in Hong Kong.

In addition to trafficking cocaine to the city, the group also ran front companies and bank accounts which it used to launder drug funds, according to official Mexican documents and interviews with law enforcement sources.

Last year, Mexican authorities dealt the Sinaloa cartel a surprise blow by capturing kingpin Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman in a heavily armed raid on his beach side den in the Pacific resort town of Mazatlán.

However, fears are now growing that the resulting power vacuum has paved the way for the meteoric rise of the Jalisco New Generation cartel and its expansion around the world.

According to Vallejo, the cartel was able to make up to 35 times more profit by trafficking cocaine to Asian cities such as Hong Kong and Tokyo.

"The severe penalties, such as life imprisonment or even the death penalty, for traffickers caught in Asia are reflected in the exorbitant price of the drugs there," he told Spanish-language media.

The comments follow an investigation by the chamber into the economic power of the syndicate, which has proved a threat to businesses in Mexico due to its involvement in kidnapping and extortion schemes.

Originally formed in 2010 as the armed wing of the Sinaloa cartel, the Jalisco New Generation broke away within years and quickly spread in size and stature across Mexico.

In recent months, the group has achieved notoriety after shooting down a military helicopter and engaging the country's armed forces in large-scale firefights with assault rifles and grenade launchers.

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  1. Hong Kong? The chinos are using coke? Oh, but I thought the US was guilty of all of the drug war problems related to Mexico!

    1. 9:27 The US "rogue agents" are GUILTY OF THEIR PART, honey...presidential pardons and everything...
      hsbc bank formerly headquartered in Hong Kong has been found to be a money laundering machine for amerikkkan rogue agents in cahoots with English and chinese drug lords, not for nothing the bank moved it's headquarters to the more understanding country of theirs, imperialist colony master UK, before more chinese find out about their dirty double dealing and apply to them the death penalty...
      --also, money being tight, this dealing smells of cocaine for heroine and meth precursors, the US still provides the customers with money, on top of the wino and 2 dollars crack hos the CIA inherited us... as per Ricky Ross, freeway?

    2. They are the responsible. The US implemented the war on drugs in 1980 hence the shit show we see today

    3. Look buddy, america is a big consumer of drugs...that's a fact...the chinos or Asians , like to party and chill. Therefore some coke helps right?? Anyways the point is that drugs are used in every part of the world, but the punishment for selling drugs are more severe I'm certain parts of the world....basically money talk bullshit walks theory..examples is on dollars..coke in mexico goes about $150 an ounce, in California about $700, I ask my co worker some chino immigrant, yes I work with fucken immigrants, I work with more or less to call some one back home just for research purpose, and he said $950 an ounce, so my point is that if fucken aliens, (not the illegals one) wanted coke the cjng, will probably will sell it to them to make a the way chapo got caught, and he left alot of business ventures surprised the Zz. Or other cartels are not jumping on the the way I asked my homie chen, what happens if you get caught with drugs back home, he said no good, so yeah.... not like Mexico where you can do whatever you want.

    4. The CJNG appear to be very smart individuals. 300 million Americans as prospective clients versus 3 billion chino customers with distribution coming from Hong Kong. Shit bro good move. The CJNG increases their customer base in China 10 times more than the US market. Not to mention distribution to the smaller markets in Malaysia, South Korea and Japan. What about other countries like Russia. Just think of the profits. CDS is still the king Cartel my ass. Why didn't they think of this?

    5. Given the severe penalties for being caught trafficking narcotics in these Asian countries, do you think it's likely that their military / governments and regimes are complicit in the import and wholesale distribution of drugs like coke in their cities? The reason I ask is simply because I can't envision how many suicide jockeys with pellets up their @sses it would take to supply a typical Asian city. And I can't see CJNG being involved in that kind of venture, although I may be wrong. I'm starting to wonder if the only way big amounts of these drugs are coming in is if the very same people who are putting thousands of people to death each year (for being caught with a couple of grams) are the ones allowing or even bringing wholesale dope in?

    6. 5:46 exacly, the sin is not the drug trafficking in asia, but that is is unloyal and unpatriotic to compete with the authorities for any size of the drug trafficking market...

    7. @5:46 Don't forget about the Chinese mafia a.k.a. triads.

  2. By the attetion they are getting world wide, this cartel wont last long....sometimes less is more...÷(

    1. Did anybody think the TransPacific Partnership (TPP) was about nice clean raping of LatinAmerican countries only?
      Much like NAFTA, it is only the latest excuse to stick it to anybody that gets caught unaware, and the mexican national chamber of industry just wants to compete against the Biig Biig Baad cartels, in the name of the lord, to steal their nice deals from them for el cartel de las lomas...

  3. Pray to Our Lady of Guadalajara. She alone will lead the Mexican people back to law abiding country where all are respected and no one lives in fear, but they can't do it without her.

