Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, July 5, 2015

If It Is Necessary, I’ll Retake Up Arms: Hipólito Mora

By: Uriel Morales | Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

Faced with the rising tide of violence occurring in Michoacan and the perspective that the situation has reversed itself, the former leader of the autodefensas, Hipólito Mora, said that today more than ever it is required to resume the ideology of self-defense.

“Of course, throughout all Michoacán, if the government doesn’t do its job, what should we do?  Defend ourselves, defend families, even though sometimes it becomes very expensive but we have to do it”, he said.

He said that although the government doesn’t want to accept it, there are autodefensa groups in Michoacán and infiltrators in the Fuerza Rural, which he felt that the government must be careful and remove people who do not share the same meaning of defense.

Hipólito Mora criticized the way the state and federal authority behave when it comes to security matters and urged for the modification of surveillance strategies and law enforcement, which is much needed in Michoacán and Mexico.

Prior to an award ceremony for the citizen, the former autodefensa leader reiterated the urgency to hold Alfredo Castillo Cervantes and the federal government accountable.  He also criticized the slowness of the proceedings against Dr. José Manuel Mireles, who in the coming hours will obtain his freedom.

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  1. What a pussy! Don't talk about it! Be about it!

    1. A pussy? He had iron balls yours are paper mache. Talk is cheap, he took to arms all you do is sit in the states and yippity yak.

    2. Well is not easy. ESPECIALLY in michoacan.....go help him out!!! Talk is cheap.

    3. You do know that this man has been put in prison twice and that his son was killed, yes?

    4. Pussy? Hippolito is more "about it" then you will ever think of being.he lost his son his friends watched as peoples land wasctaken and wives and daughters raped and hes 1of a fewgreen who actually had THE BALLS TO DO SOMETHING AND TRY TO CHANGE IT FOR THE BETTER.this ain't you and your dumbass friends sitn around talkn shit bout the guy that bangs your gf.hippolito could be killed just for talking.ur a fukn moron dude

    5. someone who sits behind a keyboard calling Hipolito Mora a pussy hahaha how funny is that?

    6. Guys, troll alert, TROLL ALERT! Dont respond to this idiot troll!

    7. Warning ppl that will you do something is a bitch move. Just do it!

    8. 10.53
      Your right dude,your right....
      It's an excited little troll

    9. I was with la familia many moons ago, and I know what they where capable of. This man some of the biggest balls ever l, they where just a group of farmer and civilians and they where able to take out whole cartel for the most part. Before you type again think about how stupid your going to sound.

    10. 5.45
      La Familia when they worked with Zetas,that long ago,or later on?
      Remember when they threw Z heads in the club?There has to be many many ex CT/Familia people still around?Apatzingan,Arteaga,?

    11. Alrite all of you guys stop arguing about Hipolito Mora's Balls

    12. But balls is an obsession of BB readers, when they are not obsessing about somebody else's nuts...

    13. Ohh shit,the comedian's are coming out

    14. No after when they were independent. In puruandiro when's the structure fell befor they turned ct they have everyone a free pass they said turn die or leave I took the latter and came back to the U.S.

    15. And you guys are against people taking about balls, yet you 2 are speaking on balls so how are you judging people when your doing the same. In whatever context you're using the word.

    16. BB readers are the best...
      --Commenters need some ass whipping as often as possible, but do not make private arrangements with some complainers that can't take it anymore because they get "nervousy" and mental problems in the brain...

    17. @1:02 That is fucking hilarious! "The word nuthugger does get thrown around alot here!"

  2. If people go around "asking" him, what is hipolito supposed to say? No comment?
    Or refer the questioner to his spokespreson?

  3. Don't trust him ADs

  4. What should Mireles do if he obtains his freedom?He's paid quite a price for all his efforts and in return what has he to show?
    When arrested there was no groundswell of support for his plight,only the same apathetic attitude prevalent in Mexico..No doubt many here will be outraged at calling Mexican people apathetic,but we all know there was a chance,and they let it whither.Who would blame Mireles if he fucked off out of old apathetic Mexico,let the whining commence

      --Then he can go around funding the movements of his choice, but get the hell out of mexico, Dr Mireles may come back some day, but "nobody is a prophet in his own birthplace", the old saw goes o ly el Bronco has won, but then he goes around saying "grassy ass señor presidente peña nieto por respetar su palabra y permitir los independientes", and speaking in public with his "friend" rodrigo medina de la cruz...
      --If bill clinton can find 500 000 000.00 million dollars donations for his charities, maybe Dr Mireles can find some too, but not in mehico!!!

