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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Congresswoman who visited Chapo in prison is the mother of his newborn son

Lucio R. for Borderland Beat republished from an editorial from El Universal

Left to right, Sinaloa PAN party rep, Chapo and Dep, Lucero Sanchez

The congresswoman was appointed not elected to the position

Nobody knows for sure how many children  Joaquin El Chapo Guzman has fathered. The issue became news because after the escape of drug trafficker, federal authority established a line of investigation revealing around a dozen children, known of so far.

What we know for example is that the youngest of El Chapo’s descendants is the son of Lucero Guadalupe Sanchez Lopez, current deputy in the congress of Sinaloa for the district 16 of Cosala. Similarly it is known that by the influence of El Chapo in the municipality of Cosala sierra of Sinaloa and territory of Guzman Loera, the lady Sanchez Lopez was appointed as deputy to the state congress.

In other words the criminal chief would have corrupted the state structure of El PAN, by having appointed to the  legislator,  the mother of the known youngest son of El Chapo.

It is also known that Lucero Sanchez Lopez, visited El Chapo in the Altiplano prison in May 2015, where they decided on which nationality their son would have, Mexican or American.  He was  ultimately born in the United States in recent weeks.  

(I know this makes little sense, unless they were allowed to visit in the private visiting room, which they have in Altiplano.  The article says literally: "the small son finally saw the light in recent weeks".  She does appear pregnant in the photo from the May visit)

People would be wrong  who assumed that Lucero went to the Altiplano  last May, to disclose or receive information about the escape of El Chapo, no, the face to face meeting, was to detail one of the priorities of the criminal chief;

The economic future and security for his children and their mothers.

It is speculated  that the successful escape of El Chapo, is because despite the extreme vigilance that in the Altiplano, the chief of the pacific cartel could negotiate, detail and supervise the progress of his escape in the long hours he spent with his lawyers at the facilities of the courts where he was transferred for  proceedings. 

If El Chapo has been able to corrupt those in his environment, using the old adage of silver or lead,  common sense  indicates that he could also corrupt the judges handling his case.

And if they want proof of the outrageous level of corruption that exists in the Mexican Judicial system just take a look at the orders by Julio Cesar Gutierrez Guadarrama, fifth district judge in criminal federal processes of the State of Mexico who in February 2014 dictated the second formal prison to Joaquin El Chapo Guzman for Organized Crime.

The same judge in 2009 absolved him of the crime of drug trafficking because there was no evidence” that linked him with a shipment of 500 kilograms of cocaine secured.

In other words the whole world knows that El Chapo is the most powerful drug distributor of the world, but a Mexican judge could not find evidence to support the charge.

Therefore at that time the same judge threw out the case against him.


  1. Que tenga los hijos que quiera JAGL que el los mantiene.

    1. No, por eso se escapo pa no mantenerlo.

  2. México de mis amores. Como dueles. Pero estas podrido. Que esperanza.

  3. We all new that!! She had that guilty look in the previous report when she used her authority to go visit him.

    1. Oh my! What will the current Mrs. Chapo do? Shop her sorrows away sniff

      _Canadian girl

    2. No no no, canadian girl, you know perfectly that a woman in love will do anything for her pimp, even put up with the others...
      --then again, there is always the help, just in case...
      --Just don't blame all the mexicans for the corruption of the corrupt puppets of the corrupt puppetmasters, american and other members of "the internationa cabal".
      ...see: DARKPOLITRICKS for more reports on drug trafficking and drug traffickers connections

    3. La gioconda de lionardo da Vinci has that very same satisfied expression, and is very famous for that, is there a chance that she had just met el chapo when her piccher was taken?

    4. She had mona lisas smile

    5. The word on the street is that chapo escaped prison because hes mad and wants to kill lupe sanchez because he thinks she cheated on him with z40.Chapo will first make a paternity test to make sure because he doesnt want to kill her if shes innocent because it will go against cds rules. You guys can soon watch the test and results in this weeks next maury show episode.

