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Monday, July 27, 2015

GATES Tactics called into question: Body with Messsage found in Nava, Coahuila

Lucio R. Borderland Beat with material from La Rancherita, BB Readers 

Coahuila  Violence

BB readers on the ground in northern Coahuila have been reporting extrajudicial executions and kidnappings by police groups in the state.

Coahuila is one of the blackout narco news states, limiting factual reporting or a complete lack of reporting on most stories. 

BB has several reliable sources on the ground that send us information, and beginning 8 months ago we began receiving emails and comments from people on the ground expressing fear, while reporting the  Coahuila state police groups known as GATES and Policía Estatal Acreditables have been killing and kidnapping people, and not solely the bad guys.

According to citizens, the “disappearances” have been indiscriminately selected, innocents, young, old, female, male, In numbers as much as those connected to criminality.

The bulk of the violence is occurring in; Piedras Negras, Nava, Allende, Morelos in the area of Cinco Manantiales (Five Springs), and to a lesser degree Acuña.

Last night there were helicopters flying over the border city of Acuña for over an hour.  There are no reports to shed light on why.

On Wednesday, The Secretary of Government of Coahuila, Victor Zamora, held a private meeting with the mayor, Fernando Puron Jonsthon to address the issue of security in Piedras Negras.

Although in recently there have been violent events in city ​​and throughout the region, the Secretary of Government, dismissed the violence.

He further stated that the “3 levels of police” are “maintaining security in this region and Coahuila.”

The mayor fired back that while everyone sleeps the devil has once again risen.

"Organized crime is not gone, it lives here and not only has collusion with agents who have been bribed, but  also sent people as candidates to the academy to infiltrate the police. "

He said executions persist, as does fighting among the members of criminal groups.

The next day, at least 10 elements of the state police group; failed the polys and were “suspended”, and later the commander Carlos Romero also failed tests.   Reportedly, a part of the tests they failed included questions regarding arrests, and torture.

On Tuesday in Nava, a body was discovered with a poster board narco message, on the bridge of the junction of Highway 57, between the municipalities of Nava and Morelos

Look what happened to me, for being a pussy with GATES
I thought I was untouchable but I was wrong,
They already know us, and our pussy partners
They began with me.
Be careful, because you may be next

The deceased man was identified by his sister as being Israel Estrada Alvarado, 30 years old, who lived in la colonia La Haciendas in  Piedras Negras.


  1. Thank you for putting it out there Lucio. The killings have been going on for more than one year.

  2. both state police groups were established by the corrupt Moreiras. so really we could expect nothing less than what is

  3. Of course the police is the ones doing the killings. The same thing happened in c Juarez when the Federales where policing the city. Extortion was at an all time high and killings never really ceased. Mass killings and extortion stopped for the most part after the federales left town, but of course the media was told to report that the reason the killings and extortion had stopped was because of two reasons, first that the federal police had done its job and second because the Sinaloa cartel had won the plaza of which we all know this is not true. This is of course the fastest way to keep media attention away from the true criminals - the Mexican police forces!

    1. Yes of course, "we all know it's not true". Who is we and what planet are you from?

    2. What's your problem man?
      The dude was telling us about C Juarez what's wrong with that?

  4. whos incharge of the this state ?? zetas

    1. Not I said the wise one. They forced great gramma with alive children out and across the Eagle point Border in the 1930s. No biological family left in Mexico. Now, across Europe, u bet

    2. Zetas dominate about 80% of Coahuila.

    3. Zeta who? Zetas can't control their drug habits much less a low value plaza like PN! Zetas as any resemblance of an organized entity was lost the same day Lazca lost his brain matter. Now Zetas are little aspiring gangster drug addicts who only extort, steal and kidnap b/c nobody even wants to sell their stomped on work for them.

    4. 1.57
      Lmao..That sounds about right,Lazca was the Zetas,so fuck him and his girdle..

    5. 1:57 you are talking about 90% of the Mexican narco "groups" these days not just the Zetas. They all are pretty much a shadow of themselves compared to the old days. Even the "mighty" CDS has their turd like bottom feeders who can't sell dope to save their life so they have to kidnap and extort.

    6. The gafes were ZETAS, no english speaking' there...
      --That led them to the arms of z40, aka judas, who lost no time facking them all soldaditos de plomo in the ass, and the maruchaneroz halconezz y lavacarrozz did not get paid either, now they are the little orphan Anniezz that still do not get paid...

    7. He wore a girdle?

    8. Well a sorta girdle. It actually is a back brace. I wore one for 2 years when I broke my back. He must of had a bad injury at some point prior to being killed.

      The brace protects your back from further injury as it heals.

    9. 9:42pm - agree about the other old groups (your 90% comment ) but new rings rise and fall like the tide and will continue to as it has always been. As for CDS comment...I'm sure you have basis for comment...but I don't know what it is. Everyone I know in the biz and support and legitimate cleaning biz is seeing some of the most lucrative times ever b/c CDS product is what flows now. I hope your friends or family get their stuff together. Saludos!

    10. Unlucky,but lucky girl,no damage to the cord or nerve roots?Back injuries are some naughty shit and can be ruinous to quality of life,depending on severity of course..About Lazca I don't think people realize just how bad that dude was,obviously intelligent,but one mean hombre,he ordered the Cadereyta massacre just for show?

