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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Army decommission an ultra-light with drugs

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana article

[ Subject Matter: Drug trafficking, Light Aircraft
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required]

Reporter: ZETA Redaction and Cortesia

Elemets of the 2nd Military Region and the 2nd Military Zone confiscated an ultra light aircraft with trailer on the afternoon of the Tuesday the 2nd of June in Merida common land in Mexicali.

Information provided said that the aircraft could carry 20 kilos of marijuana to the United States, the drugs, trailer and aircraft were put at the disposition of an Agent of the Federal Public Ministry of Mexicali, as evidence against those responsible.

Original article in Spanish at Zetatijuana


  1. Those soldiers look like us marines.. Haha jk.. But they could as well be..

  2. 20 kilos? Are they fucking nuts? There is so much dope grown now in the US and the potency 100x more potent then that Mexican homegrown shit. 20 kilos? Was it worth it? hahahaha

    1. You're talking walmart bro. Mexico doesn't care about the "weed" industry. Not since the 80's. That's why it's ONLY 20 kilos. Lol maybe even a decoy. Cocaine and meth is where the real money is at & they know this. It wouldn't be profitable for them to personally grow cannibis under lights in green rooms. Lol that would be a loss for them. They prefer to let ir grow wild and free and not have to take care of it and sell it in bulk. The biggest despenceries in the world have to buy from small vendors. Imagine the cartel doing things like this. Lmao. It's strictly business and if you know anything about business, it's that it's not profitable for them to grow kush.

    2. 9:10 - you are very very wrong about importance and how much USD comes into Mexico from mota. It's cheap (maybe 100-200 pesos kilo en la Sierra depend on quality and time of year) and loss are no expensive as crystal y cocaina. Mota is a fastest cash turnaround with less risks and mota flows over like an ocean while the other is like a rio b/c more expensive transport and riskier on US and Mexico side. Come to Culiacan after Septiembre - harvest and see how many USD are everywhere.

    3. sure nuff thats why he buys his clothes at walmart. lowest price wins.

  3. Two 10 kilo bundles? That's not even worth the would have to do at least 10 trips to make it worth it. Considering the time it takes. Could belong to an independent smuggler.

    1. I think the idea is to set it up next to the border or close, and fly multiple loads back and forth, stay at tree top height and radars wont pick you up

    2. That makes more sense, low profile, ongoing, etc.

    3. 20 keys even if its a few people working together can make a few g's for each person each trip

    4. @8:25 - your logic on economics is pretty poor. 22 lbs of weed at US border wholesale price is $400 or more per lb depending on time of year. That's $8,800 per trip, or even $6,600 per trip at $300 per lb (assuming their selling at border prices which they likely aren't). You do 10 of those a day, assuming $1k to $2k total expense for pilot, protection from la migra and Mexico militar -they are making $60-90 thousand a day! In El Salto DGO a kilo of mota is 300 pesos if buying less than 20 and as cheap as 180 pesos if buying 100 kilos or more. Mota is the easiest and least risky money to be made.

    5. OK, cabron you know your math, how much is BB worth?
      With selling out
      And without selling out...

  4. It looks like it has pontoons to be able to land in water if need be.

  5. Those aren't pontoons. Its the airfoil. If it landed in water, the pilot and engine would be completely submerged rendering the ultra-light useless.

  6. What if they bringing in somthing else dirty bomb heroin coke somthing else raidio active shit that went missing in mexico a deadly virus u never know whats coming into the US $$ can buy just about everything maybe they took money back to mexico

  7. What if! What if! What if! What if! Scared chicken shit white Merikkkans your own US govt has you scared and trembling. The US govt learned from the Nazi how to brain wash simple people. Just listen to US news everything is going to kill you toothpaste,body wash,walking outside,etc,etc.
    And yes I am Merikkkan but also non white & not scared shit lless of everything.

    1. Amerikkans is how ice cube spells it bro so 80's ya duermete lagañoso

  8. I think the damn thing belonged to the mexican authorities.

  9. ... Lol, It Looks Lke A Photo Op As Most Of The Ultra-lights Have Drop Baskets On The Bottom for Higher/Balanced Load Weight = $$$ ...

  10. Word on the streets is George Jung and Carlos Lehder are responsible for this aircraft.

  11. Mota bounces better than coke when it hits the ground.

  12. anyway, I am an Texan raised on the border who grew up around smuggling and the bs. I am white but raised by Mexican nanny's. Spent much time across the Rio learning. Its all profit. Any method. Any product


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