    2. If you're not willing to fight the government your not going anywhere .

    3. Dr. Mireles's lawyer said that El Bronco will offer Mireles a position in his administration in Nuevo Leon. The lawyer is from Monterrey. I doubt Mireles will take it. Virginia said that her brother will be active in Michoacán, but not in armed groups.

    4. I think el Bronco and doctor Mireles should get together and run for political office in mexico like batman's and Robin type of shit....the political dynamic duo....I figured mexico will never change unless you become president and change the laws.....first law should be the right to bear arms of any caliber and the ability to carry and use it in self defense..... anyways well see what happens.....

    5. 6:39 it depends on how you fight the government, what are you going to do against a death squad of government goons? And the mexican governing narco-mierdocracia has hundreds of death squads...with better weapons and impunity...

    6. Can Mireles be trusted with money

    7. He has not asked for any money, so who knows...
      It is very rare that a man just puts his ass on the line like that for nothing, redeemers just get crucified, usually, but are remembered for a looong time, like el Che Guevara, still beating all comers when it comes to popularity, including his murderers still doing their crimes at the shade of CIA like felix ismael rodriguez...

    8. Che Guevara is a myth,he was no hero,he was just another ego-centric self important fool,a silly dandy who was also a murderer..

  5. Really? You just called this guy a pussy. He has lost so much, including his son, but he continues to fight.

  6. Pussy ...u would be the first to run after hearing las balaceras culon..u know what these ppl go through..

  7. This man is a Hero a real life Warrior.

  8. It's a shame people in Mexico care so little for their rights they would rather let someone else fight. Just when something wonderful was beginning and the leaders were unjustly arrested very few did nothing yet when a trafficker is arrested the whole town goes out to protest. The problem in Mexico is not the government it's the people and unless the people change their attitude of el que no tranza no avanza or it doesn't affect me so why care Mexico will always be a shit hole.

    1. JLR1206 You are a fool!
      1)How are the people suppose to fight w/machetes & fists?
      (Guns are illegal in Mexico not like hear in the US where you can buy a gun at every corner shot up ?? kids at Sandy Hook & nothing happens)
      2)What do you mean very few did nothing ? (Haven't you heard Autodefensas/MX People/Indigenous People are kidnapped left & right for fighting back w/money. The US gives Mexico to control the people just like hear in the US police kill & arrest people who fight the system)
      3)If some did protest after capos get caught is because they are payed. (like desperate idiot's hear in the US desperate idiot's are payed to show up & support Donald trump,Marko rubio,Police,ETC)

    2. So your Millie answer is Mireles is a rat?An agent provocateur of the US,and the Mexican people can smell him?
      Who are you to call 'sell outs '
      Can you hear yourself?Loco tonto

    3. Guns are not illegal you dolt how come I was able to buy ARs and register them with the army to protect our ejidos. And two there were autodefensas but like most Mexicans so they started stabbing each other in the back when the money was getting good. As for your last comment I haven't seen any cops kill any protesters lately that might of been true in the 60s to 80s but not know because the people found out and called for justice and didn't stop doing so until it happened. Lastly, I didn't see you with a rifle fighting off Los Zetas when they were killing our townspeople and definately won't see you in Jalisco with a stethoscope doing medical practice with me as well.

  9. Some outside funding is what these groups need it's obviously not in the Mexican governments interest to get behind them in their cause, il donate 500 how many would that kill?

    1. $500.00 won't kill one cartel member, but it will buy a lot of bullets to kill innocents that will then be called cartel members for propaganda purposes

    2. $5.00 pesos?
      That may buy one square of toilet paper, or one maruchan soup...
      --better save them, I mean shove them where the sun don't shine

  10. It's crazy to think how it seemed like the WHOLE WORLD responded and was watching what was going to happen in Mexico after the Iguala tragedy, while in the mean time, the man who started a movement was IMPRISONED for no legitimate reason, other than almost starting a Revolution... Where is the Global uproar and response for DR. Mireles' Freedom/ Movement/ Safety??? In my opinion, DR. Mireles should personally, from OBAMA, be granted AMENESTY to America, so he can work with the right people who really want to put in some effort for a better Mexico...