      Sincerely one of chapos son that doesnt get his child support.

  4. Well at least we know Chapo aint a 40yr old virgin lol

  5. F'ing amazing. The legend just grows. I guess he was screwing the government while in prison, you have to just love it.

    1. he was FIGURATIVELY AND LITERALLY screwing the government.

  6. OK maybe I am a little slow here but he was supposedly locked up in Mexico's version of a super max prison since February of 2014. But while in the super secure solitary confinement prison last Nov/Dec he managed to knock up a legislator????

    1. regardless, supermax mexico does not even compare to supermax USA. if he was in the USA his best friends would be the walls and floor in his 6 x 9 and that is one of the larger sizes. no tunnel would have ever been dug as there are literally thousands of seismic sensors all over. We get chapo in the states he will be so fucked he might as well just commit suicide, cause life as he knows it ends when you walk into supermax. No communication with others, no talking between guards and inmates and actually very rarely does an inmate ever see another inmate. he will lose his mind in USA supermax. LOL

    2. Life is good when you're Chapo. LMAO

    3. 4:47 he will never touch the us prison system.....

    4. for @8:00 PM he may never touch US prisons but he will be killed by US troops. It will be an easy choice, the US already says they want him dead.

    5. yeah i wouldnt be surprised if u.s kills him honestly. mexico loves chapo but the us does not care for him at all. (u.s agents)

    6. @4:47 Supermax isn't so bad for some....Puppet Martinez from BEST was making millions and stilling calling shots on the streets from the supermax, within super max: the ADX section of florence. The rest of teh prison does allow for communication between prisoners and even yard time.

    7. 4:22 within SuperMax the yard time is single prisoner leg irons, shackles handcuffs led to an isolated cage for 1 hour exercise only. No mingling with inmates in solitary, no visual contact or communication in disciplinary housing. They call it SAM Special Administrative Measures (SAMs), it is all about isolation and restricted sensory deprivation. In Martinez's situation his attorney was giving orders and communications under attorney client privilege. That attorney is doing prison time now and things are NOT the same anymore. In fact, visits are through glass and by phone, no longer physical and all conversations recorded. Puppet boy is a caged animal with no contact with the outside world.

      It is as isolated as the prisoners who call it home. The prison called ADX Florence is a tomb for the living.

      “To me it’s life after death,” says Bob Hood who was warden at this Supermax prison for five years. He spoke exclusively to the I-Team in detail about a prisoner’s sparse existence here, two hours south of Denver.

      “Even if the behaviors are good, it’s pretty much a 23 hour day in the cell, one hour outside. And even outside it’s not a walk in the park. It’s pretty much a caged environment,” Hood explained.

      Here is a pic of the exercise cage just like at an animal shelter

    8. @4:24 he was not making millions , how i know? my name is on that mural and on 2nd indicment pocket chage compare tu GOTTI, GAMBINO . NICKLES &PENNYS compare tu a level 2 CDS operative. gracias!!

    9. 10:54 what are you a TROLL? This site is great for crackpots and wannabe's.

    10. To the cartel commando @10:54am. PFFFFFFFFFFT!!

    11. no im not a troll just a person with real facts about martinez some one who saw him stayin at a dirty as 300.00dolars apt
      shoothing dope. just so u know atte: one of the original columbia lil cycos ,

  7. ... Great Post Lucio ... Very Interesting As This Explains Her Smile When Asked About The Visit To Chapo ... ✌️✌

  8. Thank goodness we a new US citizen

  9. This is better than any tele novella

    1. its funny because my favorite telenovela is only good because its art replicating life. El Senor De los Cielos

  10. Ya save la pinche congresista que el pinche Chapo le va a dar o ya le dio un millon de dolares para mantenerse tanto ella como el lepe. Ni modo que el wuey este muy guapo. Lo que quiere la morra es dinero para mantenerse toda la vida sin tener que trabajar si es necesario. Pinchi gente de Sinaloa que apoya a el Chapo son puros limosneros muertos de hambre!