    1. I think la China is in LA Paz not in Guadalajara And as far as leading without fear is nonsense?

    2. Our Lady of Guadalupe.

  4. Cocaine is hong kongs cup of coffee ese
    Att. Miclo

    1. lol good one

    2. Puro tres puntos

    3. The chinese.need to haul ass and work like they mean it, heroin is for developed, on steroids countries with too much money in their citizen's pockets...
      The chinese need their cocaine or meth to do their daily quota of work or more...

  5. I'm from sinaloa and I refuse to believe this is true. sinaloa is the biggest, toughest, smartest, most important dto of the world! Chapo is still calling shots, they got his clone not the real chapo. Chapo is guasabe eating ceviche making power moves to take over the world lol

    1. You stupid el mencho is more smart and his taking over the world like hitler lol arriva michoacan cochos

    2. ur from sinaloa and are commenting on this forum in defense of an organizations that u dont have the guts to be a part of but instead simply cheer...mas puto no podias resultar

    3. Hey hes being sarcastic.

    4. Lol CJNG cant even control their own territory what makes you think they are gonna take over others???? Lol bitch ass foos vengasen a partise la madre aca en tamaulipas si son bien bravos como dicen pinches jalisciences cobardes valen verga

  6. I want to see CJNG tried to take sinaloa la tierra del capo mas poderoso del mundo el mayo zambada pero lo dudo no tienen los cojones , como caro quintero quien controlo guadalajara por anios o el azul esparrajosa quien tuvo control de michocan mientras eso no pase calladitos paisas que se ven mas bonitos,

    1. Sinaloa no tiene nada que otro cartel quiere, Si los de sinaloa alguna vez tuvieron control de michoacan todavia lo tuvieran. Los dos estados siempre an sido socios pero pendejos como tu lo toman de otra manera.

    2. The best comment in this post

    3. the best reply

    4. u wanna c cngj try and take sinaoloa? zetas killed a bunch of sinaoloas in sinaloa,chapo isidro is in sinoloa! and what did chapo do to him? nothing!! mencho kicked out azul out of jalisco! if chapo was so bad y didnt control jalisco after nachos death,u know y? cause mencho didnt let him!!

  7. Hong Kong ?? Really now you know it's ran by triads there not going to let no one push up on there turf.

    1. tbeyre not taking triads territory, they are supplying the triads, they ship from mexico to hong kong and once in china the triads sell it to the customers.... think dumbass, do you see the colombians going into mexico fihhting mexicans to sell in mexico nope, they sell the coke to the mexicans, same shit

    2. They will use the Triads or any other gangs as distribution centers. Wholesale not retail.

    3. It's called a business venture ie. partnership.

  8. Los Chinos son 10 mil veces mas vivos que TODOS junticos. CJNG are amateurs by comparison.

  9. wht are people ao closed minded and refuse to believe that CJNG would do bussiness abroad? CJNG does not fight for routes to the US and are not even interested in the USA markwt which has alot of competition and its dominated already by the CDS, any good bussiness man would move their business where there is no competirion, in this case it is Asia and Europe for cjng were there is little competition and they can sell their product for much more than what its worth in the US, when they fight another cartel is for the land, Michoacan has many meth labs, but they dont fight for routes since they dont need them, there is a reason why they are becoming super rich

    1. You just repeating what you read online just remember not evrything is true. But of course cartels want to sell in places like europe where you can get 10x or more than selling in the usa it is just kept more on the low because sone countries have really harsh punishment towards drug dealers and drug users in asia too.

  10. Asia and Europe has always been the best options. They pay more than double. This News is 10 years old. The US just sustains the business. Mayo is still and always be king. CJNG has been a excellent partner.

  11. Borderland beat should do an article as to how cartels make connections with other people in foreign lands to sell drugs. It would be interesting to learn the depths of how they make negotiations and trust with others. Its not just let me text this dude and see if its ok to sell coke, theres alot of work that goes in to venturing in foreign lands. I want to know.

  12. cjng is big, now they are making moves everywhere. #1 money makers, must be doing something right...

  13. Sinaloa is and always will be the #1 moneymakers sorry to brake it down to you pal

    Sinaloa breeds the best capos

    #No lie just the truth

    1. Sinaloa breeds te most flashy capos, not the best capos. It's the Gobierno that calls the shots while the sinaloas get used like mules. Just look at all the sinaloa capos, all dead or in prison. The only heavy hitter is mayo but his time is close. That's why there is so many people from sinaloa dead or in prison, they are brainwashed and think they will be rich and powerfull hearing those bullshit corridos about sinaloas being brave and loyal and at the end they are cowards and snitches. so sad

  14. I knew it would come to this, the question is any cell is going to try to become its own mini cartel like in Colombia. How do these independent cell get their drugs from?


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