    1. The US wants to maintain the status quo.

    2. U$ benefits for mexicos suffering $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$wake up everyone not just open ur eyes

    3. 9:49 the US has to, it's ass hangs on the balance, vulture capitalism on the shade of voodoo economics and their austerity they imposed on the weakest of the people is imploding all over the world...
      --more than maintaining the status quo, the US is trying to save a sinking ship...
      --unlike the fake ass Tonkin incident this US boat is si king from all the friendly fire.

    4. It's easier 2 bitch and moan from afar than 2 actually do something about it 4 many people. - El Soldado Perdido

    5. Usa and the narcas r the same people its all about money. No revolution it would kill the Mexico and US ecomny

    6. Dr Meriles will get no help from Obama, remember he is from Chicago. and made a lot of Money before the Lopez brothers

    7. You idiots need to think about Mexico not whine about the US..It's a convenient excuse putting Mexicos ills on someone else.

    8. @6:44 That's a stupid comment....not one person in their right mind would ever think Obama had anything to do with the lopez brothers or their business.

    9. 10:11 They came all together, believe on coincidences when they are too too many.

    10. Look at the attitude towards the US in comments here?And don't be naive,it has a more basic and hateful undercurrent that is not discussed because of our politically correct times.

    11. 6:53 well, if the US puts it's weapons in mexico, on the excuse of fighting drug traffickers' planes owned by the CIA or its AIR AMERICA PARTNERS, planes that already fell or were caught, on the yucatan peninsula, when nobody was fighting the "contras nicaraguenses" there, then of course we are going to put the blame where it belongs, on the owner of your hobby, nut hugger...

  11. 6 dead marina helicopter attacked in Nuevo Laredo but why isn't this published like the Jalisco combat

  12. yeah! lets get some outside funding to Hipolito who was keeping and splitting the profits of battling the CT with El Americano (instead of returning them to their rightful owners), but not before stabbing the Doc in the back and posing for pics with the up and new coming cartel. him and that other snake pitufo. Fuck him. the bad guys used him, and dumped him. now he wants to wear a white hat again!

    losing a son don't make you a hero. Chapo lost one too.

    damn you fools have short memories

    1. Thank you for telling it like it is.
      They did keep the groves and property and fought over them. that began the war between the two.

      and Hipolito did stab Doc in the back, he never marched for him and spoke out for him, "I won't shave my hair but I will pray for him" cough cough

      then the worse of all after posing with the evil one practically falling into his arms, he says "dr. Mireles should not have had weapons".

      I mean not helping is one thing, hurting him is quite another. I lost respect for Mora.

      I did speak to Doc about Mora. I was so upset when he turned his back on AD and went with castillo. So I talk to Doc about it. and he says

      "don't feel that way Chivis, the struggle is also a personal journey, he had to make a decision to keep his family the most safe"

      But look, his son is dead. so how'd that work out?

      I will say this. Doc has never asked for money for himself. When his deadbeat wife popped up and began a fund for his defense he was quick to write letter saying he wants no fund and any funds that may be initiated has nothing to do with him.

      He really is a humble man. He does not own a house, or even a car. Because of the prison time he may lose he pension, he needed 2 more years of medical practice. So God knows what will happen. Like his wife says "the man has nothing, but if he has one peso I want it"

      As for mora, he is weak in conviction. Doc is a lot quicker to forgive than I am.

    2. Anytime Chivis! Thank you for the added information. I'm glad someone like you has a long memory. not having one is the reason politicians get away with as much shit as they do. they fuck up or take the fall for a higher up, get placed on a shelf, then brought back a few years to the same dumb shit again...and no one acts like they knew the dirt done in the past.

    3. Chivis back then you said the war between Mora and Americano was personal because Fatso was shacking up with Mora's niece or some other Mora family member. Right? Nothing about dividing up properties, etc.

    4. Both are correct.

      Actually, the fight over the properties included smurf also. But really I am not certain exactly who was fighting for what. there is an interesting speech Doc gave the month before his arrest. I have it in english maybe I will ask Lucio to post, it has some good info and he talks about the properties.

      ok..then the conflict over the niece, Doc told me that is where the big fall out was. Allegedly American was abusive. After she left him the next fight was about Americano's mother who was squatting on land that belonged to Mora. I am not sure if it was long held or confiscated land, whatever, Mora evicted her because he wanted to expand his lemons and she was sort of in the middle, I saw photos it was the Hatfield and McCoys for sure. Michaocan style..