    1. You sound a lil jelly... You mad bruh? Jajaja arriva Sinaloa pariente!!!

    2. Mejor es ser un limosnero muerto de hambre apoyando al chapo que apoyando a los pinchis güevones mantenidos rateros vendepatrias y asesinos del gobierno entreguista de mexico y maricones que los acompañan...
      --y no todos somos de sinaloa, GÜEY...

    3. as much as i dislike cartel drug dealers and what they are doing to Mexico, i think you're right @ 7:41...the govt is worse and i love your description of them-so accurate

    4. 4:18, thanks, ya somos como seis...

  11. Only in Mexico such jokes :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  12. that about sums it up Mexico . ive seen it all . a boy with dynamite around his neck . police handing over "suspected" criminals over to get hacked up by rivals . Gunmen driving around town in "monstrous " vehicles . a bus full of students shot at then arrested by military then dissapear . Mass graves . Mass prison breaks . random citizens abducted to get chopped up to prove a point . Governors on the run or in prison . 2 American ice agents stopped and shot at , one killed . Now this . holy crap

    1. Mexico is the most corrupt country in the world. Its everyday stuff here. We dont have a government, its a dictartorship, and Obama is in favor of all this as long as they benefit economically.

    2. It's not close to being the most corrupt...

    3. We're just a lil bit too greedy!

    4. According to some, billions and billions of dollars the US invests in security in mexico, and on the "war on drugs" which has just become "the negocito" of those administering the money, like a "tiendita" always paying and paying piso, plaza and mordidas, never is there anything left for conducting the business they are supposed to...
      --drug czar Barry mc Caffrey, 18 billion a year?
      --But all the money went to offshore accounts and china, cayman islands, hsbc, swiss banks, etc, none of it does anything for the US or for mexico...

  13. hell women dont have to illegally come to the US in search of wealth just line up and getted *^%$^$ by chapo!

  14. El show sigue como debe.el chapo se "escapa" y la gente se olvida del mencho.El chapo esta absorbiendo todo la atencion asi que por horita el mencho se escapa.Pero el chapo todavia va tener libertad y vida por un poco de tiempo.El chapo puede morir despues de las elecciones en estados unidos,pues trump esta usando al chapo para decir que mexico es terrorista y que asta son terroristas contra la gente americana pues segun el chapo(cuenta falsa de twitter)esta amenazandolo(eso se considera terrorismo).Trump quiere asustar ala gente para que voten por el.Con asustar a la gente va tener razon para deportar mas imigrantes y cerrar mas las fronteras.Asi que no es bueno ke ee aiga escapado el "chapo".No creab que los narcos son muy poderosos,tristemente son titeres desechables pero remplacables.Almenos esperemos que si se cierran las fronteras que almenos se bloquen bien y que no cruze nada de droga.Lo unico que puede ser bueno de trump es que no es hipocrita doble cara...como 0BaMa...aunque el proposito de trump no es ayudarnos.puede se r que sea bien.para que los mexicanos despierten y no vengan a mejorar este pais ajeno.ay que kedarnos en mexico pa que ir por el sueno americano si nomas es un "sueno"Att..el mas TorCiDo de LoZ toRcidoZ El Mentado 4x....cjng el nuevo circo de la deaEl chapo la dea lo va a reciclar para salvar el medio ambiente.le va pasar lo de el senor de los S (c )U (i) E( e) L (l) O (o)S(s)

  15. Lol... Good on!

  16. Hahahahahahaha this just gets better and better..!

  17. "De la cabeza hasta el cielo, you le calculo su altura" Famous lyrics of El Tigrillo Palma.

    1. Canelos de durango

    2. That's actually Pepe Ontivarios de los canelos de durango

    3. Nope es la dinastia de tuzantla

  18. A que mi compadre. Nunca se le va quitar lo Playboy.

  19. These judges are beyond pathetic.

  20. Born Mexican citizen or US...Guess which?
    What a farce these fuckers make of everything.
    They love and hate the US when it suits their purpose,as so many do.