  5. In charge? The moreiros with their much infiltrated-by-los-setas police forces...
    --But any police organization that the state or federal government commission is inherently corrupt from the top from the start, same with the military, they see their command as their chance to make money...and none of them gets paid decently or on time ever!!!

  6. I heard this also happened in Zacatecas. The zetas were heavy in Juchipila for sometime. Heard that the Marina came in and cleaned up. Lots of z's were disposed of. The public was told to keep quiet, which they did because everyone was tired of living a nightmare with the scum around.

    Heard from relatives that CDG moved in and it is peaceful as before. They e coutage people to turn in trash and they take care of it. Sounds like they just want to do business and not bother the public.

    1. Your family members are lieing to you zetas still control zac. And when the cdg tried to move in they killed innocent people and claimed they were zetas

    2. You wrong my friend juchipila es El fuerte del F1 y lo unico donde estan peliando Los zetas con fuerza es frezno(fresnillo)guadalupe zairo (zacatecas capital) Asta Hai y Los mentados cartel del noroeste son renegados ex zetas y zetas de Nuevo Leon y cuahuila pero es LA misma Cosa pero rebuelta....

    3. Call them CDG, Zetas, or US Border's all CDS product b/c CDS is running a biz and not playing a delusional game of personal name recognition as the most saddistic killer...make a corrido about me!

    4. CDG under F1 are strong,he seems to be a strong leader and gets rid of Z where he finds them.Z are still in parts of Zaca but no where near what it was,there was stories that even CDS were supposedly helping,who knows?

    5. I'm the original poster. I can't see why my cousin would make it up. He "befriended" one of the Z's who hadbtobrun outbof town when the gov came hunting for them. Alot of my relatives go down there for the fiesfasvin Jan. They say it has mellowed out alot since the big CDG convoy came in and posted up at the city one day.

      I'm no cheerleader and haven't been there in a long time. All I know is everyone who comes back has the same story. Must be some truth to it.

  7. Who are the big winners in te war on drugs: those in uniform! The billions spent on corruption flows directly into their pockets and then on into the pockets of bankers laundering the proceeds.

    1. The only intelligent post I've read so far.

    2. Secretaries of the defense, big police chiefs, the governors and the presidential cabinet make a lot of money, it is not kickbacks, it is the most of the money, about 8% because about 90% remains in the banks to feed the piranhas of the Global Vulture Capitalism offshoring frenzy...

  8. Anyone can make a sign. It doesn't mean it's GATES. It is common for rivals to do this type of stuff and then write a message saying it was the other group. Put the heat on someone else.

    1. You obviously do not live in Coahuila

    2. True. For all we know they could be zetas in gates uniforms

    3. It is like the gates are the new zetas, but with another name, and they have official impunity because they work for el pelon moreira, that makes the gates worse and more dangerous...
      --they also are said to have photos of Bill Gates on the walls of their offices, it is like they are trying to emulate Bill and become billionaires from murdering and robbing other coahuileños...

  9. Whats the Cartel thats blowing up enemies with dynamite? Thats some crazy shit!!

  10. In charge of the state, the gobernador el pelon moreira, after the murder of Lalito moreira son of El bertie boy, the former gobernador, no more friendship with los setas, that is why el pelon set up the gafes, and the gafes have Carte Blanche to do as they robbing, murdering, and accusing their victims of being unos pinchis setazzz...

    1. Finally somebody that actually knows what they are takling about the gates kill more innocent people then the cartels that inhabit the state

    2. GATES, the moreira's cartel, the GATES...

  11. You cant have both worlds, sometimes the trash has to be disposed. Unfortunately innocents may get caught up(hanging with the cartels only). The only way to get rid of rats and roaches is to kill them you can not retrain them or rehab them

    1. Sounds like to me you are calling the innocent people of Mexico who were killed trash just like the cartel shit stains. The only good GATES is a dead GATES.

    2. @9:24 dba as juan pendejo...
      --justifying the murdering and robbing of innocent people as a necessary unavoidable evil (in the realm of 'collateral damages') is a symptom of corruption and pendejismo genetico...
      --There is no valid excuse for any government crime or extra judiciary murdering, uses "the gun shot herself all of a sudden"

  12. Nava used to be a peaceful little town with natural flowing springs and pecan orchards. The pecans were delicious. Now its turned to hell.

  13. Could this be Los Zetas infighting? CDG doesn't have much presence in this area right? Doesn't Sinaloa have a couple of cells operating in the state?
    Anyone got any ideas?

    1. No, this is all hugry or greedy gates, and their commanding officers, the government of coahuila supresses the news, because they are guilty, guilty, GUILTY!!!
      AND the moreiras own the press, radio and tv in the state...

    2. Do the moreiras invest their ill gotten gains in San Antonio with the mafia from trampaulipas and monterrey? bet...not all the moneys need to go to panama or the cayman islands offshoring have in texas the azcarragas the hank rohns, the lesianese billionaires, ubans etc etc etc, oh, and corrupt justice for sale to biiig millionaires, at broke asses need apply...this is TEXAS, wuuuh


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