      Mora filed a lawsuit and won.

      and that opened the door to flat out war between the two.

    5. AND el chapo lost his son by mistake, to friendly fire when he was at the top...
      --hipolito lost his son to enemy turncoats that sold out to the federal government and are protected, no room to compare...
      --our tainted heros are better than the priista maricones anytime...

    6. @2:26 he might be your hero, not mine! i have more brains than that.

      and both lost their sons in a struggle over blood money...He was a fucking turncoat fighting other turncoats.

      understand that whatever happened to him or his son as a result of his being a turncoat that was trying to keep properties that didn't belong the heck does that make him noble or a hero?

      his sons' lost of life is no different than other crooks kids dying when the shit hits the fan

      I'll save my breath, your obviously not capacitated to understand deep thoughts

    7. Americans have lost thousands of sons on dirty wars for profit of amerikkkan "leaders"...
      --other countries have lost millions of children who had done nothing to anybody, because of amerikkkan leaders greed...
      --and in Mexico the problem is not hipolito or Dr Mireles, or even el Castillo de cagada, the problem is the US lust for war profits, I mean the amerikkkan corporate welfare queens, they did not take a vote before sending weapons to mexico, nor consult about importing drugs into the US, or about giving their drug trafficking partners presidential pardons...
      Sure, squeeze hipolito like a cockroach it will keep you very busy for a while...

    8. @10:29 so basically, mexican politicians are too stupid to see through the Americans plots? Poor lil mensos getting taken advantage of by the super smart americans. Your fukin people sold you out! Start with them, then hate on us.

    9. I just came back from the kabuki cinema and I watched cartel land and I left even more seems that based on the movie everything and everyone turn against doctor mireles....and I guess the autodefensas where funded by drug money...anyways, it also shows a part where doctor mireles was dating a not sure what is true but doctor mireles had a weapon with him on the documentary at all times... things are not what they seem.....El gordo from los viagras was a friend of mireles??? At least on cartel land they where buddies....

    10. 3:17 Dr Mireles was arrested after he was prevented by mexican soldiers from going to help el gordo valencia who was being murdered with his wife and children after leaving the juerzas rurales...
      --by the time the AutoDefensas joined with el castillo de cagada, Dr Mireles was sick, anybody against would be left behind, that is why Dr Mireles has no grudge against his friends and supporters, and at first even supported el americano, which does not make the doctor a traitor or a turncoat or us enemies!!!
      --we need to work on saving whatever can be saved of the michoacan AD instead of venting our personal frustrations, we are lucky, we are not there, we are alive!!!

  13. Just let the ADs work freely and keep the proceeds confiscated from the criminal gangs to fund the movement. Yes I know there is a risk of the hero becoming the villain but at this point is better to take the risk instead of staying the same.

  14. Somebody needs to do something...damn it man! Whatever it takes, even if that means...dealing with some ppl, who are into drug trafficking. there is no way of escaping, from the drugs..and those who deal with them. if nothing else..Mora can always become a keyboard warrior! He can kick cartel/govt ass all day/night...and lie to himself, about getting something done for real! He's too wishy washy..back and forth, who knows whose side he's on..right now!

  15. We were talking about Mora's willingness to stand up,,not his morality or honesty,,about which none of us know..
    Mireles say's don't judge him,I guess no one listened?

    1. @5:57 his actions and the words from his own mouth let me know about his morality and honesty.

      what do need? to come home and see him loading up your shit wearing a bandit mask to believe. if you haven't been following the story from day one, don't speak like you have. and if you have and still don't see through this guy, your just a poor judge of character

  16. Recovered properties should be community property, not somebody's property, and administered properly, not robbed like el castillo de cagada did...or hipolito or el americano...
    --Only el pitufo put his ass safely away, he having a honeymoon with el broly, hopefully in hell...

  17. So, hipolito no gano su diputacion? I wonder AND DREAM about senadora templaria and other federal senator and congresswomen, they may be corrupt, but they pretty...

    1. Here you go:

    2. It is more conforting for the soul to watch google images of female mexican politicians and lawmakers than arguing here with dumbasses that don't know whassup, and that is what I'm off to do, hope I don't see la chuky or Carmen salinas, on la fabis, or la emilia...

  18. Everyone ignores he's chango Mendez compadre that man is no saint!


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