    1. Does it matter if they are born Mexican or United States citizens? It is only geographical content.
      Question remains if twins run in either or both Guzman and his wife's family.

    2. I think Mexicans are jealous of the US.They want what they cant have or in other words what EPN fails to deliver in their own country.

    3. 8:16PM
      It's not only geographical content, citizenship and legalities are in play.

    4. @9:08 which are the biggest bullshit reasons to deny a people the right to pursue happiness....have u ever opened a history book? Or do u just listen to rush Limbaughs conservative blabberings and take them to be %100 no questions about it truth.....the us is goong in a totally diferent direction than u think and u will see soon enough who pulls the strings in this great la raza!!!!

    5. Why on earth would he want his kids in Mexico if he can help it? He wants them to have a decent chance at a normal life. They ain't getting that in Mexico. He knows his Country is f'd up in a more informed manner than you or I.

      Isn't his wife and twins in the US too?

    6. Vicente Carrillo Leyva, international man, educated on foreign countries, by his father who wanted the best for him, chose to follow on daddy's footsteps, he is lucky he is in prison and not dead like his daddy...
      So, wait for the little boy to grow and chose his life, till then...

  21. Just make this guy President. It's clear he can get the job done and nothing slows him down. This guy is amazing. Given the chance to do good, he might just surprise everyone. He's for sure the smartest man in Mexico. A far cry from the piss ant you for President now.

    1. I was thinking the same thing he has the balls and intelect to drive the country into the right direction if he was given the reins.....he could do good....

    2. Pablo Escobar was convinced he would be president of Colombia one day, he wanted to fix how screwed up the system was to Colombia's poor.

    3. And maybe not, el chapo is all CIA, like caro quintero, he did not sell out to the DEA like el padrino o or don neto, that is why they remain in prison...
      --But el chapo for president?
      --Not el chapo, and not el bronco rodriguez either, he is too respectful of his adversaries now, after his interviews with Videgaray and riding his and peña nieto's arses for a an Obama de rancho...

    4. It took I think, a fellow parliament minister of Pablo Escobar's government to openly accuse PE of being "narcomafia" before anyone formally protested against him... The point I'm thinking is even though Senore Escobar was sacked after only one day in office, well, given the state of politics these days it wouldn't surprise me at all if someone like Chapo Guzman has more influence and power than many in Latin American governments ever have or will have?

  22. Man O`L Man !! Chapo was laying pipe while in prison ..knocked up a congresswoman ?

  23. All this to say? She will stay in her present position. Being born in the USA will not give either one of the parents citizenship. These stories are informative yet useless if there is no action taken against her. Just another day in a useless country.

    1. If mexico is so useless, how come so many motherfuckers are trying to chew their pound of flesh off of mexico and the mexicans?
      -- i ain't seem the promised land, and may never see it, but I have seen american citizens of all colors working with illegal mexican aliens, and they could not do the job, unlike the mexicans, the citizens run home to their mamas and they don't come back, ever...

    2. educate yourself 6:53, that is untrue, they can apply but it is costly and time consuming and no guarantee, been there done that.

      In this case the dip lucero sanchez has dual citizenship, as the mother of chapo's twins.

    3. This is 9:23 and I have read all of your replies. Thank you for your perceptions of how it goes. I work in this Dept with the federal gov. so I am well aware. So I shall educate you. 6:53 first off never assume, it is not a baby girl. Secondly turning 21 will not legalize anyone on your behalf. As stated by 9:38 you can apply. The process is long and you never know the outcome. Some wonderful people have been denied for many reasons. Some worked for long periods not paying taxes so that reflected negative to an already greedy government. That is looked at as a crime along with crossing the border illegally. That being said, criminals will never get citizenship if their crimes are known. However, you must not be an intelligent one with your inaccurate perception of the law. What makes you think Chapo would seek citizenship in a country seeking him. Reply only if you are able to supply facts. Also 8:29 I cannot answer why a person choose to hire a mexican on the side of a road opposed to a documented individual. In my eyes that would be a very unsafe choice to make. Usually construction companies will do that. However many American homeowners will ask for proof of criminal records for all persons working on their homes. As far as abilities to do a job better, that is a personal opinion, and you have the right to make it. I have seen a person from all races that have an inability to work better than others. I would not say any race is better than another. As far as my saying Mexico is useless. Yes as far as government. It needs to be sanctioned. The only thing it supplies is a high influx of drugs and immigrants. 2 things that are not needed elsewhere.

    4. Not everybody works like a mexican for 8.25 or less, that is the bitter truth and bitter pill...

    5. 8:29
      México would be the construction & housing jewel of the Americas if that were true. You also wouldn't have hard working people paying piso to groups of obvious lazy arses whose only skill is killing their own paisanos. Besides, the undocumented couldn't run back home. Run back to what? They have no choice. That desert ain't no joke.

  24. No offense to you Mexican women, but how can you let and I do mean let your so called lover/husband screw all of Mexico? Someone needs to buy a clue. Must be a bunch of has beens in the wind!

    1. Shit man,never mind silly bitches,Mexican dudes are getting the chop and throwing dresses on to bang chaps..It's Chapo,,hero of Mexico..

    2. What the fuck is that bitch wearing?
      Bill Clinton said he didn't touch Lupero Guadalupe,but Obama?

    3. Not all mexican women are LIKE THAT, PENDEJO!!!
      --With that attitude, you would not get a woman with a million dollars, maybe 2 dollar crack hoes you hang with need to teach you a lesson, but let you in on a secret, they don't usually teach little boys nothing, not even 2 dollar crack hoes...

    4. 8:34 you sound stupid. You just made all the Mexican women sound like that. Money? Is that all it take? I didn't get the impression they were saying all Mexican women. Hence the comment "No offense" I think they may mean the women who are sleeping with Chapo. It seems to be for money. So they may very well be the crack whores you are talking about. Every Capo have 5 and six women. Seems pretty commen to share in Mexico.

    5. I don't ever mean to demean all pendejos, just because one pendejo means no offense while offending everyone, "without intent", because el chapo had one more baby with a woman that could be his daughter and is possibly wife #20, which should be a matter between el chapo and her ass, not every "mexican woman's ass" bobazo baboso.

    6. 11:30 She is wearing maternity dress, you want one?

  25. Chapo mantenme!!

  26. ¡yo soy su papá! Yo sigo rifando. ¡Sigue la mata dando pariente! - alias El Chapo Guzmán. ¡El verdadero Jefe de Jefes apa!

  27. Omg he must own his own company that makes viagra lol!

  28. What legends are made of, LMAO

  29. Wonder what El Presidente will have to say to this news.

  30. El chapo bought today's game he wanted to watch something good!!!lol

  31. Pobre Enrique, hasta la gaviota le van a bajar. Se le ha de remojar la patunfla a la gaviota con el chapito!

  32. el chapo pops these kids out like yeah I will pay the child support... lucky bastard!

  33. Esos de sinaloa son bien mujeriegos todo mexico lo sabe

  34. Arriba el Senor Chapo pure legend ....he escaped prison to take care of his newborn

  35. If Chapo ever goes to an American jail CIA and DEA officers will personally bring him his breakfast and coffee every Morning and Obama would personally give him a haircut .that is the power of El Patron Chapo Guzman

    1. If el chapo was really so powerful he would never of set foot in prison;as simple as that.

      El torZido 4x

    2. Who else has escaped from altiplano? Sorry not your nut hugging Zetas and CDN...those bozos can barely pay off local policia. LOL

      -pollos hermanos

    3. Cartel members are just fools and dont realize they are being controlled by the goverment.

  36. El Chapo always on time with el Child support and breaks out of jail to be with his newborn
    father of the year!

    1. lmfaaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    2. What's wrong with maternity leave?
      Only that el chapo don't look like he is planning to go back to work...

  37. This man is a Saint. The Mexican people should put him in charge of the Revolution.

  38. I guess you could call Chapo the "Father of Mexico".

  39. Remix. " el jefe de la sierra "

    es muy astuto el señor no cabe la menor duda
    se les fugo de prisión hoy disfruta su fortuna
    al diablo la extradicion me pegan la dentadura
    le dijo a Bush y a Fox a Pena Nieto y a Obama el señoron de la tuna ....

    1. 2:08 none of the above matter, they do not have the last word apparently...

  40. In other news, the charges against Doc Mireles have been affirmed and he is to face the charges, from, a jail cell. no freedom anytime soon. seems like he should be granted bail if his only charge is carrying a firearm

  41. Mexico is a joke of a country. Ran by clowns in government and filthy criminals. This is the kind of stuff that's giving Donald Trump a huge boost in ratings. Keep up the good work guys. Classic Mexico

    1. Most Mexicans who live in USA are happy because their hero chapo escaped but its actually bad for them because that will cause people to vote for trump and they will be sent to mexico when trump becomes president.So if ur smart dont support narcoculture because you are supporting an invasion of mexico.
      Remember what happened in middle east because of bin laden.That will happen because of chapo.

      El ToRzIdO x x x x

    2. The orange Oragutan Will Never be president of the US even if all the white racist right wing extremists vote for his pompous ass...

  42. I really doubt, it was ever really a decision to be made, as to where, the baby should be born. El Chapo, did not spit in the face of the "USA". El Chapo spat, in the face, of the Mexican govt. For a man, whose money can and has, bought anything and everything, in the Mexican govt, he can't buy Democracy from her.

  43. She decided to have the baby in America.
    American immigration policies are insane!

    1. Boat immigrated with a chicken in tow...
      --why is it so amazing that el Chapo got hisself a woman?
      --And his new born can not be denied by anybody his citizenship in the US, that is good enough for his parents...

  44. Borderland Beat- Why haven't you mentioned the documentary "The Frontline" regarding El Chapo? It was shown on PBS. Really good documentary and you get to see Edgar's gravesite and Chapo's ranch. I wish I knew who "El Senor" is.

  45. why isnt anybody talking about my buddy mencho....wink wink!! i love how i keep u idiots guessing! lmao!!!!

    1. is he hiding or can we expect him to make some big news?

    2. Mencho is probably chilling and drinking tequila in jalisco while watching the news of chapos fake escape.
      Everything is working out for him because chapo is taking away the bad attention from mencho.Chapo will soon die or go to prison in UsA and Mencho will take complete control of CDSs power & Mencho and his allies will form a new federation.

      Att...El TRZiDo 4x..... XxxX

    3. You talk about Mencho ?
      Many here will listen if you do?

    4. yeah hes hiding just like every fugitive and drug lord! but big news is coming in a week or two! they gonna be strong again not that their not but they gonna b themselves again! trust me!!

    5. alright so in 2 weeks, cool

  46. Finally, the break:
    Child support payments will bring El Chapo down!

  47. no se embrumen raza el chapo se fugo por que la diputada le fue entregar los papeles del chil support y dijo ptm ya sabe donde vivo tengo que cambiarme de domicilio asi de simple

  48. ... Señor ZZZZzZZZZzZZZZ = 4Z .. Mencho In Control Of CDS? ... "Never" ... 7:11 PM, Stop Huffing On Yellow/Gold Paint Along With Staying Up On Crystal As It Is Keeping Your Head In La La Land And Makes You Type Up Craziness ...

  49. U.S government needs to remove the anchor baby law, if you don't have resident in the USA a valid ID and have not live in the USA for a year, your children should be denied citizenship.


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